wtf are we gone get now ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
tierk said:
Can you see the irony of it or is that too big a word for the illterates on here?

Clearly that's a typo but a rather ironic one :p

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Gahn said:
Be my guest and fuck yourselves some more so u can turn lights off and go play Wow.

untill now most of u playing wow and we continue our game :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
>.< Pooned said:
untill now most of u playing wow and we continue our game :p

Don't think so really but u can pretend to be Napoleon ofc! Go on play YOUR game in a sinking cluster, i will just sit river side and watch your body passing by in short time ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Gahn said:
Except that i solo also and my solo time gets screwed by droves of Sorcs Cabbies and Wizzies running around happy cause they nuke all that moves for 10% more? Except that Fg ppl wanna play on PAR with other peeps and not with 10% power advantage?
As it's said in many posts, u want late night action? u want siege? Just get the frigging keeps and leave relics where they are!

Pay my subs then maybe i will.

wouldlike to point out.
1. did not notice the relic was taken until yesterday evening.
2. I play Armsman, scout or Inf, so why would 10% extra power effect my play style.
3. Nice to know you feel about alb casters the way i feel about wall abusing bainshees and other hib/mid casters.
4. you are obviously part of the FG scene. So YOU want balance, Im not part of the FG scene and have respected the agramon arena for you guys alone.
5. I want the imbalance as it means the frontier is full of potential target and hazards...easier to die, easier to gain the High RR you obviously already have.
6. IMO what Tedious Ten have done is undermined the unwritten rule about "adding" on FGvFG and the none interference "agreement" on Agramon.
7. Lowering the Keep level can also be seen as a tactic to encourage Siege warfare....making it a good target, but if your part of the FGvFG scene what do you care, why do you want to waste bp's on a Keep you dont give a rats ass about.
8. Every one has there own opinion, and it will always be wrong when compared to another.

Think thats it for now......


Be seeing You!

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Gahn said:
Don't think so really but u can pretend to be Napoleon ofc! Go on play YOUR game in a sinking cluster, i will just sit river side and watch your body passing by in short time ^^

meet u in daoc's 6 years celebration :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Bracken said:
This is why you've done it. Because your fg'ing chums from other realms spat their dummies out over it. Stop pretending otherwise.

You do see the irony in you (and lots of other followers of Arthur) getting all upset about them lowering the keep, while you try to make it look like its the majority of fg-people that care about relics and gets upset over them being taken right? (And before you bring up some 3 year old stuff, yeah I used to whine about it because I once cared too).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Gahn said:
Am sry but the only anal thing i see is your anal use of the word anal!
We rerolled cause we are sick of lameness from PART of Albion community and also sick of some % of the other PART of Albion community who doesn't partecipate in AC Raids BUT they are well happy to gain advantage of em!
In short, we are sick of Hypocrites who can't understand this is a community made by 3 realms and real people.

Lameness? Oh you mean people who don't subscribe to your way of playing. Not content with having your own zone to play in you all f*cked off to have your own server. F*cking good. Either way, that has nothing to do with relics being taken.

As for this bit about people being happy to gain advantage from AC raids - what the f*ck is that for a piss poor excuse? Bottom line is simply that if you play for fg rvr and are that worried about a 10% bonus then yes, you have become truly anal over this computer game. We played for 3 frikkin years with unbalanced relics - to suddenly start worrying about it now is pathetic.

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Sollac said:

Be seeing You!

ill be there with a friends infi xd


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 25, 2006
swords said:
Still failing to understand, ask yourself why we did this?
How can you chastise us for what we did yet stand by the ACers?

What in the world makes you think Im standing by the ACers? because Im a prime-time player and feel Im entitled to defend a keep?!!
And I know bloody well why your doing it but your point is made and your only bringing crap on yourselves now by sticking to something you already made clear.
Yes AC-ing is annoying and I agree with that but what do you want the community to do, hack all the AC raiders to prevent em from doing it again?

And about failing to understand, YOU fail to understand that because TT made the deceision of lvl 1 holding the keep, that that deceision brought all the chastising you now mention.
If you wouldve just said up untill morning, "listen albion, we tried to make our point by lvl 1 holding the keep to prevent AC-ing from happening again, but we'll release it now" then you probably made a good point and didnt get any of this chastising anymore.

Instead you stick with your deceision and Ill say it for the last time now, if you make and stand with that deceision, bare the consequenes that come with it.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Sollac said:
Pay my subs then maybe i will.

wouldlike to point out.
1. did not notice the relic was taken until yesterday evening.
2. I play Armsman, scout or Inf, so why would 10% extra power effect my play style.
3. Nice to know you feel about alb casters the way i feel about wall abusing bainshees and other hib/mid casters.
4. you are obviously part of the FG scene. So YOU want balance, Im not part of the FG scene and have respected the agramon arena for you guys alone.

Ah so u want to just overrun ppl with sheer numbers?
K it's a way of playing, now try to use the Time Machine and change your 1st choice to Hibernia when it was 60% alb 30% mid 10% Hib pop, play Hib and tell me how's funny to be in the underdog side.

Sollac said:
5. I want the imbalance as it means the frontier is full of potential target and hazards...easier to die, easier to gain the High RR you obviously already have.

It only means there are more Albs out = less rps for u = it'll take more time to get my rr -.-

Sollac said:
6. IMO what Tedious Ten have done is undermined the unwritten rule about "adding" on FGvFG and the none interference "agreement" on Agramon.

Don't think u gonna find some1 left in Agra soon nuff so u can go and have a look, there are a good variety of mobs!

Sollac said:
7. Lowering the Keep level can also be seen as a tactic to encourage Siege warfare....making it a good target, but if your part of the FGvFG scene what do you care, why do you want to waste bp's on a Keep you dont give a rats ass about.
8. Every one has there own opinion, and it will always be wrong when compared to another.

Every1 is entitled to have his opinion, there are altho, opinions which i don't agree upon that i respect, other opinions ain't exactly opinions, are only breed of a limited view.

Sollac said:
Think thats it for now......


Be seeing You!

Sure sure full of mobs there as i said!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
>.< Pooned said:
If that people are the enemys frankly i dont give a damn .
thats the war .
and its OUR relics aslong as we hold em.
and if u dont like that frankly u need to change realm.
although once a traitor always a traitor
in the realm u play u must defend it and not pretending that ur a hib/mid/alb
do whatever is good for ur realm aslong as u play a class in it.
i roll hibs and gonna defend the realm that i will play but not like this not by downgrading keeps cause im lazy to get a lvl 10 keep

I will not defend something I do not approve of.

I'm not a hypocrit.

If that makes me disliked by the realm, why should I care?

It's narrowminded to actually believe that you will go through a whole life without any resistance at all.

I think the people who actually stand up against what they think is right are the ones who should get the respect for doing so.

I play Albion because I have characters there, and I couldn't give a toss if I was liked or disliked by the people there due to one reason, it's not them who makes my playtime more enjoyable.

If I play, I'm solo or run with friends. I will never stand up for something I do not approve of, I rather get flamed to hell and back on FH or in game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
noaim said:
You do see the irony in you (and lots of other followers of Arthur) getting all upset about them lowering the keep, while you try to make it look like its the majority of fg-people that care about relics and gets upset over them being taken right? (And before you bring up some 3 year old stuff, yeah I used to whine about it because I once cared too).

It's Constantine, Arthur died years ago. Yes I think it's a ***** trick to lower a keep so that another realm can take it (regardless of the reasons for it) and yes I think that if fg'ers get upset over a AC raid it's because of some anal (oh no I said it again) gripe over 10%. Ironic? Maybe, but so what?


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Bracken said:
You sound like one of those Scots who live in England and constantly go on about how much they hate the English. Well if you don't like us, f*ck off somewhere else.



Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Muppet said:
blah blah blah....

So please tell me if you love keep warfare and can only play prime time why is it that you never ever seem to try keep takes at prime time or even just a plain tower? Too busy sticking yer little epeen into a bridge?


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Bracken said:
Lameness? Oh you mean people who don't subscribe to your way of playing. Not content with having your own zone to play in you all f*cked off to have your own server. F*cking good. Either way, that has nothing to do with relics being taken.

As for this bit about people being happy to gain advantage from AC raids - what the f*ck is that for a piss poor excuse? Bottom line is simply that if you play for fg rvr and are that worried about a 10% bonus then yes, you have become truly anal over this computer game. We played for 3 frikkin years with unbalanced relics - to suddenly start worrying about it now is pathetic.

As i already said u conveniently put aside the fact that it got took in a lame way, else i wouldn't had even started to care if u gained it in a "civil" manner. Kudos to Albs in that case as i told in other threads to Mids, incidentally in last 2 months only fucking way your realm managed to get a Relic was ACing it, and always the Hibs one also.
Anyway be happy with what u got left, am sure u gonna have more fun with less and less ppl playing.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
Muppet said:
Instead you stick with your deceision and Ill say it for the last time now, if you make and stand with that deceision, bare the consequenes that come with it.

ofc we gonna stick with it coz we will never get the chance again obviously, hibs will get there relic back and then probably get ac'd again and u can have ur precious keep fights and relic bonus, so i dont see what the whine is about?

we knew there would be consquences when we done it and we still done it so ur threats arent really gonna make a difference.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Gahn said:
As i already said u conveniently put aside the fact that it got took in a lame way, else i wouldn't had even started to care if u gained it in a "civil" manner. Kudos to Albs in that case as i told in other threads to Mids, incidentally in last 2 months only fucking way your realm managed to get a Relic was ACing it, and always the Hibs one also.
Anyway be happy with what u got left, am sure u gonna have more fun with less and less ppl playing.

heheh i must say its quite funny in respect of the game time.

This time machine you mentioned before.

Lets go back to old frontiers, yeah sure...ALB has always been the bigger realm...Hibs and mids cherished theALb relics for month and months.....and reaped the RP's from such battles and zergs.

Nowthese people have got all they need, the discard the zerg scene and try the FGvFG and find they win and they lose.

Those of us that Fight for arthur and not ourselves , may be called losers, noobs, AC'ers whatever.

But in real terms(i know this is a game), what TT have done is Dereliction of Duty, and normally dealt with via a court marshall.

Bit like Finding and Capturing Saddam Hussien and then reposting the guards to another base.

But then it would never stop the bombing of troops and innocents by the extremists.

technically its an act of terrorism against your fellow players and should be dealtwith as such.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
tierk said:
So please tell me if you love keep warfare and can only play prime time why is it that you never ever seem to try keep takes at prime time or even just a plain tower? Too busy sticking yer little epeen into a bridge?

You see I used to run siege BGs every single day - that's how my Sorc was first on server to have 50 keeps title. But all I ever got was abuse from the 'fg' crowd the same ones now saying we should do prime time raids.

I still do run tower and keep takes several nights a week. Unfortunately the chances of successfully sieging a level 10 keep in the 3 hours I have during a weekday are quite small. It takes time if there are defenders.

What generally happens is we go to a tower with a small group (sometimes 4 or 5 of us) and 1 or more groups come off Agramon and kill us (To be fair and accurate this is much more likely to happen vs Mids than vs Hibs but when we siege towers in Hib the Mid Agramon groups tend to come there as well). About two weeks ago I arranged a BG to take Nottmoor and then the zerg that had formed decide it wanted to continue to Bledmeer. What happens into the BG come some of the 'fg' crowd to start hurling abuse and telling us to stop breaking the port. The very same people who like to bemoan the camping of bridges cause it by their attitudes to people who try to do something different.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Rushie said:
ofc we gonna stick with it coz we will never get the chance again obviously, hibs will get there relic back and then probably get ac'd again and u can have ur precious keep fights and relic bonus, so i dont see what the whine is about?

we knew there would be consquences when we done it and we still done it so ur threats arent really gonna make a difference.

speaks and acts like a chav.......

Got some old wall coving in my garage, thought you might like it for a body kit on your nova??:wanker:

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Kinag said:
I will not defend something I do not approve of.

I'm not a hypocrit.

If that makes me disliked by the realm, why should I care?

It's narrowminded to actually believe that you will go through a whole life without any resistance at all.

I think the people who actually stand up against what they think is right are the ones who should get the respect for doing so.

I play Albion because I have characters there, and I couldn't give a toss if I was liked or disliked by the people there due to one reason, it's not them who makes my playtime more enjoyable.

If I play, I'm solo or run with friends. I will never stand up for something I do not approve of, I rather get flamed to hell and back on FH or in game.

all well said aslong for resistance in a war we should have the following consequenses for the traitors that fires the resistance in our own realm (anything that brakes the CoC or hurts ur own realm)
for me ban/rightnow is a good way but not the best givf characters jail for 2 days ie. ban the character in a virtual jail with lvl 70 mobs (warlocks?) xd


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 25, 2006
tierk said:
Well to be quite frank you are. You want keep warfare at prime time then why dont you go and take some towers and keeps prime time instead of relying on a bunch of people to pve stuff for you? Please explain to me why we should have to do all the hard work all the time, of having to siege keeps at prime with a lower population when all that is going to happen is some morons are just going to take em back at 6am?

Here we go again, if you bothered to read everything (which I dont blame you for cause its alot ;p ) you might have seen the part that I do run FG scout (and take towers) once in awhile, but because our guild is only 4 man strong it doesnt happen often as not everyone is always available or wants to play their scout.

Apart from that, you mention that you are going to have to do all the hard work.....its a lvl 1 keep and you dont have to feel obliged on my behalf to come retake it.

Actually we arent relying on AC-ers to raid at 6 am, that they do is up to them and prime-time players cannot change that.
That this oppurtunity to actually defend a keep (whether or not with a relic) came with it, gives us the oppurtunity to defend it, although barely with the lvl 1 status.

Then its also not the fault of the prime-time albs that your realm is underpopulated, although last time when you did the MRE the first day we (albions that defended) got swamped. Mainly because 700+ people were on a ML raid. Did we moan about being "underpopulated" then? (Im not saying we should either cause things like that happen, deal with it instead).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
>.< Pooned said:
all well said aslong for resistance in a war we should have the following consequenses for the traitors that fires the resistance in our own realm (anything that brakes the CoC or hurts ur own realm)
for me ban/rightnow is a good way but not the best givf characters jail for 2 days ie. ban the character in a virtual jail with lvl 70 mobs (warlocks?) xd

Can't we put them in stocks and throw virtual rotten tomatoes? Now I bet that'd raise cluster population :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Sparx said:
i'm scottish and i found that statement to be insulting

It was a real life example based on personal experience to demonstrate a point. If you were insulted by it then you are either reading too much into it or being way too sensitive. PM me if you want to discuss it further.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
Sollac said:
speaks and acts like a chav.......

Got some old wall coving in my garage, thought you might like it for a body kit on your nova??:wanker:

lol cut me deep mate, insults are the last action of a desperate man.

and trying to relate actions in a game to terrorism and saddam hussein just proves how much of a reality check u need.

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Javai said:
Can't we put them in stocks and throw virtual rotten tomatoes? Now I bet that'd raise cluster population :)

could never think something better myself ! xd reped!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Gahn said:
As i already said u conveniently put aside the fact that it got took in a lame way.

AC raids are by definition lame - I haven't put that aside at all. I've also said I don't agree with them.

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