the register and connect buttons are now taken from the website :S Is this normal?
For GOA? - It seems anything can be conscrued as normal - look at this 'faultless' open beta...
the register and connect buttons are now taken from the website :S Is this normal?
Not bad at all, actually, chief.
I like his vocal style. Reminds me a bit of Eddie Vedder.
OMG! I really can't believe that we're all still here. My kids have come home and have gone to bed, my day of gaming a complete disaster, I tried to do the washing and guess what, my bloody washing machine broke down in sympathy. I thought I'd try this evening instead, hoping beyond all hope for salvation...I really shouldn't have bothered.
I can't even log into the war-europe website to even try and enter my CE beta key
Thanks GOA for a miserable day
- Update -
So, since I wrote this post I’ve gotten a lot of feedback on it, some of it quite critical of GOA and of my defense of them. While some of it centers around defending players’ rights to be angry some of it also centers around comments made by IanC regarding the situation. Let me be really clear on this:
1) GOA messed up, they apologized and they are working hard to do better. This is a good start but not an excuse for them. Neither their CEO nor I am defending what happened yesterday. It was an ugly day.
2) I think that the players have every right to be angry, disappointed and frustrated. I agree with them 100% but what I do notagree with is the level of threats and abuse that followed. I know why some players feel that way but my not agreeing with their reactions does not mean that I’m excusing GOA, clear?
3) I have read IanC’s post on the situation and I have just communicated to GOA my thoughts on it. I’ll simply say this, I do not agree with what he said, I do not support what he said and his comments were, in my opinion, way out of line.
is there a link to register for an account or does it matter that i cant remember what email i used for my origional accout and can use another email?
(french accent) Helllloooooo Warhammer EU for buisness! Come on! my children need whine!
You can't create new account at this time. You can only activate your beta-key if you had an sign-in BEFORE sunday... Or thats atleast how I understand it![]()
indeed ... have not spent so much time in a forum since my good old Urban Terror days (once a quke 3 mod, now standalone)Well one good thing has come out of all this crap, I've found a great WAR home here![]()
I have closed outlook. The new game is to see how long I last without opening it to check my mail again...
Folks, this is the same stance that I ask my fellow mods here at FH to follow. You can be critical but do it in a civilized way. Threats and abuse will not be tolerated. If you want to do that go make a webpage elsewhere to vent those, it is not welcome here.2) I think that the players have every right to be angry, disappointed and frustrated. I agree with them 100% but what I do not agree with is the level of threats and abuse that followed. I know why some players feel that way but my not agreeing with their reactions does not mean that I’m excusing GOA, clear?
so would it matter if i use a different email adress than what i created my account with about a year ago
Lals my game is trying to stay awake to keep on checking my email. /yawn I think i'm gonna lose!