Teh Krypt

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I think I was treated unfairly with the 5 month ban where as he got off with nothing, but thats in the past now.

Well, as the ex-mod in question, I can't let this pass.

You were continually warned about reopening threads closed by a mod (me). Instead of just complying, you launched into 'thick as a plank mode' and totally missed the point of everything you were told.

My inbox was full of PMs from you (I still have them), all of them were basically childish arguments (i.e. **** spammed on my forum, so I should be allowed to spam here).

You also reported me to the other mods when I suggested you might be unintelligent (I'm still laughing about that one).

You did seem to have changed since you started posting in the general forum, but I see you are up to your old tricks of closing/opening/closing threads, and completely missing the point of whatever is said to you.

Still... you do make me laugh.


Yarrrrr! avast me mateys! i sense a wee bit of hatred from the land lubbers! ya'harrrrr!........ what?



On a more serious note...

Originally posted by Cdr
No, we'd know if it was a second account by the poor spelling, the childish way in which is was written and general overall shiteness of it...

... you go girl :D



Another post decended into the shit that is the game forums,


Originally posted by Cdr
[Anger venting post]I would like to point out that, when it comes to child porn, ignorance is not a defence.

Thats a little short sighted, if you saw a link with 'Click for big boobies!!' on it, I mean a hot blooded male would think Whay! You dont know whats behind it for sure, nobody can know. I mean who actually went and looked at goatse knowing what it was?

I didnt actually read the original thread so I may be way off the mark but I thought I would point that out ;)


oh well, I'm going to have the last laugh here....

Krypt, you're an ok guy, just learn to accept other peoples opinions, and don't think that just because you started a thread, that you somehow own it. If the regular posters let it descend into a spam fest involving wij's bottom and TDC's left nipple, then that's their choice, and you shouldn't really be too concerned about it.

Take everything here as advice, learn from it, and people will have more respect for you then you can imagine.



Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Ok. AGAIN I will tell you it ISNT just because of cdr. Oh and its not just he disagrees, its every thread/post I make, just take a look around teh forums. He harrasses me and hopefully with the new CoC explained he will stop.

Anyhow, I was told that no1 cared about my posts and ignore them so why do people want my thread reopened? :rolleyes:

Yes, I am a child I act myself, some say I act more mature then any 14/15 year old, where as others want to flame me. for being a child. Personaly im myself and couldnt care less :).

Well if mods can't manage to click on the dropdown menu (which is very hard I admit yes) They could pm me or reply to this thread saying the thread is fine. The last thing I want is to be banned for promoting p2p programs used for sharing copyrighted material...

Um, Kazza is a peer to peer sharing program. Simple fact.

Just because it can and is used for sharing illegal files is neither here nor there. I can mention Kazza all I want. There are ALSO legit files on Kazza.

Guns are illegal. I can mention guns on this forum as long as I don't say, go to this address, give the scrote 30 quid and he will give you a gun.
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