Americans why still soo dumb??

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Interesting points, each and every one.

We can't realy trust anyone to get the job done right, because there isn't a right or wrong way about it. Considering the numbers involved here of 59 million.

Lets look more closely at this: 59,000,000. Count the zero's there, carefully, as any figure over 1,000 cannot be assesed by the mind without forcing it to (actual fact). Every one of them has there own idea's, opioions and beleifs.

3 points per person, minimal. All Bush or Kerry had to do was win over 2 of those points to get the vote (In theory). Plus, lets be honest, it was damn close again, despite the media interest.

Nothing does it better than winning a war, people love winning. So it's no suprise that the little war mongers voted for him, and that probobly how he won. How many gun nuts in america? About 40 million, at last license checks. Just another point to consider.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Marc said:
So basically, im a thick fuck because i dont have an excuse for supporting Bush, wheras you, spout all this babble about neo-blah-blah-blah. Well, you know, i could of watched the 3 part documentary about it too thats been showing on bbc2 over the past 3 weeks, and read about why america voted for bush in the newspapers (good piece in the papers today, which is where im guessing you are basing most of your arguments from as its almost word for word) and then bring it to here to try and make myself look inteligent. But alas, i chose not too. (i have probably got more academic qualifications than you)

The reasons i support bush, is because he had the balls to stand up and do something about Saddam. Thats it. I feel he comes under a serious amount of unwarranted criticism (usually from the lefties) for doing his job. Tony Blair sees Bush as a close ally, and why not? AMerica is the most powerful country in the world, that has "had the UK's back" many more times than the rest of europe has.

Why do you insist on making yourself look like an idiot. You have the kind of "thick fuck" attitude that is root of most of the stupid shit that goes on in the world. You refer to world leaders as "having the balls to stand up and do something". Im sorry m8 but on my list of requirements for a world/political leader, having the balls to do something is not on it. I hope that balls doesnt come into major political decisions, I hope that people use common sense, logic, are well informed, listen to world opinion and make desicions rationally and in the best interests of the people they are supposed to be serving. Bush stated in a press conference that one of the reasons he had a problem with Sadaam was because " he was the guy who tried to kill my daddy". This is an unforgiveable statement for a world leader to make imo. It shows that his reasons for sending thousands of people to their deaths are partly rooted in a personal agenda. The reasons the US went into Iraq apart from some kind of personal grudge with sadaam, is that the country has huge oil reserves, has a strategic location in the middle east for America to exert its influence through a puppet government in a time of rising oil prices. The people behind Bush are controlling him, they all have and have had huge corpaorate interests. The contracts for drilling oil and replenishing the US militay arsenal are all going to companies that have a huge interest in the bush administration.

I must admit that I do like Bush. I dont think he should be in Politics as he has neither the brains nor the charisma to do it well, but i dont think he is a bad guy. He is a puppet for a greedy and power hungry admistration and he is way out of his depth. His name was used to convince middle america to vote him into to power but he really he has none.

As for Tony Blair I also think he is a good person. I think he has his country's interests at heart. The only reason i think he has sided with the US on the issue of Iraq is because he sees what economic damage a bad relationship with the US can have. When the French opposed Bush on the issue of Iraq the american people practically boycotted french products. The were pictures on CNN of people pouring thousands of bottles of French wine into the gutter.

Marc i wonder why u use the term lefty as some kind of insult. There is nothing wrong with been liberal minded. I dont understand what kind of person thinks its great to be conservative. I hope you can tell me whats great about right wing politics ...... should be fun to hear :puke:

p.s I am an American citizen.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Marc said:
Hes got a point.

lol and I suppose Pearl Harbour never happened. Most of the WW2 preachers might be interested to know that Germany declared war on the US .... not the other way around. So this bullshit of saving peoples asses in WW2 doesnt cut it when everbody in America knows full well that it wouldnt be very nice to live in a world where the only other important world leaders are stalin and hitler.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Taen said:
Most of the WW2 preachers might be interested to know that Germany declared war on the US .... not the other way around.
Actually America did declare war on Germany after Germany sunk an American cruise ship with one of their U boats


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Vireb said:
no hes right and i agree, democracy will never work in a radical muslim nation and the iraqi people donot want it , thats why there is a whole world of shit there now. you need a radical dictator to keep those people in order, its that simple. Initial reaction from iraqis was yeah great hes gone , but time has shown thats not true feeling

Iraq was a secular republic, not a theocracy. Saddam is about as religious as I am. It's just another tool to control people at home and abroad. Having known some Iraqi exiles who have had family murdered and raped I can assure you that most of Iraq was NOT happy with Saddam. It only takes a small percentage of enforcers to intimidate, and nutters to grass you up, to keep a whole country in fear of not 'Loving our glorious leader.'

tbh, it's fucking racist to have this attitude that Arabs can't do democrocy.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Wij said:
tbh, it's fucking racist to have this attitude that Arabs can't do democrocy.
woot racist card , ofc i am racist i have an opinion as to Why a huge number of iraqis are rebelling against democracy OFC thats racist.And yes i know a few iraqis too and there very nice people ,but there culture is very very different to ours and chances are the iraqis you knwo are educated able to speak english and therefore from an "upper class" iraqi background, thats very dif from ya average iraqi :)
And as you said knowing some exiles who have had family murderd by him not singing his praises , well uh DUHHHH ofc they wont , but straight up he kept th shit thats going on now under control and it never would of started if you left him. hey there wasnt even a reason to even attack in first place. Yes he may of been feared yes he may of been an asshole but he kept law and order in a society full of rebels/ terrorists albeit by fear tactics.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Marczje said:
Actually America did declare war on Germany after Germany sunk an American cruise ship with one of their U boats
thats WW1 not 2


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Vireb said:
woot racist card , ofc i am racist i have an opinion as to Why a huge number of iraqis are rebelling against democracy OFC thats racist.And yes i know a few iraqis too and there very nice people ,but there culture is very very different to ours and chances are the iraqis you knwo are educated able to speak english and therefore from an "upper class" iraqi background, thats very dif from ya average iraqi :)
And as you said knowing some exiles who have had family murderd by him not singing his praises , well uh DUHHHH ofc they wont , but straight up he kept th shit thats going on now under control and it never would of started if you left him. hey there wasnt even a reason to even attack in first place. Yes he may of been feared yes he may of been an asshole but he kept law and order in a society full of rebels/ terrorists albeit by fear tactics.

So law and order by murder,rape and torture is ok for arabs ? Would YOU live there ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Wij said:
So law and order by murder,rape and torture is ok for arabs ? Would YOU live there ?
in a culture where there taught eye for eye , theifs get hands cut off, etc etc then yeah maybe so .. since i was not broughtup in such a culture and without quaran beliefs of such then no. but they Are different to us its that simple.
if i was broughtup in a culturewhere you are tought that somone steals you cut their hands of , someone kills someone you kill them , someone stabs you they get stabed . then maybe so i would know no better and that would be everyday life for me , and tbh id be pissed at people trying to force a new way of life upon me.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Iraq did not practice strict Sharia. Mutilation was most likely a result of opposing the will of Saddam.

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