


Forgot to mention that flirting with someone in an office environment will do your self-esteem and confidence no end of good. As long as its reciprocal obviously, otherwise its sexual harassment :(

I've been mucking about with a girl in the office (who admitted to me recently that she was gay, which understandably made me even more keen to flirt) and the whole dropping innuendos, sly pinches here and there and so forth is great harmless fun.

If you can get to that sort of level with her, even if it doesn't lead anywhere with her specifically, then you might find that as a direct result you become a suave, debonair man-about-town overnight!

Or something.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Advice.

Originally posted by dysfunction
He said they are going to be going out next week as sort of friends. So she is quite happy to hang out with him after work.

So my guess is she doesnt think he's a freakazoid....or she likes freakazoids
Oops missed that part. Disregard what I said there then Mobius :)


Originally posted by Durzel

I've been mucking about with a girl in the office (who admitted to me recently that she was gay.

Or something.


/me pants


Seriously here, my advice is 'dont say anything 'sexy' or 'flirtatious' Dont force it at all dude! If you do, you will come out of it sounding like a potential sex offender, ESPECIALLY if she has zero sexual feelings towards you. If you aren't a letch, don't pretend to be one.

If it feels right, then say something, but anything that is forced, is fake, and not at all nice.

Be her bitch for a while, then fuck her best friend or something. She'll want you bad then, i promise.


Women suck, don't bother. :]

Rationality is your friend. As is logic.


Originally posted by Swift^
Women suck, don't bother. :]

Rationality is your friend. As is logic.

All women or some ?

Explain, im confused !



Originally posted by Swift^
Women suck, don't bother. :]

Rationality is your friend. As is logic.
By that same rationale, Pam and her five sisters will be your friend. :)


Originally posted by Durzel
By that same rationale, Pam and her five sisters will be your friend. :)

Aye, but she's not gonna keep you up at 5am slapping you round the face screaming because she ate one too many chocolate bars that day.



Originally posted by Swift^
Women suck, don't bother. :]

Rationality is your friend. As is logic.

A subject for a different thread maybe, but Rationality and Logic, are really fucking annoying traits in people, and they hint at a desire for perfection and things, that, being human, you can never achieve. Continious dissapointment!

The most interesting people i know are those that either 1) accept their flaws 2) are completely unaware of them.


I'm a very rational person and I find that helps me accept my own flaws and other people's quite well. The only flaw I hate is the flaw of pointing out flaws. Criticising things is the most unsexy thing our lass, sorry women in general mentioning noone specific, can do.


I probably meant, over rational people, people who rely on logic TOO much, y'know. i know i do sometimes.(a lot)


I really love being her friend but I've never felt like this about a girl before, and I know you probably think its just hormones but its more than just wanting to shag her. Its like I've found a soul mate.

I literally have NEVER spoke to a girl before, and on the way home I really opened up to her and told her about my fear of speaking to people, my depression and my crap self confidence, etc. We was having proper mature discussions like I have never had before.

I really dont want to screw things up though because this is like the first real friend I have ever had. If I do ask her out in a boy/girl way she will say no, and then our friendship will be ruined.
We walk home from work together and she is always right next to me when there is the entire pavement to walk on and always rubbing up against me but I dont know if its in a flirtacious way or just in a friendly sort of way....

All my friends are just like shag her!! But they dont understand. I can't stop thinking about her, all day I just keep thinking of Sophie. :(

I think I'm being a bit silly, I really have no chance I should probably just remain friends and aim lower but I cant help thinking my life would be complete if only she knew. Of course I would rather kill myself than actually open up and tell her, theres NO WAY I can tell a girl something like that.

Thanks for the advice, keep it coming.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by ~Mobius~
I really love being her friend but I've never felt like this about a girl before, and I know you probably think its just hormones but its more than just wanting to shag her. Its like I've found a soul mate.

I literally have NEVER spoke to a girl before, and on the way home I really opened up to her and told her about my fear of speaking to people, my depression and my crap self confidence, etc. We was having proper mature discussions like I have never had before.

I really dont want to screw things up though because this is like the first real friend I have ever had. If I do ask her out in a boy/girl way she will say no, and then our friendship will be ruined.
We walk home from work together and she is always right next to me when there is the entire pavement to walk on and always rubbing up against me but I dont know if its in a flirtacious way or just in a friendly sort of way....

All my friends are just like shag her!! But they dont understand. I can't stop thinking about her, all day I just keep thinking of Sophie. :(

I think I'm being a bit silly, I really have no chance I should probably just remain friends and aim lower but I cant help thinking my life would be complete if only she knew. Of course I would rather kill myself than actually open up and tell her, theres NO WAY I can tell a girl something like that.

Thanks for the advice, keep it coming.

After reading this I think you don't really know what you are after. You are experiencing something entirely new to yourself. My advice, let it run as it is. If anything will develop it will happen naturally.

Don't read too much into contact, on the way home on Sunday morning I had a bird draped all over me stroking me and me her, nowt sexual about it, was more comforting for her I think to know she was safe (SHUTIT you lurkers!).

Enjoy women as people and not jism containers. They have a lot more to offer as friends than as a shag. Good female friends are hard to come by....


Originally posted by ~Mobius~
...and how I only have 2 T-Shirts...

I really hope this is because you are an eccentric billionaire who likes to strut around in the nude.
Otherwise, go buy some more shirts.


Originally posted by Any
I really hope this is because you are an eccentric billionaire who likes to strut around in the nude.
Otherwise, go buy some more shirts.

When I said that it sort of came out wrong...I have a few shirts, but only one or two that are worth more than a tenner. I mostly wear plain white Primark shirts - £1.50. I cant really justify spending huge amounts of money on pieces of fabric just to impress someone. Although Sophie said she isnt bothered how people dress.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by ~Mobius~
When I said that it sort of came out wrong...I have a few shirts, but only one or two that are worth more than a tenner. I mostly wear plain white Primark shirts - £1.50. I cant really justify spending huge amounts of money on pieces of fabric just to impress someone. Although Sophie said she isnt bothered how people dress.

Trust me, women love a good suited bloke. First thing they check out are the shoes. A man who takes pride in his shoes will always take pride in his appearance period. That is enough information for a woman to know that the bloke looks after himself in his appearance and grooming.

The Kingpin

My god, i really wish women would keep their hands off me, what can you do eh? :D

I went to a all boys school secondary school, unless you spent your whole life in a box, am still not sure how this can be your first girl you talked to?

Anyways, my skills of getting good pray are never to be stole!

Hard candy is all i can say


I have no fashion sense at all and I dont feel comfortable wearing lots of designer logos and stuff. I wouldnt know what sort of stuff to buy to look good anyway.


Originally posted by The Kingpin
My god, i really wish women would keep their hands off me, what can you do eh? :D

I went to a all boys school secondary school, unless you spent your whole life in a box, am still not sure how this can be your first girl you talked to?

Anyways, my skills of getting good pray are never to be stole!

Hard candy is all i can say

I didnt go out and socialize (see other thread me getting mugged) and I have zero confidence in myself so if I was walking along and saw an attractive girl I would purposely walk the other way just to make sure I didnt trip over or make a fool of myself.

Also the girls around my area are just not my type. Hooded tops, smoking, taking drugs, hanging outside shops and swearing at passers by...I much prefer a quieter girl.

I have this thing where I am unable to look into peoples eyes, and if someone I dont know speaks to me I immediatly break out in a red flush and heat up, I mean I REALLY go red if someone talks to me, anyone - even if its just to say hello.


Mobius when you are replying are you at work ??

If so make sure she aint gonna sneek up on you other wise it maybe game over before you know it :/


Originally posted by ~Mobius~
I have no fashion sense at all and I dont feel comfortable wearing lots of designer logos and stuff. I wouldnt know what sort of stuff to buy to look good anyway.

Well see how your friendship with this girl progresses amd possibly ask her for help, one thing they do excel at is shopping and can usually do a good job of tellin you what you look good in.


T-shirts are only good for around the house or in a male oriented environment anyway (pool halls, smoky shit pubs). If you're ever going out somewhere there will be some nice women then a shirt and nice shiny shoes are a must. Nothing worse than people turning out in what looks like their work gear or wearing a beaten old pair of shoes that haven't been polished in the last 4 years.

*goes to polish his shoes*

Women love nice shoes!!


No I am at home...if she ever saw this thread I would commit suicide. I might try that going out shopping idea...could work, thanks. :)

P.S - Added pictures of myself for comedy value.


Tip: Don't take what women say at face value. They are inherently dishonest when they open their mouth. They don't mean to be, they just don't know themselves well enough to know what they actually believe :)

If she says she doesn't care how people dress then that is probably only true in a certain class of people. If you want to move into the potential-mate class then I'll bet she does care. Even if she doesn't realise it she's subconciously rated your shoes already. Women judge things quickly, they love judging things and people, it's like a sport to them :) Why do you think they gossip so much ? It's so they can judge celebrities lifestyles and decide how awful these people are in comparison to their own virtuous souls :)

P.S. No offence to birds like. I love 'em...

On me ****** !!!1


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by The Kingpin
My god, i really wish women would keep their hands off me, what can you do eh? :D

I went to a all boys school secondary school, unless you spent your whole life in a box, am still not sure how this can be your first girl you talked to?

Anyways, my skills of getting good pray are never to be stole!

Hard candy is all i can say

Snap, I went to Heron Wood (as it was known back then) All boys secondary school. Bastard school went mixed a year after I left, typical.

3 days a week, group of us would trek to other side of town to Manor Park (all girls school) to chat to the laydees during lunchtime.

I actually enjoyed the time spent there. Had a cracking laugh with my schoolfriends, still in contact with many of them 18 years after leaving.


Freaky, the girl i fancy the pants of is called Sophie. The fact she's in the year above doesn't daunt me! Well, it does a bit and i've only really spoken to her once :p

Anyway, one thing i've found out is to never ever open up to a girl. Things always seem to go downhill whenever i do, and i dont even have issues :/ One thing i do normally have trouble with is recognising 'signals', but i let things run their course and see what happens. Normally i take it as a good sign if they look at me alot and laugh at what i say or smile :p


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