Why is Midgard SUCH EASY MODE ???!



Originally posted by ab_fluid
i said, we can beat RG/BC most times, basically cos players in vgn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> players in RG/BC. But when we play vs JH/NP who are around the same skill/experience level as our players its like 90% they win 10% we do, and thats is 100% based on the classes they have against the classes we have. that easier for you to understand?

Naaa - infact it would show that your classes are overpowered.

If you beat 2 (of thoese 4 guilds) 90% of the time .... then you are overpowered.
It is the classes that are overpowered - not the players that are skilled. Remember that from all your whines about savages ;)

If a savage group wins 90% of its fights against some opponents - they are overpowered.
If you do so, you are more skilled?

LOL at the meaningless hypocrisy and doublestandard.....
True colors shown, you don't wish fair fights, you wish to win the majority of times.


i think the point is that with a mediocre amount of teamwork and effort, a savage group can win incredibly easily.

the point being that RG and BC lack even this amount of mediocre skill.

tho i disagree and i really love seeing BC's PB grp ;p

but yes, rg aint too good. imo. (my opinion.)


Originally posted by Xandax
Naaa - infact it would show that your classes are overpowered.

If you beat 2 (of thoese 4 guilds) 90% of the time .... then you are overpowered.
It is the classes that are overpowered - not the players that are skilled. Remember that from all your whines about savages ;)

If a savage group wins 90% of its fights against some opponents - they are overpowered.
If you do so, you are more skilled?

LOL at the meaningless hypocrisy and doublestandard.....
True colors shown, you don't wish fair fights, you wish to win the majority of times.

You really need to learn to read t.t ofc i do wish to win most of the fights i am in, but i wish this to be because i/we play better than our opponent, and as it stands now, we can outplay our enemy and still be beaten fairly easily by a half decent fotm grp. You more showing your own true colours that all you wish to do is wind people up instead of reading, taking in information and actually discussing.


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
i think the point is that with a mediocre amount of teamwork and effort, a savage group can win incredibly easily.

the point being that RG and BC lack even this amount of mediocre skill.

tho i disagree and i really love seeing BC's PB grp ;p

but yes, rg aint too good. imo. (my opinion.)

it's all opinions :) i don't rate BC at all, same with RG, but yeh u managed to write in like 4 lines what i been trying to write for the last hour t.t nerf


Originally posted by old.Nol
sheph's a lurikeen enchanter.

if thats true, then who is the celt defender that posts under his name in this thread?

note: duskwave sez he is warden. may make me look like a noob, but makes the crescent sword even funnier.


Originally posted by infozwerg
if thats true, then who is the celt defender that posts under his name in this thread?

note: duskwave sez he is warden. may make me look like a noob, but makes the crescent sword even funnier.

i don't understand cresent sword bit :(


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
this is why vgn sent you to uni

and i am learning lots! so far i learned:

£1 a pint in drydock on tuesdays is uber


Originally posted by ab_fluid
You really need to learn to read t.t ofc i do wish to win most of the fights i am in, but i wish this to be because i/we play better than our opponent, and as it stands now, we can outplay our enemy and still be beaten fairly easily by a half decent fotm grp. You more showing your own true colours that all you wish to do is wind people up instead of reading, taking in information and actually discussing.

I dont' wish to wind people up - I do however wish to "point" out what I see as hypocrisy and/or doublestandards in these nerf this and that thread etc,

You posted:
Originally posted by ab_fluid

ofc a skilled grp can take down a savage fotm unskilled grp, we beat RG/BC day in day out xD, they don't bother me, its the grps with any scrap of skill in mid that just totally over perform, JH/NP for example

Originally posted by ab_fluid

i said, we can beat RG/BC most times, basically cos players in vgn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> players in RG/BC. But when we play vs JH/NP who are around the same skill/experience level as our players its like 90% they win 10% we do, and thats is 100% based on the classes they have against the classes we have. that easier for you to understand?

Claiming to have more skills then some guild/groups because you win all your fights (or near all) and then claiming that the groups you loose to have the same skill rate as your groups, and therefore win only due to classes.....

Can you follow the line of reasoning?
We win because we are better.
We loose because of the classes are overpowered.

My statement stand.


Originally posted by angara-ffs
Can i say somthing...ty


Can i say somthing...ty

Angara IS FUCKING SHIT....ty


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
Can i say somthing...ty

Angara IS FUCKING SHIT....ty

Can i say something.....ty



Originally posted by ab_fluid
and i am learning lots! so far i learned:

£1 a pint in drydock on tuesdays is uber

You at Leeds?
Or is there another Drydock pub :p


Originally posted by Xandax
Can you follow the line of reasoning?
We win because we are better.
We loose because of the classes are overpowered.

My statement stand.

There you go, summed it up if we beat a savage grp currently, we have played a lot better than them, if we lose to them theres no proof they played better than us, can you honestly say that even after reading and hearing the relentless savage whine that they r a balanced class? i got 2 shotted by a savage in 1.5 seconds, thats 1850 hp just gone from 1 person at 2 near enough capped speed swings.


Originally posted by ab_fluid
i said, we can beat RG/BC most times, basically cos players in vgn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> players in RG/BC. But when we play vs JH/NP who are around the same skill/experience level as our players its like 90% they win 10% we do, and thats is 100% based on the classes they have against the classes we have. that easier for you to understand?

well lets be fair to the people vgn run with eh ?

vgn+la+other hib grp>>>>>>>> 1fg bc

vgn on its own doesnt happen

and bc sm/warrior grp >>> all :) well sometimes anyway


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
tho i disagree and i really love seeing BC's PB grp ;p

both crazy & wiiwii retired, nerf rl, ;(
they _will_ be back, just dont know when ^^


we dont run with LA fyi :/

if you're gonna try to make a good lie at least try to make it somewhat based on facts


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
we dont run with LA fyi :/

if you're gonna try to make a good lie at least try to make it somewhat based on facts

k i will post pics next time if u want been in many fights with bc vs la and vgn
was dead at mmg for ages a couple of weeks back and watched you both run around together


Originally posted by ab_fluid
There you go, summed it up if we beat a savage grp currently, we have played a lot better than them, if we lose to them theres no proof they played better than us, can you honestly say that even after reading and hearing the relentless savage whine that they r a balanced class? i got 2 shotted by a savage in 1.5 seconds, thats 1850 hp just gone from 1 person at 2 near enough capped speed swings.

There is no proof of you playing better then them, or that the classes you play with aren't overpowered.

You claim that you win because you are better, and not because your classes are better/overpowered.
But when you loose it is because the enemy has overpowered classes.
It could just as well be that you win because your classes infact are better and you only loose thoese few battles because the enemy is infact better.

Excat same line of reasoning.

Also note - no where did I state that savages are neither balanced nor overpowered. It is your statement I adress.


Originally posted by Pandemic
k i will post pics next time if u want been in many fights with bc vs la and vgn
was dead at mmg for ages a couple of weeks back and watched you both run around together



Originally posted by ab_fluid
ofc a skilled grp can take down a savage fotm unskilled grp, we beat RG/BC day in day out xD, they don't bother me, its the grps with any scrap of skill in mid that just totally over perform, JH/NP for example, and yeh i do base most of my daoc views from excal server, it is the most active RvR server in the world :) but i also read VN shitloads and the whine is exactly the same there. Mids are still top of the pile in dark age of tankalot, imo due to 3 things, savages, asd (fixed soon yay), and insta pbaoe disease 8 sec timer. Savages will get a proper nerf sometime i'd imagine, asd as i said fixed soon, and my idea for fixing pb insta disease would basically be add immunity timer to it and all other diseases.

unlikely to be beating us day in day out as a month or so ago the majority BC moved to pywrden. we have had only a few gg since then


sucky guilds/players can always blame svgs/alb ra:s/pbae if they lose, in any realm.


Originally posted by cougar-
sucky guilds/players can always blame svgs/alb ra:s/pbae if they lose, in any realm.



It seems to me that most of you WANT to disagree, and I guess that is ok :), but try following this simple reasoning:

The outcome of a fg vs fg fight will depend on (in no specified order)

1. Skill of the players
2. Quality of the group (individual strength of characters, quality of the chosen group set up, RAs that are up etc)

In the future when discussing WTFPWNAGE it would do you could to keep this in mind.

Stating that a well played, well put together group of Albs will win 70-80% (or whatever) over a medium quality Mid fg kinda makes the point that most of the Albs posting in this thread are trying to make, i.e.:

Currently it takes more skill to _repeatedly_ succeed in fg vs fg fight for an Alb grp than it does for the other 2 realms. Simply because there are setups of Mid/Hib grps that are just too overpowered in comparison with the best alb setups. A well set-up, well-played Mid/Hib group will WTFPWN Alb groups (even well played ones) in fg vs fg (except for those rare occasions when ALL RAs are up, then the fight might be even but the Albs fooked in the next encounter).


It doesnt even mean we do not agree to the fact that there are Mids/Hibs that are extremly well played. We are just saying it would be nice to have the playing field leveled a bit more (and not with timed RAs) to be able to play on equal terms more often than every 30 mins.

Please try to keep these concepts seperated will ya ? (that goes for hibs, mids aswell as albs)

Just my 2 cents.

edit: spelling


Originally posted by Pandemic
unlikely to be beating us day in day out as a month or so ago the majority BC moved to pywrden. we have had only a few gg since then

i ain't played in 3 weeks cos of uni, am just bored and speaking from b4 i left :x


Originally posted by Xandax
There is no proof of you playing better then them, or that the classes you play with aren't overpowered.

You claim that you win because you are better, and not because your classes are better/overpowered.
But when you loose it is because the enemy has overpowered classes.
It could just as well be that you win because your classes infact are better and you only loose thoese few battles because the enemy is infact better.

Excat same line of reasoning.

Also note - no where did I state that savages are neither balanced nor overpowered. It is your statement I adress.

You take my words how you want to, if you see it as me saying i am uber leet madskillz player who would pwn all if savages were gone then gj to you, we do lose to good grps who beat us cos they play better....Read FC/BF, but i would never say gj/wp/gg etc to a mid grp beating us in 3 savage 3 healer 1 shammy 1 skald grp as IN MY OPINION!! they can play worse than us and still win, if they come and beat us with 2 healers 3 runies 1 skald 1 shammy 1 warrior then i would admit they played better than us and deserved to win.


Well hibernian players are by default 10x better than any other players. I think that the BEST guilds ever (VGN/LA/CF/TDMM/BAF/TDO) should beat clueless players like JH/NP/Pan/BC/RG. Now the problem is balance, in hib u have to press alot of buttons (ITS NOT 1-BUTTON REALM!) and in mid u dont. VGN players usually press 3-4 BUT STILL DOESNT WIN, this is where the balance really shows, in the game code(everyone in hib got it, cause other realms suck) i found this:

if (player.getRealm(mid))
win= true;
player.addCash(10, gold);

This not only prooves that mid is overpowered in the code, but THEY GET PAID FOR BEING OVERPOWERED!
I have 0 respect for all people running fixed grp setups with the same people night after night, this only means they get more practice with eachother while hibs dont! I dunno about you but i play to have fun and i dont have it when im not uber so FO lame mids. Also for all you idiots (except hibs-nol) this is how the skill goes VGN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LA>TDMM>CF>BaF>TdO>>>>>>>FC>>>Herbal>>BF/GoL>>>>> Random ppl>>>>FoM>>>>WR>>>NP>rest of mid.

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