your first char, and your first day in daoc


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Thanks for your kind words, brad. I had a lot of fun with SoN and I do miss the old guild. I've not experienced that kind of friendliness in a guild since. It's funny how you don't realise how special it is until it's gone. Ahh well, time passes, you move on.

The old players may be gone, the old times may be gone. But as long as we keep it in our hearts it will still be alive. Myself am keeping the name alive by playing activly in the guild, aswell as trying to take an active part in the alliance dealings. :)

By the way, think you could send me a copy of your little black book of nostaliga bud? ;)

I wonder if I'll end up playing Mythic's next effort: Warhammer. It has a lot of nice features which improve upon DAoC and WoW, so it's quite tempting.

you bloody well should be! Guess what guild we'll make :D


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
By the way, think you could send me a copy of your little black book of nostaliga bud? ;)

It's gone, mate. I binned it a while back. I don't really regret it, but it was nice to see all those people and their alts... OH how I remember the nightmare of trying to keep on top of all the alts... :D I do have a tonne of old screenshots, though. Maybe I'll upload some more if I hook up me old hard drive. That might take a while.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
how was your first day in DAoC?
I spawned in campa forest, fortunately a friend from TFC (Half-Life 1 mod) had been playing for a while, came to meet me and gave me some cash. I played for about 2 hours but hated it, can't quite remember why though.
who was your first character?
Duryn, my crush polearm specced armsman!
was it hard to lvl?
I solo'd until about level 6 but from that point I never found it too hard to get groups. I joined a guild called <THE TYRANTS> who were a good bunch but I didn't get to level with them much, fortunately I became good friends with an infil, Alien, from <The Ministry> and after having leveled with him for a few days decided to move there. After that we formed guild groups nearly every day for weeks and had a really great time leveling.
tell everyone about your noob days.
Fortunately I dragged 2 RL mates into DAoC with me so I wasn't a noob alone. One day a friend and I went exploring and some how stumbled into Llyn Barfog. This place wasnt even on the original map included with the game, was such a laugh. Didn't understand friendly mobs and aggro etc so was quite scared that the Afanc was gonna come eat us!
first time in rvr?
The first time in rvr was probably around level 41, I decided to go into forest sauvage to have a look. A 50 SB was out there stalking people and I managed to stumble upon him, fortunately before he could own me an infil poped and I helped add kill him! I was such a noob :f.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Here's some of my noob pics :f


First Day!


In Llyn Barfog as a noob.


My first group



[FwF]Mirage ftw!
Lol whose that? :p


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Its excel , if you remember me , been nearly 5 years since i played tfc :)


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Lute: How long will 3 bubs take....5hours?
Ardoc: Maybe 4

rofl! Oh the good old school leveling :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
I had and still have serious problems with game addiction. I started playing MUD's and MUSH's way back in the early 1990's (yeah old git) and was seriously addicted to them, nearly getting thrown outta university etc. Curbed my addiction by not buying another PC.

Fast forward to 2002 and 2 mates were telling me about this uber game they were playing. I was needless to say very reluctant to play (plus i didnt have a PC at the time either) but they kept nagging, so eventually i succummed. Needless to say they buggered off 8 months l8r and i'm still here (bastards!!!).

I rolled a Firby Blademaster and levelled him to 14, my mates and others told me the class was crap (and it was at the time) and nobody played it. One of my mates was an officer in the biggest guild on Prydwen at the time called The Sylvan Blades and i joined them for a while. We then formed our own guild and I rolled a Warden........... ooohhh joy.

Remeber late nite RvR runs with Maeloch, Happlo and Sweeft those were mad times. One of my earliest RvR memory was me solo getting ganked by 4 albs at albion mile gate and along came BFR and kicked all their asses, man how i laughed. Joined NFD in 2003 and the rest is history........

"Who has the fins4 list?"

Trying to curb my addiction again /sigh...................


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
first character was my druid cromcruaich - he still has 10 in str and will never see the skill point respec. /cry

First thing I remember is looking over maeloch shoulder seeing him kill wind ghouls (i say kill, most of it seemed to involve him running away) when he was over for a visit - we should of been drinking instead :(


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
One of my first encounters in RvR was at around L36 on my pala, when I lead my first (and successfull) keeptake, taking DC in emain! Remember I spent an hour or so pm'ing every single guild and alliance to join my CG for the take :p And I remember I dinged RR2 from rezzing Zordo and Zareena over and over (they were mighty L42 or something!). As every time enemies came, I would freak out and run hide somewhere, and they'd die.

Other than that I was a strong roleplayer in kotrt with Arthuir, Bobdiggler (and his infamous long "secret" routes through the frontiers, spending 2 hours+ to get to beno from CS!). Also remember how proud I was of my epic armour once I got that, so I refused to change it. (Though at sidi-raids etc everybody pointed fingers and laughed at me for wearing such a noob armour :(:()

Was fun times :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
first character was my druid cromcruaich - he still has 10 in str and will never see the skill point respec. /cry

First thing I remember is looking over maeloch shoulder seeing him kill wind ghouls (i say kill, most of it seemed to involve him running away) when he was over for a visit - we should of been drinking instead :(

The Pro's now drink & play at the same time Crom ;).

First character was Genedril - ranger. He has a massive 10 points in charisma (I thought it would be important for a ranger as I had dragged up some D&D memories & seemed to think that it'd help in a RPG).

It took 46 days played to get to 50 as no one would group with rangers. We also had to kill trees, lots of trees, millions of the things; as they were the only thing that was slash weak 99% of the time & the only type of top of the range arrow was slash (footed flight boardhead iirc??). Occasionly I grouped with a sword & board spec'd hero, but it was mainly solo.

My first day involved a lot of wandering around (this was a theme that was to continue a lot as a ranger). Didn't kill a lot really & died a fair bit. It took me a long time to work out about the con of armour & weapons & that quality does matter. The wandering thing lasted for ever actually on the ranger as arrows cost so damn much I could never afford horses & I actually used to sit & work out what the average loot drop was from a mob & how many arrows I could afford to fire if mob X dropped (z) amount of cash.

Can't remember precisely the first time I went RvR - I know I was rr5 on my ranger before I hit 50, but back in those days realm ranks gave no RA's so it was all a moot point anyway. All you got from RvR was a title & that was enough. The thrill of just stepping out of DL used to get my pulse racing as I tried to stealth around looking for people to kill. There were comedy moments in RvR too such as stealthing across all of the Midguard frontier. It took so long stealthed that once I feel asleep & came too running against a zone wall, funny thing was that the 2 rangers & a shade I was showing the way were still following me & there were all sort of questions in my chat box when I came to. "Are we there yet?", "Is he looking for a short cut?", "do you think he's lost & looking for a map?". I had to come clean & admit I was pissed (again) & I'd fallen asleep, they'd been stuck to me in that spot for 40 minutes apparently..... Anyway we weren't too far from Svas & found some xp'ers & people came out to bravely defend them so it wasn't all wasted in the end ;).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Its excel , if you remember me , been nearly 5 years since i played tfc :)

Course I remember you, [H8] wasn't it? They've kinda reformed for the new Fortress Forever mod released for Half Life 2.

Can't believe you're still playing DAoC, although I've just started again on the naughty servers!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
And ofc, being such a heavy roleplayer. Guess who spent all his pts in piety at making! Paladin, The Defender Of The Church Of Albion. And a few leftovers in charisma ofc, so people would like me better and I'd be invited to groups etc!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
how was your first day in DAoC?
Played back when game was in beta, made a paladin specced abit in everything went out and solo exped, good times

who was your first character?
beta paladin! else it was theurg on excal when game hit live, but didnt buy it till around patch 1.60

was it hard to lvl?
took me 4 weeks to hit 50 on first char, didnt see much of the sun that month :p

tell everyone about your noob days.
i decided theurg was such a bad class pre-toa, rerolled wizard, much better and cooler looking nukes. Or so i thought at the time.

first time in rvr?
Dont know if it counts since i never actually met any enemys!
Paladin in beta, ran all the way from avalon marsh to castle sauvage, didnt know you could rebind, so i used ages figuring out how to port from sauvage pad. Got to emain finally, went out with my 2h/slash/thrust/parry paladin at lvl 9 or so, got instagibbed by a cliff beetle or some other mob just outside apk. released and back in avalon marsh, didnt feel like playing daoc anymore just then :p


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
. met a guy called jon after a while:p the warrior that specced 30 30 30 30 30 in everything, the first 50 on mid. he was a god...

wasn't the first 50 on mid a runemaster in White Rose(s)? fairly certain it was a runemaster anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
My first char was in beta a dumb zerker with an idiotic name from some random eddings book, when it whent live i become a random stupid hunter named from a donaldson book but then i came to my sences and made the best tower licker to have faced this earth.....evah.......


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
First day, rolled a Zerker, then /quit for 3 months, didn't know wtf i was doing and couldn't get my head around the game as I had never played mmorpgs before. Tryed again and spent most of the day alone as with mid excal, no one talks to you unless you speak to them :p

Heh, remember trying to get to SI from Vasudheim, thinking about how I did that the first time was priceless comedy lol!!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
My first char was infie tazoki, was ubernoob..actually made a sport about dying as much as possible..needless to say it took ages for him to reach 50. In the meantime I lvled a sorc tazock to 50. The sorc was pretty good in rvr and had great fun on excalibur.

I have very fond memories of the guild Defectu virium elite and when it disbanded semper fidelis.
If anyone has screenshot from defectu virium elite(prefferable with me on it) pm me, really want to have some back..cause me HD crashed several years ago.

I'm now on Uthgard free shard, playing classic It was ment to be!

/Salute old excalibur
Tazock, sorcerer
Tazoki , infiltrator
Tazomi, cabalist


Part of the furniture
Jul 14, 2007
I never heard of DAoC before or infact I never really played any online games at all until my brother told me about this game. Anyway my first character was my Thane called 'Mynameisbob Bollox' I only chose a Thane because my brother made a Thane and I was pretty much a noob at Online games, example: short term codes like afk, brb - wtf was that all about. After making our Thanes we went off travelling near Mularn and saw some Mobs... omg... omg... lets kill these :) after killing like 20 of these we realised our XP wasn't going up and then decided to read the manual lol :) I finally got to level 35 Thane /flex and I went to Spindal to kill a few things but couldn't kill an orange!!! so I deleted and then made my Warrior - Ucallme Wotulike (Strong Handsome sexy warrior). As I'm abit of a roleplayer I decided that he would be a 'Sex King' and therefor stop what ever he was doing just to chat with female norses, even if I were in mid combat in a group PvE I would just stop and go chat to this fit norse :p

I never really played any other characters back then only my Warrior and the first time I went RvR was with Blejsarus. I was level 44 at the time when I went to emain and I got 73k RP for my first RvR trip.

Like all of us we have sooo many stories to say about our experience with DAoC - good times and bad times.

So much to say with this but now im rabbiting on :(


Can't get enough of FH
May 18, 2006
My first char was infie tazoki, was ubernoob..actually made a sport about dying as much as possible..needless to say it took ages for him to reach 50. In the meantime I lvled a sorc tazock to 50. The sorc was pretty good in rvr and had great fun on excalibur.

I have very fond memories of the guild Defectu virium elite and when it disbanded semper fidelis.
If anyone has screenshot from defectu virium elite(prefferable with me on it) pm me, really want to have some back..cause me HD crashed several years ago.

I'm now on Uthgard free shard, playing classic It was ment to be!

/Salute old excalibur
Tazock, sorcerer
Tazoki , infiltrator
Tazomi, cabalist

Same prob here tazz :( My hd crashed also lost all screens from DVE :( i had such uber screens from day 1 where we were killing spiders xD

Maddam Mim

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 13, 2004
Fantastic thread!

I first heard of daoc when i was living at a dorm, and a couple of us computer geeks, decided it would be awsome to play together in one of these mmo games.
Soemone mentioned daoc and we gave it a try.
My first day in Daoc, was on mid/pryd. Think i made a norse thane. I deleted her, when i kept being owned by a worm! a god damn worm! "stupid norse, stupid game!" i thought hehe.
My friends gave up pretty quick and i then decided midgard wasn't for me, ill try albion instead.

Made me an armsman named Galoryn. I lvl'ed around prydwen keep and kept running into that evil evil Mulgrut Maggot! God i hated him!
I loved my armsman, he was awsome even in his grey con red armor hehe.

My first guild was called "Blackspawn" and it died within a few days.
2nd guild was "preatorian guards", nice guild with some friendly ppl in it. I think it still exists today.

I think my armsman reached his 30ties befor i deleted him, cant remember why. I then made a pally named Marmon and a cleric named Maddam. I joined the best guild ever, "The Dragon Senate"! Such great ppl got their daoc wings in that fantastic guild lead by Boss and Shree. Best gm's ever imo.

I made so many friends in this game, wish we could all play together again. Draggo, Arimaith, Thermal, Ironfalcon, Charli, Manisch, Sick and many many others

Cant remember my rvr debut, only remember OF as lots of fun.<sigh> i miss prydwen :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Well, Rikard played on prydwen afaik. White Rose is excal afaik.

they were on prydwen to. or a guild with the same name anyway.

was my very first guild in this game :) stayed for about a year and then moved on to Klan Nidstang up until about a year and a half ago when the guild died :(

/edit: oh right, my first toon..

was a Dwarf Runemaster called Keid with white beard and that ewul eye patch :)

ran around as a 3 spec up until about lvl 35 when i finally gave up, deleted and made my shaman.

wich to this day is still my only toon i managed to get to 50 :(


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Not really 1rst day but my 1rst days :)

My 1rst days...jeezz so long ago i can hardly remember :eek:
I guess it was almost 5 years now, made an eldritch on excalibur and made to lvl 15 or something then a RL friend of mine draged me to alb where i created a wiz, a avalonian pally!! and a merc called dragonknight not knowing it was even a rr lol
Wiz was my main i guess, leveled much in pugs in the earlyer levels and joined several guilds in the process, firstly Elysium wich breaked up few days later, Knights of the round table, Order of the knights templar ( roleplay ftw ), The Dragon Senate ( rox guild :) ), then Guardians of power, Black Circle, Knights of the throne, Dark Aurora and CM :phew:
My 1rst appearance was a call to arms on excal keep were some dirty dogs mids were trying to take our precious :D.... good old times with a lvl 42 ice wiz pbaoeing inside excalibur keep ahah


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
MY first character was Erulin, an Rogue. I made her on Percival (RP) day 3 of US release. I had no idea what the heck I was doing or what the heck was going on, it was great fun though.

After gaining a few levels I decided to play an inf and put all my points into stealth and venom. I went this way upto level 35 and I kept wondering why grey mobs kept killing me.

It took me 2 weeks of real time to get out of Camp Forest as I really wanted to visit this mythical place called Camelot. First thing that happened when I finaly made it to Sal's Plains was getting one shotted by a Giant.

2.0 spec and evade 3... those were the days :p

Erulin The Bloody

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