About War Euro servers

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Fledgling Freddie
May 7, 2004
Pointless debating this. There will probably be a lot of people trying out the game in EU and if things are as bad (as most that is left here seem to think) I am sure people will find out. Move along...


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
I really don't believe there will be enough people online in euro times to make US WAR servers worthwhile (if by some miracle I'm wrong I'd consider rolling there - provided there's some way of paying that doesn't involve a credit card).

considering theres enough people online on the DAOC US servers in euro primetime to make it fun i dont see why this would be a problem?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Come on, why are they on US servers now? Mostly because they're the only english servers worth playing on atm...

Sure Requiel's actions didn't help but the euro servers where dead (to my eyes) 18 months ago.

In a way I'd be delighted to be proved wrong since bad customer service doesn't deserve our money - but I'm sure most euro people will play on euro servers!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Come on, why are they on US servers now? Mostly because they're the only english servers worth playing on atm...

Sure Requiel's actions didn't help but the euro servers where dead (to my eyes) 18 months ago.

In a way I'd be delighted to be proved wrong since bad customer service doesn't deserve our money - but I'm sure most euro people will play on euro servers!

Most will Play on Euro Servers as they have never experienced GOA

Some Will play on Euro servers as their friends do, and loyalty do their friends is Greater than their loyalty to GOA.

Some will play on Euro servers as they are willing to give GoA a second chance.

Some will play on Euro servers as Mythic/EA will not accept certain Euro payments e.g. Maestro and they will be forced to use Goa.

The last 2 weeks or WAR beta will be a good indication of how GOA will be supporting WAR in Euro, as by then there should only be minor problems...



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004

Go google WAR.
How many times do you find mention of GOA's service.

If the same online advertising exists on Mythics website for the GOA service as existed for DAOC then I can't see it going in anything other than the same direction.
Only if they sort that does it have a chance of succeeding long term. If all new players are directed via the internet to the US servers then it's going to suffer exactly the same problems.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

Go google WAR.
How many times do you find mention of GOA's service.

If the same online advertising exists on Mythics website for the GOA service as existed for DAOC then I can't see it going in anything other than the same direction.
Only if they sort that does it have a chance of succeeding long term. If all new players are directed via the internet to the US servers then it's going to suffer exactly the same problems.

Differences you fail to recognize:
  • DAOC was (and is) mostly unknown to european players, Warhammer Online on the other hand is known to most.
  • The problems in DAOC are related to a few events with massive population drop, it isn't the case.
  • Blogs, portals, etc. reach more people now, so EU players see news about Warhammer Online and they can learn easily where their european provider is.
  • You don't know what kind of contract GOA has. And since unlike Mythic, EA has an European distribution network, press contacts, they do advertise there, you don't know who will market the game.
  • There are far more people who are willing to play an MMORPG (on flatrate broadband net connection) now. So you can get far more players. In good old times the peak population on english servers were around 5000 players? Or 6000? It drops to 120. If it would drop from 60000 to 1200, you would still have sizeable population on dyvet. Not to mention: underpopulation problems would start much slower, so the population drop would be slower as well.
  • You forget about Games Workshop and the brand Warhammer.
And there are MUCH MUCH more things you should consider if you want to make an educated guess about how warhammer online will perform in Europe.

In my oppinion, starting to advertise the game now would do little good for GOA. Why? Because we can't be sure about how much it will get delayed. But we have one example we should consider: There was a case of continued delays because GW didn't like some stuff that led to a cancelled project. So far the chance of seeing Warhammer Online cancelled or stay in development for ages (like Duke Nukem Forever) is still significant enough.

We don't know how people will like the game.

We see that Blizzard can make you talk about a game for ages, and expect nothing, and sell not so good games in big numbers. We know you will stay because there is always "just one more challenge," just one more item. Fun? Not sure. One more goal and a small addiction? Almost certain, since you get success and achievements at a steady rate. For them, hype is the strongest ally.

So far we except anything and everything from warhammer online, for many reasons including the quality control from GW and others. But GW doesn't know what makes an MMORPG good, and size of an MMORPG world isn't something most warhammer players know, so they can be unhappy as well. Hype and licenced worlds often result in too big expectations. You want everything, and when you see it is less than that, you will be disappointed.

GOA has a significant advantage over Mythic here. On German and French language markets there are far less competiting products than on English language market, and they can benefit from this easily. If paid character transfer will be available on both platforms this can make a big difference.

Many people who play on Mythic servers are unhappy with changes brought by EA and we can check how their services work elsewhere.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Rhetorical question - Why did i get more lag on eu than on usa?

The Pro's of playing on USA
1) Americans are not very good at daoc, or anything else for that matter so I will have an easy ride playing the game.
2) Can understand what they're saying. My german is not very good, and i cant speak french, nor would ever want to.
3) The servers at the start wont have as big a strain as the EU (when i will play). The americans are 6 hours ahead so I wont have as bad a log in queue (anyone remember WoW and the 16000 latency?)
4) If they need to cluster, i wont end up being clustered with french people.
5) Probably a better connection than Open ShitStick
6) Patches will be easier. I know they said they will patch everyone at the same time, but the USA will have to either wait for the EU translations, or they'll release a little earlier.

1) No idea how i'll get a USA account, also no idea if they'll pre-empt everyone hating EU thus wont have a download on their site
2) No idea how to change an EU install into a USA one
3) Probably wont be able to buy it on release with regards to 1)


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
If GOA don't do a shitty flash subs site, ill play WAR Europe.

Tbh we could all still be playing Dyvet, but at the end of the day we all CHOSE to leave it, cos some people left, others followed.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
I swear when i brought my DAoC box's, they just said playable only on European servers, got to check my box :D

But changing update.dat ftw :D

i reckon there will be similar file for it with WAR.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
well if there are moving all there CSR etc over there I would assume there are going to use the DATA centres over there and im sure I have read that they will.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
well if there are moving all there CSR etc over there I would assume there are going to use the DATA centres over there and im sure I have read that they will.

Bah at no edit button :p but if im wrong then T__T cause OT is the suck...


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I'm actually going to eat all of my GOA bashing words after undying linked me a thread containing these few very reassuring lines in.

"Let me make one thing clear from the contract:

GOA's level and quality of support must equal or exceed Mythic support

If they don't do that, the deal is off. Now, does that clear things up a bit? "

posted by 1 of wars lead developers :eek:


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
well if there are moving all there CSR etc over there I would assume there are going to use the DATA centres over there and im sure I have read that they will.

The 2 things don't necessarly go hand to hand, i would be pretty amazed if they move datacenters off to ireland tbh ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
"Let me make one thing clear from the contract:

GOA's level and quality of support must equal or exceed Mythic support

If they don't do that, the deal is off. Now, does that clear things up a bit? "

Now give us the link where he says it,stuff like this is just useless if you don't have orginal to give us.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2007
They will find new blood to drain, weather they messed up on Euro servers or not:) we might hate them, but the skills from the art team will make this game great? you can't blame all for lousy Management skills? cause you no and we no DAOC was probably the best game ever made? and lets face it lots left for WOW long before DAOC Euro went down the pan, so I guess most of them will come back as they didn't experience the downfall when it all went wrong;)

Ps... Tbh, I blame WOW more for the dimise:(


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2006
Now give us the link where he says it,stuff like this is just useless if you don't have orginal to give us.

Full Thread

Also this from the same page, but further down (remember how annoying the french was on Glaston in the begining ? Probably the reason why GOA don't cluster english servers with non-english).


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Full Thread

Also this from the same page, but further down (remember how annoying the french was on Glaston in the begining ? Probably the reason why GOA don't cluster english servers with non-english).

Ta for posting thread link :) i couldnt find it in my history for some reason.

That being said in that thread atleast gives some hope for GOA after all :) we can only hope since they're under a more strict contract for it now that the service they provide is better due to faster support and such. (this is hoping btw as undying said to me on msn "only time will tell" which is true)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2006
Just lookin at the RvR keep takin bit of Hammer lol, funny they didnt mention Dark age during that podcast as its exactly the same tbh , cept maybe the graphical differences the keeps get due to your race. Tbh hammer is looking a lot better everytime i see it , even if some of it is a bit too cartoony. Dark age of cam 2 ? i hope so :D

Me gonna be orcy xD

if i can get past GoA's subscription page


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
Now cross your fingers that it doesn't mean reduced support on the Mythic-side of the ocean.

Who knows... "If teh French can do it, we can do it better!" ... in regard to lack of support.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
It's not some Lead Developer, it's Mark himself, former boss of Mythic Entertainment and now prolly some kind of EA director.

Anyway, good that he is aware that people were unhappy with GoA - but seeing how French Telecom is behind GoA I doubt that he can cancel any agreements with GoA because of maybe upcoming forums stories, lawyers would talk first.

I still think Mjb is rather the marketing guy, he should be more pragmatic. If he says "Again, I'm not saying that GOA was perfect, they weren't, Mythic wasn't perfect either. We both have learned a lot over the last 5 years and we expect to learn even more over the next two." then he admits that Mythic and GoA made mistakes and that's natural - but why isn't he going to try to fix some of them?

As it has been said by the community, clustering Dyvet further (even losing the English language on it) or char copy or moving the cluster to Mythic again would be still welcome. So far we had only Requiel say that it is technically not possible (which is frankly just bullshit) or viable (which basicly with what Mjb said compiles to "yes, we made mistakes, but we're not going to fix it, the damage is done, try Warhammer, we'll make mistakes there too (learn even more) and maybe even fix them"...

If there will no be some change in his mentalilty at some point he and EA are going to struggle with Warhammer. Soon, it will not be the only supposed WoW competitor, there are many other games scheudled that will saturate the market and as a MMOG company you will win by SERVICE.

Where is the SERVICE in saying we do mistakes and don't fix them?

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Ah, I justed noticed how hos post was from June or July 2006. So much about mistakes and fixing them in time...
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