Will you renew? (part2)

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Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
What i meant as in, throwing techy based ideas around here are highly unlikely to (If they go ahead with it) help much with there "system".

Edit: Anyway im techophobic
Nada, I know a bit about "the system" and I know what I want would work outside it.:p

*shrugs* If they want to know more, I'll be watching my PM box, if they know it already, then I can live with that, and if they have something else up their sleeves...well, all I've wasted is time I'd have wasted anyway.


You could definately do what will is suggesting with Halflife and mods.

Gamers.nu run a successful CS only subscription based model.

Two ways of doing it imho.

First rewrite some of the open mods out there that provide reserved slots on servers.

Make it so it communicates w/ sub database or whatever.

You could either do it so its wholy public and then whenever a subscriber connects it checks to see who is subscribed on the server and who isnt and kicks the non-subscriber who's been connected the longest or just provide say 8/16 slots on a server for subs only.

EDIT: 2nd way is using ip checks w/ sub DB on connect using a mod again but basing it on sub info and disallowing any non-subs to connect when it hits 8/10 users.

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
:eek: leave lester alone

actually I want to seriously molest him :)

it's either that or banging for the gang with the CS mob :)


If that works, you owe Will the £50 he was gonna charge bigfoot.

edit//those small hands sure work fast ffs.


Can I just make a point?

Everyone here would have, I imagine, at least nine months left on your subscriptions, so as to whether people will renew or not, let's look at it logically?

If the service is rockin' away, and you're all happy, by the time you come up for renewal, then do so. If it's not, then leave (it's not like we need to spell that out - of course you will).

We will have given you your money's worth by the time that decision comes up ok? And then some. So stop accusing us of doing nothing and starting completely pointless "Will you renew?" threads. Wait, and see, and judge then.

This doesn't mean it's going to take nine months, I'm just saying "by then".

Another thing, it's really not helpful to start so many threads criticising the service. The first thing potential new subscribers will see is the forum and we've just seen Onl00ker decide as a result of this thread not to subscribe. So well done.

We'll do what we can to get this service the best in the world and everything you want, but we can't do it while you're so vociferously opposed to us. So calm down, get positive, and do what you can to get people on the service, and playing, rather than frightening them away. Please?


PS: I will be renewing mainly due to the BWCSL.

Johnny Bravo

Originally posted by bigfoot
Having them public for a period of the day has (and is) being considered as a possible method of publicising them, but it is questionable whether or not it would actually lead to more people playing on the servers when they went over to Subs only - most of the current online audience would probably shrug their shoulders and go play on a server elsewhere come 6pm (or whenever the cut off time was).

Please, if you try this, dont make the cut off time 6pm....most people only start playing around then....make it 7.30-8 pm ish. The fundamental reason for opening servers to the public surely is to advertise the Subs...as people have already said, if you can't see a server in Gamespy/ASE/HLSW etc you dont know it even exists.

Once open then simple advertising telling people the server closes at xx time for subs only players, to get a sub go here.... would at least let people know of the subs system.

I agree that probably 80-90% of people will stop playing and goto a free server, but you may get some extra subs from people who enjoy the server and you will definately get current subscribers onto the servers and renewing their subs.....something which just isnt happening.

Alternative is to keep the current systems, have shed loads of empty servers and watch as people do not renew subs and game.net goes in receivership :(


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko

We will have given you your money's worth by the time that decision comes up ok? And then some. So stop accusing us of doing nothing and starting completely pointless "Will you renew?" threads. Wait, and see, and judge then

This isnt a pointless thread and tbh JD I really don't think that you are a good spokesman for game.net.

We are thinking about solutions that we think would work as WE are the ones playing on the servers.

If I was you i'd seriously consider the tone of voice in your posts. This "if you don't like it then leave" attitude does absolutely nothing for your cause.

In case you haven't noticed we are actually coming up with ideas. bigfoot has been kind enough to comeback with reasonable answers yet you seem intent on being only hostile.

In all honesty I haven't recieved my
moneys worth and I dont think I will have by the time my subs are up. So how about you let someone else tell us how and why none of these options are viable and drop the attitude.


in case you have't noticed a lot of us are fed up "waiting". Stop telling us to wait and give us some real feedback pls.


Lol. This is why companies have receptionists and automated phone software - to keep the suits and the punters apart. :)


Originally posted by leggy
This isnt a pointless thread and tbh JD I really don't think that you are a good spokesman for game.net.

We are thinking about solutions that we think would work as WE are the ones playing on the servers.

This isn't an ideas thread. That's off topic. The title of this thread is "will you renew?".


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
This isn't an ideas thread. That's off topic. The title of this thread is "will you renew?".

Sorry but if you re-read the original post I said please give reasons as this will be helpful to game.


In fairness to JD, this thread did kinda start off as another criticism thread. However, it has since developed into something altogether fluffier, so there's hope for us all yet :)


Just as an aside to this thread, I have received my monies worth from BW. My decision not to renew is not based on bad service, as I have had no problems at all, but on the fact that I don't really play on ANY public servers anymore, only the odd BF server with my clan.

While I can understand Game not telling us what is planned, to prevent the competition getting in on the act, I can see the frustration from those who do want to use game.net, but don't see it going anywhere.

As JD said, most people still have 9 months left, why not make your decision based on the facilities available at the time, rather than what is currently available.

/me hides some more


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
This isn't an ideas thread. That's off topic. The title of this thread is "will you renew?".

Thats terribly narrow-minded. If people will or won't renew rests on what they're going to get/be promised from the service. Hence asking questions to satisfy that - and in return make suggestions that will satisfy people enough to keep them paying money.


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
Another thing, it's really not helpful to start so many threads criticising the service. The first thing potential new subscribers will see is the forum and we've just seen Onl00ker decide as a result of this thread not to subscribe. So well done.

Basically you're saying that you're happy for people to carry on subscribing in the hope GAME.net is a wonderful place for people to play but because they've not subscribed they can't see it, yer find that there's nobody on the servers at all.

It's like PC World selling you a PC without any components... although they basically do that anyway.


Originally posted by (Shovel)
In fairness to JD, this thread did kinda start off as another criticism thread. However, it has since developed into something altogether fluffier, so there's hope for us all yet :)

I'm sorry but you missed the point of my thread starter like JD.

If you actually read it I said "please give a reason as this will be helpful".

My intention was not to restart a criticism I was generally interested if and why people would renew.

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by (Shovel)

However, it has since developed into something altogether fluffier, so there's hope for us all yet :)

I prefer to run with this thought than with the other tbh. more positivity ffs :eek:


Could we stop putting words into each other's mouths please? I might help encourage the cooperation most of us are supporting.


Originally posted by leggy
I'm sorry but you missed the point of my thread starter like JD.

If you actually read it I said "please give a reason as this will be helpful".

My intention was not to restart a criticism I was generally interested if and why people would renew.

OK :) Sorry. :D


This is what's called brainstorming JD. You're getting it for free and until you started yapping on it was quite positive. So shut up or come up with some constructive ideas.


I very much doubt that unless the other main GSP's in the UK have gone pay to play I'll renew my subscription, primarily because I play a mod that despite being hugely popular GAME.net don't support as well as the fact I've done my bit to help GAME.net and got very little in return, the webspace is null as my ISP offer me that, I've got enough POP3 email addresses with my ISP and I don't have a website to host. I've tried paying to play and it's been a waste of money and I've spent my time playing on free servers, like most of us have probably.

The attitude GAME seem to be giving out atm is that they're happy for people to subscribe blindly and be disappointed, meaning GAME get their money of course but 12 months down the line or whatever people aren't going to renew, and when this happens I imagine we'll see the real problems that are being covered up by the suits.

In addition, Jonny - you should really stop with the snide remarks in your replies etc, we're all trying to help for the good of GAME and this general forum community. None of us want to see it die. Just like others have said, why don't you realise we're trying to help?


Originally posted by kameleon
This is what's called brainstorming JD. You're getting it for free and until you started yapping on it was quite positive. So shut up or come up with some constructive ideas.

Already have. In development.

But sorry seriously. Pay attention, a suit is saying sorry! I actually wrote that post before lunch when it was all "no I won't renew" and then saw onlooker's post and that got me. I forgot about it and published my post when I got back, by which time something positive was happening, please, continue.


OK: Back on brainstorming.

Will, this method of linking up Half Life and its mods. Is it limited to HL because of something proprietry in the Half Life code? Or is it limited because no one's written a similar control mod for other games?

Testin da Cable

there are hardware ways to chop off connections after a certain period of time, but that's not very nice really...and I have no idea how the servers will take it. kudos to games that have this built in.


Is there no way of having a barrybar lite ? That has to be connected to a server to function and then at a set time gets cut off?


Indeed, I'd have thought hardware would be out on grounds of installation cost? Not to mention the reaction of some games as people get disconnected for entirely new reasons? Or would that be transparent maybe?

Is there not a software way just to monitor connections? External to the game itself? Some kind of proxy maybe?

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by Wij
Add 50 ping to non-subscribers :)

that's not too bad actually. a half decent traffic shaper could be configured to put non-subs in a low priority stream or something :)


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
Already have. In development.

But sorry seriously. Pay attention, a suit is saying sorry! I actually wrote that post before lunch when it was all "no I won't renew" and then saw onlooker's post and that got me. I forgot about it and published my post when I got back, by which time something positive was happening, please, continue.

I'm sorry if my post seemed like a personal attack. I never intended it to come across like that.

I was just slightly annoyed by some of the things said.
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