WoW overtaking Daoc? discussion thread.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Joor said:
wow its not as fun as daoc..ok maybe becuz its beta.
Never is abit of a blind thing to say, i credit you with more sense then that, ofcourse wow is going to effect daoc, and possible ruin it, look at pyrdwen now .. it sucks very little rvr, imagine how it will be when another 20-30% of people are gone, maybe even 50% seeing many wont like NF's if you base it the USA reaction to it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
wow > daoc

and yus snoz, pryd is hella dead already..... any more impact , like eq2, wow and they gonna have to have some kind of crisis meeting at goa hq, cuz i dont wanna play on a server with no mates online, and nothing but stealthers in the frontier to kill.

been on a slippery slope since you left actually..... come back :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I really dont know whats going to happen to DAoC.. Sad as it is, I dont think Prydwen will make it past March 2005. With EQ2 a large amount of players are leaving, now comes NF and another load will leave. February is WoW - which means more people leaving, and soon after that is GW.. which is even more!

Excalibur will end up with Prydwens current population, and the rest of the heavy servers, ie; Avalon and Broc etc, will end up at current Excal level, or just below.

GoA needs to sit down and have a serious fucking chat, if they want to implement catacombs with more than a few hundred people bothering to play it. Which is the way its going atm.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
From experience I can confirm that once population numbers drop RvR not only stops being fun it ceases to exist. Grouping in general becomes well nigh impossible.

When my job took me from the UK to the US I stayed on Prydwen - guild mates, friends etc. We were a 24 hour guild having members in Greece as well and it helped make Beno our full time base of operations.

But .... there was only so much solo'ing I could take and last year I dusted off the old EQ characters (on a US server!). Bliss incomparison.

The average numbers now (c. 630) are close to what they used to be 14 months or so ago 'off peak'. They are still peaking around 1000 but only for 2-3 hours once or twice a week. And looking at GReaper's graphs Pry seems to have lost another 150-200 in this last week. Allow for buff bots, split the population between 3 realms, allow for crafters, spread what you have between SI, ToA, classic(!) and RvR and .. well you to can wander unmolested in your enemies frontier. Peak numbers are still a bit higher but most of the time the numbers are even lower.

Sure the numbers by themselves can be dismissed as 'meaningless; but keep measuring the same set of stats and you get a trend. It is the trend that tells the story. The futures not bright.

Mustn't forget GuildWars in early 2005 either.

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
tbh, WoW aint that good, and before you flame me and tell me to try it, i have, sure the pve is easier, but wheres the bloody fun in something being easy?

i hate all these new games etc that were made so damn short/easy because no one can be bothered any more, they just want it easy and there happy, kinda makes me sick that all new games that look good turn out bad because of this simple fact, i mean, go back a few years, if you dare, to UO, you could even steal in that game, but look now, not a single theif can do that in any MMORPG (that i know of), because people bitched about it too much, its even half nerfed in UO now i think, ah well, i just woke up and fk it, /rant off


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
WoW is sort of fun, but now when im playing (level 19 atm) I realise it wont be the same fun in a while, bet im bored within a week from now. So aleast I wouldt say that WoW is DAoC's death.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004

WoW > DAoC

1. I dont have to play against "better" rouges.
2. I dont have to face mincers with insta-stun and fz.
3. It aint archer-heaven like NF.
4. You dont need buffbots.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
Daedalus said:
I was recently discussing WoW with someone else, and we came to the conclusion that you may as well play NWN or Morrowind. Read below.

I think that there are two kinds of fun when playing games; one is the 'insta' kind of fun, the kind of fun you find on most console games. And the slowly-building-up-but-long-lasting kind of fun, the ones that you find on most PC games, mainly RPGs. Then you also have simplicity/complexity of games, where simplicity stimulates the insta-fun factor and the complexity stimulates the more longer lasting kind of fun.

I found WoW to be a simplified insta-fun game. I really enjoyed the game so far, I duo'd with a m8 who really loves RPGs, and we really enjoyed leveling and exploring the big world of Warcraft. But, I think that we won't miss WoW when it goes live. Sure, we'll miss the fun for a few days, but we get the same thrill when playing an 'off-line' RPG coop, and we still haven't finished Hordes of the Underdark (NWN expansion) because we take 2 to 3 months breaks every now and then.

So.. lets take a look at DAoC. Everything is a lot more complicated in DAoC, except maybe the quests. It's easier to fuck up your character, but on the same account you DO put a lot more effort in your character. I also have the feeling that my DAoC characters require more skill than my WoW characters. Also, in DAoC you can solo if you wish, but I found the game to be a lot more fun when in a full group, raiding some dungeon (Keltoi, Barrows or Avalon City) or even outside (the Salisbury Plains, etc). Whereas in WoW I've grouped with 4 or 5 people before, but it didn't really feel like teamworking, more like sharing the loot. I have the feeling that WoW is more quest orientated.

I don't think I'll be at a high enough level to participate in raids by the end of the beta, but, maybe that's as much fun as DAoC's RvR. However, for some reason I have the feeling that it'll be instantly-fun and simplified, whereas DAoC's RvR is more satisfying on the long run.

I think that I'll persuade my buddy to play 'every now and then' with me on the WoW servers. Maybe we'll play 4 months a year with 1 to 2 months break in between. I don't see myself playing WoW as intensively and enjoying it as much as I did with DAoC when I started two years ago.

I also think that the real reason why people would leave DAOC and stay with WoW would be because they're bored of the 'same old thing' in DAoC. Fair enough, but I think that they'll find WoW not as interesting as they hoped, but they won't return to DAoC and they prefer the illusion of WoW being a lot better. Which is fair 'nuff. Either way, if people are leaving DAoC it's not because the other game is better, or seems better, it's just that for them DAoC is a 'finished' thing. Not much that Mythic can do about that, except bring out an add-on every now and then. I'd rather have them attract new players. Maybe steal a few WoW ones too ;-)

Agree with this 99% ;) good post


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
If anything killed daoc it's Mythic.
With their crap TOA expansion they've ruined everything. And I don't believe in catacombs tbh...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Helme said:
WoW is sort of fun, but now when im playing (level 19 atm) I realise it wont be the same fun in a while, bet im bored within a week from now. So aleast I wouldt say that WoW is DAoC's death.

LoL ..... at level 19 you haven't even started too play the game yet tbh, I mean you propably havent even been into an instance yet :p

WoW will be boring I guess too the DoaC leet kidddies, but too anyone that enjoys the social community aspect of a game, the world is rich in WoW.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
Boomeruk said:
wow > daoc

and yus snoz, pryd is hella dead already..... any more impact , like eq2, wow and they gonna have to have some kind of crisis meeting at goa hq, cuz i dont wanna play on a server with no mates online, and nothing but stealthers in the frontier to kill.

been on a slippery slope since you left actually..... come back :(

Flumpy teh dooooom sayer :fluffle: ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Jox said:
WoW > DAoC

1. I dont have to play against "better" rouges.
2. I dont have to face mincers with insta-stun and fz.
3. It aint archer-heaven like NF.
4. You dont need buffbots.

Agree with most.. ofc you'll have a chance of fighting the opposite faction, but still I think WoW > DAoC by far. More quests, more fun PvE, new opportunities (i.e. it IS a new game, so...), imo better graphics which create much more atmosphere than in daoc.

WoW will mean the end of my daoc career no doubt about that :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Cigies said:
LoL ..... at level 19 you haven't even started too play the game yet tbh, I mean you propably havent even been into an instance yet :p

There are instances were the mobs start at lvl14 ;)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
wow kicks ass... and i think its wrong to say so soon that pvp sucks, cuz the biggest parts of pvp havent been implemented yet (battlegrounds,rewards), so i'll wait a bit until i say pvp sucks but pve rocks, never have it felt like a grind


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
Oro said:
There are instances were the mobs start at lvl14 ;)

yes, my lvl 14 hunter have been grinded quite a few times by lvl 30+ chars :D not very funny hehe


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
I started looking into wow yesterday. Wish I could play beta or something but well can't have everything. :)
The info I've found about it looks nice. The PvP system seems bit similar to DAoC; there's areas where alliance can fight vs. horde but not in newbie areas.
As far as I understood, the areas are same for PvP and PvE servers, but on PvE server you gotta turn on some flag to PvP against the enemy (alliance or horde).
On PvP server there is no flag. But still no FFA PvP I think, just alliance vs. horde. To me, PvE server sounds bad. I can't imagine wanting to play there but PvP server sounds good since there's no FFA PvP (I don't like it at all) so it sounds bit like DAoC to me and I really like RvR concept.
Can someone correct me if I'm wrong, I may have misunderstood something from what I've read so would like to know more about the PvP system especially since the concept and implementation of the PvP system will be the deciding factor whether I will buy WoW or not.

I can't say I'd be going there because DAoC is bad. I like DAoC. If I'm going there, I'm going there because it's new. Dunno if PvE is too easy, I hope it's not. I think it's good that you gotta work hard if you wanna be uber.

Better crafting also sounds cool to me. Especially I like that there is both harvesting and crafting needed. Does wonders to game economy and the interest in crafting.
I really liked crafting in Horizons when I tried the beta. But reason I didn't buy Horizons was that there was no PvP at all implemented by the time of release.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
My two cents: Blizzard was quick to relase a rpg without roleplaying (diablo cycle) would you trust them to have a good roleplaying community on their servers? Yes, many people try new games, but releasing a nice looking game and making it successfull forlong time and adding to it, etc. is very different. I think Blizzard is not so strong at it. If say, a bioware made title would come out, I would be far more worried since they know more about roleplaying.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Necroscope said:
Flumpy teh dooooom sayer :fluffle: ;)

tell me im wrong :wub:

anyway, as a great man once told me:

"dont cry when something good comes to an end, smile at what it once was"

or something to that effect (mordur verses 13 chapter 12 fyi)



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
Boomeruk said:
tell me im wrong :wub:

anyway, as a great man once told me:

"dont cry when something good comes to an end, smile at what it once was"

or something to that effect (mordur verses 13 chapter 12 fyi)


Just funny , when something new comes out , can be a new mmorpg or add -on for daoc...then its all of the sudden alot of people who shouts its the end of daoc :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Cigies said:
LoL ..... at level 19 you haven't even started too play the game yet tbh, I mean you propably havent even been into an instance yet :p

WoW will be boring I guess too the DoaC leet kidddies, but too anyone that enjoys the social community aspect of a game, the world is rich in WoW.

Lol you got a lvl 47 char in beta, where the level cap is 60..wont you be "done" with it in a week or 2? Wow-gfx are not my cup of tea (if you stand close to a building for example you can count the pixels its made off) PvE looks promising, RvR is non existant atm (will be there in a few months I guess) main problem for me is that the game is just to plain easy...seen lvl 55+ chars on beta thats not a good sign really


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Chimaira said:
Just last cpl of days ive found most of my ingame/irl friends leaving for WoW beta.

No one have said a bad word about it except ppl who already say it suck and havent even tried it.

Myself not sure its my cup of tea. Is PvP system as fast paced as in daoc? or will it enhance in Nolby Pride running either Horde/Alliance on pvp wiping anything in sight? :p

I havent had the option to try it except Alpha version that was out ages ago to notice the graphics. Im not the biggest fan of cartoonlike graphics. But its developed further than graphics in example daoc. meaning the real world looking graphics.

And the reflections and so on really makes my soon to be to old 9700 pro work eh? :)

Many Daoc killers has come and often passed with a short membership and then people have come back to DaoC.

This time it kinda feels this game is the game overtaking DaoC.
Well its Blizzard what did I expect?

Anyways. Whats your ideas about this?

I found this post to be on topic since its a Daoc Vs WoW kinda thing


I have to say its going to become a DAOC vs EQ2 vs WOW vs FFXI vs Matrix Online Beta vs SWG vs COH world soon.

I will be playing NF DAOC, Matrix Online Beta and COH - but there a few people i have spoken to who have been playing EQ2 on release. No noe ive spoken to yet has tried WOW. I won't be bothering as theres still too much out there in the way of MMO's to keep me amused :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
Not sure, but I'll give WOW a try once its out.

Atm I'm playing Lineage II and Everquest II as well (reviewing them for work)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Belorfyn said:
The info I've found about it looks nice. The PvP system seems bit similar to DAoC; there's areas where alliance can fight vs. horde but not in newbie areas.

Been playing US open beta for a week now, and I think actually that while I was playing my paladin in the human newbie zones, some horde players came quite close to it.. but there are some specific rules about attacking each others, so that one must enable PvP rules to be able to hit other players.

As far as I've understood even PvE servers will have battlegrounds (like frontiers in daoc etc) where you can go and fight the enemy faction, + I've heard lots of stories about alliance people forming a raid attacking horde villages (and vice versa)

How much of this is true, I still don't know, because it's all pretty new ^^. The worst thing about WoW that I've encountered so far, was that I couldn't complete all available quests before I was too high lvl for it to be worthwile.. had to abandon several quests, because I could get better quests with more xp and better rewards instead ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
The major difference between PvE and PvP servers is when you can be attacked without initiating it. On a PvE server you can completely avoid ever engaging in PvP outside of the instanced battlegrounds (which all servers have incidentally) if you don't attack enemy NPCs (tricky as the guards chase after you if you get too close), enter an enemy city, or attack an enemy player who is PvP flagged. Whereas on PvP servers you can be attacked at will in certain zones depending on whether it is home, neutral or enemy.

This link explains it:

I find the system to be better than DAoC because it means the whole world is accessible to everyone but there is still the opportunity of engaging in PvP wherever you want by being a nusiance (killing opposing faction NPCs until someone turns up to stop you). Incidentally when you are spotted in a hostile zone or start attacking people it immediately turns up in the world/zone defence channel so people know where you are if they want to come and fight.

There is an honour system as well to prevent lowbie ganking :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
emma said:
As for NP... there is no /stick so i doubt they will last long ;p

Oh yes there is; not "/stick" but the command "follow" works the same :)

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