


I just read this frankie....
ok, heres all the things wrong with what you have just said

1. have you ever played a piece of decent trance, and looked at a piece of complicated synth hardware and figured out what would of gone in to make that piece of trance ? If you had, then you would realise it takes a lot more work and effort to do that, than make up a guitar solo with a whole 5 chords.

2. Still doesnt get away from the fact that you came into a clubber thread, that were not talking about what music is bad etc, you just came in and said outright that its crap, which is immature, and im guessing ya a 12 yr old kid, who likes to think he's big, whilst trying on his mums stockings ?

and haven't laughed so hard at a forum post. Ever. I've fiddled about with 3k's worth of synths and keyboards - a mate from work pisses about making minimalist stuff - and no, it doesn't take a lot of effort to make a reasonably decent sounding trance song. A crap chord progression, a generic beat and some shit vocal is all you need. We did it in all of about 2 hours purely for a laugh, and I assure you it wouldn't have sounded out of place on Radio 1 at 6pm on a Saturday night.

I play lead guitar in a semi-functional band, and we're pretty crap really. I promise you, hand on heart, that it is a hell of a lot harder to come up with a solo, a decent sounding chord progression and good lyrics than it does to spend an hour or so coming up with a trance 'song.' Anyone can hit three keys on a keyboard on play a chord, record it and put a computer generated drum beat behind it, but it takes a degree of skill to play an instrument like the guitar. Before you say 'you don't know shit about music' .... I played the clarinet from when I was a kid, got bored at grade 7, and I know more about music theory than most. Have you ever actually sat down and done any of things you've rambled on about, like come up with a decent solo over the top of x different chords? /me thinks not.

If you don't know what your talking about surely it's better to say nothing at all, rather than spout the total crap that you've spouted in that post? As for bodhi saying 'clubbing music' is outright crap, well, it is. It's not 'music' it's just noise, a 5 minute idea rather than something meaningful. I mean, ffs, even Norman Cook admitted it takes him about 30 mins to remix a track, and most of the tracks he's done in the past took him less than an hour to do. Get a clue eh?

Testin da Cable


I recently decided to teach myself bass guitar. as in 'lets do something I've never done before'.
I borrowed one off a m8, sat down with him and he explained basics like where to put your fingers. Lots of fun, but fecking hard in the beginning.

My point is thus: ppl tend to downplay things like how difficult it is to master a given art. Translated that means take a DJ away from his/her kit and give them say, a guitar,plectrum and a microphone and bad things [:D] will happen. The reverse holds true as well: take a singer away from a band and give that person the perverbial 'two turntables and a microphone' and they wouldn't know whatfor either.

stopping now :D:D it's late and I'm not sure this is coming across at all well :)



As he said ^^^

and send me your wikkid bangin trance tune u made in 2 hrs and I'll tell you if it's any good, but it probably won't be... :D



so, "TUG I listen to anything except house/trance/other gay dance music, R n B and country and western. Basically anything that requires talent and originality to make."

Well you must like rock/metal music then?

If so, you really should shut the fuck up before anyone else notices....

Come on - state what your favourite song is!

[Edited by shabazz on 23-12-00 at 11:59]


Uhm, there's a difference between liking something, and sying you'll listen to it, that's kinda important. However, your point about easily making a Trance song that, to you (very important part), wouldn't sound out of place on R1, however, I'm sure that people who are fans of the genre could tell it apart. The fact is that writing good dance music can be tough, very tough, just as writing good rock, metal, whatever can be tough. I'm in a signed band, I write lyrics, I'm good at them, no idea why, but I just find itreally easy to write them and occasionally a melody will just fall into my head that works, in the past I have sat down and had a song ready to be played in about an hour, is this indicative of the process as a whole? Does this mean the genre is 'easy'? No, obviously not.

Just because something is easy to do by some people does not take it's validity away in general, this is especially true for music, and in particular dance, because of the way dance music (certain sub genres especially) sounds, and fits together, creating something that does 'fit in' isn't tough at all, that doesn't make it a good track tho. I could create right now, in about 5 minutes a 'song' with a 2 step beat and a few samples tossed over the top, to someone who's not a fan of Uk Garage, and who doesn't follow the scene, I could mix that into another song and leave it playing, they wouldn't be any the wiser, however, if I tried to do that in a 2 step club, the dancefloor would stop moving at worst, or just look embarressed at best.


Oh yeah, for the record, my fav song is either Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy or Unkle - Lonely Souls


Erm, shab...

I listen to all sorts of music. Trance is my fave. I like various styles of dance music. Dance music is all I buy.

I also listen to anything else thats good. I like some indie stuff (dunno the proper name for it these days), some rock is alright. Shit, even some classical is good m8

So I am bewildered with your post!


Ahh, my fave tune... well I aint got a fave of all time.

At this moment in time though, my fave few tunes are... probably... angelic - can't keep me silent and push - strange world

Trance innit :D


ahh shab was talkin to bodhi :)

That's ok then :D

Another post bites the spamdust :D


My favourite songs eh?

The three main contenders are:-

Pink Floyd - Echoes (listen to it before mocking. It is 23 minutes of pure genius).

U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name. A more uplifting song will never be written. Play it with the windows down on a hot sunny day. Bliss.

Massive Attack - Karmacoma/ Dissolved Girl. Both fantastic.

All three of these songs will live on far longer than ANY hip-hop song. Not that hard mind, seeing as most hip-hop tunes get forgotten about 5 minutes after playing.

Other contenders are Chicane - Saltwater (the version on Chilled Euphoria - its not dance its ambient :p), Eagles - Hotel California, Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama, A-Ha - Take on Me (stop sniggering) and 3 Colours Red - Beatiful Day (altho the U2 version was better natch).

All classics.



Btw, shabazz, I really woould prefer it if you died of AIDS.


I agree with bodhi i have seen dance music made in studios
thanks to my cousin who works in one(river side studios), its not very hard i picked it up and i cant even keep in beat most of the time.

also i think most of you are sad bastards, do you just read the forums allday looking to flame people all i ever see from you lot is having ago at someone else for expressing their opnion, but its ok when u say your mind.

PS: dont bother posting about my poor grammer or bad spelling u silly tits thx

pps: you smell


Fatty, you seem to be a m8 of bodhi's so: fuck off

thx hehuehueueehehahhahahohoho



"Pink Floyd - Echoes (listen to it before mocking. It is 23 minutes of pure genius)"

no its not

its crap, it would take a monkey about 4 seconds to make that up. Crap, aids, my opinion is so great etc.....

Remind everyone of someone?

I.E. Shut the fuck up

What you class as "classic" i class as "garbage" and vice versa.

Some people like red.
Some people like blue.

That doesn't mean you can change the blue to red because you think that red is superior (for an example using colours)

And secondly, shut the fuck up with that aids shit. It really shows what a knumbskull you are.

Can't we all vote him off or summin?

(btw previous posts were aimed at bodhi ((tug - ;) ))


Nice one shab :D

New fave tunes of the day for me:

Planet Funk - Chase the Sun (sweet chilled choon with an almost Annie Lennox style vocalist!)

Chocolate Puma - I wanna be you (how funky is this tune?!)


No shabazz. You see you are wrong. You prove you are a numbskul when you say "hip-hop is great".

So fuck off and die of AIDS.




bodhi, you are a sad little boy. Plain and Simple.
So do everyone a favour this christmas, by taking the following steps:

1. Unplug your PC.
2. Disconnect all of the wires from the PC.
3. Pick up aforementioned PC and take it outside, including monitor, mouse and keyboard.
4. Go down the local bummy pub (theres always one somewhere)
5. Setup your pc, so its working.
6. Now start shouting stuff at everyone, saying that you think they should die of aids. For more material see your previous posts (which you have saved to your HDD, natch)
7. Close your eyes in preparation for the imminent beating.
8. Wake up Christmas day with a bar stool up your arse, and your PC in little, itty bitty pieces.

Merry Christmas!


[Edited by shabazz on 24-12-00 at 13:17]


the eternal "my music is better than yours" debate will never go away as people will always take the piss out of someone elses musical taste.

However, it is rather amusing that the people who are most vocal in the debate are the ones who don't like dance/club/electronic music and they are always trying to rubbish the dance collective in what appears to be an attempt to justify their own taste by mocking someone elses.

I, on the other hand, don't care.
The dance scene will keep forging onward as it has been since 1987 (if any of you remember the '87 second summer of love).
Guitar bands will always be, erm...guitar bands. Some of them very good, others crap.
Like the dance scene. Some of it amazing, some of it crap.

If you think that dance music cannot be emotional then you really need to get out a bit more often and experience what, for example, Push's "Universal Nation" can do in a club full of nut cases.

On the other hand, judging by some of the detractors prvious comments, the dance scene will be far better off if you stayed at home and posted angry comments to a bunch of clubbers who really don't care what your opinion is.

BTW hip hop can be quite good. But only really the older stuff a la Public Enemy, NWA, Wu Tang, Del la Soul etc.
Most modern stuff is complete arse juice and says nothing.


Bohdi; you are a small minded moron.

No, really.


Thank you for you contribution on the state of my mind. I shall forward it to someone who gives a fuck.


Don't agree with Bohdi methods but...

.. I have to agree that Dance/Trance music is the
biggest pile of shit ever to come out of the music

I wouldn't mind as much, but thats all the britsh public
seem to like and its destroying bands who actually use
real instruments and put time and effort into writing
proper lyrics that mean somthing, and have to write
huge score sheets for each and every intsrument...

making dance music is NOT hard to make, I was talking to
someone who was talking a degree in music somthing or other and he
said he was getting really annoyed because all they
were doing was using tracker programs and it was like
listening to british radio all day... this was on the
first day of the course! now I'd like to see anyone
here be able to pick up a guitar and at least try to
play a metallica or guns and roses song even half
right with-in a 8 hour school/uni day..

I think not.

not the mention the fact that dance\trance is designed
for retarded student boys who think taking drugs is cool and then proceed to jump up and down like a bunch of
puffs on a dance floor.

don't take offense, take a hedge...or that spliff over there
you drugged up hippy..

(-- seriously don't take offense :) --)


stereo typic tosser

now im gonna do the same

ya a wanker

there, done.


Wow, I'm impressed.

that was a well thought out reply, most intelligent.

Indicative of a student, who takes drugs, kills brain cells
and likes dance\trance music per chance?

now come on, I thought my reply was well thought out, I
deserve more of an answer ;-) .. your taking this whole
thing too seriously.. I've been to clubs before.. and all I saw was student types (i'm a student btw) taking drugs
totally out of their tiny minds jumping up and down like idiots to somthing that sounds like an spectrum loading a cassette tape. (EDIT: Oh, but with a beat of course..)

[Edited by RiGoRmOrTiS on 30-12-00 at 18:02]


I like trance. I don't do drugs (not hard ones anyway) and I aren't a student cunt like yourself.

Wanna change your opinions now? Why post crap that you believe is stereotypical of someone who listens to dance music?

Go away please...


Originally posted by Bodhi
Listen to "dance music" tonight.

Its still shit.

I will not bother with any fancy insults now other than:

Either SHUT UP or FUCK OFF, Bodhi
And anyone who says dance music is easy to make:

GOOD dance music is hard to produce
SHITE dance music is not

These above two types of music should be easy to distinguish, unless you're tonedeaf and braindead like Bohdi.


I agree. The shite is churned out at a rate of knots, where as the good stuff takes time to make properly.

Electronic music is produced with instruments, the same as any other. Take the Roland TB-303 Acid machine. That was originally developed by Roland back in the 70's to aid Trumpet players. The dance scene's ability to evolve means that as soon as a peice of kit is released, someone comes up with a way of getting a sound out of it that it wasn't designed for or that the designers had no idea it could do.

Are keyboards not instruments?? Drum machines don't need programming then??

Sort it out. I'm sure the music you listen to has good exponents and bad ones. So has ours.


Wise words, staz.
Now try telling bohdi that.....

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