Rubric: 5 votes - Ch3tan, Toht, Mabs, Sydrik, Nate
Nate and Itcheh are accusing Ch3t, so I know they are probably innocent, Mabs is dead.
That leaves Sydrik, Toht and Uara. One of you is crooked.
I don't really understand how I changed my description - once again, you're twisting things. It's getting old. The fact people are clearly failing to see through that raises plenty of suspicion.
Nothing about my description changed, I just added detail that I'd previously omitted once I actually understood my role better - I thought I could be wrong, and that's why I was willing to accept the possibility of Ch3tan being good. I looked into it and realised I couldn't be wrong, he is bad, so I included more information I had - nothing whatsoever changed ??
And seriously, how is considering that he could be good in any way a good move for the bad guy that's just come out to accuse him ??
Either those saying these things are bad, or you're idiots.
How exactly do you know itcheh and nate are good? Especially since nate was part of rubrics death, and today fast to kill ch3t.
Stop peddling bullshit as fact and present your theroies as what they are; theories.
Actually i'm really bored of this "i know he's innocent" bullcrap, it only shows that you have info on them and thus, can only mean you lot are spy scum. No sane crew member would go with such blind faith;
vote: opticle
No opticle you cant present a fsct that only you can back up by they way... As for evidence. Ha!
Well, what the hell else am I supposed to do, seeing as I know it's true ?1 vote left.. Feeling desperate ?
And for the record, unless they switch now this makes me more certain Itcheh and Nate are good. (I don't need "inside info" to work that one out, Toht)
Uara and Sydrik left.. Toht is voting for me.
One of them is bad so will either vote for me or vote for someone completely different to protect Ch3t.
And not wanting to say I told you so, but... based on the same logic (that apparently sucks?), I was right about Rubric being a good guy and I didn't want him dead...
(like Ch3t did.. which incidentally distracted from suspicion upon him, without counter-voting me)
Uara - true enough, Nate or Itcheh could be lying low, but so long as they're voting Ch3tan, I think it unlikely. If he gets a majoirty and they suddenly switch however, that's different.
Uara and Sydrik left.. Toht is voting for me.
One of them is bad so will either vote for me or vote for someone completely different to protect Ch3t.
Uara and Sydrik left.. Toht is voting for me.
One of them is bad so will either vote for me or vote for someone completely different to protect Ch3t.
Opti, just to be clear, a good reason to think you're a baddie;
Saying that as long as they agree with you, they are good.
Everyone not voting for ch3t, even if they just haven't had the chance to talk, are evil.
BAsically, it's opti vs the world and if you're against opti, you're either evil or end up dead. Nice contradiction btw.
Woah...just a few comments there toht.
Just side with Opti and he'll think the light shines out of your arse.