[INFO] Account center

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Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
They said the thingy servers are down yesterday, still i was able to connect and actually play.
If you have a valid newsletter email adress, find the info how people bypassed all the errors and you might be able to play OB.



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 14, 2005


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 25, 2008
sorry 2 hours stand corrected been long 30 hours... cya at 15:00 for another round of fun


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
i fuckign love thsi new post of not beign able to do anythign till 5 gmt i mean this whole fiasco was open yesterday at 830 and if they do manage to make the registration work at 5 this afternoon that makes a grand total of 36 fuckign hours of me and alot of peopel trying to register SMOOTH AND EASY MY ARSE SIR


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2008
RECENT NEWS 13.30 CET has just been posted...
the last line reads
"Thank you for your patience."
they're just lucky i dont have PMT


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
what an uber bloody time to bring IT up right as kids get home i can see the site holding up under that stress


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
i fuckign love thsi new post of not beign able to do anythign till 5 gmt i mean this whole fiasco was open yesterday at 830 and if they do manage to make the registration work at 5 this afternoon that makes a grand total of 36 fuckign hours of me and alot of peopel trying to register SMOOTH AND EASY MY ARSE SIR

Where do you get 5 GMT from? Do you have any concept of timezones and how they work?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
Woo, new update - apparently registration will be up at 3pm UK time.

(4pm CET, I get mixed up with all these times, so please correct me if I am wrong!)

Lets just hope it doesnt break anymore. I'm not all that bothered about playing straight away, I just want to patch up for tonight - so I can sit in the server queue =)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
haha, I can't help my self laughing a litte each time I enter this thread, scroll down and see the tags in the bottom "im requiels dog.. woof "


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
Woo, new update - apparently registration will be up at 3pm UK time.

(4pm CET, I get mixed up with all these times, so please correct me if I am wrong!)

Lets just hope it doesnt break anymore. I'm not all that bothered about playing straight away, I just want to patch up for tonight - so I can sit in the server queue =)

4pm CEST before the time nazis come after you


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
Where do you get 5 GMT from? Do you have any concept of timezones and how they work?

good poitn i got mixed wwe are a hour behind arnt we so sorry goa i meant to say 33 fuckign hours not that it makes it better tha is some sort of record

Aurelius LH

Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2008
Wonder if we should get a scrolling banner on the page header with current UK time, GMT and CET on it to prevent confusion... ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 14, 2005
I can accept this. Things breakdown, it happens and even if we plan for everything we can think of, sods law dictates what can go wrong will go wrong.
I'm sure they're working their ass's off to correct the problems and get everyone online to enjoy the game. There's a lot of preasure there and I'm as dissapointed as everyone else. Been waiting for this game for quite some time now but to be fair, it's Beta. This is the time for them to work out the bugs so that when the CE and ER editions go live it's as smooth as butter :)

I too would generally accept this. It must be difficult, but(!):
"Many of you criticised the decision to bring the account pages online the same day as the beta began but this was not the cause of the problems."

Indeed this was not the cause of the problems - but it would have nipped the problems in the bud, had the account server been brought online before beta. There's no point in decorating a beautiful house if you're not going to put a door on it.

"Been waiting for this game for quite some time now but to be fair, it's Beta."

Strictly speaking, Open Beta is there to test server capacities and [possibly] catch the odd stray bug that wasn't squashed during Closed Beta.

But all this is neither here nor there. I doubt the Open Beta will be accesible as intended at least by mid to end of the week. I wouldn't mind seeing my tenner though seeing as Open Beta is what people essentially paid for.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 7, 2008
so they deside to put it up when they can stress test it again well done GOA dont they relise that 3:00 gmt is when all the kids will be home to log so we will see another crash at least they dident deside to put it up at 6gmt other wise all adults and kids would bring down the server and get a repeat of yesterday
i took a damn week from work to play this damn you goa


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
Well, Silver lining and all that, I have just finished building my Bloodthirster for my Daemon army!.:flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2008
url=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DO9VQpW6btM]Youtube-spongebob metal pants [/url]

this may relieve the stress everyone is feeling for the looooooongest 2 hours of life :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2008
lol ive got loads of vampier counts and some chaos marines or i could play DOW dark crusade and finish off last few areas with only orcs left to move onto soulstorm. but i cant be arsed


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
ive been a victim of GoAs incompetance on many occasions during my time on daoc, like so many others here.

This is different. Tell me if im wrong here plze. Money, Resorces, Staff, Promotion, Amount of Beta testing - is in the end courtesy of EA Games. They decide basically who much money they get to make this game. A deadline has been set for release, i sense a rushed atmosphere !

So, GoA get Xxxx cash from Mythic/EA. "You have done this before guys, do it again, here is a £5,000,000 budget, spend it well !" GoA do just that, sumbit to EA what they intend and bingo, here we are now. The fuckwit bigwigs at EA had indeed deemed the situation viable - they had the final say, not goa on how things were/are run.

Instead of saying, " hey heres double your budget - get the best servers and staff on the market guys ! No no no, the fucktards at EA play it safe - recent "flops" like Lotr & AoC may have made them weary of investing extra Xxx millions. Ok warhammer has a large following, but so has Lotr, and we expect WAR to be bigger than that.

I imagine the actual staff at GoA are pissed off they could not do more, but with limited resorces, must be very fustrating. Non disclosure agreements will ofc make sure no pissed off employees whistle blow...apart from the german dude, /salute.

So like so many other things in life, I blame EA GAMES.

challenge everything


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
lol ive got loads of vampier counts and some chaos marines or i could play DOW dark crusade and finish off last few areas with only orcs left to move onto soulstorm. but i cant be arsed

Managed to build a soulgrinder, Epidemius (converted to a great ubnclean one) and my bloodthirster today so far!. I still have alot more to build. (Bloodcrusher next, then BLoodletters)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
ive been a victim of GoAs incompetance on many occasions during my time on daoc, like so many others here.

This is different. Tell me if im wrong here plze. Money, Resorces, Staff, Promotion, Amount of Beta testing - is in the end courtesy of EA Games. They decide basically who much money they get to make this game. A deadline has been set for release, i sense a rushed atmosphere !

So, GoA get Xxxx cash from Mythic/EA. "You have done this before guys, do it again, here is a £5,000,000 budget, spend it well !" GoA do just that, sumbit to EA what they intend and bingo, here we are now. The fuckwit bigwigs at EA had indeed deemed the situation viable - they had the final say, not goa on how things were/are run.

Instead of saying, " hey heres double your budget - get the best servers and staff on the market guys ! No no no, the fucktards at EA play it safe - recent "flops" like Lotr & AoC may have made them weary of investing extra Xxx millions. Ok warhammer has a large following, but so has Lotr, and we expect WAR to be bigger than that.

I imagine the actual staff at GoA are pissed off they could not do more, but with limited resorces, must be very fustrating. Non disclosure agreements will ofc make sure no pissed off employees whistle blow...apart from the german dude, /salute.

So like so many other things in life, I blame EA GAMES.

challenge everything

I expect that Mythic (remember this was all agreed before EA bought them) offered a contract to run the European Side of the business. GoA won the contract and agreed that if Mythic paid them x amount or gave them x share of the revenue or what have you they would run the Euro servers. There would be certain stipulations written in to the contract that if GoA didn't fulfill certain obligations they would be liable to a fine for breach of contract.

Basically, yes it is GoA's fault and No it has nothing to do with EA.
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