Werewolf WW2 Theme Game 3.0


Resident Freddy
Jan 5, 2004
You've questioned his motives on more than one occasion and now we know he is telling the truth you have swayed completely. On day one you tried to point the crew towards Calean who was innocent, then Mabs who was the same. Your casual dropping of names early on in the vote is catching up with you sailor and so far everyone you've set your sights has been proven innocent.

Opticle really needs to let us know who is safe, Itcheh is right, the time for being coy is long gone. The mission is still alive. If it it is you toht I'll hold my hands and admit a mistake.


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
I just want to ensure that this whole thing doesn't grind to a halt now that Opti and Ch3t aren't arguing with each other :)

Roffle :p

Uara's the innocent with the questionable porn collection. The Reich is very proud.


Resident Freddy
Jan 5, 2004
Well that just leaves me, toht and itcheh. Based on earlier voting patterns Im sticking with my hunch. I know its not me and looking back at Itcheh he looks ok.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Oh really? I may have poked at calaen, but i never went for him full steam. On mabs, plenty of others on that accusation too. We were quite allied against rubric with many agreements.

I didn't trust opti and neither should i have, no proof is no trust. Now that he IS right about something he's called out, he has my trust and as such, so does uara. You using that against me is underhanded.

You calling out every single un-important vote from day one, while staying really quiet until this moment, until i -lightly- poked at your direction, says more about you then me.

On voting patterns? You kept quiet and waited as people rabbled on, then cast a killing vote with no real reason. If i had to guess, i'd say you're our murderer.

I simply said "i suspect sydrik" and you go on an all out attack and mudsling fest, which you've kept out of this while affair the whole time. Am i the only one who finds this strange?

As i said, i won't vote for you even if i should, because 3 votes do it and we might have 2 murderers out there still. I'd rather we get our facts, then talk it over.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ok, so in the spirit of seeing it through;

If we have two baddies, we got two baddies and a psych in me, itcheh and sydrik. (uara and opti counted out).
If we have one, we got one of each(psych, baddie, regular).

Since i haven't been already snuffed, i'm assuming there's either only one, or sydrik is one of the two evils(since two evils would've taken me out). So it comes down to either voting for sydrik or itcheh, in my case.

Ofcourse i could be evil(which would remove the possibility of bandwagoning too), but i got no proof of innocence outside saying so. Though i sure wouldn't have killed mabs or calaen when the vote for opti/ch3t was going on as they were on my side. I could've used them to kill opti instead.

That being said, sydrik had no stake in either side and hasn't had any stake in any of this, so it's quite the perfect cover. Come hell or flooding in water...

Vote: sydrik


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I've had a good think over night.

I'm believe that Opti and Uara are safe ... and I don't get bad vibes from Toht because although we've disagreed on almost everything so far, he's been vocal and up front (not the behaviour I would expect from a pig-dog traitor).

Let's get this done.

Vote: Sydrik


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
It sure is a lot more quiet around here lately.

What does Uara think ?

I'm worried we're being manipulated here, but in the interests of expediency and as we have nothing other to go on other than the above logic and random guesswork, together with that fast approaching ship and inevitable death tonight, vote Sydrik :unsure:

Care to defend yourself ?


Resident Freddy
Jan 5, 2004
Well there's a freakin surprise.

You are being manipulated Opti, and if you read back like I did you'll see its not the first time. You are innocent. Uara is innocent. That leaves three. I may have cast the first vote but it was because I could see what was happening. You can hang me if you really want, but it wont help you and Im going to spend the rest of the day pissing in the last of the drinking water.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
If you're really innocent then we're all being manipulated by itcheh there, guess we'll find out as we have a majority vote now with three.


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
(Apologies, been busy irl-no access since yesterday morning)
Well surprise surprise on who you interrogated ;) sorry for not believing you earlier but there was no proof prior to the death of that evil englishman. So we're left with toht, itch and sydrik.
Sydrik who has been relatively quiet up until today and has no gone on the offensive when the sights have been set on him by Toht.
Toht who as Itcheh has said has been vocal and has been happy enough having attention drawn on himself
and Itcheh who again has been fairly vocal.
If there are 2 baddies left we have a 2 in 3 chance of hitting a bad guy, which isn't too bad odds but we would have to get one of them otherwise its game over for us following the night.

I haven't liked Sydrik's quietness during the days, it all seems to be a bit of sneaking through whilst others have argued. Itcheh meanwhile was all rather blood thirsty earlier on in the days events. Wanting decisive action and quickly, a bold move if he is a bad guys and certain if he is out to get us it has been some clever manipulation indeed.He is also been very keen to keep stating that he is german-trying to make us believe that he is a german or just trying to comfort our spirits. Who knows.
Toht who hasn't been scared to switch his vote around amongst the people if they've drawn attention to something, its true everyone who Toht has named is either innocent or dead, but then the same could well be said for me. I think a bit of deflection going on.
I think i'm going to go with my gut and say
vote Sydrik

his sudden aggressiveness to avoid his fate just doesn't sit happy with me and the fact a lot of it is based off of the first day when accusations were flying about pretty rapidly.


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
Hehe no apology required ^^

Tbh, I felt rushed when I decided to interrogate you, with hindsight I should have probably gone elsewhere, but then again, after that I'd probably doubt you some more ;)

Not a lot to go on but as you say, I don't trust how quiet Syd's been.

Toht's been so openly loud and supportive of chet ...well ;)

If Itcheh's a traitor I think its GG.

I guess we have a majority?

If Syd is bad looking at votes that means there's only one bad guy left? judging by nate being the only death last night, I suspect that is true.

If syd isn't bad.. well its either itch or Toht tomorrow..and one of them must be the psychiatrist.. hope I make it to morning ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Right - fingers crossed that we only have the one bad guy.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
The lights flicker....as Sydrik sits down to enjoy his evening rashions,
a long winding, crunching sound reminds the crew of thier desperate situation.
even if they manage to find the wrongdoers, the question remains, how
will they escape this living tombe ? due to the secrecy of the mission, no
one except a select few know of thier wereabouts, and they'll likely not be
eager to come to thier rescure. Opticle goes to check the radar, their can be
no dout any more, the aproaching ship can only be the Daisy Express!
Time is now of the essence.

The lights flicker again, Sydrik looks up as he catches a glimps of three shadows
closing in on him, Sydrik calms his nerve, grips his fork tight and waits.....the lights flicker
again, and Sydrik grabs his chance! he jumps up, and thrusts his fork in Itcheh's eye!
and makes a run for the escape hatch! Stop! you'll kill us all shouts Opticle!
Sydrik graps the wheel, and blacks out.........

Sydrik comes to, he cant see anything, the lights must have gone! no wait...
Sydrik quickly realizes whats happening, his heart beats relentlessly, he can hardly
breath..and just as quickly time seems to slow down..foot steps...a kick,
as Sydrik feels the stool beneath him disapear...his lungs burn for air..his blood vians
bursting for relief...he tries to breath, but cant...lights begin to flash before his eyes
and silence.... .... .... ..... .. .

Sydrik the Russian Spy is Dead

Night time,
Send in your Biddings


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
A new day dawns,
The crew wakeup well and rested.
A quick headcount and the apparent lack of someone being dead.
Shows that all made it through the night.

4 Alive, 3 to lynch.


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
Hey all,

So.. Uara is innocent.. I am innocent.. Itcheh is innocent.

Who did you try to kill last night Toht? ;)

Vote Toht

(I'm on phone and away atm, can't bold stuff)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004

Had a good run, shame i misjudged and went for Sydrik yesterday. Could've used an extra hand last night.

I could bullshit some more, but i think we got enough cherry bastards down with us.


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
What exactly was the thinking behind going for one of your own? And why did only Nate die the night before? And wtf was with the stab/poisoning one guy?

Tie him up men, we'll have our answers before we see him burn..


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
Well well well Mr Toht....you tried and you almost succeeded but we will continue our mission for the Fuhrer.

Vote Toht


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
What exactly was the thinking behind going for one of your own? And why did only Nate die the night before? And wtf was with the stab/poisoning one guy?

Tie him up men, we'll have our answers before we see him burn..

You shall never know!

vote: old.tohtori



Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Well ... thought Toht was being weird (even if he was being vocal) ... his logic just didn't add up. Hence why as the psychologist I've been blocking him the last 2 x nights.

Even if Opti and Uara are crazy Gestapo bastards who haev some hidden agenda ... there's nothing I can do about it now.

Vote: Toht


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well managed to bullshit my way through some situations, but in the end a seer and a blocker is a bit much to handle.


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
Nothing gestapo about me. Just a member of the crew!

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