Teh Krypt

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Teh Krypt

Ok. AGAIN I will tell you it ISNT just because of cdr. Oh and its not just he disagrees, its every thread/post I make, just take a look around teh forums. He harrasses me and hopefully with the new CoC explained he will stop.

Anyhow, I was told that no1 cared about my posts and ignore them so why do people want my thread reopened? :rolleyes:

Yes, I am a child I act myself, some say I act more mature then any 14/15 year old, where as others want to flame me. for being a child. Personaly im myself and couldnt care less :).

Well if mods can't manage to click on the dropdown menu (which is very hard I admit yes) They could pm me or reply to this thread saying the thread is fine. The last thing I want is to be banned for promoting p2p programs used for sharing copyrighted material...


Ok before this turns into a flame fest i will get thise thread closed the simple way:

Krypt i disagree with you.

Teh Krypt

Your theory is flawed.

1) This isnt my thread
2) Read my above posts ;)


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
....The last thing I want is to be banned for promoting p2p programs used for sharing copyrighted material...

Bollocks. Thats not the reason you closed it, you just dont like being disagreed with.

Besides, the official line on Kazaa is that its used for the legitmate sharing of files... If you chose to distribte copywrite material then thats your choice and do so with the risk of prosicution. If you had actualy read your own thread you would know this.

Just open it ffs.

Uncle Sick(tm)

You know what a hypocrite is, Krypt? Little attention whore...


oooohh uncle sick in nastyiness... that's a Signature offence im 'fraid.


Originally posted by Flamin_Squirrel

Besides, the official line on Kazaa is that its used for the legitmate sharing of files... If you chose to distribte copywrite material then thats your choice and do so with the risk of prosicution. If you had actualy read your own thread you would know this.

Just open it ffs.

He's right you know. Kazaa can be a useful program for finding perfectly legitimate files, or freely distributable uncopyrighed material. Sure, there are better ways out there to get that material, but just cos kazaa can also be used to find dodgy stuff doesn't mean any mention of it should close a thread.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Flamin_Squirrel
Bollocks. Thats not the reason you closed it, you just dont like being disagreed with.

Besides, the official line on Kazaa is that its used for the legitmate sharing of files... If you chose to distribte copywrite material then thats your choice and do so with the risk of prosicution. If you had actualy read your own thread you would know this.

Just open it ffs.

Well I seem to be typing the same words over and over, people don't bother reading the contents of a thread or what?

Again I say, I could have closed it on page one when someone disagreed with me. But I didnt, the coc-explained wasnt released at that time.

Edit: Erm.. yes Kazaa has perfectly legal things, but the thread we are talking about is entitled "Warez"


talk about pedantic, maybe we should close all threads that have any link to web browsers, as its perfectly easy to download illegal stuff through them.


The thread was fine Krypt (which probably won't come as a revelation). You can't discuss a kazaa news article and then go OMG - YOU MENTIONED KAZAA and expect people to buy that as the reason you closed it.



The reason why you get flamed Krypt is that you sometimes you make childish posts/ threads on forums whos average age is probably in the early to mid twenties.

When you first started posting you spammed like fuck on DAOC and the only time you ventured on the General forum was usually to spam about your IRC exploits ( at least thats what I remember you for), then I believe you got banned for spamming.

Now that youve given up DAOC you seem to make in here a regular haunt, and Ill give you credit were credit is due that the spamming has stopped and that you generally try and fit in with the regs in here. I think thats good. However if you want people to take you more seriously youll have to THINK a bit more before you post. Stop making silly comments and then backtraking.

Im sorry if I thought you were 12 in the earlier thread but thats the sort of age you come across as sometimes.

Hre endth the lesson.....now go stand in the corner;)

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Damini
The thread was fine Krypt (which probably won't come as a revelation). You can't discuss a kazaa news article and then go OMG - YOU MENTIONED KAZAA and expect people to buy that as the reason you closed it.

Opening now as you say its ok. Lets face it, no1 had a clear idea of the CoC before Bigfoot and the others came up with the announcment, this was after I made the thread...


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Opening now as you say its ok. Lets face it, no1 had a clear idea of the CoC before Bigfoot and the others came up with the announcment, this was after I made the thread...

what the... isnt that what everyones already said?!

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by n3wbie
what the... isnt that what everyones already said?!


I was replying to Damini... because she wonderd why I made a topic on kazaa then closed it because it was about kazaa


Only mods should be able to open/close threads. I don't need to justify this because it's true.


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Ok. AGAIN I will tell you it ISNT just because of cdr. Oh and its not just he disagrees, its every thread/post I make, just take a look around teh forums. He harrasses me and hopefully with the new CoC explained he will stop.

Then I suggest that you change your edited first post - as it breaks the CoC.

I disagree with you and you've taken offence, that is why you closed the thread.

You closed the other threads because I posted 'Yaarr' in them - something which you had been doing at the time in other threads.

Hypocracy is a wonderful thing, isn't it?

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by GDW

The reason why you get flamed Krypt is that you sometimes you make childish posts/ threads on forums whos average age is probably in the early to mid twenties.

When you first started posting you spammed like fuck on DAOC and the only time you ventured on the General forum was usually to spam about your IRC exploits ( at least thats what I remember you for), then I believe you got banned for spamming.

Now that youve given up DAOC you seem to make in here a regular haunt, and Ill give you credit were credit is due that the spamming has stopped and that you generally try and fit in with the regs in here. I think thats good. However if you want people to take you more seriously youll have to THINK a bit more before you post. Stop making silly comments and then backtraking.

Im sorry if I thought you were 12 in the earlier thread but thats the sort of age you come across as sometimes.

Hre endth the lesson.....now go stand in the corner;)

Ok I understand, I do try to act myself, and I belive myself to be more mature online then my peers from school. I honestly can't remeber what I posted on the daoc forums, it was about 6months ago when I last posted there.
I was not banned for spamming, it involved an ex mod and what we said to one anouther. I think I was treated unfairly with the 5 month ban where as he got off with nothing, but thats in the past now.
As ive said many times over because im really ticked off about it... Cdr has been harrasing me, and I personaly think this brings out the less mature me. I'll state now to all I WON'T and HAVN'T closed threads because someone disagrees with me, if you want to carry on trying to be funny or sarcastic saying I disagree in bold and other remarks of the sort, go ahead but you prove yourself to be nothing mature then an imature 12 year old. :)
Sure you can disagree, but lets be mature about how you do it, like no name calling and such.


you dunno shit about being harrased in the general forum :p if that CoC was there when i signed up, there would probably only be about 3 people not banned.

Teh Krypt

You closed the other threads because I posted 'Yaarr' in them - something which you had been doing at the time in other threads.

Oh indeed, because you saw me posting in every thread with YAR, no I posted in the pirate ones, I was having fun with most of the others, where as you decided to invade threads which were quite a few pages long, and all those with pirate avatars had kept out of them, but you had to go ahead and start spaming them with the others. You didn't just disagree on my threads, and check some other threads, you disagree and call me a muppet, hardly JUST disagreeing, is it?


oh no he called your a muppet, because there will never be worse things in life than that :rolleyes:

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by n3wbie
you dunno shit about being harrased in the general forum :p if that CoC was there when i signed up, there would probably only be about 3 people not banned.

I agree, I remember browsing the general forums about 2 years back. I only browsed, I didn't dare post. The forums have changed a lot and due to these changes I feel I shouldnt be treated like that by another forum user, if he dislikes me, fine ignore me. If he disagrees with me, fine make a constructive, NONE FLAME, comment. Anyone who can understand text and cohurt to it should be able to stick to the new and I must say improved, forum rules..



And thats harrasment?

Posting 'yaar' in some threads?

If you take offence at that, then I suggest you stay inside for the rest of your life, because you're gonna hear a lot worse.


You're not being a twat or anything, don't listen to most the attacks here; it's evident you're just a little naive. You do come across as being more mature than most people your age, but only in the way that you put yourself across - you're not jumping into bursts of expletives telling people to go and shag their mums.

Be a little more sure of yourself and your posts. If anything is wrong with the posts, it'll be removed, edited or you will be told - otherwise presume everything you post is absolutely fine: the forums are moderated by people, and is not self moderating like it used to be so by the company taking that step, you lose a lot of responsibility on what you post, which means you're able to make the posts you want to - without holding yourself back.

PS. Stop acting a tit when people disagree with you, because you ARE doing the childish thing of behaving really meladromatically to conflict against you - people will always disagree with you. On everything. That's the way it goes, everyone has their own thoughts on something else. Stop responding to NORMAL dispute and debate (what forums are HERE FOR) in such an immature way and you'll be left alone from the older people telling you to grow up...

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by n3wbie
oh no he called your a muppet, because there will never be worse things in life than that :rolleyes:

There are other things too, ok 'muppet' is not life shattering, but because its not that bad it should be ignored? Its still breaking the conduct he and everyone else signed up to when they joined Barrysworld forums..

Now im not saying all things that break the coc should be punished in the same way, just like real crimes shouldnt, before anyone jumps the gun


Ummm what other things?

Go on, produce some of these other things?

You just got pissed off because I disagreed with you and posted 'yaarr' in your special topics. You then lock them out and throw the dummy out of the pram.



Read my post.

Stop being so bloody meladromatic and this whole thing will no longer be an issue.

Unless of course, you want it to still be an issue - in which case you're succeeding.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Swift^
You're not being a twat or anything, don't listen to most the attacks here; it's evident you're just a little naive. You do come across as being more mature than most people your age, but only in the way that you put yourself across - you're not jumping into bursts of expletives telling people to go and shag their mums.

Be a little more sure of yourself and your posts. If anything is wrong with the posts, it'll be removed, edited or you will be told - otherwise presume everything you post is absolutely fine: the forums are moderated by people, and is not self moderating like it used to be so by the company taking that step, you lose a lot of responsibility on what you post, which means you're able to make the posts you want to - without holding yourself back.

PS. Stop acting a tit when people disagree with you, because you ARE doing the childish thing of behaving really meladromatically to conflict against you - people will always disagree with you. On everything. That's the way it goes, everyone has their own thoughts on something else. Stop responding to NORMAL dispute and debate (what forums are HERE FOR) in such an immature way and you'll be left alone from the older people telling you to grow up...

I like your post, hell why shouldn't I :p.
But please please understand, I don't mind people disagreeing with me, hell im Unique, why should ANYONE agree with me? Ive come to barrysworld DISCUSSION forum, I know instantly by clicking here that people have their own views and are not going to post like sheep.

Teh Krypt


And thats harrasment?

Posting 'yaar' in some threads?

If you take offence at that, then I suggest you stay inside for the rest of your life, because you're gonna hear a lot worse."

Oh come on you know very well there was more. Anyway ive finaly found the ignore function on BW, god im sure it was next to the profile button before. Welcome my first ever ignore on a forum :rolleyes:, even after using daoc ones for a year+.





(Listen pls - I know)


if he is not closing the thread to get the last word, hes putting people on ignore to get the last word :clap:
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