Xanxicar - Sickened, tbh


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
saitoh said:

For Saitoh

I love the way you touch me
so soft and sensuously.
It makes me tingle all over.

I love the way you kiss me.
It starts a fire deep down inside of me
and makes me yearn for you even more.

I love the way you look at me.
It makes me feel beautiful and treasured.
Most of all I love the way you love me.

When you walk in my whole day gets better.
And even when you're not with me
you're in my thoughts always.

It doesn't matter what we don't have or what we do have.
The most important thing is we have each other
and no one can take that away.

I am the luckiest lethul in the world
and I don't need or want anything
but you beside me loving me to the end of our days.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
morch means ass in danish, morch + loch = asshole, tihihihih


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Morchaoron said:
isnt ass æsel ? ;o

rofl ;< but i didn't even know morch ment ass in danish (and after all, i am danish ;<)

æsel is donkey tho ;/

On Topic:

you cant justify your actions by braging about what you have done in the past, and it was lame done to sell when the rules were like that. Those who let the raid, and all who anticipaited (sp?:<) got screwed by loch and he lost a great deal of the respect he might have had. (also, cedrik smells HAHA <3)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Hah. 1) Loot rules like that are hopeless, they WILL be broken somehow anyway,
2) I can see why *some* think avatars are nice to have in the house, but when you bought it and didn't even come on the raid, whats the point.. it's like buying setian ears and say you killed em ;)
3) It's gonna be interesting to see if you treat Loch the same you treated me, tho it's unlikely.. I'm an asshole, Loch's a bitch, but she has tits (I think), so I guess who gets the cuddle and who gets the kick you sad fuckers, keep thinking you eventually get in her pants ^^


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Maleg said:
Hey guys, gotta look on the plus side. At least you all remembered to pick up the loot this time.
Hibernia 1 - 0 Albion
:cheers: :drink:


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
Sko - i think ure funny .2 dont piss albs off there nice gimps :< 3. abuse me fgs !


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Darklis said:
Well, how can I express how pissed off I am.

Xeanor and I just ran one of the first successful Xanxi raids I can ever remember. ONE loot rule. Just ONE.

Please don't sell the remains.

Well, Loch. I hope you enjoy your 50 plat, you lost all my respect, tbh.

(currently contemplating quitting running any public raids in future).
Might aswell quit DAoC if it struck you THAT hard.

There'll always be arses in a game that'll ignore rules and just do what they want.

Yes it's disrespectfull, yes it's lame, but, here comes the but, 50% of the folks on that raid would've neglected the rule, and sold it anyway. Maybe not so openly as it happened here, but it would've happened sooner or later.

Hell, you would even believe if they said they've donated it to someone, just to keep the sale quiet.

What's worse then; not knowing it was sold but having suspicions till the next raid (when everyone seems to magically forget about it), or knowing it did happen so you won't have to manhunt.

Xanxicar trophy is possibly the most rare AND expensive USELESS item (piece of junk you hang on the wall, doesn't even look slightly terrifiying) on Albion, if someone offers you a commoner 50p for that, I'm sure they'll think twice before saying no.

Ignoring/neglecting rules is not nice, and I don't think it's right what Loch's done, but in the end, if you replace Loch with a common player, I don't think many others things COULD have happened due to it being the most rare trophy, etc etc. Collectors item.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
:fluffle: Pvedrik

And Lamont, I'm so surprised! You managed to make a post that didn't cover 3 full scrollbars on my leet 19 inch monitor!



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 8, 2004
And Lamont, I'm so surprised! You managed to make a post that didn't cover 3 full scrollbars on my leet 19 inch monitor!

It's late, I'm tired...

/send me and I'll rant and rave for hours about nothing in particular if you want.. I got loads of stuff I want to go :twak: to.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 8, 2004
The first ever ml4.2 raid was helped organised by myself, aswell as 6.10, 7.10, ml8, 9.10 but not ml10. Also helped with organising many sidi raids, leading quite a few of them. 3 successful relic raids, a few dragon raids, and few low key pve raids. Now why don't you go back and ask your clerics for some base af because "it gives 100 more af and helps me block more" mr rolelaying paladin.

Oh dear.... this'll be what they call a 'pacman' defence then is it? You can try to turn this whole thread around as much as you want, but the bottom line is a lot of folk feel you've let them down.

Deal with that before you come away with your incredibly original 'roleplay' lines. :clap: Well done! Think Steve Martin in Roxanne... 'is that the best you can come up with? 'mr roleplay paladin'??

Why not try instead...

1. Did y00z just get pownzd, or didst thou forget how thy blocking works?

2. Nice emote, shame about the face!

3. /random 1000 for the remains? Nooo, lets all use my D1000 instead!

4. /em tells you that your a roleplaying geek with no clue how the numbers work, and thus obviously a loser.

or my personal favourite...

5. Does your girlfriend roleplay 'female'?

Just a few suggestions there for you to help you on your way... :kissit:


Dec 26, 2003
like plats mean anything? xD

could have easily gotten 100p+ for it. well on exc they are that crazy.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Loch won something on rolls ? :eek6: :eek6: Whats the world comming to.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
Xeanor said:
Ah, a PE that actually posts something that makes sense, just because he doesn't care about scoring points.

The rest, go with the flow m8s, or your friends might hit you! x<

No offence man but i realy find it more egoistic, selfish, flaunting to make all this troble just to have a unique item that does nothing else except to show it of. You have to axcept that some ppl dont care about you dads new Ferrari, live with it.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
I'm ok to go home to Cedrik instead of Loch to stare in wonder at the two heads above the fireplace. As long as the house has a decent bar.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Just wondering since I wasn`t there and stuff..why did you do it loch? you must have known this would happen surely? Lots of people had quite a bit of respect for you other than the l33t irc people I mean. Why sink so low?

Oh and sko I think it was a couple of pages back loch is a guy :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
My tuppeny's worth since in bored crafting atm...

If you cant abide by whatever rules are set by the raid leader dont come - no matter what the rules are. Dont care if they say only those in pink armour can come - if you dont have pink armour dont come!

And darklis just do what i do with my DV/Aerus Farm raid groups, have a little list of those who break the loot rules/steal items/whatever. They dont come on anything i do again, ever. Solves the problem :twak:

And cheer you up fluffy little thing ;)

PS Edit time - grats on the successful raid - very rare.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
If the raid was organised on the basis of not selling the remains then what Loch did was completely shit. Not quite on a par with the ninja looting sko performed but getting there. However I don't see the "no selling" part mentioned in the organisation thread that was posted here. Perhaps in future it would be wise to have any special rules spelled out up front so that people have no excuse? I happen to think Loch is lying in this case and probably did very well know what the situation was but couldn't resist the easy cash. However, you left yourselves open to that happening by not being clear from the start.

Loch said:
The first ever ml4.2 raid was helped organised by myself

As far as I am aware Delket, Yussef and Blaen actually organised that (and most of the other ones you claim credit for). You can read the original thread here if you want. Search for more threads posted by Delket for the whole 4.2 saga until the raid finally worked. You may very well have been in the group with them rushing through the master levels early on (Yussef, Delket, Blaen, Deadlock, Sami etc.) but they were the ones who organised it all.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I lead the 2nd 4.2 (3rd including 1st failed crash zone one) a week after delks as I LDed on his :<

I didnt see the /bg text for this raid, and as Revz said there doesnt seem to be a clear mention of loot rules in raid thread.

Nothing much can be done about it anyway, unfortunatly. I dont really think it is fair to blame cedrik though.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
This thread seems to have calmed somewhat so I'll leave it open for sensible discussion... that said, certain individuals are a gnat's cock away from getting a ban for pointless spamming and my mod stick has a strange mystical glow to it... be warned! :touch:

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