Xanxicar - Sickened, tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Loch said:
No-one "needs" a remains, your point?

Sorry, I tried to make my reply simple, but I guess it wasn't simple enough.

My point is that you have been a complete twit. I may have used the wrong vowel in one of those words.

No one 'needs' the Remains, I agree. That quote was to illustrate the attitude that people seem to prefer in these situations- don't /random for everything so you can sell it, but allow other people who may actually want it to roll. A short way of saying this is 'Need before greed'- hope that gets through to you. Its like a 'figure of speech', not to be taken literally. Ask your teacher- but I suspect you are past school age, so just try to remember what you were taught.

To summarise for you as it seems its not quite getting through:

We went on a raid for a monster that has been killed once or twice before on this server.

Most, possibly all, Guilds on the raid would have liked the Remains for their house. Most individuals would too.

There was a very simple point made by the Raid Leader on /bg that the Remains were not to be sold. Rusty spoons and sensitive parts of the body were mentioned.

Joy. We managed to kill the nasty monster.

Joy, we can roll for the Remains. Why? Not because anyone 'needs' them, but as a very nice show that we were part of the effort to kill the monster and actually get the remains.

Doh, you win them and sell them to someone who wasn't there and doesn't give a **** as to why we are annoyed.

I'm off to bed, and look forward to your next comment/ excuse/ flame or just irrelevant comment.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
Loch 50 p is good tbh 400 p even better but your now the biggest gimp mofo in albion how do u feel ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Smellysox said:
Loch 50 p is good tbh 400 p even better but your now the biggest gimp mofo in albion how do u feel ?
...rich? :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys, gotta look on the plus side. At least you all remembered to pick up the loot this time.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tractartus said:
Sorry, I tried to make my reply simple, but I guess it wasn't simple enough.

My point is that you have been a complete twit. I may have used the wrong vowel in one of those words.

No one 'needs' the Remains, I agree. That quote was to illustrate the attitude that people seem to prefer in these situations- don't /random for everything so you can sell it, but allow other people who may actually want it to roll. A short way of saying this is 'Need before greed'- hope that gets through to you. Its like a 'figure of speech', not to be taken literally. Ask your teacher- but I suspect you are past school age, so just try to remember what you were taught.

To summarise for you as it seems its not quite getting through:

We went on a raid for a monster that has been killed once or twice before on this server.

Most, possibly all, Guilds on the raid would have liked the Remains for their house. Most individuals would too.

There was a very simple point made by the Raid Leader on /bg that the Remains were not to be sold. Rusty spoons and sensitive parts of the body were mentioned.

Joy. We managed to kill the nasty monster.

Joy, we can roll for the Remains. Why? Not because anyone 'needs' them, but as a very nice show that we were part of the effort to kill the monster and actually get the remains.

Doh, you win them and sell them to someone who wasn't there and doesn't give a **** as to why we are annoyed.

I'm off to bed, and look forward to your next comment/ excuse/ flame or just irrelevant comment.
Good, me too \o/ So you, in your infinite wisdom, would've prefered to put the remains up in a closed cottage, where no one could see them? Or maybe you would've liked the remains only to be lotto'd amongst people with a house.. what would be the point of rolling without a house hm? Basically I've already explained my actions to kochanski, the rest of this is purely because I'm bored and can't sleep. Do I feel like a twit? not really, I'll stand by my actions even if people do think they were wrong.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Alright. Seems many people are upset at me, and even people that normally thinks I'm a nice guy.

I'll try to explain a few things:

I log in to game after a nice outing with some friends in town.
I see Xan remains for sale on /as.
NO clue there was Xan raid tonight, NO clue it was my guildmaster Xeanor and my friend Darklis that lead it.

I had the money, bought it.

2 seconds later. I get 41 PM's (I counted them) of hatred. This is what pissed me off in the first place. I wondered what I did wrong. I have a short fuse, I apoligised for this many times, and can do again.

I like Loch. Bubble naming her and Sko in the same post made me upset. I apologise for calling Bubble a retard, was a bit too far.

I still stand for my opinion that not all information needs to be shared tho, Darklis, not needed to 'inform Albion' always when people do something bad.
But you're free to have another opinion.

However, If Phoenix Legion wants this remains in their guild house, i'll let go of it, take the loss of the 50p, and be happy about it. Let me know in game if this is your wish.

Apart from this, Im sorry for my short fuse.

Kind regards,



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Meaning of Loch -

an electuary, or any medicine which may be licked or sucked

says it all really


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
CedrikWayfarer said:
Alright. Seems many people are upset at me, and even people that normally thinks I'm a nice guy.

I'll try to explain a few things:

I log in to game after a nice outing with some friends in town.
I see Xan remains for sale on /as.
NO clue there was Xan raid tonight, NO clue it was my guildmaster Xeanor and my friend Darklis that lead it.

I had the money, bought it.

2 seconds later. I get 41 PM's (I counted them) of hatred. This is what pissed me off in the first place. I wondered what I did wrong. I have a short fuse, I apoligised for this many times, and can do again.

I like Loch. Bubble naming her and Sko in the same post made me upset. I apologise for calling Bubble a retard, was a bit too far.

I still stand for my opinion that not all information needs to be shared tho, Darklis, not needed to 'inform Albion' always when people do something bad.
But you're free to have another opinion.

However, If Phoenix Legion wants this remains in their guild house, i'll let go of it, take the loss of the 50p, and be happy about it. Let me know in game if this is your wish.

Apart from this, Im sorry for my short fuse.

Kind regards,

Just to clarify this, I was actually saying 'yay, I won them' not selling them on /as ^^


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Smellysox said:
Loch 50 p is good tbh 400 p even better but your now the biggest gimp mofo in albion how do u feel ?

no i still think you're the biggest mofo smellycox


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Maleg said:
Hey guys, gotta look on the plus side. At least you all remembered to pick up the loot this time.


That only happened once :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
This whole thread is a lie.

[01:15:58] <Groborthir> Let's farm Xanxicar, Roga, I hear the remains are worth good money :D

[01:16:19] <Loch> i would never sell the remains of such a worthy foe

Clear proof.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 8, 2004
Many thanks to the 2 people who organised this raid.

I'm sure there are many of us who if we ever take part in any kind of raid organised by Lochly will of course not respect in any way any rules or requests she makes beforehand.

Ohh, hold on, does Lochly 'help' organise raids? :touch:

To be honest, the rights or wrongs of selling the remains could be argued forever. However, the slap in the face Lochly has given to those who prepared and put effort into helping us ALL (including Lochly) have a very fun evening is pretty grim.

In this game there are those you can trust to do 'the right thing' and those you can't. Argue the 'letter of the law' all you want, but you didn't do 'the right thing' and you know it.

And don't blame Roga for anything more than his mouth (soap and a toothbrush for YOU m'lad) He didn't and couldn't know the raid rules, so hardly his fault.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
[01:42] <lethul> copy me!
[01:42] <carp> copy me!
[01:42] <lethul> hoho
[01:42] <carp> hoho
[01:42] <lethul> are you smart?
[01:42] <carp> are you smart?
[01:42] <lethul> slow
[01:42] <carp> slow
[01:42] <lethul> /quit
[01:42] * carp has quit IRC (Signed off)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Yes, you didn't have fun killing the dragon did you? Everyones enjoyment was on the 1 item lotto. Shows where your priorities lie.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Lethul said:
[01:42] <lethul> copy me!
[01:42] <carp> copy me!
[01:42] <lethul> hoho
[01:42] <carp> hoho
[01:42] <lethul> are you smart?
[01:42] <carp> are you smart?
[01:42] <lethul> slow
[01:42] <carp> slow
[01:42] <lethul> /quit
[01:42] * carp has quit IRC (Signed off)

owned carp


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Lethul said:
[01:42] <lethul> copy me!
[01:42] <carp> copy me!
[01:42] <lethul> hoho
[01:42] <carp> hoho
[01:42] <lethul> are you smart?
[01:42] <carp> are you smart?
[01:42] <lethul> slow
[01:42] <carp> slow
[01:42] <lethul> /quit
[01:42] * carp has quit IRC (Signed off)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
hahaha its actually true the thing about carp there, owned xD


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
someone find me some bargain lemmings, running out of the things on irc :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Lamont said:
Many thanks to the 2 people who organised this raid.

I'm sure there are many of us who if we ever take part in any kind of raid organised by Lochly will of course not respect in any way any rules or requests she makes beforehand.

Ohh, hold on, does Lochly 'help' organise raids? :touch:

To be honest, the rights or wrongs of selling the remains could be argued forever. However, the slap in the face Lochly has given to those who prepared and put effort into helping us ALL (including Lochly) have a very fun evening is pretty grim.

In this game there are those you can trust to do 'the right thing' and those you can't. Argue the 'letter of the law' all you want, but you didn't do 'the right thing' and you know it.

And don't blame Roga for anything more than his mouth (soap and a toothbrush for YOU m'lad) He didn't and couldn't know the raid rules, so hardly his fault.
The first ever ml4.2 raid was helped organised by myself, aswell as 6.10, 7.10, ml8, 9.10 but not ml10. Also helped with organising many sidi raids, leading quite a few of them. 3 successful relic raids, a few dragon raids, and few low key pve raids. Now why don't you go back and ask your clerics for some base af because "it gives 100 more af and helps me block more" mr rolelaying paladin.

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