1.81c aka Tank love


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Raven said:
wrong, if you build to solo, a heavy tank is a lot of fun and can be very effective

ye ye but my Tank isn't built to solo. And i was talking about MY Tank and not your Tank. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
i like this patch notes to but i dont think armsmens got more spot in groups with this stuffs

sorc theurg 2 cleric friar paladin merc armsmen maybe , but 2 merc still better i think.

well lets see the next notes to


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Steveh said:
i like this patch notes to but i dont think armsmens got more spot in groups with this stuffs

sorc theurg 2 cleric friar paladin merc armsmen maybe , but 2 merc still better i think.

well lets see the next notes to

I'd rather have a Det5 Armsman bodyguard than a Paladin tbh.
As Paladins are normaly Bodyguarding, there end chant doesn't always reach the mercs anyway(most i know carry end pots for when this happens :p).

face it, your gunna rock :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Steveh said:
i like this patch notes to but i dont think armsmens got more spot in groups with this stuffs

sorc theurg 2 cleric friar paladin merc armsmen maybe , but 2 merc still better i think.

well lets see the next notes to

2xcleric, sorc, theurg, mincer, 2x merc, 1 arms.

mid tank grp:

2x healer, 1xshaman, 1xzerker, 1xsavage, 1xwarrior, 1xskald + 1 convoker caster (or add a 3rd healer and have shaman be convoker)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
It's nice to see that Mythic have taken note that heavy tanks are a weak class and they need some love. However, it's very Midgard friendly (as has been said numerous times in this thread) because they normally run with Warriors anyway.

The main thing that concerns me is the group abs buff, and the insta cast AE demezz. I think they are way too strong. A SELF insta demezz with no need for purge would have been much better in my opinion, especially as heavy tanks don't get charge.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Raven said:
wrong, if you build to solo, a heavy tank is a lot of fun and can be very effective

If you have a full 25% buff bonus buffbott maybe, but not all of will line GoA's pockets by paying for another account


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Pera said:
Hmm not so sure about the 15% magic resists. So your average tank will be running at 50-60% Magic resists on a given night of RvR. Considering they are getting 10% hp increase which is about (200-300) more HPs and casters can only get up to 30% melee resists, its a little bit over the top...

Let's see now... My nukes on average hit about 460-510 (Depending on relics) to a target that has 26% magic resists. Add that to 15% more from the patch and 10% from the CL, plus racials and resist buffs = 50+ more resists. So my nukes (229 delve) will hit a heavy tank for about 338 (-338)

A Heavy tank has anywhere between 2500-3000k hps. So it would take me anywhere between 7-10 DDs to kill a tank whereas in return they can 2-3 shot me. Something seems not right here...

LOL????? That is exactly how it should be.


Fledgling Freddie
May 10, 2004
Well if you want a good solo class but dont have a buff bot then a vamp is the only class thats going to be any good for you. Thats a bigger issue than heavy tank balance.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Adoctor said:
- Level 35 Spell/Ability - Climbing Spikes: Self castable buff which lasts for 30 seconds that grants Climb Walls. The player will have the ability to climb walls for a short duration of time. While climbing a wall, any hit that does more than 31 damage will knock the player off the wall. Furthermore, any hit which knocks the player off the wall will hit for double damage. If the buff runs out while the player is on the wall and he/she does not reach an area where they can walk again, they will be knocked off the wall. Re-useable every 60 seconds. (Note: Currently this spell does not have an icon which makes it unable to be used. This will be addressed in a future version of Pendragon.)

hahaha :D

can imagne it at a keep siege, every warrior in the bg goes up on the wall, grappling the caster or healer/whatever on the wall, while the casters outside kicks their arse (or arms/hero for that matter) :D

(funny..i rolled a warrior a few weeks ago..maybe i should use him for more then a farmbot) :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Now that my warrior blockbot is almost 50, this is f*cking cool !!! \o/


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Bubble said:
I'd rather have a Det5 Armsman bodyguard than a Paladin tbh.
As Paladins are normaly Bodyguarding, there end chant doesn't always reach the mercs anyway(most i know carry end pots for when this happens :p).

face it, your gunna rock :p


Think its time to roll and Armsman and delete the other alb tank that hits like an arthritic gerbil. With stackable pots is there now any need for a Pally at all?


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Basic_X said:
hahaha :D

can imagne it at a keep siege, every warrior in the bg goes up on the wall, grappling the caster or healer/whatever on the wall, while the casters outside kicks their arse (or arms/hero for that matter) :D

(funny..i rolled a warrior a few weeks ago..maybe i should use him for more then a farmbot) :)

Can you imagine all the archers/npc archers/casters on walls and towers that will make it kind of hard. 1 quickshot arrow will cause him to fall with a fair amount of damage. Can't see it being used that much tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Steveh said:
i like this patch notes to but i dont think armsmens got more spot in groups with this stuffs

Not sure about that tbh. Depends on exactly how things go live but if you look at the cumulative effect of all the changes, which bring some nice stuff to groups as well as making the armsman bg much harder to kill, then atleast compared to paladins it makes the class look very attractive. Primary reason for paladin in group is end chant. Now with barrels available for end pots (you're never going to run out in an evening and easy to use) then the extra stuff these changes bring to armsmen look very nice for groups.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Hawkwind said:
Can you imagine all the archers/npc archers/casters on walls and towers that will make it kind of hard. 1 quickshot arrow will cause him to fall with a fair amount of damage. Can't see it being used that much tbh.

maybe, if the keep is defended, but if they are quick (before defenders get there) it would be fun ;P


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
I think it are some good changes to get heavy tanks back in a good position for groups again. the 10% hp was needed very badly because heavy tanks lost their advantage of having higher hp table, due to the TOA bonusses. As for defence people would rather go for resists instead of a shield (friar or warden).

About the 15% resists benefit, remember that heavy tanks have a harder time making a good template due to having to switch weapons constantly (all proper heavy tanks are 2h). Besides that the 15% resists shouldnt be a real problem for enemies, because if you are playing the right way a heavy tank is supposed to be the last man standing of a group. Its due to their lost HP table advantage that casters can just blast them away like any other (light)tanks atm. Just go for support/ casters or make use of letting tanks go out of range just like its done now already. I dont think its gonna make that much difference, except for the fact heavy tanks will stay longer on their feet (as they are suppose to), in a situation where the enemy tries to kill the heavy tank first.

Also the fact that stunning (slam) light tanks is immediately punished with tendrils made the heavy tank less popular as well. The 250 radius CC break shout doesnt work like purge, in other words when the heavy tank is mezzed he cant use it. The light tank groupmembers will have det5 so the ability might be usefull sometimes on fellow support class or casters, then they have to walk up to that target (hurray when you are bg'ing somone) and if the cc isnt already broken by other spells (and in alot of cases that happens) then it might be usefull.

Im not saying im not happy with all these changes, in contrary. I think this might the positive change heavy tanks needed. Its just that things have to be seen in perspective. (note: the changes as stated in the patch notes are not definitive and final, and are still submissive by changes)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Twinky said:
Weehoo :) time to make myself a template :)

Addict! :twak:

*cough* this didnt sound.. tempting.. at all... bah, who am I kidding :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Why why why

ive got an armsman and i didnt want this at all. More silly added things to make rvr even more silly than it is already. I would of loved to seen rvr been made more fun not easier, yes i know there will be more added stuff and alot of nerfs ( i hope) but come on stop adding more shite to the game.

Spike climb: i would of liked to see anyone wearing plate armour climb onto a horse let alone a frigging wall. Take this away, just add ladders with plate climbing the slowest and cloth the fastest. (just an idea)

All armsman needed is simple spell resists, more hp and a 2h weapon fix with maybe a group chant/cry of somekind not several.

Bring back the good old days... just nerf casting speed/damage have equal mezz chars and equal tankage, no OP classes at all so random groups can still have fun. This patch will make mid tank groups really OP.

Please please please make rvr fun again.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Say you have got 30% in most of ya magic resists... that then could possibly be: 30% =Normal resists with ToA and SC items,
15%='New' Passive resists from new patch,
All in all, you could have 73% magic resists :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Blizard said:
Say you have got 30% in most of ya magic resists... that then could possibly be: 30% =Normal resists with ToA and SC items,
15%='New' Passive resists from new patch,
All in all, you could have 73% magic resists :clap:

depends whether its primary or secondary resist. in either case aom isnt calculated like that so wouldnt be 73%


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 11, 2004
Blizard said:
Say you have got 30% in most of ya magic resists... that then could possibly be: 30% =Normal resists with ToA and SC items,
15%='New' Passive resists from new patch,
All in all, you could have 73% magic resists :clap:

holy shit.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Fefner said:
Spike climb: i would of liked to see anyone wearing plate armour climb onto a horse let alone a frigging wall.

Plate armour is not as difficult to move in, not as encumbering, as you imagine. However, I do agree the whole wall climbing spikes thing is a tad unfeasable. These are knights in armour FFS, not ninjas.;)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Blizard said:
Say you have got 30% in most of ya magic resists... that then could possibly be: 30% =Normal resists with ToA and SC items,
15%='New' Passive resists from new patch,
All in all, you could have 73% magic resists :clap:

Lets say a heavy tank has 26% resist to a given magic type.

Then they gain 15% passive resist with new patch => 26%+15%=41% primary resist

In addition, this lucky tank has AoM 5, which gives him 28% secondary resist.

If a caster shoots this tank for 100 dmg

=> (41%*100dmg)/100%= 41dmg taken away.

100dmg-41dmg=59dmg remaining.

The heavy tank has 28% secondary resist

=> (28%*59dmg)/100%= 16.5 damage taken away from the remaining dmg

59dmg-16.5dmg=42.5 dmg remaining after secondary resists

Which also tells us that 41% base resists + AoM5 would give us: 100-42.5= 57.5% resist.

If the tank is grouped and has resist buffs to this damage type, he would have a total resist of (if my facts is right):

=> 26% base resist + 24%(?) resist buff + 15% "passive heavy tank resist" =65% primary resist

(65*100dmg)/100%= 65dmg taken away

Which leaves 100dmg-65dmg=35 dmg

Then AoM5 which still gives 28% secondary resist:

(28%*35dmg)/100%=9.8dmg taken away

35dmg-9.8dmg=25.2dmg left after primary and secondary resists

Which tells us that a Warror/Armsman/Hero with 26% resist from gear, 24% resist from resistsbuffs, 15% passive resist and AoM5 would have a total of 100-25.2= 74.8% resist to a given dmg type. That is leaving racial resists out, which would give them a bit more.

Summary: Well-equipped heavy tanks will have 57.5% resist to magic dmg w/AoM5 and w/o resist buffs. And with resist buffs in addition, they will have 74.8% resist to magic dmg.

Which is kind of evul =)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Chimaira said:
Lol nerf. that aoe cure grp CC is over the top tbh =P and +15% magic resists :S

its only damage reduction tho. u wont get a better chance of a full resist, just 15% less damage taken from dd's and such...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Ctuchik said:
its only damage reduction tho. u wont get a better chance of a full resist, just 15% less damage taken from dd's and such...

Who said anything about better chance of full resist? and have fun nuking as a sorc on a Hero with +15% more resists red warden ressists and a BAOD3 los abuser xD


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
If the new 15% passive magic dmg resist is second tier, then, with resist buffs:

AoM5(28%)+15% passive magic dmg resist= 43% secondary resist

You got 50% primary resist w/resist buffs. If someone dealt 100 dmg to you, you take 50 dmg away and get the following:

=> (43%*50dmg)/100%= 21.5 dmg taken away

That leaves 50dmg-21.5dmg= 28.5 dmg
Which also means that is if the new passive resist is in second tier, you will have a total magic dmg resist of (with resist buffs) 100-28.5= 71.5%


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
Vilje said:
If the new 15% passive magic dmg resist is second tier, then, with resist buffs:

AoM5(28%)+15% passive magic dmg resist= 43% secondary resist

You got 50% primary resist w/resist buffs. If someone dealt 100 dmg to you, you take 50 dmg away and get the following:

=> (43%*50dmg)/100%= 21.5 dmg taken away

That leaves 50dmg-21.5dmg= 28.5 dmg
Which also means that is if the new passive resist is in second tier, you will have a total magic dmg resist of (with resist buffs) 100-28.5= 71.5%

Lets be honest, no heavy tank will ever spec AoM 5. And yes casters will have a harder time getting heavy tanks down, thats exactly the point :) .
Heavy tanks will still go easily down when the rest of his group lays dead on the ground. And yes for casters without brains it might take awhile to find out that they shouldnt target heavy tanks first anymore ...or as said before pull him out of range like its done alot these days...

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