[NEWS] Account Centre opening tomorrow 08.30

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Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2008
contemplating going back to bed lol so if this isnt even working the servers wouldnt even be up till about 3 or 4


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 3, 2004
If you registered before on the main website like a year ago, but never got into Closed Beta, Do you have to register now for Open Beta or is that login valid?


Resident Freddy
Oct 15, 2004
Can anyone give me a history on GOA and their screwups? I don't know much about them.

in daoc a server was down for 2 weeks .... and after it got up a lot of chas were corrupted ... missing items rps money etc and of delays such as this one ..... and many others events i dont remeber :kissit:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
contemplating going back to bed lol so if this isnt even working the servers wouldnt even be up till about 3 or 4

I wouldn't get your hopes up with the servers being up at that time. They're up when they're up. :(

Ashash Saleem

Fledgling Freddie
May 14, 2004
in daoc a server was down for 2 weeks .... and after it got up a lot of chas were corrupted ... missing items rps money etc and of delays such as this one ..... and many others events i dont remeber :kissit:

How about the high level invisible mobs that spawned continuously in starter areas with a serious kill on sight attitude for about 3 weeks before GoA took their heads out of their asses and said huh wah what invisible mobs LOL


Loyal Freddie
Sep 3, 2008
If you registered before on the main website like a year ago, but never got into Closed Beta, Do you have to register now for Open Beta or is that login valid?

if u read the many many many replies here and the war site u need to create a new acoount so welcome to teh club and join us in teh waiting game :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
in daoc a server was down for 2 weeks .... and after it got up a lot of chas were corrupted ... missing items rps money etc and of delays such as this one ..... and many others events i dont remeber :kissit:

ah balls u had to bring up that... totally forgot about it, nerf i had to redo my cabas temp again and get more plats from farming -.- put our rl gg back a while coz most of us lost a lot


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 12, 2005
in daoc a server was down for 2 weeks .... and after it got up a lot of chas were corrupted ... missing items rps money etc and of delays such as this one ..... and many others events i dont remeber :kissit:

Lol i remember when that happend. I had like 5 chars that were butt ass naked....got lots of plats and shards for it though :clap:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
thats what im getting at, we are not customers (yet). it doesnt matter what is going on or who is to blame. yeh its good to rant but it kind of a bit dumb too when we dont have a clue. i suppose it passes the time.

We aren't customers yet?

Put your hand up if you bought a product from EA Mythic :kissit:

Ofc we are customers, most of us anyway. Once you buy something that is part product, part service, you expect to get what you paid for.

And yes, it's "only" been a few hours late, but if you post a specific time, lots of people will be disappointed if their promise remains unfulfilled a few hours later. Rule number one (or thereabouts anyway) in customer relations is: never make a promise to a customer that you can't keep. My 2 øre, anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2008
Can anyone give me a history on GOA and their screwups? I don't know much about them.

Put it this way they were catching so much flack from the beta testers of DAoC, they shut the forums down because they couldn't man up to the highly justified criticism.

It took them far too long to improve.

It was blatantly obvious how things were going to be at release of DAoC, but I hung in there until March 2002 (hung in there due to all my old friends and fellow beta testers on Excaliber server), basically living in hope, before finally giving up in disgust and going Stateside.

Quite a lot followed me over once I was able to reassure them about the huge difference in server performance and game playability there (obviously connecting across the Pond on dialup at the time, as you can imagine, was a bit of an unknown quantity - but it was actually far better for gaming than trying to connect to Paris).

Some of the issues later, were apparently rather epic /fail, but thankfully I wasn't around to be on the receiving end.


Resident Freddy
Oct 15, 2004
ah balls u had to bring up that... totally forgot about it, nerf i had to redo my cabas temp again and get more plats from farming -.- put our rl gg back a while coz most of us lost a lot

my chars were inactive due to vacations so when i got back they were untouched..... i just had to wait for two weeks because i couldnt play :(


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
its easy to pass critisism when we have no clue whats going on. i dont think for one minute this was intended. its test not live, you should be grateful youre on beta and treat it as such. we are not here to make critisism as we are not remotely well informed enough to do so. stop whinging like babies it will get fixed sure enough. how do you know this delay in registration wasnt part of a stress test for go-live?

GOA have always been piss poor before, a lot of people, myself included are willing to give them a second chance, hoping they have learnt from past mistakes. It was a mistake to make the home page using flash but that's not really an issue because the only time it will be used really is to pay subs (assuming you don't have auto-renew on) so its not a massive issue. The fact that they have ditched their native France is a good sign that they are willing to put a bit of effort in this time around.

At the end of the day its still beta, you can't expect everything to work straight away.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
If I had a collectors edition and wanted that early access I'd be worried about things actually working on the one day extra I get in to play..


Fledgling Freddie
May 21, 2004
In this dark hour, may our thoughts be with those who still have active accounts with failcom


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2008
I dont think there was a europe closed beta, all the stuff we saw after NDA was just stuff GOA noobs were post on the internet to make it look like there was an closed beta
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