I don't have a lot of time atm. I think QB did an analysis of how much time you have to put in and for a player of my current level it's not doable. I'm better off reaching the first or second tier and then simply buying the rest of the package.
Those mission events are really only there for those that have all or close to all other tanks unlocked.
Then I played a few games with @georgie, and after he'd quit for the evening this happened.
Gosh, I kid you not but I had to have a glass of the creature after that last one. Those kind of games just....don't....happen to me. Like ever. Until today
Aces are rare for me so I really enjoy getting them.
sooooo I powered through the KV-3. I must admit, when the gun behaves itself....hooo boy it's awesome. unfortunately for me that's only like 1:3 games
anyway, I need to get some 3M credits to buy the T-10 t IX tank, OR! some 2.6M to buy the KV-4 t VIII tank. what to do, what to do?
Woo well I got the KV-4! ....and then proceeded to have a run of the most shite games imaginable. XVM said something like between 14 and 44% for each. So, 4 games, 4 losses in the KV-4
Over the course of the evening I prolly averaged a 30% WR. Best game of the evening happened while getting screamed at for 15 mins by some random SP1C who'd gotten caught out of position and focused down. Duderino decided it was magically my fault and proceeded to berate everything I did for the rest of the game. That game was a win for my T54 mod. 1 and I ended up 3rd with 3 kills and 2.2K damage done. Last chat message of the game was the dude screaming how bad I was. Always nice
I'm finding the same in CS:GO (casual) - creaming through the NME, rest of the team make *no* kills. And that's with a disfunctional keyboard and mouseHoly hell