as Soloing is no longer allowed then im out of here...

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Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
Shame you got most of your RPs in pre-arranged 3049582438095 vs 2 in towers though mate! Such RP-farming and you rezzed your Bainshee mate so many times too!

Now I also have insta rezz to speed up the farming, my dps kinda sucks to chainfarm so I need zar up :)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Give it 1 week and instead of seeing "Myths: paladin cannot deal damage"
You will see "Due to lack of subscriptions, adverts are required to continue hosting dyvet cluster" And there will be ads all over the place!

lol reped :D


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004

Why do people always try to bring these issues down to a conflict of playstyles? This isn't about zerging vs soloing or 'skillz' vs 'noobz'. If I see a bunch of players standing around in a circle farming each other for RPs then I will break it up. It's not allowed and it never has been. If you want to solo then nobody is stopping you from doing that - not me nor any E&E. This kind of organised duelling will always get shut down if I hear about it. If you want to solo then do so, roam and fight. If you don't want to get caught up in the crossfire of me breaking up duelling circles then make sure you avoid them and don't for example hang around waiting your turn because as far as I'm concerned in this situation if you fly with crows then you're a crow and you'll take your licks along with all the other RP farmers there.

Omg Requiel, you really screwed up this time imho. Yout statment reminds me of the music companys telling they are gonna stop the mp3 sharing on the Internet.
The only result you got here was 1 player leaving and the fact ppl will continue to do that no matter what you say. Ofc if you want to be persistent and break these "duels" over and over again all your gonna get is an higher decrease in pop. at least from the solo population.
Seriously i thing GMs should spend more time in fixing game bugs and helping ppl then poping blue guards on a "duel" zone.
Using IRC or MSN to organize these duels is ilegal, but finding some1 in a RvR just cause its known to having ppl fighting without getting added is not
Always been like that and always will no matter what you do so...
As for the "its your job" thing, either the other GMs before you were incompetent or....

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
NICE move Req.

Keep it up, i'd say.

The only kids whining about your actions are those that are mostly either playing two realms in one cluster or pre-arranging their fights indeed.

And you couldn't have said it any better.... if you fly with crows, you'll be concidered a crow... Tough luck for the, so called, innocent bystanders.

Don't let these idiots here on FH get to you, really, always the same with them. Spoiled idiots, if they don't get their way, they go crying to the nearest person that will give them some comfert.

If i were you i'd use this thread to start locking up some accounts. Population is nice on our server. Last few days there has been a lot of neat action that proves excal/pryd is far from gone.

The main thing is.. most solo playing ppl are just to fucking lazy to roam and find a fight. To circumvent the time needed they arrange spots and fights. That indeed never has been SOTG... so fuck them... next time i hope you even take harder actions like locking attending ppl down.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
NICE move Req.

Keep it up, i'd say.

The only kids whining about your actions are those that are mostly either playing two realms in one cluster or pre-arranging their fights indeed.

And you couldn't have said it any better.... if you fly with crows, you'll be concidered a crow... Tough luck for the, so called, innocent bystanders.

Don't let these idiots here on FH get to you, really, always the same with them. Spoiled idiots, if they don't get their way, they go crying to the nearest person that will give them some comfert.

If i were you i'd use this thread to start locking up some accounts. Population is nice on our server. Last few days there has been a lot of neat action that proves excal/pryd is far from gone.

The main thing is.. most solo playing ppl are just to fucking lazy to roam and find a fight. To circumvent the time needed they arrange spots and fights. That indeed never has been SOTG... so fuck them... next time i hope you even take harder actions like locking attending ppl down.

good to see there is something that will never change, clueless as ever...


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
NICE move Req.

Keep it up, i'd say.

The only kids whining about your actions are those that are mostly either playing two realms in one cluster or pre-arranging their fights indeed.

And you couldn't have said it any better.... if you fly with crows, you'll be concidered a crow... Tough luck for the, so called, innocent bystanders.

Don't let these idiots here on FH get to you, really, always the same with them. Spoiled idiots, if they don't get their way, they go crying to the nearest person that will give them some comfert.

If i were you i'd use this thread to start locking up some accounts. Population is nice on our server. Last few days there has been a lot of neat action that proves excal/pryd is far from gone.

The main thing is.. most solo playing ppl are just to fucking lazy to roam and find a fight. To circumvent the time needed they arrange spots and fights. That indeed never has been SOTG... so fuck them... next time i hope you even take harder actions like locking attending ppl down.

Go back zerging with the noobs like u thx.


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
From all these posts, the only things to deduct are the following:

1 - Respecting other peoples playstyle is allowed
2 - Shouting at other people for not respecting your playstyle isnt allowed (I agree, even though in the heat of the moment I sure have in the past)
3 - Duelling places appearing simply because people are trying to find other solo'ers isnt wrong. As long as you don't use third party programs to communicate over.
4 - You cannot res people at such places (hard to distinguish unless someone gets chainkilled and chain ressed + buffed, but I can agree here).

Question remains, is the action taken by Requiel in this case justified. Does he have proof of prearranged duelling, or have there been harsh words to another player? Do other cases get the same treatment? Requiel is clearly contradicting the statements that having a 1vs1 is allowed in the reply seen in that screenshot?

Can Requiel please for once and all time show us the rules that are being enforced by the GM's on the GOA website. That way it would be clear to everyone what can be done and what cannot be done. The way it is atm is indeed like Sneakies said, Requiel acting as a 'God' with no clear ruleset. He says to be enforcing rules, but it comes across as him merely taking action at his own judgement without any standard showing in the actions taken.

Why doesn't Requiel warn people ingame if they are doing something that 'might' be wrong before taking harsh actions? The people might simply be unaware that what they are doing is not allowed. (quite obviously also caused by no clear ruleset being available anywhere).

Why does he intervene with the gaming community without warning? Are the rights of the solo'ers less than those of other people?

All the time I see Requiel saying that without third party communication everything is allowed, except flaming other people. I agree with this. But the actions taken contradict this.

So make clear what is allowed and what is not. And we can all live by the same rules and have fun in the game the way we like to.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
NICE move Req.

Keep it up, i'd say.

The only kids whining about your actions are those that are mostly either playing two realms in one cluster or pre-arranging their fights indeed.

And you couldn't have said it any better.... if you fly with crows, you'll be concidered a crow... Tough luck for the, so called, innocent bystanders.

Don't let these idiots here on FH get to you, really, always the same with them. Spoiled idiots, if they don't get their way, they go crying to the nearest person that will give them some comfert.

If i were you i'd use this thread to start locking up some accounts. Population is nice on our server. Last few days there has been a lot of neat action that proves excal/pryd is far from gone.

The main thing is.. most solo playing ppl are just to fucking lazy to roam and find a fight. To circumvent the time needed they arrange spots and fights. That indeed never has been SOTG... so fuck them... next time i hope you even take harder actions like locking attending ppl down.




Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Well i was the one that told Requiel about the dueling, i was the one that should get the blame.

Was it prearanged possibly not but the fact is that nearly EVERY night i have run across that bridge i have seen the same people fighting the same people over and over again.

Manisch as aways you have justified your reason for us to steamroller you into the floor every time we see you.


Loyal Freddie
Nov 6, 2004
Well as it was my champ (Oshen) last night that got sent flying with the rest of you :) i do have to wonder why i reopened my accounts after a years break :(


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Well i was the one that told Requiel about the dueling, i was the one that should get the blame.

Was it prearanged possibly not but the fact is that nearly EVERY night i have run across that bridge i have seen the same people fighting the same people over and over again.

Manisch as aways you have justified your reason for us to steamroller you into the floor every time we see you.

U should know better Awarkle.
1st u ruining the only way of having fun for some peeps for a dubious reason since they weren't interferring with your way of having fun, and i find this clearly selfish and disgusting.
2nd u driving away peeps from the game.
3rd u are, at least, erratic in your views about playstyle, one week u moan at fgs that disrupts a siege cause u playing in a disorganized zerg, the other one u moan if they add on your fights when u play in an fg, yday u moan at soloers cause u can't farm em free of punishment.


Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Requiel made some really bad call, unless he doesn't apologize to the community for calling us anti-social I don't see any need to talk to him about this issue or any other issues whatsoever.

I attack an enemy whenever it suits me, not him and I only use in-game communication with my enemies: emotes.

Surely he doesn't need to protect some assholes who zerg 1 down with 8 and emote after either!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2004
NICE move Req.

Keep it up, i'd say.

The only kids whining about your actions are those that are mostly either playing two realms in one cluster or pre-arranging their fights indeed.

And you couldn't have said it any better.... if you fly with crows, you'll be concidered a crow... Tough luck for the, so called, innocent bystanders.

Don't let these idiots here on FH get to you, really, always the same with them. Spoiled idiots, if they don't get their way, they go crying to the nearest person that will give them some comfert.

If i were you i'd use this thread to start locking up some accounts. Population is nice on our server. Last few days there has been a lot of neat action that proves excal/pryd is far from gone.

The main thing is.. most solo playing ppl are just to fucking lazy to roam and find a fight. To circumvent the time needed they arrange spots and fights. That indeed never has been SOTG... so fuck them... next time i hope you even take harder actions like locking attending ppl down.

Is this a very clever sarcastic post or just a serious case of sucking up to the GM?

I'm confused :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2004
Well i was the one that told Requiel about the dueling, i was the one that should get the blame.

After reading the thread i'd never have guessed it was you. I'm shocked and somewhat awed....

Was it prearanged possibly not but the fact is that nearly EVERY night i have run across that bridge i have seen the same people fighting the same people over and over again.

Low population server and you expect to see many new faces around?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
gahn you totally missed the point

i didnt think. Tehehehe ill tell a gm that they are all in a prearanged duel and ruin there fun muwahaha.

Ive been getting reports from other players who may not even come to these forums for being FLAMED in game for adding on fights.

Ive watched people and been the victim of this clicky group o look someones added quick watch them die and then flame them.

I informed a gm of what was going on and requiel watched he didnt come on and scream "FEAR MY IMPENDING DOOM MORTALS" and begin smiting everyone left right and centre. He stood by and watched.

I know he did this because i informed him that we had just killed everyone at the bridge.

Afterwards when he logged off guess what everyones dueling again on the bridge.

Is it driving people from the game possibly but probbly less than the people who flame every new person to the game. So far there is only one new person who i met in magmel a few months ago still playing the game everyone else i try to help out or talk to has left due mostly to rvr ok it might not be their game and i didnt get a complete report of why they left but if 1 person left because of the attitude of these duelers then i see it as my responsibility to get these duels stopped or changed. Because at the end of the day i want DAOC to do well i would like the population to be higher not from vets who think they can dictate how the server is run but from new players coming into the game.

as for me complaining about zergs ruining 8v8 i was pointing out that albions have a tendancy of building up to critical mass on a bridge then steamrollering everything in sight. Its an aspect of the game its funny when it happens and i always laugh on vent at the sight.

Either way i dont turn around and log over to albion and go "OMG YOU FUCKING NOOBS" which happens.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
NICE move Req.

Keep it up, i'd say.

The only kids whining about your actions are those that are mostly either playing two realms in one cluster or pre-arranging their fights indeed.

And you couldn't have said it any better.... if you fly with crows, you'll be concidered a crow... Tough luck for the, so called, innocent bystanders.

Don't let these idiots here on FH get to you, really, always the same with them. Spoiled idiots, if they don't get their way, they go crying to the nearest person that will give them some comfert.

If i were you i'd use this thread to start locking up some accounts. Population is nice on our server. Last few days there has been a lot of neat action that proves excal/pryd is far from gone.

The main thing is.. most solo playing ppl are just to fucking lazy to roam and find a fight. To circumvent the time needed they arrange spots and fights. That indeed never has been SOTG... so fuck them... next time i hope you even take harder actions like locking attending ppl down.

Having a villageidiot like you agreeing with ones actions speak for itself really...


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
gahn you totally missed the point

i didnt think. Tehehehe ill tell a gm that they are all in a prearanged duel and ruin there fun muwahaha.

Ive been getting reports from other players who may not even come to these forums for being FLAMED in game for adding on fights.

Ive watched people and been the victim of this clicky group o look someones added quick watch them die and then flame them.

I informed a gm of what was going on and requiel watched he didnt come on and scream "FEAR MY IMPENDING DOOM MORTALS" and begin smiting everyone left right and centre. He stood by and watched.

I know he did this because i informed him that we had just killed everyone at the bridge.

Afterwards when he logged off guess what everyones dueling again on the bridge.

Is it driving people from the game possibly but probbly less than the people who flame every new person to the game. So far there is only one new person who i met in magmel a few months ago still playing the game everyone else i try to help out or talk to has left due mostly to rvr ok it might not be their game and i didnt get a complete report of why they left but if 1 person left because of the attitude of these duelers then i see it as my responsibility to get these duels stopped or changed. Because at the end of the day i want DAOC to do well i would like the population to be higher not from vets who think they can dictate how the server is run but from new players coming into the game.

as for me complaining about zergs ruining 8v8 i was pointing out that albions have a tendancy of building up to critical mass on a bridge then steamrollering everything in sight. Its an aspect of the game its funny when it happens and i always laugh on vent at the sight.

Either way i dont turn around and log over to albion and go "OMG YOU FUCKING NOOBS" which happens.

Whatever your reason is i find it more suitable to talk over to peeps, if there's a problem, instead of go crying to a gm to stop it.
Only thing u are achieving is further dividing what's left of the community like it's clearly understandable from this thread.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Im not going to answer anymore ive said why i did it but aparantly im in the wrong again.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
the problem here is not GOA, not Requiel, its the player base.

If we all decided to work as our respective realms then this would not be a problem.

I duo mainly with my Guildleader... we have on many occassion forund duellers, resting between fights and have killed them. WHy? because they are from the ENEMY REALM.

If you want to be friend go play camlann or a co-op server.

I will not interupt a 1v1 fight unless asked, or unless more enemy are inc.
My realm mates come first, before any rp gain.

I dont fight for points or deathblows , blah blah blah.. I fight for aLBION....

Take a keep, ill take it back......eye for an eye.

secondly ALBION has a real working together issue. BG leaders without a clue since Favail and his crew left for LOTRO.

scenario....Mid have taken beno berks and surs. portal to bold is down.....
BG LEADERS (well bg leader and 5 other people all shouting info and orders made it chaotic) shouting attack beno attack beno.

Surely sense and proper tactics with only 3 fg would suggest:

Attack towers, cut ports, then move from one keep as a "zerg" to the next to the next. Until finally retaking beno.

Although these arre probably the same people that cry when no IRVR....makes me sick.

I still cant understand Alb mentality.......A bg with 3 grps all with space and 1 solo player (me) and no invite to grp.

Surely a full grp is more effective than half a grp?

If you wanna complain about playstyle, play style is put on the back burner when fighting as a realm......perhaps parents should teach there children to play nice and together with other children, rather than allowing them to throw a hissy fit and demand it all there own way.

ALb may be the larger realm population wize, but respect to hibs and mid for there team work....would rep u all if i could.

on a last note...Well done to Ohiiss for getting the Albion RAbble to almost work together


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
the problem here is not GOA, not Requiel, its the player base.

If we all decided to work as our respective realms then this would not be a problem.

I duo mainly with my Guildleader... we have on many occassion forund duellers, resting between fights and have killed them. WHy? because they are from the ENEMY REALM.

If you want to be friend go play camlann or a co-op server.

I will not interupt a 1v1 fight unless asked, or unless more enemy are inc.
My realm mates come first, before any rp gain.

I dont fight for points or deathblows , blah blah blah.. I fight for aLBION....

Take a keep, ill take it back......eye for an eye.

secondly ALBION has a real working together issue. BG leaders without a clue since Favail and his crew left for LOTRO.

scenario....Mid have taken beno berks and surs. portal to bold is down.....
BG LEADERS (well bg leader and 5 other people all shouting info and orders made it chaotic) shouting attack beno attack beno.

Surely sense and proper tactics with only 3 fg would suggest:

Attack towers, cut ports, then move from one keep as a "zerg" to the next to the next. Until finally retaking beno.

Although these arre probably the same people that cry when no IRVR....makes me sick.

I still cant understand Alb mentality.......A bg with 3 grps all with space and 1 solo player (me) and no invite to grp.

Surely a full grp is more effective than half a grp?

If you wanna complain about playstyle, play style is put on the back burner when fighting as a realm......perhaps parents should teach there children to play nice and together with other children, rather than allowing them to throw a hissy fit and demand it all there own way.

ALb may be the larger realm population wize, but respect to hibs and mid for there team work....would rep u all if i could.

on a last note...Well done to Ohiiss for getting the Albion RAbble to almost work together

You play alb as we know it no doubt :eek:

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Manisch as aways you have justified your reason for us to steamroller you into the floor every time we see you.

Don't delude yourself, you are not good for anything else. You're mixing between cause and effect and action and reaction.

You sucking is the cause for your zerging of some solo guys down and me saying that, is not the action that makes you react this way.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
gahn you totally missed the point

i didnt think. Tehehehe ill tell a gm that they are all in a prearanged duel and ruin there fun muwahaha.

Ive been getting reports from other players who may not even come to these forums for being FLAMED in game for adding on fights.

Ive watched people and been the victim of this clicky group o look someones added quick watch them die and then flame them.

I informed a gm of what was going on and requiel watched he didnt come on and scream "FEAR MY IMPENDING DOOM MORTALS" and begin smiting everyone left right and centre. He stood by and watched.

I know he did this because i informed him that we had just killed everyone at the bridge.

Afterwards when he logged off guess what everyones dueling again on the bridge.

Is it driving people from the game possibly but probbly less than the people who flame every new person to the game. So far there is only one new person who i met in magmel a few months ago still playing the game everyone else i try to help out or talk to has left due mostly to rvr ok it might not be their game and i didnt get a complete report of why they left but if 1 person left because of the attitude of these duelers then i see it as my responsibility to get these duels stopped or changed. Because at the end of the day i want DAOC to do well i would like the population to be higher not from vets who think they can dictate how the server is run but from new players coming into the game.

as for me complaining about zergs ruining 8v8 i was pointing out that albions have a tendancy of building up to critical mass on a bridge then steamrollering everything in sight. Its an aspect of the game its funny when it happens and i always laugh on vent at the sight.

Either way i dont turn around and log over to albion and go "OMG YOU FUCKING NOOBS" which happens.

Dude, you are just a bad loser, you have been spoiling the fun of guys trying to have some good fights at Crauch a lot of times with your useless Druid and someone stuck to you, you got chain killed for that with plenty Hibs watching and you are just a bitter crying noob that calls a GM for help.

If you would have brought a group to deal with the situation accordingly no one would ever have cried about the situation as much as now despite of you still being useless, but no, you had to ask a GM to help you to cross the fucking bridge.

Next time, boat from somewhere else where you can get to IRvR and play your adding game there, it's not your god given right to be an asshole in the game and to not expect any consequences from guys who don't want you coming along with your druid and spoiling it.

Requiel helping some assholes out because they got killed in game, what has this game become?


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004

I was on my way back and took a detour throught the bridge when i saw the blue con guards so i went on top to check it out. I was practically looking for a caravan or something...but then i saw it was alb/hib/mid guards or something and was just puzzled.

Either way...the fights there had been going on for a while, practically all the thing started by me and the usual suspects around DC, then joined in by 2 more Mids and finally a total of 5 albs. There was no prior arrangement or communication between the players (or at least i never noticed something like that) AND at no time there was even a rezzing capable class around, nor any rezzes were carryied out. So if u mind me saying Requiel ...u fucked up.

On a sidenote Awarkle m8... RR difference has usually little to do when u play a class that is capable enough by itself and u play it wisely (after ofc getting it properply geared up). So the bull u r throughing all over r not to be taken into consideration.
Secondly, the Solo kill counters u mentioned. Its not always possible to solo your way around, so from time to time all grp up even for a bit. Add to that kills that the enemy is worth reduced rps and fights u get adds on...and the ratio between kills and solo kills goes to hell. The total ammount of solo kills does count least for most classes.
And finally...since u mentioned that when u start firing your arrows on some1 already in a fight and they break off fight so that the enemy comes after u... well ... what do u expect ? what u give u shall receive.

PS: I saw the s/s while reading the thread...and i got reminded of that other time with CM pwange from mids/hibs at DC ... omfg lol times :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Seems that there are no "rules" for daoc anymore. The game is just turning more into a zerg fest rvr or go pve type game. Duelling circles is just an insane name to call them, there are people who solo (and by solo we are talking solo, not bg bot not di bot etc) purely for fun. Coincidentally the vast majority of these players are of the non rp horny variety and play that particular playstyle out of their own choice.

Its not a playstyle to generate 200k rps per night although i imagine some do make a whole bucket load of them. But from my past regular visits to crau looking for some solo fun i have never witnessed/heard of any organisation in the fighting going on.

But when GM's become god and start tampering with what the community has created it becomes a sad hitler regime whereby people will be dropping off the server like flies at an already shaky time.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
ive been hearing back from new players and lower realm rank people who could do with the rps being flamed for adding on these so called duels.

So as soon as i beleive that anyone is dueling near DC i report it to a GM to solve it.

If you guys wernt such arse holes and flamed people for adding on your perfect 1vs1 fights in front of a keep i wouldnt have to report it.

Either way deal with it group up meet some new people help out lower realm ranks but dont proclaim realm point farming as dueling.

Ah so your the vamp i left yesterday then bastiala. Thought i would be nice and leave you not knowing who you were and your fg rapes me like 3 times later. Thanks for that.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
There are ALOT of people very close to getting slapped by mods here for their behaviour in this thread.

Req and his team made a decision on an ingame situation... they have logs and could have monitored the situation far longer than any of you know. They are not 'required' to divulge more information and Requiel has already explained the situation, so shut up about it and move on...
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