


Dont think they do work photos are Tescos. ;)
+ I dont like the thought of you lot looking at a picture of her and fondling yourselves. :(


Start of thread ... be gentle. The top one is a when I just turned 15 and was my nans best man. And the one of me molesting a watermelon is in Portugal this summer. Not looking my best. *Cough*


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Don't worry I have seen worse when I look in the mirror most of the time :p


The shoes thing is definitely true, the girl at work told me she was going to take me shopping for new shoes about a week after having started. Prior to that (2 years+) no one (blokes) had said a word.

My current work shoes are pretty shite though, it has to be said... but thats by the by.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by Durzel
The shoes thing is definitely true, the girl at work told me she was going to take me shopping for new shoes about a week after having started. Prior to that (2 years+) no one (blokes) had said a word.

My current work shoes are pretty shite though, it has to be said... but thats by the by.

One other thing I don't do is trainers. Just can't see them on me unless I am at a gym, footie, running etc.

I never go out with shitty shoes, polish them when required and take good care of them.

Also, don't wear white socks. That is so pondlifish. Wear dark blue/black socks that match and are not naff and fucked. It is all about appearance.


Guess I've got some work to do then...I thought a plain shirt/jeans/trainers were fashionable. :(

If I go out wearing a buttoned shirt/trousers + black shoes wont I look a bit silly? Or is that considered mature?


Based on what you've said, I agree with DBs - you can't really be sure what you want until you've been in a relationship really, imo anyway. You probably fancy her simply because shes female, and paying attention to you.

If I were in your position I would just look at her as a friend and nothing more - as suggested before. You'll ultimately end up a lot more confident as a result and she'll no doubt open up more (as a friend) to you if she doesn't feel like you're "planting a seed", so to speak. By all means have a tommy tank over her (not literally obviously) in the bathroom if you need to, but just be there as a friend for her.

You'd be surprised how much more comfortable you'll feel when you take the courting element out of the relationship. And trust me, you'll learn much more about women from a woman - rather than porn or whatever you might read on IRC, etc.

Thing is, if what you've already said is true and that you've basically told her how shy you are, etc then if she wanted to make something of it I imagine she'd make the first move, or drop major hints. Could be wrong, but its just a hunch.


Originally posted by ~Mobius~
Guess I've got some work to do then...I thought a plain shirt/jeans/trainers were fashionable. :(

If I go out wearing a buttoned shirt/trousers + black shoes wont I look a bit silly? Or is that considered mature?

Depends where you go. You might get in fights more easily in some rough areas but simply avoid those areas. Women will look at you as a possible-mate rather than a spotty teenager.


I figured that. I purposely told her how shy and stuff I was because that way if she did like me at least she woudnt wait around expecting me to make the moves, but she would do it instead. (I know thats a really cowardly thing to do but...)
A girl has never liked me before so I am new to this stuff. I think I'll just remain a friend and try and learn from the experience...maybe in time something might happen but I dont want to spoil a great friendship.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by ~Mobius~
Guess I've got some work to do then...I thought a plain shirt/jeans/trainers were fashionable. :(

If I go out wearing a buttoned shirt/trousers + black shoes wont I look a bit silly? Or is that considered mature?

God no. You won't look silly but you dress for the place you are going.

Clubs/bars/resturant - dress smart casual, shirt, trousers, shoes.

Local shithole pub: smart jeans, tshirt, shoes.

I sometimes hit places wearing nice jeans that are not faded, holey, kneesy etc. Always wear shoes tho.

Drop trainers.


Originally posted by DBs
God no. You won't look silly but you dress for the place you are going.

Clubs/bars/resturant - dress smart casual, shirt, trousers, shoes.

Local shithole pub: smart jeans, tshirt, shoes.

I sometimes hit places wearing nice jeans that are not faded, holey, kneesy etc. Always wear shoes tho.

Drop trainers.

Trainers are only acceptable if the girl you are trying to pull is a junkie and owes you for her last fix.


I see. Damn there is so much to learn with this women thingy. :/
What sort of shoes should I get then? And what goes well with it in a casual but not to casual but not to much like I am going to court way?


Once I am 18 I'm getting my name changed too. I really hate my name..

"Billy Drinkwater" :(

Also alot of people say weightlifting is a good way to raise self esteem any there any other stuff good for making you feel better about yourself?


Go for a sorta pair of shoes like you're wearin in the pic you posted, that sorta look should go fine with smart/casual get up, ie. trousers or smart fashion jeans and a shirt


boys boys boys any more and the poor lad will never leave the house again let alone talk to a gurleh.

Mobius please do be yourself if she doesn't like the fact you play computer games its her loss. You can try and change for her but only if you want to.

On the clothes front yes for some reason we do tend to check out potential boyfriend's shoes, god knows why, but we do. If you find talking to her difficult then let her do the talking and lead the conversation.

I am tempted to say let this one pass you by and let her be your friend :) she could help you meet and talk to other girls - take you shopping, show you how to relax in female company without falling over.

As for single sex schools - they were the best years of my life. I do not see myself as being warped because of the convent experience and most of my old school friends have grown up to be considerably normal considering the only male company we had was a pervy priest who was short and liked looking down our blouses.

Oh and DBs is correct - no one is ever out of your league. If you do decide to tell her how you feel and she rejects you then tbh its her loss not yours. :)


Thats the suit I wore at a wedding..bit formal isnt it? Or is it? Enlighten me! ;)


Trainers are teh win though. Well, I suppose it depends what sort of girl/woman you are after. If you become a proper student, trainers...especially if you want alternative* women.

*Pierced/tattooed/generally strange.


Originally posted by ~Mobius~
Thats the suit I wore at a wedding..bit formal isnt it? Or is it? Enlighten me! ;)

Those shoes are the sorta thing you should be wearing, and you could quite easily wear the trousers with a decent shirt and look decent on a night out


I know it's tough, but don't be so damned hard on yourself and concentrate on some positives. Alot of guys your age have a face full of zits (hell I know I did), greasy hair, and not a chance in hell. I also notice your fingernails are well kept, and not bitten (well not when the piccy was taken ;))... try to keep that up too. Watch out for dry skin as much as greasy, and don't be afraid to use a moisturiser to take care of your hands at least, face too if needed.

I was serious in my previous advice too... sit down and tell her straight exactly how you feel. The very worst thing that can happen is she laughs at you, and if that happens you have to ask yourself 'is she worth it?'. Ultimately it will come to this at some stage, unless you feel brave enough to try the 'whisk her off her feet with a sudden passionate embrace, like Han Solo would'. May as well do it sooner rather than later, but in the right environment, like out on a date, for example.

Go for it... I wish I had done at your age.


Simple shoes would be black leather slip-ons, no laces, no fancy buckles or any shit. Plain black leather, preferably soft leather.

Something like Jimmy Bees or Frank Wrights, Hush Puppies do some nice suede shoes but that's a lot more effort to look after.

edit: dammit I forgot the daddy of shoes, get a pair of Patrick Cox and she'll love you for it :) (of course as long as they're smart)
PC's are the daddy of 'realistic' casual footwear :) after them you get into designer shit that just ain't worth it.


Originally posted by ~Mobius~
Once I am 18 I'm getting my name changed too. I really hate my name..

"Billy Drinkwater" :(

Also alot of people say weightlifting is a good way to raise self esteem any there any other stuff good for making you feel better about yourself?
Heh, my name is William Cumming, so don't think you got the short straw when they were giving out names.

And weightlifting might be a bit much. Just joining a gym and doing a mixed regime would be fine, but you are a bit young...bulking up when you are young can stunt your growth.

Try a martial art, or cycling maybe...something that gets you fit and about.


I want to tell her but I cant...I just find it difficult to talk to girls. I mean its easier with Sophie but I can never imagine actually saying to her "I really really like you" or something similiar. I know what the reply will be and I dont want to ruin the friendship. But like I said I really like this girl and this is the first time I've felt like this so I dont want to screw it up.
I have a habit of picking the skin around my hands look awful, they were tanned in that picture, though.
She goes to dance class and we was discussing how scared we get before big events. Then we just started laughing it and it felt so peaceful. I almost blurted out "I love you" then I realised, what the fuck am I doing? And went back to normal.


God I've just realised I sound like an absolute knob.


Personally I feel that at 16 I wouldnt go for the suit effect it is just way to formal. Apart from shoes and eyes hair is also important. Get it styled if you can, just out of bed look is good :)


I have my hair quite short, a bit spiked with the fringe upwards in a messy sort of way. I tried growing it + a beard but it was such high maintanence. :(

I considered a skinhead but the thug look doesnt really appeal to me either.


try going to a proper hairdresser(no not summo) and seeing what they can do for ya


Originally posted by ~Mobius~

Also alot of people say weightlifting is a good way to raise self esteem any there any other stuff good for making you feel better about yourself?

I think weight lifting is like any sport; you need a genuine interest beyond wanting to 'get big' to make any real progress with it. Certainly wouldn't do any harm though, check out your nearest gym or you can buy basic starter equipment pretty cheaply. Just don't go for the argos stuff as you'll outgrow it within a few months.

Just don't be one of these guys who trains for a few months and then starts walking around like they've got an armpit infection :)

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