


Did I mention supergrass?



Well frankie, seeing as Im a the University of St Andrews doing an Msc in Astrophysics, yes doing a HND does make you a thick twonk.
Now fuck off.


/me watches another sarcastic comment go straight over TUG's head.


Abuse like this just ain't needed. Chill out.

Or fuck off yourself!

Mikey out!!


Don't Take Life Too Seriously! :D


Well said Mikey ;)

You don't need to do a degree to be intelligent.

You need to do a degree to remain a 'student' for 4 more years or woteva. Plus, get nice grants with sod all interest and cheap beer.

Otherwise, there ain't no point :) Hence, I didn't go to uni cuz I am already waaaaaay intelligent ;) (as well as I couldn't be arsed... :D)



i lied about that bodhi

just like a lie about most things, and im sure you do too, seeming, ya wouldnt be serious like that in real life, you wouldnt last long if you did




d'you reckon frankie likes supergrass




How come u like supatramp so much all of a sudden? :) I *need* the Ali G remix of sun hits the sky (if thats wot it's called ;))

Mind you, even I listen to some of nossermonkeyboy's indie stuff sometimes, it's quite good.

I never buy it though...


i like everything TBH

just dont like twats comming in and saying xxx is shit



Don't need a degree to prove yourself I've got a degree and it means squat to me. Yes I did pass got a 2:2

Has anyone been to Danny Rampling's new night in London yet at Turnmills?

Tug, you got any more Global Underground CD's

Mikey out!!

old.brock landers

Bodhi you truly are a lame twet, how old are you, because you are either
a-too old to understand the elements of having a good night out

b-too young

c-so f==kin ugly they wouldn't let u in the clubs anyway

d-so boring that any social interaction would surely seem a complete waste of time (see msc in astrophysics)? wtf

e-a sad loner who only ventures out of his house to buy food sometimes and spends the other 23*5 hours a day on message boards *courting controversy* with your cavalier wit

peese orf meester your sheet stinks an u cant peese straight



Nah I aint brought any more global underground cd's... been a bit skint for a while and I spose I don't think the digweed one I brought was that good really :(


Originally posted by Bodhi
tug, since when did a lack of musical talent mean that one could not comment on others? Ever heard of an objective view?

Jesus Christ I hate arguing with thick people.

"There is none so blind as one who will not see"

Think about that TUG and frankielamer.


Perhaps you should listen to yourself? "There is none so blind as one who will not see" etc.

I do agree that people are wholly entitled to their opinions and I think it's for people to express their opinions, however ...

You strike me as being a 'fairly' intelligent person, albeit with little or no grasp of what you're actually talking about. You talk about 'people expressing their opinions' and how they should respect this, altho you clearly don't seem to respect those of other people. I personally don't like dance/trance/whatever all that much (I much rather metal/rock/whatever) but simply because the ways in which the certain types of music are 'created' doesn't remove the 'artistic talent' or whatever.

Anywahy, back to opinions, and in mine, your an utter nob with very little grasp on reality, stick to your own little secluded world where everyone must listen to you, for you are god.

Oh, and TUG / frankie, by simply flaming people back with very little thought out 'arguments', you also show yourself to be 'nobs'.

Now can you lot get back to the posts and stop just mindlessly flaming people? it's all rather boring.


Originally posted by brock landers
Bodhi you truly are a lame twet, how old are you, because you are either
a-too old to understand the elements of having a good night out

b-too young

c-so f==kin ugly they wouldn't let u in the clubs anyway

d-so boring that any social interaction would surely seem a complete waste of time (see msc in astrophysics)? wtf

e-a sad loner who only ventures out of his house to buy food sometimes and spends the other 23*5 hours a day on message boards *courting controversy* with your cavalier wit

peese orf meester your sheet stinks an u cant peese straight


Nice of people to dig up an old thread every once in a while innit.

Anyway Mr Landers. I know exactly what constitiutes a good night out. And going to a club, spending £4.50 for a pint of beer, having to scream at everyone cause otherwise they cant hear what you're saying, listening to the same song over and over again and getting funny looks because I forgot my glOStiX (© Islam enterprises) is not really my idea of a good night out.
(If you must ask I find 12 pints of beer, a kebab, some normal conversation, then vomiting over some bird's tits much more amusing.)

Point B you raised. How many 16 year olds do you see at uni?

Point C - Three birds the other night didnt seem to think so ;) (granted I was so wasted I can only remember 2).

Point D - Social Interaction in a club? I think not....

Point E - Oh dear, a bit new to this cunting lark arent we brock......


Bodhi said:

Oh dear. I hate to bring up this old chestnut lads, but this is a PUBLIC forum, hence anyone may post what they want. I was not flaming anyone I was stating an opinion. For instance in my opinion frankie is a moron with a negligible grasp of english, but not everyone may share that (most people would).

You seem to have failed to grasp the simple fact that getting involved in a topic where you are having a go at someoned fatted calf will make you look like a prick, and will make all the people who worship the fatted calf hate your guts. :)

But no, feel free to keep stating your opinion. :)

I've not heard all that dance music, or trance, has to offer. However, I like to consider myself a varied sort of fellow, and I do rather enjoy the energy the music gives me. A lot of people have said in this topic that there's even more to it, and that there are other emotions in deep trance, which I'm looking forward to experiencing.

I wonder if it will compare to ambient music in any form.

Regardless of my experiences with the music, can I suggest to you, Bodhi, that perhaps you meet up with Comatosed, Mikey or any of the others who are into the music type we're discussing so they can either take you to a club where you can experience the music properly, or provide you with a set of tracks and perhaps the right setting to enjoy them as they are meant to be enjoyed?


I never said I wasn't a knob sturty my old sonnyjim...


Tug, please never refer to any music as featuring ch00000000000nz or me and Tong shall have to come in here and own you musically.

Thank you.

(PS I'm serious about the above)


That's it, Bodhi, keep stating that opinion... ;)


/me runs away and hides in an all girls schools changing room

chooooooooons then? Or tunes?

tunes will do...

a tune: push - strangeworld

I fankage j00


Everything in life, no matter how simple, no matter what it is, requires some form of talent. Noone can just pick up the tools and expect to be the best at that field just because they can physically pick that implement up.
Dance music. I love trance. Deep, emotional trance. Some people call it the "cheese" trance. I like trance that makes me feel good whatever mood I am in. I like trance that lifts me up and makes me float on its beat. I am driven by the music that I listen to.
No music is "shit" music (arguably). All music requires some form of talent to create. If meatload, liam gallagher or Cher took a look at some of the kit used by modern dance music artists, commercial and underground, they would look blankly at it, open anything that opens on it, and complain that their coffee cup doesn't sit on it properly. Machines are taking over a lot of human life, in the manufacturing of products for example. Take music as that product. Apart from vocals, "machines" or "implements" in some form make that music. Ok, a hundred years ago it was harps and harpsichords. These days its synthesisers, mixers, direct driven decks and more buttons and knobs then a army barracks dressing up day. The point is : as always, someone needs to work these machines. Someone has to tell the synthesiser to raise the pitch of a particular cord a notch. Someone has to swap the vinyl. Someone has to have precision timing, an amazing sense of rhythmn and the general knowhow to make this music. Nobody can just pick up a pair of decks, a mixer, and turn into mr Oakenfold overnight.

Respect other people's taste in music. Why knock it, when a million others can knock your own taste.

"Trance is talentless shite"

"well yes, but so is flying a jumbo jet..."


Nick Mallard aka Kryten-


Well said Nick. I don't think anyone (inc. Stu and Bodhi) could argue that one and come out on top because there is nowt to argue with after reading a post like that :)

Nice 1 m8. And all this from a guy who started a thread called moo :)


Originally posted by Kryten
and turn into mr Oakenfold overnight.

Respect other people's taste in music. Why knock it, when a million others can knock your own taste.

....and it was all going so well until you mentioned Oaky, a man so technically inept every time I have seen him play he's fucked up a grand mix and had to slam the crossfader across hard, maybe you are writing from 1992 when he was actually talented and played new stuff, instead of the latest remix he's had done of Bullet in the Gun


I mentioned Oaky as he is seen as one of the head figures of the Dance/Trance scene, and also more then likely known by a lot of the non dance-heads around, besides, his work in Planet Perfecto is currently in the charts, so most 6 year olds would recognise the name, or at least the face.
If I spouted half the stuff you have in your "currently listening to" list there, I'd have just got blank looks :)


Gotta admit, I aint no big fan of oakie either. Tiesto is cool cuz he plays it hard and fast. Ferry Corstan plays a top blend of tunes. I used to like Matt Darey but he's gone a little bit quiet these days. Another fave at present is Armin Van Buuren. Can't beat his communication tune with the simple as f00k vocals over it. The singer: she only says one word (communication... lol) but it just livens the tune up loads :)

Another tune like that: The Thrillseekers - Synaesthesia

The remix with the vocals over the top lifts that tune up shitloads :)


Ferry Corsten is cheesy as a really cheesy thing covered in cheese sauce, with parmesan sprinkled over the top, the Dutch Dave Pearce (except not as ugly obv.), he's also not very good technically.


Yes. Tiesto is my personal favourite. Like I said, Oakenfold because people know who he is :)

I have a pretty similar taste to TUG here then... I enjoy Tiesto for his style, and also Corsten for the way he has taken what used to be plain old house into the current trance scene. Its old, and i ALWAYS go on about it, but one of my fave mixes of all time, is still Dj Tiesto's Energy 2000. Brilliant set that puts me in a brilliant mood whatever the weather.
Corsten, well, look at the mixes he did with William Orbit.
Natually Gouryella, as a mix of the above 2 artists is a wonderful set, and defines another area of the trance scene.
Trance has a few different area's, theres some that is inspired heavily by the D&B scene, some inspired by R&B, some plain old "boom tish boom tish" stuff, and lots of others.

Oh, and synthanasea or however it is spelt is bloody class yes :) Also : I have a LOT of respect for Rank 1. Produced the lovely Airwave which I still love now and have more mixes of it then I can count. And also a great remix of Let Meh Be Yer Fantasy. Current fave tho is probably Sunrise by Goldenscan.


shit, ??. Is that you saying you think it is shit, or saying that it is actually shit?

caus if it is the latter, we'll all beat you.

old.[GA] Shovel

Frankie. Shut up.

Saying music is Shit is an opinion. It is not a very insightful one, but in this day and age, it basically means that he doesnt like it. I guess Bodhi might think you've made a fuss, I dunno, I shant get involved either (as is my policy on all bw flame wars - hense the fact I hardly seem to post at the moment ;)).

I've just had a very similar argument with someone about "music generally" vs pop (steps etc).
I SHOULD have won, because my arguments were rational and fair. BUT in situations like that people dont back down and will spew any shit just to try and say they are right.

Frank, please learn that fact.

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