Arma II: DayZ


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003


Interview with rocket

It seems the whole thing has become far too big. I would love someone to help him properly, there are far too many game breaking bugs and far too little encouragement to team up (I have no idea how you can encourage teamplay and keep the feel of the game tbh) The game really is the best idea in a very long time, it is held back by some massive bugs, sometimes it seems you are not only playing against the environment but also the game itself, random leg breaks, rubber banding zombies, graphics bugs, inventory bugs. I avoid rocks now, very careful on stairs...which is a shame because I would rather use the entire environment.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003


Interview with rocket

It seems the whole thing has become far too big. I would love someone to help him properly, there are far too many game breaking bugs and far too little encouragement to team up (I have no idea how you can encourage teamplay and keep the feel of the game tbh) The game really is the best idea in a very long time, it is held back by some massive bugs, sometimes it seems you are not only playing against the environment but also the game itself, random leg breaks, rubber banding zombies, graphics bugs, inventory bugs. I avoid rocks now, very careful on stairs...which is a shame because I would rather use the entire environment.

Yeah he's used the animal pathing for the zombies, so that's more ARMAs shitty coding :p

I totally agree with you though, the game is simply what it is, iron out the bugs and take it from there.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Good watch tbh, since he was contracted to work on Arma III I would imagine he could possibly conscript some help for DayZ in the process, DayZ alone must have sold tonnes of Arma II copies for them so I doubt they'll turn a blind eye at his requests.

Also given the users on DayZ looking purely at the server screen I don't think i'd be wrong in saying it has more active users than CoD + BF3 combined? can't remember the last time I seen that many full servers on BF3 atleast, which in my book makes DayZ a raging success considering its still in Alpha.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Gah. Noob death. Running through the woods and ran into someone, he had a shotgun I had a sniper rifle. I bet I made his day, I had everything, range finder, GPS, ghillie suit. Lesson learnt :)


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Gah. Noob death. Running through the woods and ran into someone, he had a shotgun I had a sniper rifle. I bet I made his day, I had everything, range finder, GPS, ghillie suit. Lesson learnt :)
Ouch, that gear is gold dust mate ;(


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
The only thing valuable is the range finder everything else is obtainable again.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
I'd like to see controlling towns for resources or smth along those lines, defending from players and zombie hordes would be awesome.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Ambushed 2 people earlier and took their blue hippie van :)


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
I'd like to see controlling towns for resources or smth along those lines, defending from players and zombie hordes would be awesome.

Completely agree, give people a reason to hold onto the places. And a reason for people to want to get together and take it for themselves.

Would be nice to have some random zombie hordes as well.

Can't complain at an Alpha game though!

Gutted I chose a female character, but she can't wear a guillie suit :(

Currently have silenced M41a rifle, and M9 silenced Pistol. Tonight's mission is to repair an ATV I've found in the middle of a forest!


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
I went in without ever having played Arma or Arma 2, or anything of the sort.

Spawned during night time "Oh shit, zombies near, can't see them, how the ***k do you use the flashlight??!!! Oh god, oh god, it's closer".... Dead within 2 minutes.

Went online, googled "dayz how to use flashlight". Felt like I already had the game in my back pocket. Died within two minutes, with flashlight on this time.

Third time I took a more cautious approach, having watched a youtube video of some guy playing at night. Found some ammo and chemolights in a warehouse type building. As i was heading out, i met headfirst with a zombie - he gave me a good hit, I ran like hell for 1 minute (turns out I was at the docks) and bled until my screen became all blurry and shaky. Again, this was during nighttime. Some zombie ate me for dinner, i could not see shit.

Some attempts later, I had figured out the basics and swaped to a server for daytime playing. I've been murdered by some guy i didn't even get to see, he kinda executed me from behind as i was rummaging through a building. Never heard a thing.

Longest I been alive was a couple of hours, getting inside and out of buildings without being detected by zombies seems more of a roulette roll.

I found a bus hidden deep in the woods, drove it for like 5 minutes, a wheel decided to pop as i was passing through a small village. I got eaten alive after wasting all my 10 shotgun shells downing the horde.

The sandbox aspect is nice, but the game lacks depth. I'm not saying there should be an end game, but running around getting kit to get better kit and then hunting people can get tedious, I'd imagine.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
old.Osy You're right, but you're nearly not far enough into the game to have this issue - I mean, by all means, you can go play CoD, run around, spray a few times, die, respawn, but on this, it's alot more deeper, it takes you a while to gather your gear, so your less inclined to use it, meaning when you actually meet other players you're absolutely shitting yourself, but I'm getting to a meh-ish stage now... There does need to be some end game content, sorta thing, but really, I think the only reason it's like this is because the gear that I found originally to be gold dust is now easily available to us, but killing people is still fun!

Give it a go, stick to it, it's fun. :)

I expect good things off Rocket, it's his baby, he won't let anyone else touch it, he wants it to be perfect, he communicates on the forum all the time, so he takes feedback seriously, so yeah, I expect big things:)


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
There seems to be a lot more squads, joining servers now. Being organised setting up camps, and controlling the vehicles available.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Can anyone who is playing try and join the freddy server in the day to fill it up? I know night time sucks so i don't blame people for going to day servers in the day but support your freddy server :)


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Can anyone who is playing try and join the freddy server in the day to fill it up? I know night time sucks so i don't blame people for going to day servers in the day but support your freddy server :)

I love night time!!!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Loving this French squads camp that I found, they keeps topping it up and I keep robbing it. Nothing major just the odd gun when I die. Currently been alive for 10 minutes and have an M14 (or whatever it is) and 4 clips of ammo.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
old.Osy You're right, but you're nearly not far enough into the game to have this issue - I mean, by all means, you can go play CoD, run around, spray a few times, die, respawn, but on this, it's alot more deeper, it takes you a while to gather your gear, so your less inclined to use it, meaning when you actually meet other players you're absolutely shitting yourself, but I'm getting to a meh-ish stage now... There does need to be some end game content, sorta thing, but really, I think the only reason it's like this is because the gear that I found originally to be gold dust is now easily available to us, but killing people is still fun!

Give it a go, stick to it, it's fun. :)

I expect good things off Rocket, it's his baby, he won't let anyone else touch it, he wants it to be perfect, he communicates on the forum all the time, so he takes feedback seriously, so yeah, I expect big things:)

I don't have to get that far into the game to see what I can expect. I've been playing games since the 90's, you know? That kinda develops a 6th sense around games and gaming. I'm not saying I will suddenly drop it, but i can foresee me getting frustrated by its "end content" offerings. At least at the stage it's in now.

Plus, I'm solo, most of my former gaming friends have turned into life/ work absorbed people. We don't have enough time to invest as other people do, so that generally pushes you into the "quick wins" gaming style, preferring games that provide instant gratification. WoT for example, I can play a few rounds and be happy with meself.

Other than that, yeah, I love the mod. It's brilliantly close to reality, sandboxing people in harsh environment, live or die trying. It would be very interesting to run some queries on its DB, for statistical curiosity. Always interesting to find out how people behave in a post-apocaliptic scenario and this gives you the perfect picture.

Shame people shoot first and ask questions later though, but I can see how that is easily processed into acceptable behaviour - "It's either me shooting first or him getting my stuff". Part of the sandboxing beauty, eh? :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
That's the great thing about this game though you don't have to play 20 hours a day to compete, anyone can kill you with a hatchet if your not paying attention to what's happening.

Playing solo? Again that's totally fine too, you played a few hours it will take a few days to get used to the mechanics and how the game plays.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I play solo all the time in it, I prefer it that way. it's the tension that does it for me. Am i being followed? Is there a sniper around here?, always checking your surroundings, checking you back trail, just resting somewhere to tune it, gun fire shit shit shit. I would be quite happy without the zombies tbh.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
How do you kill stuff with the hatchet though? Whenever I wield it, the "you need to reload" sign appears and i can't really reload or wield it. Wasn't a nice surprise to me, especially since i faced a zombie thinking i'd split him in two.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
FH server seems to have removed all vehicles/tents since this mornings restart :(


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
How do you kill stuff with the hatchet though? Whenever I wield it, the "you need to reload" sign appears and i can't really reload or wield it. Wasn't a nice surprise to me, especially since i faced a zombie thinking i'd split him in two.
Press R for Roger, then it should reload as if it's a pistol or something silly, then you have like 10k swings (never got past that to see what actually happens when it 'runs out' :p

Btw, Where is old.Tohtori I thought he'd be checking this out!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah, sorry 'bout that, i got sucked into a league of legends/skyrim limbo and i haven't been able to crawl back out :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Can you transfer vehicles to other servers? Quite like the idea of rinsing the French and American servers and dragging over to FH

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