Your daily terrorist bullshit.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The silly twat has no idea what it would take to "regulate" the internet and how little effect it would have. And she's been touching herself over the snooper's charter for years, it's not like its a kneejerk reaction (although she might try to use current sentiment to push it through faster).
That is hardly the issue, the fact that they will use terrorism to police the internet...and when I say Police, how about website filtering, registering with the authorities to visit certain sites, making VPN or TOR a criminal offence...popups saying the government is watching you, like in China.
Shit would get real then.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
As I have said, radiation danger is grossly over estimated, like the Chernobyl disaster reaction, London would be evacuated, everyone would leave.
So don't say I know jack shit, when you seem to know jack shit about public reaction, the security services acknowledge, panic would be the killer.

Right, so 8.6 million people would be evacuated.

Where to? Presumably there's a Daily Express link that can give us this detailed information. Or maybe Nigel Farage knows. Or Britain First?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Most of them would you know of anyone with kids who would hang around while the government is telling everyone about taping up their doors, walking around with gieger counters and giving wind direction updates.
Terrorists have detonated a dirty bomb...but its OK we expect the radiation to dissipate quickly and all you need to do is stay indoo...
Cars 12 wide on the M25...road blocks setup by civilians to stop radioactive Londoners escaping.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Right, so 8.6 million people would be evacuated.

Where to? Presumably there's a Daily Express link that can give us this detailed information. Or maybe Nigel Farage knows. Or Britain First?

This wiki pretty well.covers the consequences.
Dirty bomb - Wikipedia


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
This wiki pretty well.covers the consequences.
Dirty bomb - Wikipedia

indeed. it says, among other things it touches on the psychological effect of a RDD, which is I suppose the point you are trying to make. it mentions how hard it is to make an effective RDD, which is something we've already covered. it also mentions something I hadn't considered, which is that since a suicide bomber is willing to blow him or herself up anyway, they might also be willing to endure acute radiation sickness in order to deliver a bomb to a target. this is, imo, another psychological issue but I think it's not really applicable: a sufficiently powerful bomb will kill someone holding it more or less instantly. sure, that person knows in advance of their demise, but said demise is instant.

in the case of volunteering to become irradiated, while delivering a RDD for example, well, that's certainly not instant. in fact, the carrier will have the thing long enough to become completely fucked by the exposure as this can happen within a day. if not, the thing simply isn't radioactive enough to be effective and the rule of simplicity takes over: it's just too much hassle to expend the effort to acquire, make and deliver an ineffective RDD, not to mention costly, when for the same expenditure you could pipe-bomb hundreds of concerts and terrorize many more people over a longer period of time. your average bomb carrier may be brainwashed to the point of idiocy but his masterminds certainly are not stupid. they'll want the maximum return on their investments.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Brandenberg Gate last night.



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
indeed. it says, among other things it touches on the psychological effect of a RDD, which is I suppose the point you are trying to make. it mentions how hard it is to make an effective RDD, which is something we've already covered. it also mentions something I hadn't considered, which is that since a suicide bomber is willing to blow him or herself up anyway, they might also be willing to endure acute radiation sickness in order to deliver a bomb to a target. this is, imo, another psychological issue but I think it's not really applicable: a sufficiently powerful bomb will kill someone holding it more or less instantly. sure, that person knows in advance of their demise, but said demise is instant.

in the case of volunteering to become irradiated, while delivering a RDD for example, well, that's certainly not instant. in fact, the carrier will have the thing long enough to become completely fucked by the exposure as this can happen within a day. if not, the thing simply isn't radioactive enough to be effective and the rule of simplicity takes over: it's just too much hassle to expend the effort to acquire, make and deliver an ineffective RDD, not to mention costly, when for the same expenditure you could pipe-bomb hundreds of concerts and terrorize many more people over a longer period of time. your average bomb carrier may be brainwashed to the point of idiocy but his masterminds certainly are not stupid. they'll want the maximum return on their investments.
There is a whole extra level of public fear from doesnt have to be that big...any detectable level will do of the most striking comments from that article is the prediction that tourism would never recover.
One dirty bomb could make London a wasteland.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Its hardly helping muslims report each other when they do fuck all about it...of course the problem is the army of lawyers that pop up to squirm anyone arrested out of are better off monitoring them as best as you can.
Thats how you end up with anti terror laws...our own due process hss its problems...and when those problems are terrorists free to roam the streets, something has to give.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Job, in this instance is sort of correct. It would not be the fallout from a dirty bomb that would cause damage, it would be the panic afterwards and the resulting fear. It also wouldn't take a huge amount to construct one, nor would it be overly harmful to transport one.

However, if they were to be used then it would unlikely be here because of the amount of planning, expense and expertise involved to get one here without alerting intelligence.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Unfurling Isis flags in the park..trying to radicalise do you have to do to get deported.
The masterminds behind this shit must think we are so weak we deserve to die.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Actually they're desparate and scared of us because they can see we have a way of life that makes adherence to a religion - any religion - increasingly irrelevant.

They attack us because our way of life is more attractive to humans than Islam. because our very existence, even if we don't do anything but live our own lives peacefully, weakens their grip and converts their followers.

On it's own - the action of entrenching equality in our law and freeing our women to control their own destinies and being relaxed about our sexual activities blows conservative Islam (and Christian) minds - but is a way of life more attractive than theirs.

Our relaxed unworried freedom, our live and let live attitude, our freedom of speech in the face of atrocities is what gives us strength and puts fear into ISIS.

Sure, we have cowards, like you, who, in the face of these attacks want to ruin our way of life, make our rule of law and tolerant attitudes more draconian and less tolerant.

But as long as we don't ever bow to these cunts we'll win.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Most of them would you know of anyone with kids who would hang around while the government is telling everyone about taping up their doors, walking around with gieger counters and giving wind direction updates.
Terrorists have detonated a dirty bomb...but its OK we expect the radiation to dissipate quickly and all you need to do is stay indoo...
Cars 12 wide on the M25...road blocks setup by civilians to stop radioactive Londoners escaping.

Right, so most of 8.6 million people would leave. Where would they go? Come on, answer the fucking question.

> road blocks setup by civilians to stop radioactive Londoners escaping.

You really are the most exceptionally stupid person on this forum.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I think 'were would they go' is the problem..not they wouldn't because they can't find a room.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
And so yet again you don't answer the question. You and your EDL chums are worse than any terrorists.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
TBH I think this is where we differ Joblar. You see, I have faith in my countries supporting services to keep me safe.

If I'm told to stay indoors because it's dangerous out, and to close all doors and windows, by, ooh I dunno, the police perhaps, then it's going to take a hell of a lot to override that. For example, grabbing my banana plant and making a run for my car strikes me as really stupid.

Recently an incident happened in my city where a deranged fuckwit tried to take a bunch of people hostage. Don't worry, while the fellow was light brown he wasn't a raygun. People were told to stay the hell away and to stay indoors. Anyway, this was 600 meters from my house, and actually in the street where my tame lezza friend lives. She was scared, with the street full of heavily armed police and all, but she didn't decide to gtfo because that would have been really stupid.

I mean, don't you find it even borderline odd to think that going outside and exposing yourself and perhaps your loved ones to who knows what danger is a good idea? Are you certain you're more clued in on what to do than your countries services?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
For real, if Saudi gave a shit they'd stop funding foreign Wahabist preachers. They're prob the number 1 reason we get these attacks in the first place.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
We give stuff to Saudi Arabia, they give money to terrorists. Bargain.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
BAE, Carlyle Group, Qinetic all make monies for our pensions tho.

Money vs 0.0001% chance of getting bombed.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The look of confusion when you ask a racist where they would like to send people born in the UK "back to"


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
The look of confusion when you ask a racist where they would like to send people born in the UK "back to"


Really having to bite my tongue when I hear racists at work say this, it translates to "you're brown, we don't want brown people here".


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
If ISIS did a make a dirty bomb, can almost guarantee someone (maybe putin?) would drop a nuke on ISIS strongholds in Syria, so they'd do what exactly? kill a few thousand people if they did it properly? the result would be they'd lose a huge chunk of their forces, equipment and oil fields basically crippling their hold over Syria and likely putting themselves in a position where Turkish forces, Afghan forces and various other forces could just mop them up with little to no effort.

It'd be a pretty stupid move really is what I'm saying.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
We give stuff to Saudi Arabia, they give money to terrorists. Bargain.

Strictly speaking we sell it, but you are correct, we have a lot of dealings with Saudi. If we were to stop those, do we think it would stop the attacks?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Very much doubt it.
Doesn't matter tho does it. If it's wrong, it's wrong. Moral leadership counts.

Unless people think we should live in a moral vaccum where anything goes...


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Strictly speaking we sell it, but you are correct, we have a lot of dealings with Saudi. If we were to stop those, do we think it would stop the attacks?

Not anymore because the Saudis lost control of the situation a long time ago; the Wahhabist imams in Pakistan and elsewhere have been denouncing the House of Saud for years; Bin Laden denounced the Saudi royals and he damn near was one.

Having said that we shouldn't trade with Saudi on general principles

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