[INFO] Account center

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Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
Finally - patcher authenticated me and started patching. Persistances pays off (sometimes).

Got the 414 after clicking validate - moved the window and clicked again - finally after several attempts got a small message below and no/yes buttons.
Click once and when you get the 414 (or an actual completion message) try logging in with the launcher/patcher.

3:29 .. and I said no later than 0:30 .. oh dear


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2008
lol, well.. shit has certainly hit the fan if the ceo is now talking. something tells me mythic has put their point across that they aint happy.

and now ive just been logged out at the cd key stage... screw this, im off for the night :(

:( . Yeah Mythic must have said something to Goa.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2008
omg, just when I'm about to give up and go to sleep my key just got activated! been grinding since this morning...
patching now, if all goes well I might have to call sick tomorrow


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2008
Basically mini here my exact steps

1. spam the "http://www.war-europe.com/#/myproductkey/?lang=en" page till i finally got the log in box in the middle of screen

2. Enter login/pass and hit connect

3. If does not connect straight away move error and keep spamming connect button till the error messages changes to "you are currently logged it"

4. keep refreshing page till you get it where it gives you 2 options "product key" and "logout" with the spinning cog on top.

5 Dont press anything and wait for the cog to load to take you to where you enter the key code. If it doesnt take you there and you get an error at this point repeat the steps until you get it where the spinning cog takes you to the key input page.

6. Input key and click validate. If error move box and keep clicking validate

7. Second validation, keep click yes. if error move it out of the way and keep clicking yes.

8After every time the yes click failed i tried to log into the servers even though i was technically successful so do this to make sure. If your login doesnt work keep trying on the page. Took me about 20 mins of click yes.

OK, heres what I did

I was using an old account so havent used email or registered for a new one so cant help there.

Assuming ur account is sorted and ur tryin to log in to enter ur keys:

Load: Warhammer Online : Age of Reckoning

This page is the key entry page. If youve prev logged in and saved details and you load up this page and it gets a hit from the auth servers it will do one of 2 things:

1. auto log in with ur details - It may load straight to key entry, if it logs in then keep trying product key

2.If the enter account details box is in the middle of the page you have a shot at logging in

If the account details are on the R hand side of the page, as if you had gone to war-europe.com then you missed the authenicate and cant log in so try again.

Error 414 - This is a timeout - keep trying

Error 1103 - This is a page reset. Click this one on the key entry page and your booted. If your on key entry and you get this ignore it and try to validate. If it times out its replaced with a 414 you can click away. (The key I successfully loaded came from a page where I had lots of these so they dont screw your chances)

MYWAR is unavailable - Missed the auth server, unlikely to go anywhere

Basically, keep opening war key page, login if its in the middle of the page, close if its on the right.

Keep trying, things are improving.

Once you get to key entry hit validate (Validate wont appear till a full key is entered and you tick the agree to terms box)

If you validate it you get a confirm button. Ignore validate after that, its job is done, just keep hitting confirm. try and get multiple pages up (its hard I know) and hope one of em confirms in the authenticate timewindow.

Have as many pages going as possible, most time out but you hit lucky now and then.

Good luck, hope it helps a bit

try following these instruction they got me in just a few minutes ago


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
yea I was almost there when I was at the 3rd line of the key and suddenly error 1103 ... and it exited omg ... now i must try again


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2008
yea I was almost there when I was at the 3rd line of the key and suddenly error 1103 ... and it exited omg ... now i must try again

yea ignore the errors and keep pressing validate key and afterwards the yes button.

goodluck and see you in game


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
cant get rid of 1103 at this step 3. If does not connect straight away move error and keep spamming connect button till the error messages changes to "you are currently logged it"


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
just said ive activated my key :clap: though i haven't received the mail nor can connect to the patcher yet.. hope its not just a false reading


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
only took 16 hours, cheers lol... like i said though, can't patch yet so i hope they didn't turn the stuff off before i got a chance. don't wanna bloody do this again tomorrow!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2008
OMG! I just woke up, tired as fook and they still haven't sorted it? lol

Screw this i'm going back to bed xD


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
eh :S it gave few like 3 authentification error at the patch when i tried and i wrote the login / pw correctly :S

and now my Mythic Patcher is blocked at "STARTING PRODUCT PATCH..." and nothing happens :s :lol:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
yeah same here... seems like its not working anymore :( ive been waiting about 25 mins since i got my key validated.. apparently validated anyway.
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