A peaceful evening in turns into TEH TERROH AT NIGHT!11!



An early finish from work. A cold evening, with frost on the cars. A light cool breeze seems to gently push my troubles aside. I have my tea, watch a bit of telly, and retire to the front room, coals blazing away, hi-fi pounding out some of Jean Michel Jarre's finest. FHM in hand, it was going to be a lovely night for a bachelor like myself.

This was my outlook, until about 50 minutes ago. After owning a few marines on Natural Selection, I grew tired, and crept downstairs to extinguish the flames, the lights, and turn on the watchful eye of the house alarm. As I was putting the fire out with a big pan of cold water (we're not cultured up here in the North), I heard a slight commotion from outside my front window. I looked out through the blinds, and couldn't see anything. Thinking nothing of it, I carried on with my preparations for sleep.

I heard more noises. Voices. From immediately outside my window. Growing more curious, I took another look (the room lights had been off all this time), and still could see nothing. I turned the lights on, and the noises stopped. I heard what sounded like a car door slamming, and just as I looked out of the window for the last time, I saw two fucking scumbags checking out all the cars on the street.

Well, I was enraged. Furious. My masculine killer instinct stirred in my lungs, crept up the back of my throat, and expelled its rage in a silent cry of 'those fucking c**nts are DEAD'.

I ran upstairs, jumped into some pants (don't ask why I wasn't wearing them, and no its not that :)), slipped on my shoes, and legged it outside. There was no sign of them. I looked at my car, and noticed the courtesy light was on. Seeing my driver's door slightly ajar, I locked up the house, legged it around to the driver's side, jumped in, and started the engine.

Ignoring the disarray inside (discarded junk, drinks emptied in the ash tray), I then noticed that the window was iced up.


I ran back inside, locking the car as I went, retrieved the same pan that I had earlier used to such good effect on my fire, and filled it with warm tapwater. After clearing the screen, chucking said pan into the boot, and driving off at breakneck speed, I had a moment to think about what I was doing.

What would I do once I caught them?

What would they do once I caught them?

At this juncture, its probably a good idea to tell you what slowed me down, and caused me to reconsider my intentions. Looking through the rear-view mirror, I noticed the rear parcel shelf had something on it. Well, its always had a layer of felt to make it look nice, after all, a big piece of scruffy wood in a nice car doesn't quite look right. Well, now the felt wasn't attached to the shelf. At least, not in the area where somebody had attacked it with a blade.

Thats right. The dozy fuckers, having got into my car, had tried to hack their way through 1/2 an inch of wooden shelf.

Anyway, I changed my mind about trying to beat 10 tons of shite out of them, and resolved to follow them around, while speaking to the police on my phone (carphone you see, I thought of that one). I didn't find them though. Not a sniff. Not a whisper of the underworld, anywhere.

I did find that they'd been in my neighbour's car, and hammered on his door a few times to wake him up. He actually found some bits and pieces from my car, inside his! They were pretty worthless to anybody outside tv, but hey, those idiots just lost themselves the sale of a Vinten camera plate small-bolt! The fools! They also emptied my car of change, all £1.43 of it. Pity for them they completely overlooked the GPS reciever, and the 8 disc CD changer in the boot.

The police came around, took the details, were very nice about it, and are right now hunting for the little fuckers. I gave them a description (didn't see their faces really), I got a good look at their clothes though.

Anyway, to cut a long story...er....well, now I don't feel so secure in my house. I want to put net curtains up before I go to bed. I want 24-hour security and CCTV on my house.

I feel scared.

Sir Frizz

God, i wish i was there Tom. Join your quest in getting a little retribution on the shit of the UK.



ul Tom

Unfortunately thats the state of the nation these days. Will they be caught? Nope. Will they be off somewhere else trying exactly the same on some other poor soul who'll wake up to a nightmare? Most probably. Can the police do anything? Not really.

My brother had his car broken into a couple of years back for 1 CD. It was an RAF CD about the air-power of the RAF today - really boring stuff, but it had a nice picture of a jet on the front so they thought it was a PC game or something. So they smashed his window and just took this 1 CD. Worth it? Not really.

But then the majority of criminals these days, esp, the minor ones wont rip out the radio or anything like that, they're there for the quick get in, get out. So they'll take the spare change (however much there is, be it 20p or £2), and anything else that looks interesting.

Solution? Fuck this idea of rehabilitation - lock all criminals up for good. The UK could buy some island and send them all there - much like Australia. Extreme yes, would it work - it damn well would.

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by Cdr

Solution? Fuck this idea of rehabilitation - lock all criminals up for good. The UK could buy some island and send them all there - much like Australia. Extreme yes, would it work - it damn well would.

And cost the taxpayer big, big dowwah!


Originally posted by Sir Frizz
And cost the taxpayer big, big dowwah!

I'd rather see it 'wasted' on that, than some stupid Dome :)

But the fact is, judges and magistrates have this mindset that rehabilitation is the way forward - it's Labours word of the decade. So they decide not to give out custodial sentences, but rather send them to some 'group' or community service.

Criminals wont change, they never do.

Failing that, we could just burn them at the stake - maybe chop the hands off thieves etc

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by Cdr

Criminals wont change, they never do.

Failing that, we could just burn them at the stake - maybe chop the hands off thieves etc

I couldn't agree more tbh.

The fascist (that right?) in me however, would have people put to death, just for being a general twat (It's not hard to spot 'em these days, and you don't even have to get to know them).


God I'm fuming. I hope they come back. I really do.


Originally posted by Sir Frizz
I couldn't agree more tbh.

The fascist (that right?) in me however, would have people put to death, just for being a general twat (It's not hard to spot 'em these days, and you don't even have to get to know them).

That would mean putting nearly all teenagers to death :)


Erk! :eek:

Some guys once attacked my dads side mirrior (god knows why...)

So he attacked them back and hurt em a lot.. to say there was 3 too :D

Then the police came and they got a nice ride to the station ;o


on a similar note, some bastard stole my bike yesturday.
it was just parked where it normally is around the side of work, nicely hidden away.
then it was gone.


Originally posted by Cdr

Solution? Fuck this idea of rehabilitation - lock all criminals up for good. The UK could buy some island and send them all there - much like Australia. Extreme yes, would it work - it damn well would.

Originally posted by Sir Frizz
And cost the taxpayer big, big dowwah!

Yes but if we pay for an island to store all the criminals on. We will save millions on what we pay to the dole office to keep the scagheads addicted.


Originally posted by Embattle
That would mean putting nearly all teenagers to death :)

I'm sure the world could live with its self.

BTW. Quality new custom title Tom :)


They're not 'hunting for the fuckers' - they're not even looking. Sorry to tell you this, but the police simply won't care about this incident.


Originally posted by L_Plates
Yes but if we pay for an island to store all the criminals on. We will save millions on what we pay to the dole office to keep the scagheads addicted.

make it into a reality tv show and it will pay for itself :D


Watching one of the commentary tracks on Seven last night, David Fincher said about a scene that was cut out where Detective Mills gives his advice on what to do with murderers.

Cut off their thumbs.

They wouldn't be able to hold a gun then.

Not quite on topic, but I thought it was a reasonable idea.


Originally posted by Swift^
They're not 'hunting for the fuckers' - they're not even looking. Sorry to tell you this, but the police simply won't care about this incident.

This is so true.

About ten years ago I had my motorbike stolen from my back garden. I just got away from a period of unemployment lasting over a year ( it was the last recession - bear that in mind pontential tory voters) and I was just getting myself back on me feet.
Hence I had 3rd only party insurance, and didnt get a thing becuase the bike was gone for good. Did the police do anything at all ? Well yes. They gave me a crime number for my insurance. Thats it. Although as I effectively had no insurance against theft, it was no use to me.
The most nasty thing btw was thinking that someone might be outside right now, saying "yeah I had that bike out of that garden", and Id never know who it was.
Sorry to here that Tom.


This is what I was raging about in the thread where I said about my brother's car being broken into and trashed - it feels more and more like the police are there to document crime, rather than prevent/solve. When we turned up at the police station, after making us wait ages we were just directed to a phone in the corner to phone up a remote place and report the crime. The police station didn't want to know. It's little things like that that just thoroughly dishearten you. Later on though forensics did get in touch, and sooner than the vague "End of the week" the detached voice at the end of the phone had said, but they didn't bother investigating because they felt it wasn't worth their time.

I watched the Criminal Britain thing on BBC about car thefts, and they did a trial run in Oxford I think where they dusted and investigated every single car break in. The result? Car crime dropped 95%. Showing it's a combination of lots of crimes commited by prolific few, and that incentive is the lack of police response to these crimes (imo).

The worst thing about car crime is that car insurance is every bit as evil as the people that break into your car, and you tend to get robbed twice in the long term.


What exactly do you expect the police to do? I know it's a horrible feeling when you have been violated in this way but there is absolutely no way of them ever proving this crime.

You have to be realistic in this situation and say "oh well shit happens" and get on with your life. Nothing was taken and no one was hurt. The only thing slightly bruised was your misplaced feeling of safety.

I'm not supporting the police here but they are merely being realistic. There is no hope in hell of them catching the guys who did it and less chance of them proving it.

Despite CCTV footage no one could be arrested for the assault on me last june when I had my shoulder broken. Did I care? a little but I know that it could have been a lot worse.

I am sorry to hear what happened tom but tbh it really isnt all that bad.


What exactly do you expect the police to do?

Well I'd expect them to do what they're paid to do... catch the criminals.

As Damini outlined above, it's not due to lack of ability, but lack of will that the Police don't catch these people. Whether that's because of manpower restraints (or some meaningless government target) is immaterial.


But if nothing is ever done it's just free reign to continue doing these crimes, and the knock on effects are immense, not just as a financial burden for people to clean up after these crimes, but the psychological effect on a community that has to watch it's cars being smashed from a window and know nothing will be done.

As I said in the Oxford case, when these crimes were investigated the occurence rate dropped by 95%. The guys that tend to do this don't just rob one car, find a chocolate bar and some small change one day and wander home sated. They go out night after night, doing several cars a night, and once police get just one fingerprint then it's easy to track them down and put a stop to it.


Actually they (the police) did come and they did look around the area, they seemed pretty interested. I think the fact that they had a knife, and that they were out looking for other cars, made them more of a target.

lol at my new title btw

I thought I'd give you lot a proper story instead of 'omfg some twats broke into my car!' type post :)


Ok here goes ! I never make long posts so this is a first.

A few years back my wife's car ( GF at the time ) was broken into. They smashed the side window and stole a walt disney air freshener !

They took nothing else just that.

So we phoned the police and they turned up a few hours later. Typical police and there swift response i agree. Anyways they took the details and left.

In the morning we was trying to patch up the window that was smahed by the LOW LIFE CROOK. Then my wife noticed a blood spot of the car door. So she phoned the police again and told them. They asked us to bring the car in so they could get a swab. So off we went to the cop shop. They asked us to leave the car with them for a few days. so we did.

2 Days later they said we could pick up the car. They told us when we arrived that the swap gave them a match. Great we said so we will get paid for the damage. They said we would have to wait till after the court date.

A few months later we got word from the courts. They had found the person guilty of teh damage to the car and fined him according.

Her comes the twist !

He was 14 years old and had damaged another 6 cars in the same night aswell as my wifes. He was told he would have to pay every owner back for the damage at a sum of £1.50 a week :eek:

I can see his face now smiling thinking to himself, i got away with this didnt i smug grin on his face. How soft is that i bet he went straight out with his friends and did this again.

Oh and BTW we have never recieved a penny yet 2 years down the line.

Little shits !


You've probably put it behind you now, but it might be worth chasing this up. The courts tend to react badly to those who don't obey them (as opposed to those who just break the law).


There was a case recently where someone got taken to court for breaking into a car, and ended up not only not getting fined, but having his fine for *previous* car crimes reduced! The guy whose car was broken into was fuming at that. By taking the criminal to court, he'd ended up saving him money.


Might as well throw our story in...

Before we moved to where we live now (Middle of a city) we lived a little further up and in a very middle class residential area. Our car along with half the streets got wings mirrors smashed/Paint ruined and broken into at least weekly. The police? What police?

Anyway since we have moved here right bang smack in the middle of town, we have had one break into the car and next doors house (Empty till last week) broken in several times. The police when told about the first house break in sent round a full armed response unit with dogs the works.

Week later cars broken into, and the police once again are round in force helicopters scanning the park/roofs for anyone and generally going for it. We were thinking why all this effort here? Then we found out it was because one of the many business/shops round here (IE Next door) seem to be alot higher on the police's list of priority, so as soon as a crime is commited/reported near them all hell breaks loose and we have the whole bloody flying squad on top of us.

Anyway, the best form of justice for the little shits that do such things? Kick the shit out of them. :(


Well as we're depressing ourselves with this, here's another.

I can remember years ago reading about some irate victim standing up in court and shouting at the magistrates for the overly lenient fine they'd imposed on some toerag. He ended up in the clink for the day, and his fine was about three times that of the criminal... and it had to paid off there and then.


My dad had his car stolen a few years ago, we informed the police and all that, surprisingly later that night we got a call from them saying they had found it, we went along to pick it up expecting it to be wrecked but all that had done was break the door lock and the ignition, they hadn't even taken the cd player.

I'm guessing some twats just didn't feel like walking home so stole it, my dad was lucky I guess considering what they could have done to it, I'd still like to take a large bat to their heads though.


We did actually try sending all our criminals to an island once. Australia.

And look what happened! They just proceed to thrash us at all the games we invented :( :(

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