WoW overtaking Daoc? discussion thread.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 5, 2004
Xag said:
cant w8 for something to replace DAOC its getting lame and boring imo.
any of u beta testers mind filling me in on PVP issue as i cant seem to really understand how is it going to work in WoW:)

U can get a little expression of the pvp system by downloading some movies :)

Here is an ok link:


Luver of Buckfast
Dec 23, 2003
wow is really really good

ive tried the majority of newer mmorpgs like FFXI, Lineage 2 and some others

But WoW just seems to be more interesting than them

Ive only been playing it for a day and already im late for work muhhahaa and that for me is a good sign


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I for one can take 1 month of boring PvE cuz i know that i got the best RvR
of all games to look forward to.. Nothing has beaten DAoC RvR yet, and i
honestly dont think WoW will either. DAoC RvR is just so_damn_good.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Main way to prevent buffbots, spread the buffs through the classes. There are also some potions and stuff you can get to give you buffs, especially at high levels where I'm accumulating some +50 stat potions/chews/etc.

By Nim on another forum far far away.

WoW/Blizzard have taken serious measures to prevent buffbots as you can't say I know I'll get a cleric or shamen etc and pl them and have a bot, its not that simple.

Im sure if someone really really tried then with 2 pcs and 2 accounts, perhaps they may be able to squeeze some kind of bb but theres no point.

And take a look at the scenery its just gonna blow you away when playing! Don't stare now.

In one of the images I like the 2 tiny gnomes in the background looking on ;p.

Seriously though like some people say its the content and gameplay that matters along with the community, some games might look better but not necessarily play better.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I'd say the biggest worry for DAoC is that the population drops too low to survive.

Why would anyone new start DAoC now?

There's virtually noone to group with until you hit level 20, then once you get to 25 you're on your own again all the way to 45ish. It took long enough getting 50 with a guild-load of mates to do it with. Solo? Doesn't bear thinking about. Every player that leaves DAoC for the newer games is a player closer to extinction. And going off current server populations I'd say that some servers are pretty close to the edge already. The few hundred hardcore RvR players on each server won't be enough to keep the game alive You need new players starting, levelling and entering the end game for that, and I just can't see why anyone would start DAoC rather than WoW / EQ2.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
when i logged in at primetime yesterday prydwen didnt even have 1000 players and that with open beta only rofl
daocs pvp system is the only thing that keep its alive atm and since numbers keep dropping its time they start merging servers like in horizon tbh

and catacombs , haha i sure hope they keep that one away i still havent recovered from toa yet :p


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
wow has a few advantages at the moment:

it's free
it's new and shiny :)

I really liked City of Heroes but I just stopped playing one day and never looked back.

DAoC Catacombs looks to be quite spiffy btw ;) (and I've levelled through 40 levels of that solo and I'm still addicted)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
it all depends on how effective the wow pvp system is, balance in wow is alot easier because there are only 2 unique classes.
Anther thing i loved was no buffbots, buffs are either timed or spread among classes so no 1 class can fully buff a character, and even then you must rebuff.

Saying this its only in beta, alot of the classes havent got their abilities and the pvp aspect in the regular servers hasnt been implemented yet.
I disagree saying the graphics are bad, they may be cartoony but they arent bad at all, spells look amazing and i love the cinematics.

Im just waiting on the pvp system to be introduced to see whether it will entice me into wow over daoc, its a difficult one since it means starting the leveling grind all over again (i think the novelty of pve will wear off by ur 10th character ;)) considering it will cost more in sub fees


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Cylian said:
Third, Blizzard always worked to improve their games.
On the other hand you got "We-don't-give-a-damn-about-our-customers"-Mythic.
Does that assessment include the 2 and a half years it took for Blizzard to make the Diablo II 1.10 patch? A promise to put a stop to the blatant cheating, only to have people discover a new dupe exploit 1 day after it's way overdue release? :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Thorarin said:
Does that assessment include the 2 and a half years it took for Blizzard to make the Diablo II 1.10 patch? A promise to put a stop to the blatant cheating, only to have people discover a new dupe exploit 1 day after it's way overdue release? :p

atleast they ARE working on it.

Mythic just creates new bugs and let's them be, then adds even more.


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
Although I have not played WoW, I don't think it looks that great graphics-wise (judging -sp?- by the screenshots and movies I have seen). Will definatly be quitting DAoC when GuildWars goes retail, loved that game. :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Cylian said:
atleast they ARE working on it.

Mythic just creates new bugs and let's them be, then adds even more.

do you work at mythic? do you work at blizzard?

No, didnt think so

Then how do you know what they are working on and not?..

It's not that hard to put up on some websites saying we are working on a new patch that blah blah
then like not work on it for awhile and then toss something together fast and release it after saying stuff like. its going to be late.. we are sorry etcetc



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 11, 2004
dwystah said:
U can get a little expression of the pvp system by downloading some movies :)

Here is an ok link:
thx will dl
tho what i wana know is it going to be like keep taking etc open fights ? is pk gonna be a problem like in d2 etc:)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
izikiel said:
do you work at mythic? do you work at blizzard?

No, didnt think so

Then how do you know what they are working on and not?..

It's not that hard to put up on some websites saying we are working on a new patch that blah blah
then like not work on it for awhile and then toss something together fast and release it after saying stuff like. its going to be late.. we are sorry etcetc


that's what Mythic definitly does. Promise that they'll look into the problem, then postpone it and again and again and again.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Well when i saw the screenies and movies, i was ohhh not that good gfx, but when i started playing, it dont bother me at all, the backround music is good, the gfx looks better in game than in any movie i've seen. Daoc has pretty much been history for me the last year, but i've come back now and then to play abit then take a little break etc.

I really like wow, get the feeling Blizzard putting more into it than Mythic ever have. The patches this far has been big, bringing more into the game than mythics patches. I will deffo play this game. Played 2 hours last night and had the feeling i had done something, not like in daoc when you feel that nothing changed. If you dont play much just log out at an inn and you get 200% xp on every mob killed for a while, there is some info about this that you can safe up on the resting if you dont play for a few days and get a longer period of xp bonus.

In Daoc it was mostly the highlvl quests that did anything to your xp bar, in WoW the xp is nice, and it dont really feel like grinding when you hunt for the drops.

The whining i've heard is about they balancing some classes, but thoose changes was needed. And the crafting is not the awful grinding in daoc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Sycho said:
I am waiting for vanguard: saga of heroes.

Play half life 2 instead of WoW eh xD

I do not think ANY mmorpg for a long time will beat daoc's PvP system.

HL2 is as good as they say it is....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Afran said:
Although I have not played WoW, I don't think it looks that great graphics-wise (judging -sp?- by the screenshots and movies I have seen). Will definatly be quitting DAoC when GuildWars goes retail, loved that game. :eek:

Yeah Guildwras is fun.. leveled and got my warrior.monk to 20 and got full knight armour ;o and also leveled a mes/monk allthough will got monk/mes next time round, to level 20 as well and a full suit of caster cloth :].

PvP is a laugh as well and im sure the maps will get bigger better and more of them.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
AhoyHoy said:
The thing that keeps people coming back to Daoc is the RvR system, in the fact that it is unique in scale etc, but even that is getting a bit stale for most people i know that still play the game, and after all, almost three years is a good run for any game, and with all its faults, it hasnt done too badly :D

First daoc RvR is BROKEN so the rvr system being uniqe yes but also at this point not being able to play it just to have som fun as a casual player! ToA fecked up beyond recognition with all the MLs and UBERGEAR that a regular player dont have the time to put in.. add on that the TIME to lvl and the TIME to get a decent Realm Rank and you realize that the nrs playing daoc will drop and drop.. people leave cause they get tired of the game and there isnt any exp groups for new players and the time they have to put in is enormous.

Everything daoc got wrong wow does right. and many things daoc does good wow do better, hell even things you cant do in daoc is in wow..

The horrible truth is that since i started playing wow BETA last week i get a sick feeling in my gut as I try to log into daoc.. daoc makes me wanna puke (literally speaking) in comparison! and that said DAOC was the BEST game around before wow came along.. If they rolled back before ToA and implemented NF i would stick around would be fun having 3 different chars to run around with and do some rvr.. THE TIME NEEDED TO KIT EM OUT forget it.... FOR THE HORDE!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bracken said:
Did people complain about DAOC in the early days? Not as far as I remember ;)

the competition was a bit different back then... ;o


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Before you judge WoW pvp, i would wait for battlegrounds.

They already have them on internal testing, DAoC RvR sucked when it was released.

Yey for chain stun, before low levels had a to-hit bonus against anyone 2 lvls higher than them, back in pve were hardly anywere was itemised.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Deacan said:
back in pve were hardly anywere was itemised.

that sucked in alb, no itimised barrows, no itemised lyoness, no netherium or arcanium in the game yet, hmmm where to get level 40+ items......
was so crappy playing a unfinished game (and i still had that feeling after SI every time i played the necro) ;o


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Have played wowobeta for 2 days now and im loving it :)

But that beeing said i dunno if it will make me leave daoc permanently, only time can tell on that one. Ill definetly buy wow and play for a while, but i wont cancel my daoc accounts for it initally, only if i find i dont wanna log onto daoc after a while.

As many have said wow PvE is alot more fun that daoc, and looking at that aspect only there is no reason to play daoc over wow - it will be the PvE portion that will make that choise for me and for alot of other daoc players i think. We will see in due time.

Also i will most definetly try catacombs when we get it here even if im enjoying wow etc.

New is always good :) - at least untill its not new anymore ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
WoW is interesting.. but I know I'll be pretty bored by the time I hit level 15.
The quests were interesting but they are becomming a bit go-there-kill-10-of-that-and-this-or-collect-some-item-come-back-collect-reward'ish.

I haven't been able to actually group yet with a couple of people and go hunt somewhere, mind. That may be fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
WOW makes me roleplay , think I made more emotes in 4 days then 3 years of DAOC :O


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
I hear wow is good.

tbh I get a little frustrated with class balance in DAOC. I feel like everything I get the jump on could pwn me with overpowered stuff, and know if they get the jump on me im dead.

I like games I can loggin and play, and really dislike this 8 man group concept in daoc. Stealthers in daoc turned out to be something mythic didnt really conceive them to be. As such we got diluted so you are not on an even keel with other classes. Which is fine if there is no group concept.

I feel that the PVE system in daoc is somewhat one dimension and is certainly over time consuming and perhaps repetative. Most people only pve as a means to an end rather than something they play enjoy or loggin to daoc to do.

Looking forwarded to trying something different...

but ofc daoc has been a good game, just sensing that all the new patches dont really change much or cure the things that are fundamentally wrong with the game.

and yes tbh mythic are a little clueless about balance, and thats prolly why the term fotm was born from daoc.

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