ST^ said:nothing on Alliance side comes close to those sexy undead girls.
ST^ said:nothing on Alliance side comes close to those sexy undead girls.
CurryKnight said:
mmmmmmmmm Necrophillia
Stekkerdoos said:Alliance. Now if we could kill all nightelf males and force the nightelf females to dance for us all day....
Horde won't live long enough to see anything and besides, they have their undead and you know what they say, dead girls don't say no *shudder*And secondly, I'll stick a few sharp daggers in you before dancing for Horde scum!! <growls>
nick said:
AhoyHoy said:Does anyone else find this slightly arrogant?
"Xone, Dosferra, Xanathaar, Dosingen, Enzeru and inS will play with warders on alliance on our server because they thought they would not get any good opponents to fight against if they played with us."
I for one will be avoiding the server that lot play on.
nick said:You haven't played DAOC have you?
NP comprise of bum bandits and turd burglars
Stekkerdoos know what they say, dead girls don't say no
nick said:You haven't played DAOC have you?
NP comprise of bum bandits and turd burglars
AhoyHoy said:Oh, I just thought they were a bunch of no-lifers who play PC games too much and think that they are the best thing since sliced bread.