Americans why still soo dumb??


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Circulous said:


Oh for fuck's sake not again. Does nobody read threads these days. Only an utter retard would believe such nonsense :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I just posted this for a smile not as fact but i have to admit that for some ppl its hard to recognize ;)


Sep 4, 2004
old.Tohtori said:
Religious: God made chickens, not eggs.

Science: All life came from the primal goo, the cells of the goo could be described as eggs.

The egg came first if the person doesn't specifically ask: which came first the chicken or the "chicken egg", since eggs were around long before chickens.
If they are which which came first the chicken or the chicken egg, it's the chicken since chickens would have evolved from some other creature, stemming back to single celled organisms. x<


Sep 4, 2004
YOU and John Kerry want to acquiesce to every evil out there, be it the Nazis, Communists, Fascists, IRA, Libya, terrorists, Islamists, you name it. How can you be such fools, time and time again? - The Klein Family

lol irl. x<


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Circulous said:
I just posted this for a smile not as fact but i have to admit that for some ppl its hard to recognize ;)

It was Already Posted in this Thread. Then again I have to admit that for some ppl its hard to read a whole Thread. ;)



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Vindicator said:
It was Already Posted in this Thread. Then again I have to admit that for some ppl its hard to read a whole Thread. ;)


well, it is 11 pages long :p

with mostly people's opinions that others will conveniently ignore :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Dunno why so many people feel that Dubya Bush winning the election is such a bad thing.
Yes he started a war in the middle east. The war against terror. But lets face it. Given a choice to fight a war on your home soil or foreign soil what you gonna pick?
Remember the devestation of the World Trade Centres? The USA suddenly faced an enemy the simply could not get hold off.
Terrorism was suddenly the most evil form of humanity known to man. (Even though many Americans had supported terrorism. i.e Northern Ireland via NORAID.)
So the US government, in their wisdom, decieded to fight the particular terrorism they faced on foreign soil. Somewhere .... anywhere, in the middle east.
They chose Iraq.
The reason for choosing Iraq are simple.

1. The weastern world didnt like him.
2. They had bases nearby to operate from. i.e Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
3. They already knew they could win against Saddam Hussain.
4. Saddam Hussain was instigated in a plot to kill George Bush senior.

Terrorist organistions would be forced to fight IN IRAQ after the war because.

1. They could not be seen to allow an Islamic country to be overrun by decadent weastern powers or their own powerbase would turn against them.
2. There are many targets of oppertunity available in Iraq. i.e. American and Allied troops.
3. It was easy to get into Iraq after the war because of the confusion caused by the war.

The over-riding fact is that after September 11th ANY President of the United States would have taken the same actions as Dubbya Bush did. it could have been Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Kerry or Washington.
When their advisors approached them with options this was the only viable one.
Think my bottom line is that politicians are ALL the same. And in extreme circumstances they will ALL do the same.
Nixon was elected to the white house on an anti war ticket because of Vietnam.
Nixon increased troop numbers in Vietnam within the first 2 months of his presidency.
For me Kerry and Nixon seemed very similar.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Vireb said:

only person who has remotly sane in bush's old admin was colin powell he has now resigned (due to working with a bunch of fkn loonies) , imo good luck world and goodluck america , even more good luck to the next president he isgoing to have to fix A lot of shit.

You obviously are very ignorant if you think powell is sane. Please see page 5 of this thread for my rationale. He is a man of no conscience.
Much like the american ambassador to iraq John Negroponte, the man who supported, and covered up, the contra terrorists while they commited gross human rights violations (.i.e torture) who funnily enough now is overseeing the US efforts in iraq amid accusations of torture... funny that.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
The reason for choosing Iraq are simple.
3. They already knew they could win against Saddam Hussain.
4. Saddam Hussain was instigated in a plot to kill George Bush senior.
Those i agree with, but reasons 1 to 10 are Oil, Oil, Oil
Iraq had nothing to do with Sept 11

If Sadaam burned all the oil reserves in iraq there would be no war.

Afgansitan was justified with sept 1 and al qaeda, im sure Iran, North Korea, hell maybe even Pakistan will be justified with sept 11 and terrorists.

More people will die, all because war means more money for the people in charge


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2004
Rookiescot said:
1. The weastern world didnt like him.

Hmm thats not true, most liked saddam in power Especially france, they had ludicrus oil and arms deals with saddam as did the UK if I remeber rightly I personally thought saddam was right for the iraqy people he kept them in order and most where happy.

The U.S just needed another target after afgan hell anyone will do, thats what the problem is, when the americans have done with iraq do you really think they will stop there?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Ormorof said:
they are trying to ban the teaching of Darwin's Theory of Evolution in parts of america, claiming its an affront to God :eek2:

Notice parts by the way. Only places where they're doing shit like that is the Deep South and Midwest; places where the majority is so ultimately insulated and braindead that I find it hard to believe that they'll ever emerge from it. Its kinda scary.


We're getting desperate enough we're turning to Canada for governance. :D


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Dillinja said:
'spose I'd better start getting fit in preparation for WW3. He's going to piss off NK or China sooner or later, and then we are all in a world of shit.
My money is on Iran next. Israel will be the catalyst for it.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Maular said:
Hmm thats not true, most liked saddam in power Especially france, they had ludicrus oil and arms deals with saddam as did the UK if I remeber rightly I personally thought saddam was right for the iraqy people he kept them in order and most where happy.

The U.S just needed another target after afgan hell anyone will do, thats what the problem is, when the americans have done with iraq do you really think they will stop there?
Partly true, the west armed Saddam during the 7year war against Iran. If Iran had won that war it would have created a massive oil super power run by muslim fundamentalist. They viewed the west and particularly the US as anti god, 'the great satan'.

With regards to UK supplying arms, if it was done it was done illegally ;). As Iraq was on the list of banned countries for technology and equipment that could be used as weapons. The famous 'super gun' was manufactured with parts from Sweden, Germany, Switzerland and the UK. Matrix Churchill (one of the UK companies) paid a heavy price for their involvement in it.

France did not want a war due to its petrochem companies owning rights to some 15 billion dollars worth of oil fields in Iraq. Plain and simple it was about money. The deals were done with Saddam and they will die with him.

If you want an insight to what its really like there try looking at the blog sites:


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Ning said:
"HOW dumb can 59 million people be? Dumb enough to bail your sorry ***** out of two world wars. "- Donald Sprague, Urbana, Ohio

Hes got a point.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Maular said:
I personally thought saddam was right for the iraqy people he kept them in order and most where happy.

Are you taking the piss? If so you need to make it more obvious because some people might think you really meant that.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Anastasia said:
Are you taking the piss? If so you need to make it more obvious because some people might think you really meant that.
no hes right and i agree, democracy will never work in a radical muslim nation and the iraqi people donot want it , thats why there is a whole world of shit there now. you need a radical dictator to keep those people in order, its that simple. Initial reaction from iraqis was yeah great hes gone , but time has shown thats not true feeling


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
It was the "happy" bit I found a bit preposterous. Happiness is restricted pretty tightly in a dictatorship. Especially one run by a violent, murderous psycopath.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Dillinja said:
What about Hawaii?

Hawaii counts as a blue state and is thus part of (new) Canada ;)

"HOW dumb can 59 million people be? Dumb enough to bail your sorry ***** out of two world wars. "- Donald Sprague, Urbana, Ohio

Hes got a point.

No, he doesnt have a decent point. I dont really think its necessary for England, France, or anywhere else to be 'indebted' to the US now for actions more than 60 years ago.

Yes, lots of people went to war, but to say that we did it for some future payoff (aka, now) is utter bullshit. Do you think the men that died in World War II did so because they wanted us in 60 years to be able to say "Hey, we helped you out then, now do as we say"?



FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Whos more stupid. The americans for voting George bush or the millions of uk people who voted for someone who lets, mad middle eastern clerics preach hatred towards the west in the middle of london AND puts him up in a house with 30k a year in benefits.

You couldnt make it up


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Marc said:
Whos more stupid. The americans for voting George bush or the millions of uk people who voted for someone who lets, mad middle eastern clerics preach hatred towards the west in the middle of london AND puts him up in a house with 30k a year in benefits.

You couldnt make it up
its called freedom of speech , and its what the supposed americans saved us for...................................


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Vireb said:
its called freedom of speech , and its what the supposed americans saved us for...................................

You sound like one of those PC left wing people, who want to ban santa claus in shopping centres as it can be deemed offensive to non christians. Yes, there is freedom of speech, but standing on a soap box, shouting through a microphone that muslims should stand up and bomb the uk, IN THE CAPITAL OF ENGLAND, funded by the tax I PAY is crossing the line a little bit dont ya think.

Tony Blair did nothing to stop this. LOL. remind me again who eventually had the BALLS to stop it, oh thats right, those Dumb americans who had him deported to answer charges of terrorism.

God bless (dumb) America.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Marc said:
You sound like one of those PC left wing people, who want to ban santa claus in shopping centres as it can be deemed offensive to non christians. Yes, there is freedom of speech, but standing on a soap box, shouting through a microphone that muslims should stand up and bomb the uk, IN THE CAPITAL OF ENGLAND, funded by the tax I PAY is crossing the line a little bit dont ya think.

Tony Blair did nothing to stop this. LOL. remind me again who eventually had the BALLS to stop it, oh thats right, those Dumb americans who had him deported to answer charges of terrorism.

God bless (dumb) America.
no completly wrong...
I'm for freedom of speech , and if a geeza wants to walk about in a big fluffy suit who are we to stop him, and yes your example is very extreme ,but you know cant have it all. take away freedom of speech and moniter evreything , and you wont have this "problem" ,but you wont be able to say "man, i think bush is crap" ,or pfft "blair sucks on that decision he made", damn i hate these pretzels whatever. And tbh id rather he was doing it and shouting about it , it raises peoples awareness and ofc that very likely means government bodies are watching him with an eagle eye.
As for your im against santa because it offends christians.. seems your against muslim clerics because it offends you............
and yeah ok america land of the free how many people have been banged up in their concentration camp for terrorists, who are completly innocent, with no charges drawn on them ? hell all you have to do is stand in line for a bus with a known terrorist and next you find your ass in jail


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
There are laws about freedom of speech in every country. In some countries (like Iraq with Saddam in charge) your examples are pretty accurate - criticising the government was a short-term occupation at best. In other countries a bit more freedom is allowed, like here in the UK and in the USA. But in all countries there is a line that you cross, at which point what you are saying becomes unacceptable and you break the law (slander, incitement to violence, whatever).

What I object to is the outrage expressed by some people at the slightest criticism of their way of life (remember The Satanic Verses?), but who are quite happy to spout off at the first opportunity about someone else's way of life.

If you can take criticism, don't give it out.

PS The Satanic Verses was not a condemnation of Muslims or the Muslim faith. The whole controversy was created out of the title.

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
The U.S.A. made the comment (rather arrogantly) that they were: The Most Important Nation On The Planet.

That had to stick in someones ego somewhere. There's a nation of people more important than them..... THEY MUST PAY!!!!! It's all about Ego, I mean there elections were broadcast world wide for over a month, including the pre and post analysis. Does it not bother anyone that 'Friends' was knocked off the tops spot for the Election coverage?

The U.S.A. has made the world involved in it's politics, so it cannot say shit about criticism from over sea's. They want all the good press and none of the negative, and it's not going to work because we have the right to form our own opinions. If they don't like it, what are they going to do about it? I'll tell you what, same thing everyone esle does when they get shit off the 'states', take it with good humour and shut the fuck up. We've been curtious to them, now it's there turn.

Wow, that reads realy strong.... best tone it down a bit

They lost Regan, we lost Fred Dibnah were all in mourning. Let's chill ok.

So Bush is back in again, big deal. Vote Green party in a few months and we won't go to war for 3 years, problem solved. Everyone votes either Tory, Labour or (God Forbid) Lib Dems (For Boris Johnson), and we get more of the same shit to swallow for years on end. Suprise the fuck out of everyone and get the Green party in, they got no love for Bush or for war (must be all the litter left over).

"We, the american people, are going to war with India! Are the British people with us?" Bush.
"Well, no, not realy. Were too busy cleaning up all the spent shells and destroyed vehicles from Iraq." Green party.
"But why? That war was two years ago!" Dick (head) Chainey.
"We could use them to make cans, or electric car's, or trains, maybe a few planes. We could build hospital equipment, or sewage treatment facilities, or maybe (just maybe) another tank." Eddy Izzard "Recycle, the possobilities are endless."
"Who was that?" Bush. "Was that the Hot British Comedian Chick?"
"...............yeah, why not." Green party.

See how this could work?

Just a thought.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Well I have followed this post with real interest .... so many different view points :)

I think one thing stands out though. If we had all been in Iraq when Saddam was in power do you think this thread would have been the same?
Hell no.
We all take democracy for granted because we are used to it. Its our way of life. And its a good way of life.
Maybe the governments of the west have had enough with trying to persuade dictators around the world to be nice.
Maybe its time for a bit of "gunboat diplomacy".
Better to do it now than later.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
@Binky - I don't blame the USA for our media's total fucking obsession with their election. I also don't blame the USA for our media's total fucking obsession with Iraq. I blame the bottom-feeders that work in tv / radio / journalism. I am so fucking sick of hearing the same shit peddled over and over again by these halfwits.

They tell us that they are giving us what we want. How do we know that? Because they tell us its so. Self-fulfilling or what.

The media is the real enemy.

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