Asylum Seekers; Yay or Nay?

Should we be a lot more lenient on asylum seekers from the Middle East?

  • Yay

    Votes: 24 58.5%
  • Nay

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 12.2%

  • Total voters


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I don't buy the childcare is the hardest job waffle for one reason - it's not a job.

A job is something you *have* to do. Kids are a lifestyle you've chosen. When parents moan about that I think it's a bit rich as they knew that going in - and they enjoy it and find it rewarding.

A job can be life and soul sucking and you have no choice.

But I do sympathise with parents. However, healthcare is way more important to fund.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Kids are surprisingly easy to look after, once they are cognitive its pretty easy to teach them to read and count and to not be a horrible little bastard. All you need to do is turn the tellie off for an hour or so each evening and, you know, spend time with them, nurture them.

There is no excuse at all for letting a child be a cunt, nor is there an excuse (baring any special needs) for them to not be prepared for school.

I personally think the parent of any child who starts school unprepared should have all benefits replaced by food, housing, clothing and utilities vouchers, or in the case of working parents, they should be fined.

Its basically child abuse imo. Being soft has been proven to be ineffective and actually pretty damaging to society. The only way to make some people learn and/or tow the line is to punish them. Its sad...but that's the human condition. and before Scouse somehow manages to make this about wealth inequality, it has fuck all to do with it. Deprived families/parents are bone fucking idle when it comes to childcare - For the most part, some are fantastic parents that want their kids to rise above their situation and do everything within their power to make it happen, they should be rewarded.

I can't stand children but they are our future, there is no point abusing them and turning them into yet another burden on society when that money and resource could be much better spent elsewhere.

FWIW my mum was a single parent with fuck all money and fuck all job prospects, living in rented accommodation with a small income (supplemented by benefits) yet somehow both me and my sister have done OK. I have been arrested once in my life (for something I didn't do, and then released) and my sister zero times. Both of us entered education with a basic ability to read and count and both had a respect for those that were trying to teach us.
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Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Kids are surprisingly easy to look after, once they are cognitive its pretty easy to teach them to read and count and to not be a horrible little bastard. All you need to do is turn the tellie off for an hour or so each evening and, you know, spend time with them, nurture them.

There is no excuse at all for letting a child be a cunt, nor is there an excuse (baring any special needs) for them to not be prepared for school.

I personally think the parent of any child who starts school unprepared should have all benefits replaced by food, housing, clothing and utilities vouchers, or in the case of working parents, they should be fined.

Its basically child abuse imo. Being soft has been proven to be ineffective and actually pretty damaging to society. The only way to make some people learn and/or tow the line is to punish them. Its sad...but that's the human condition. and before Scouse somehow manages to make this about wealth inequality, it has fuck all to do with it. Deprived families/parents are bone fucking idle when it comes to childcare - For the most part, some are fantastic parents that want their kids to rise above their situation and do everything within their power to make it happen, they should be rewarded.

I can't stand children but they are our future, there is no point abusing them and turning them into yet another burden on society when that money and resource could be much better spent elsewhere.

FWIW my mum was a single parent with fuck all money and fuck all job prospects, living in rented accommodation with a small income (supplemented by benefits) yet somehow both me and my sister have done OK. I have been arrested once in my life (for something I didn't do, and then released) and my sister zero times. Both of us entered education with a basic ability to read and count and both had a respect for those that were trying to teach us.
Pffft arrest n00b :eek:

One of the best nights sleep I've ever had the night I spent in the cells. I think I've been arrested maybe 5 or 6 times, all pre wife.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I was 13! Got nicked for stealing golf buggies.

I was insulted tbh, whenever we took them we always put them back where we found them! They accused me of stealing one at 5am and dumping it the village, the cheek.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
As expected, the happy clappy enthusiasm for immigrants in Germany has quickly fallen apart as reality hits home, people in towns housing migrants have been told to cover up children and not let young girls out at night.
Letters sent to parents, asking them not to drop off or pick up girls from school in gym wear, camp officials running prostitution rackets and weapon dealing, camp social workers have written an open letter claiming the males treat all women as inferior and will molest and rape at any opportunity.
The clash of cultures and the denial of the politicians has the end of the EU written all over it, German people are sitting there festering at this open destruction of their culture....dangerous times.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Where are you getting this stuff from? :) i read papers from a range of countries on a broad spectrum and havent seen anything close to that


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I was told by a Finnish guy that in his town loads of Asylum seekers were greeted by KKK wannabees.

That's the reception they get, makes you wonder why some of them decide to bomb us :)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The Baitul Futuh mosque is burning to the ground, largest in western Europe...ok..who did it?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I was told by a Finnish guy that in his town loads of Asylum seekers were greeted by KKK wannabees.

That's the reception they get, makes you wonder why some of them decide to bomb us :)

Yep and the party that have been ranting about the need for a war on multiculturalism and supporting "white finland" are blaming the green party for causing it :D


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I don't buy the childcare is the hardest job waffle for one reason - it's not a job.

A job is something you *have* to do. Kids are a lifestyle you've chosen. When parents moan about that I think it's a bit rich as they knew that going in - and they enjoy it and find it rewarding.

A job can be life and soul sucking and you have no choice.

But I do sympathise with parents. However, healthcare is way more important to fund.
I knew we were having a child but how the fuck are you meant to know how hard it is until they arrive? Of course you have to do it once your kid arrives, if you are a decent parent that is. You choose to have a kid like you choose to have a house which in turn means you *have* to have a job. Your reasoning is riddled with AIDS.

You are a massive tool sometimes chum :)


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Too bad his christianity stats are still being developed. tbh I'm sure you'll find most of the Abrahamic religions are breeding grounds for some pretty odd views (aka nutters).
Sadly born out of poverty in a lot of the cases.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
I wonder what Religion has caused the most deaths across the globe throughout history, i would guess it is Christianity by a long way


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I wonder what Religion has caused the most deaths across the globe throughout history, i would guess it is Christianity by a long way
Forget which version of invisible friend caused the most deaths, religion full stop is the biggest cause.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Let's remove religion then, let's not support Christianity whilst opposing Islam :)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I wonder what Religion has caused the most deaths across the globe throughout history, i would guess it is Christianity by a long way

You'd be wrong. Christianity appears to be 3rd, then Islam, then a short lived religion called the God Worshippers in 19th Century China.

There's also that Stalin bloke, he killed a few as an atheist. Even the peace loving Buddhists have gone a bit war crazy in the past, and present in Myanmar for that matter...

As an aside, just been to the 9/11 Memorial....very sobering, especially with the names of every single person lost and what floor they worked on.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The dangerous one's are death for leaving the religion and wifes obeying husbands.
To realise the level of agreement in muslims is very concerning, a culture fundamentally opposite to ours, born from a thousand year old desire to one up jesus.
You couldn't write a better script and these numbfuks believe it en mass...just tragic how people can be mentally bought with such cheap bullshit.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Interesting link Bodhi but it didn't even cover the Roman Empire and its purges when it became Christian and the comments section also highlights how the God Worshipers where also actually Christians.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Interesting link Bodhi but it didn't even cover the Roman Empire and its purges when it became Christian and the comments section also highlights how the God Worshipers where also actually Christians.

It doesn't cover the initial arab wars of conquest either. Or the reconquista, or the Mughals in India, or Ireland (there's nearly million dead in sectarian wars just there).


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Yep or any of the B.C conflicts and sacrifices by the older religions


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Like I said, fuck religion. Just a convenient excuse for idiots to fight, like football and cheese*

*may just be me that fights over cheese.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
In short, all religious people should be shut in a 6 by 6 room until they know better.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Its cute that the cunt that helped cause this mess has an opinion on it.

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