I don't think you checked the content of the video.
I wondered about that.It was a made up one.
@fettoken hit the nail on the head about the swedish equivalent of UKIP voters - and why would they be any different? Humans are the same the world over:UKIP are pretty big here too because they got their votors out to actually vote. In real terms the percentage of throwbacks is actually tiny.
Sweden democrats has gained a lot of votes from angry small-city peeps... People voting for them are often close to illiterate when it comes to arguing politically, they are sort of slow-witted and frowned upon by the more intelligent and upstanding citizens.
Yeah. It's a shame though - having to engage with the majority of the population, when the average man on the street isn't capable of sustaining political discourse using anything more than retarded soundbites, is part of the reason politicians talk shit all the timeThe other parties need to also engage with the electorate or the minorities win
I work in a suberb of Stockholm which is extremely diverse (Fittja)
I actually laughed my tits off at that clearly barmy blond woman who didn't want to walk any further in to the 'area' because she was
That video really is a fantabulous marketing tool for all the other parties in the country....
I have seen the video. But taking that content, and thinking that, that's how it is in Sweden is like listening to Job's rantings and saying that "omg, UK is practicly a 100% muslim country, there's sharia law in effect in Birmingham (?)", and thinking that's the truth, which it is not.I don't think you checked the content of the video.
It was anti far-right, made by the guardian (a lefty paper). So hardly a far-right propaganda machine. And the website raven didn't even bother to link to was a swedish blog.
Thought you were better at checking what you were typing was more accurate Lakih?
Oh wait.![]()
Oh dear, not exactly the best way to get yourselves accepted in one of the only countries willing (or at least previously willing) to help you out.
...unless your name is @Raven...However, there was no official confirmation that asylum seekers had been involved in the violence. Commentators in Germany were quick to urge people not to jump to conclusions.
...unless your name is @Raven...
If you bother to read the article, many that were arrested were carrying their asylum papers.
A policeman who was outside Cologne station during the New Year's Eve trouble told the city's Express news website that he had detained eight suspects. "They were all asylum seekers, carrying copies of their residence certificates," he said
Yep lets assume it wasn't true, then when the truth finally comes out we will have all forgotten about it![]()
The thread title did.
With recent talks in media and here I'd say it was implied.