Confused Are religious people disabled?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Not only london, the whole island really. As eddie izzard put it; mongrel nation.

A lot of inherently british is actually from somewhere else.

Nothing wrong in that mind you, diversity equals progress.

Turns out that's kind of not true. The British are great at absorbing other cultures, but genes remain stubbornly "British" across most of the south and Midlands (a slightly different story along the northeast and northwest coasts where the Danes and Norwegians fucked their way to permanence). Until recently (last 60 years) most immigrant waves were absorbed with barely a ripple in the gene pool that had been around since the bronze age. Its all changing now of course, but that's true almost everywhere (I read somewhere that the Swedes have permanently affected the gene pool of northeast Thailand for example).


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
How dare they breed. That's right up there with the holocaust, that is.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
That's the norm to be honest. Cultures get imported without much effect on the gene pool. Look at the Normans for instance. Vikings tended to be a bit more rapey though. (yes I know Normans were descended from vikings.)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Turns out that's kind of not true. The British are great at absorbing other cultures, but genes remain stubbornly "British" across most of the south and Midlands (a slightly different story along the northeast and northwest coasts where the Danes and Norwegians fucked their way to permanence). Until recently (last 60 years) most immigrant waves were absorbed with barely a ripple in the gene pool that had been around since the bronze age. Its all changing now of course, but that's true almost everywhere (I read somewhere that the Swedes have permanently affected the gene pool of northeast Thailand for example).

If it's not old knowledge, the southern parts are most effected by french/roman, while the northern parts by "viking" folk.

Even your sunday roast comes from romans :p


Dec 26, 2003
Genetic analysis of the Brits showed we came from Portugal after the last Ice age receded around 12,000 years ago.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
If it's not old knowledge, the southern parts are most effected by french/roman, while the northern parts by "viking" folk.

Even your sunday roast comes from romans :p

Once again, that's culture, not genes. Most Englishmen think of themselves as "Anglo-saxon" and assume their ancestors came from Holland or Germany. They didn't.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Once again, that's culture, not genes. Most Englishmen think of themselves as "Anglo-saxon" and assume their ancestors came from Holland or Germany. They didn't.

I thought the point was about culture.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Everyone came from Africa. Yes Job, your ancestors were filthy darkies


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I went out with a 'mixed race' girl for 10 years, here's me the racist.
She had just split up with Craig Johnston, that's my only pathetic name drop.
A stunner she was, waaayy out of my league...fuck me , she could stop traffic in a short skirt.
Got a picture somewhere of her modelling in Jamaica.
Or would that be racist?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Maybe, but not "I went out with a black girl for ten years, ate her minge, ploughed her furrows, but hated the very sight of her" tho...


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Scouse...Just LOL!
I believe the number one excuse by racists is ''we're better than them'


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Care to explain?

You honestly think that people who think immigrants are the cause of "cultural genocide" (the systematic and targeted approach of deliberately killing off something en-masse) are points raised by people that aren't viewing races as "other" in a negative, prejudged manner? Racism isn't about who calls who a "nigger" or a "paki" - it's your whole view and perspective on people that aren't from your own race. It's not a black and white thing, it's complex, it's deep and there are many layers to it.

Job is a person who frequently uses the same manner of discourse and point-raising used by inherently racist political parties. Here in London we're subjected to the views of this type of person a lot, so I've seen this type of shit so many times before it's not even funny now. People using pathetic excuses to preach their hate filled opinions based on nothing but their own lack of education and ignorance. For example, citing xenophobia instead of racism as if xenophobia is racism's little, cuter brother that just needs his hair ruffling every now and then.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
A lot of people like thier "culture" to remain the same Waz, or at least evolve gently :) What has happened in London in the last 40 years is pretty fucking far from gentle, it's been a wholesale shift. A lot of people, normal friendly people, dont like that, they dont mind immigrants so much, but they dont want to be swamped and for the whole landscape to be changed irrevocably. Yet whenever these people dare to squeak an opinion, they get shouted down by people hysterically screaming RACIST!! like the new form of zealots they are.

I will never hide anything I think, I'm not about to get brainwashed by anything. That is however how I sometimes see the people on here, all crying "no religion" and "omg racist" at the slightest provocation. I love how that Scottish feller on here whose name temporarily escapes me gets called racist every so often for saying what he thinks, despite the fact that he's married to a Pakistani woman :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Once again people failing to realise the really fucking basic point:

Knowing or being intimate with one person of one race does not mean you are not racist to other groups of people. There isn't one race other than your own.

I say again, because you clearly can't comprehend: THIS ISN'T A BLACK AND WHITE ISSUE. STOP TRYING TO PAINT IT AS ONE.

(edit: teehee, inadvertant pun)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Once again people failing to realise the really fucking basic point:

Knowing or being intimate with one person of one race does not mean you are not racist to other groups of people. There isn't one race other than your own.

I say again, because you clearly can't comprehend: THIS ISN'T A BLACK AND WHITE ISSUE. STOP TRYING TO PAINT IT AS ONE.

(edit: teehee, inadvertant pun)

Mate you're the one making it black and white (teehee again) as far as I can see.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Racism is the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination.
So you accuse me of believing that people who are classified as a different race to me.
i.e. Asian, Arab, African are inherently inferior simply by their genetic structure and deserve to have less rights than me.
That's quite a fucking leap from me disliking mass immigration and loss of our culture by sheer weight of numbers.
Unfortunately it's an illogical leap taken by people who resemble crazed, finger pointing monkeys
shouting 'rascist!' at every objection and is fucking tiresome to all involved.
Racism is everywhere, it's built into us by millenia of evolution, don't shoot the messengers.


Dec 26, 2003
I dont think defending your own culture in its homeland is racist.

We have had many different races come to the uk and improved it but recently we have lost our way a bit and allowed the creation of communities within our community with few ties to the main community.

Things are actually worse than when I grew up in london in the 70/80s.

Local schools that were racially integrated now look like something out of the apartheid era which is surely not progress.

Faith schools have also proved divisive - people are naturally prone to sticking to their own but for a healthy society governments should encourage people to mix with other cultures to broaden their outlook.

Instead it funds the very schools pulling our society apart - its just stupid.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I dont think defending your own culture in its homeland is racist.

We have had many different races come to the uk and improved it but recently we have lost our way a bit and allowed the creation of communities within our community with few ties to the main community.

Things are actually worse than when I grew up in london in the 70/80s.

Local schools that were racially integrated now look like something out of the apartheid era which is surely not progress.

Faith schools have also proved divisive - people are naturally prone to sticking to their own but for a healthy society governments should encourage people to mix with other cultures to broaden their outlook.

Instead it funds the very schools pulling our society apart - its just stupid.
Can't disagree on faith schools at the least. Completely socially divisive.

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