Ah yes, I've read that. I need to get hold of it. I'm not much of a western RPG player - is it quite tough to get in to?
Why do you have to make such a great start to your post and then ruin it with complete and utter bollocks?
Never finished that either :\. Still, read an interesting essay, if you can call it that, about it and really interesting stuff. A game with symbolism - fancy that!
Like..umm...gears of war? With big muscular men going around killing ugly things by shooting stuff out of their long metal rods while shouting things like "My manbag holds dead puppies and bullets!" or "My overcompensation is manlier then yours!".
That kind of thing?
metal gear solid (the last one blew my fucking mind)
Yeah good call, 2 was an interesting story too as it was quite dark. It's a shame they never fucking finished it :\.
Not played the fourth but in general the MGS 'story' has been a big WTF to me.
Never finished that either :\. Still, read an interesting essay, if you can call it that, about it and really interesting stuff. A game with symbolism - fancy that!
I think Shadow of the Colossus is one of the closest games to settle the "games as art" debate, along with its predecessor Ico.
Not played SOTC but if it's anything like Ico it has no story