2 levels for 1 in 1.71


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
Hi, just got back into DAoC after six months away. I notice that in the next patch (1.71), you are given a bonus level if you do a level normally within 7 days. Does anyone know if this would count if say, you dinged just after 1.71 was implemented but that the whole level was not completed in the 7 days? Does that make any sense?

Also, I see Goa are testing it internally. Any ideas has to how long we normally have to wait for it to go live from this point? Days, weeks, months?

Thanks in advance for any help.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
bomaya said:
Hi, just got back into DAoC after six months away. I notice that in the next patch (1.71), you are given a bonus level if you do a level normally within 7 days. Does anyone know if this would count if say, you dinged just after 1.71 was implemented but that the whole level was not completed in the 7 days? Does that make any sense?

Also, I see Goa are testing it internally. Any ideas has to how long we normally have to wait for it to go live from this point? Days, weeks, months?

Thanks in advance for any help.

probably wont count until after the patch is released.. and as far as to how long we will have to wait it will probably be a few months...


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
There's an FAQ for the new 'level for a level' system here.
The short answer to your question though is 'yes but you won't get the free level for a week'.

As to the timescale for 1.71, it's not nearly as big a patch as 1.69 or 1.70 and is expected to hit live servers fairly soon. Expect more details in the next couple of Friday News, but, unless there are some really big glitches, I can't see it dragging on too long.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
well i'm a pessimisst(sp?) ;) i rather look at the dark sides and then be happily surprised if im wrong :) so im expecting this patch to have HUGE glitches and that it will take atleast 2 months for it to hit live servers hehe :D


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 13, 2004
Does this Work on the PvP server? and if so does it have to be a PvE level?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Requiel said:
There's an FAQ for the new 'level for a level' system here.
The short answer to your question though is 'yes but you won't get the free level for a week'.

As to the timescale for 1.71, it's not nearly as big a patch as 1.69 or 1.70 and is expected to hit live servers fairly soon. Expect more details in the next couple of Friday News, but, unless there are some really big glitches, I can't see it dragging on too long.

The Q&A wasnt exactly clear on this and seems to be geared towards people gaining 1 level in a 7 days period. I'm assuming it doesnt matter how many levels you gain in that 7 days you only get 1 level, but can you please confirm this ?

For example, I'm in a fixed levelling group, in 1 night we can gain as much as 5 levels, I'm assuming then 7 days after this we all get 1 free level and not 5 ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
yes if you level 6 times, when your free level is due you will only get 1 free level and a set amount of gold depending on your level


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
taken from Camelot Herald,

* Did you get a natural level in the last seven days? (Yes/no – a simple flag)

what is a natural level? and what is an un-natural level then? i take it mean natural level is exp gained from mob killing and quests? while un-natural (if you will) is by server reward such as this or by using the /level command?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
Requiel said:
The short answer to your question though is 'yes but you won't get the free level for a week'.

Thanks for your answers but can I just get this clarified.

One of my alts is currently half a bub from gaining a level. It's a character I find quite hard to level. If I left him alone until 1.71, gained the extra half bub - would that qualify for the 'free' level?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
bomaya - yes.

Once the servers patch to 1.71 after you login it starts the clock ticking.

If you ding before the 7 days are up, at the end of 7 days (or rather 168 hours to be exact) you'll get a popup that gives you the entire amount of xp for your current level if you speak to a trainer.

If you don't ding before the 7 days are up, but ding say on the 9th day then the moment you ding you get the popup.

Once you claim your reward the 7 day timer starts again.

Note that it's a fixed amount of xp - if you get the popup at level 10 but decide to finish levelling and get to level 11 - you won't get to level 12 from the freebie. You'll get the amount of xp to get from 10->11 which will probably put you about 11.8.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I understand the free lvl ability stops at lvl 47. Say you level to 47 I assume you wouldn't qualify for the free lvl to 48. However, if you level to 46 and do not use the free level can you use at say level 49, obviously you'd only get partial xp but can it still be used?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Kicks said:
I understand the free lvl ability stops at lvl 47. Say you level to 47 I assume you wouldn't qualify for the free lvl to 48. However, if you level to 46 and do not use the free level can you use at say level 49, obviously you'd only get partial xp but can it still be used?

I don't know, but there are so many 48+ Quests in SI and Atlantis that are fast and give good XP that I'd personally rather get to 48 and then quest the rest !



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
your free level counter starts from the time you log in after the patch.

its not exactly set at 7 days but works with the population imbalances, say if alb had the highest population on the server and hibs and mids had low populations the albs would get a free level every 7 days where as the other 2 realms would get a free level at say 5 day intervels. (these will vary depending on population balance)

you start getting your free level from level 5+ pending you have leveled at least once in the given time limit for your perticular realm.

you gain free levels upto level 48 so if you dinged to 47 you'd get 48 free, but if you dinged to 48 you wouldnt get 49 free.

you get a full levels worth of XP rather than the rest of the level, so if you had 5 bulbs than take a free level you'll prolly end up with 4.5 bulbs on the next level.

at the moment the free levels are mandotary, so you can't refuse them. As soon as the days needed have passed you get a popup on your screen saying you are entitled to a free level and once you click your trainer you level automaticaly. (this timer is down to the second and you can expect your free level to be exactly the same time you logged into 1.71 patch)

hope this info helps


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
sorry didnt fully help. If I ding lvl 47 I get the free xp to ding to lvl 48 is that still usuable at lvl 49? Admittedly is wont ding 50 instant but it would cover a few bubs but is it still usable or is the facility removed after 48 and its lost?

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