There will be the obligatory whinging. Can't wait.
MoP was actually really well implemented into live servers without any hiccups (Ok, maybe one or two) so it might actually work out just fine. I sure hope so, since I made arrangements so I could play a bit tonight after they release it. I guess time will tell xD
It's not fixed. Still can't load into garrisons, and there's hundreds of people just stood at the garrison site, turning the whole zone into a lag-fest.Garrison bug was only picked up this morning, if you flew into it via flightpoint you would get stuck on the mount, as it was an "instance" it caused a whole lot of issues.
Unsure if it's fixed, logging back in soon!
defo plan on buying the expansion, had a feeling this would happen though -_- would you guys hold off for the moment?
Yeah, some people got out, some people didn't.
The servers are down now until lunchtime so hopefully they have a fix in place. Either way I find it hard to believe they didn't stress test it, if a server with a tiny population like Bloodhood/Khadgar is knackered by it then I would hate to see what its like on a busy server.
Ignoring all the people shouting about lawsuits and cancelling subs etc it is a pretty bad release. The key feature of the release is game breaking.