Americans why still soo dumb??


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Marc said:
The EU has a long history of being corrupt, and only yesterday, le worm, Jaques Chirac visited the bed side of Arrafat, but lets not go there, we will probably be drawn into the debate about peace in the middle east and whos in the wrong, the pallastines (sp) or the isrealies (which came first, the chicken or the egg) :)

WTF is the link between the EU and Chirac visiting Arrafat ???

1) There isn't only France in the EU. There are 24 others countries.
2) Chirac doesn't represent the EU but France. Romano Prodi represent the EU.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Because Chirac's ultimate aim is to be the head of the EU and support for america is dwindling throughout europe. With the exception of the uk and maybe italy, it seems like Chirac has the full support of the other EU nations. Even spain has turned its back on the UK and America. I just dont trust Chirac (i guess im in the same boat as those of you that dont trust Bush).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2003
Marc said:
The EU has a long history of being corrupt, and only yesterday, le worm, Jaques Chirac visited the bed side of Arrafat, but lets not go there, we will probably be drawn into the debate about peace in the middle east and whos in the wrong, the pallastines (sp) or the isrealies (which came first, the chicken or the egg) :)
Arafat is the a leader of a sovereign country (acording to the UN) and a Noble price for peace winner

And if you want to complain about corruption, i think you better take a good look at Shrub and his friends


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Just to keep the arguments flowing, here's a gem going round my office :D



Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
old.Tohtori said:
Religious: God made chickens, not eggs.

Science: All life came from the primal goo, the cells of the goo could be described as eggs.

Darwinian: the egg came first not the chicken. What laid the egg was a proto-chicken who laid an egg which, by some random genetic mutation,became a chicken. :p

But anyway...back on topic... :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Indis said:
Darwinian: the egg came first not the chicken. What laid the egg was a proto-chicken who laid an egg which, by some random genetic mutation,became a chicken. :p

But anyway...back on topic... :)

they are trying to ban the teaching of Darwin's Theory of Evolution in parts of america, claiming its an affront to God :eek2:

oh and about Marc's gripes with the EU i agree, theres alot of useless things the EU like to impose (like the agricultural thing, they pay farmers NOT to grow things :rolleyes: )


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ormorof said:
Theres a lot of useless things the EU like to impose (like the agricultural thing, they pay farmers NOT to grow things :rolleyes: )

This isn't useless - its to stop farmers from overfarming the land so its not drained of all nutrients and made completely useless. It also helps reduce the massive surpluses that build up and encourages farmers to diversify.

Ph33r my GCSE Geography project :p


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
America is splitting in two, read this gem from a 'Liberal Democrat'

By C. B. Shapiro
I feel bad for the Red States.

Yes, they won the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court and most of the state houses. But they still can't have the country they really want because the last few Blue States won't roll over. So I am making a simple proposal:

Secession. Divorce. Splitsville.

Personally, I think we made a huge mistake not letting them go when we had the chance back in 1862. Well, no time like the present to correct an old mistake.

Then, they would finally be free to have the kind of society they've always wanted; church and state can be fused so they build the kind of theocracy they've dreamt of, with Jesus at the helm. Then the new USAR (United States of America Red) can ban books, repeal civil rights, persecute gays and have all the wars they like. They want prayer in schools? More power to them. They can ban abortion and post the Ten Commandments in every federal building in their country. Bring back slavery, if they want. We'll be free to live with our like-minded countrymen who believe in science, modernism, tolerance, religion as a personal choice, and truly want limited government intrusion in our personal lives. Why should each side be driven mad by the other any more, decade after decade?

Call the Culture War a tie and everyone go home.

Of course, we in the U.S.A.B. get the Gross Domestic Product, businesses and universities of California, New York, Massachussetts -- basically the whole Northeast and Northwest (plus Illinois and Michigan if they want to come along). They get Wal-Mart and Duke and most of the Nascar tracks. But they can feel free to import movies, TV shows, financial services, and defense technology. We'll import country music, bibles and Confederate flags.

The two countries will by necessity have open immigration policy: anyone who feels they are living in the wrong country can just move across the border, no questions asked.

Ultimately, why should I have to convince my fellow countrymen that Darwin may have had a point and that the word “liberal” is not equivalent to “godless communist?” And why should they be forced to live in a country with morally corrupt non-believers? I'll stay in the messy, free-thinking U.S.A.B. And to the U.S.A.R. I say…

God bless you all, and see you at the U.N


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
IMO the USA will split in the next 100 years. There are already a lot of division between the different States and the more the USA will decline, the more divisions there will be. Well, the USA aren't really declining, it's just some others countries who are becoming more important than the USA but by the end it's as if the USA were declining. These countries are China (growing at a 10% rate a year and having 4 times the population of the USA), India (same reasons as China), the EU (if it doesn't fail) and maybe Brazil (size of population). The more the USA will decline, the more there will be tensions between the blue and red States. They will be blaming each others.

Moreover, what is sure if that in 50 years, with China and India as major countries, the countries with less than 100 millions of inhabitants (the largest european country only have got 80 millions of inhabitants : Germany) will have the same power as ... Luxembourg today.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 10, 2004
Tilda said:
So yes, Hitler was elected by the German general public. Please dont make me write a long essay on why and how he was! :p


In 1933 germany's electoral system was proportional representation, in this system you needed a majority to rule (i.e >50%) Hitler did not posess such a majority he only gained 44% of the vote. Therefore he was not given a true mandate to rule by the poeple in the electoral sytem they had at the time, he got into power by entering into a coalition and was appointed chancelor by Hindenburg who thought he could easily be manipulated. On Hindenburgs death Hitler pronounced himself as 'Fuhrer' after what can only loosly be described as an election due to its illegitimacy.

No coalition is ever voted in because no-one has voted for that coaltion. Therefore the only truely important figure here is the 56% of people who did not vote for him, ergo Hitler was not voted in.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Marc said:
The reasons i support bush, is because he had the balls to stand up and do something about Saddam.

But not China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Israel...

There's the problem. He picked Iraq because a) It has oil (as does Saudi, but the Saudi royals give him business) b) Saddam made his daddy look like a chump so he had to restore a little family pride.

IF Bush had taken a consistent approach towards other repugnant regimes I'd have atleast agreed with the "stands up for his beliefs" theory. He doesn't. His hypocrasy is exceeded only by his arrogance. Saddam may have been a c**t but he posed no threat as he was being contained. Other countries pose a far greater threat to international security, are in breach of a host of UN resolutions (China in Tibet, Israel in Gaza) and have unknown quantities of WMD (mostly in in the form of nuclear warheads). But Bush does fuck all about it because he's making money/has political interests from the regimes. He isn't a man who stands up for what he believes in, he is a man who follows his own personal and family interests. And America has lived up to its reputation of being the most ignorant nation on earth by voting him back in.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Naetha said:
The people who have no excuse for supporting Bush are "thick fucks" like Marc who look at the world with blinkers on, refusing to accept anything that doesn't fit into their ideology. That is the difference between being un-educated, and plain stupid.

Really shouldn't call yourself a "thick fuck" Naetha, or is it only people with blinkers on with a different ideology that are the "thick fucks", whereas your blinkers are perfectly acceptable?

Iraq let the weapons inspectors in, but did not allow them to search the country unimpeded. When inspectors announced they wished to search a particular base/building etc they would invariably find themselves hemmed in traffic, road works would suddenly appear where there had been none previously and it would take them 5 hours to reach a building 3 miles away. When they finally reached, for example, a government building suprise it was a completely paperless office, oh and computerless.

Bush going to war against a mass murdering dictator who is refusing to fulfill his treaty obligations and has got links with terrorist groups. Gotta be a conspiracy for the oil. Can't accept the possibility that they believed Saddam had WMDs, no they must have lied. Oh but what about Russia, German and France who opposed the war? They didn't claim Saddam didn't have em, surely if they had of known they would have said or did it just slip their mind to mention it?

Or was it only obvious to you? In which case damn they really must get more trained geologists at the CIA/MI6, especially considering the module "How to know when WMDs aren't in a country" is compulsary on all geology courses.

P.S Bit strange how a thread is immediately closed on FH when a guy said "Iraqis smell", but its ok to say Americans are dumb. Or do the rules on racism not apply when Americans are the target?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bunnytwo said:
P.S Bit strange how a thread is immediately closed on FH when a guy said "Iraqis smell", but its ok to say Americans are dumb. Or do the rules on racism not apply when Americans are the target?

oh thats quite normal in my country...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Bunnytwo said:
Bush going to war against a mass murdering dictator who is refusing to fulfill his treaty obligations and has got links with terrorist groups. Gotta be a conspiracy for the oil. Can't accept the possibility that they believed Saddam had WMDs, no they must have lied.

War starts on the grounds of Iraq having WMD and links with terrorists
After the war, the leaders admit there were no WMD and their intel was flawed - no proof of links with terrorists either.

People still cheer the war as a success because Iraq's WMDs were destroyed and all ties with terrorists cut..... and you want to know why americans are called dumb!

There was another reason to stop Saddam, if left unchecked he would have attacked Israel. After investing billions into the the terrorist state, the US didn't want to see it nuked.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Lumikki said:

Do people actually still believe that hoax ? :)

There is no data for IQ by state. Tests based on 8th grade Verbal and Maths skills showed no obvious correlation with voting patterns. The nearest study actually done based on the 2000 election exit-polls showed that Gore did best with the extremely educated and the extremely ill-educated, whereas Bush did best with the middle-ground. Oh, and Utah is actually a very well-educated state :)

Finally, there's been lots of analysis based on military tests which shows that Bush (estimated about 120 IQ) is probably more intelligent than Kerry (estimated about 115 IQ). Although Gore was more intelligent, actually scoring 137 and 138 iirc.

If we're going to bandy IQ figures and education about then lets agree to stick to facts not propganda :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Wij said:
Do people actually still believe that hoax ? :)

I don't know, just came across it and didn't think about it too deeply, thanks for the correction, though. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Lumikki said:
I don't know, just came across it and didn't think about it too deeply, thanks for the correction, though. :)

thats the good thing about the internet, put something on a website and when people google it they automatically assume its true...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Yes, lets blame Americans for voting Bush when his main opponent, Kerry, has absolutely nothing to make himself look like an leader.

Kerry: "Bush is dumb. Me Tarzan. Vote me, I've plans which I wont tell you".
Bush :"Dont you dare to fuck with me, boy".

Which one looks like a leader? I dislike both of them and would have voted someone else but I dont see how a USA-kind-of-country where ~90% of citizens believes in God could get a decent President :p

What comes with Bush and Iraq, well, the reasons to attack were absolutely ridiculous and the outcome could be ranked to "well, it wasn't too bad because we are still waiting for WW3" as its best. Not that I can remember any justified war anyway :p However, the way I see things is that Bush has to sort out his fuck ups or he would make a political suicide - Kerry's support would have dropped down to 5% if he would have spent his time on it (dont see any easy or "non-nasty" things to help Iraq for example which is probably the reason why Kerry said "I have plans which I wont tell you" :p) whereas Bush has already /flexed his war-muscles -> Kerry the President, saviour of Iraq, the Leader of U.S.A.A.A (United States of America And Asia)? :p

Anyway, both of them sucks but I'm more worried about how Europeans have been eaten by the anti-Bush propaganda Oo Who was that one guy who got "replaced" by Kerry because he ran out of cash? Saw few interviews about him and he looked like a decent person (well, more sane than Bush and more leader-type-of-person than Kerry so he could have won) oO


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Americans are upset about the Mirror newspaper : D

"MINDLESS Brits! When is the last time you held an election on the Queen? You're probably too biased to post this." - Scott J, Asheville, N Carolina


"I HOPE you realise that 59 million US citizens are smart enough to spend their tourism dollars elsewhere. I myself will NEVER visit your third-world country. Rot in hell." - Brian Moran

"YOU must be part of England's bloodline polluted by the French. Just face it - you will always be pieces of dung compared to us." - Pete Turner, Fairmont, W Virginia

"YOU send your convicts to one of the most beautiful places on Earth while you stay home in the fog and you call us dumb? "- Russell Betts, Palm Springs, California

"HOW dumb can 59 million people be? Dumb enough to bail your sorry ***** out of two world wars. "- Donald Sprague, Urbana, Ohio

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