I thought they would be there, I know a vehicle hotspot around there too, but I can't remember the co-ordinates..There are some real sad sad people on this game, found all the boats up FAR north off the map.
Trust me those fishing boats do a maximum of like 14mph it must have took whoever done that AGES to put them up there.
We didn't hoard them, we always had one in reserve to transport people who died, the rest we used, and usually lost in the same day.Whats the point in hoarding vehicles though? If you aren't going to drive about in them then there is no real need, except the need to be a dick.
Yup.. cos we did a similar thing as well.. - Get north, near the Dam, relatively safe, and pretty easy access.
Oh, and vehicles cannot go north of the drawn map or they get teleported back to where they once came!
We didn't hoard them, we always had one in reserve to transport people who died, the rest we used, and usually lost in the same day.