Rant Why I hate the police (more photography woes)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
So now you can't prove your baseless, inflammatory and libelous claim you try and pick holes in something completely different?

No ta. You're a boring arsehole. You very nearly reached my ignore list for making such a horrible claim towards me. No-one's ever been on there. I'd suggest reading and thinking before you go round accusing people of utter bullshit. Once again I think we need to highlight the utter shit you've spouted at me, because it's actually offensive to me:

It's actually astonishing that you could say such a strong comment, and then take it back once it became clear to you that you were talking out of your own arse. Step away from the keyboard and take a look at yourself. Would you really behave in that way in real life? Make up shit about someone to enhance your argument? Pathetic. Not even bainteor, Toht or that child-abandoning WoW freak do that (or have done in Toht's case).

So... mad.... Atleast we're not accusing random people of being paedophiles.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
To be fair it sounds like Wazz's mate was right. Somebody nervously, sneakily taking photos of children in a public place - it's difficult to come to any "good" conclusion. The guy's reaction was also quite telling but if it was as cut and dried as Wazz makes it sound, they should've made some effort to alert the authorities or something. Deleting the pics he had just taken is all good and well but who knows what horrors he might have had on his computer at home, for instance.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
No cally, he couldn't have been a paedo because he wasn't wearing his paedo hat. :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
To be fair it sounds like Wazz's mate was right. Somebody nervously, sneakily taking photos of children in a public place - it's difficult to come to any "good" conclusion. The guy's reaction was also quite telling but if it was as cut and dried as Wazz makes it sound, they should've made some effort to alert the authorities or something. Deleting the pics he had just taken is all good and well but who knows what horrors he might have had on his computer at home, for instance.

narrowminded, just like wazz!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
No point entering into a conversation with you Mr father-of-the-year; you'd probably not notice someone taking sneaky pictures of your boy because you either wouldn't be with him or you'd be busy "raiding".

I know it's all a bit "daily mail" but what if this guy and his mate were serial child rapists and they were looking out for their next victim? What if the police went to his house and found a basement full of bodies? It *SOUNDS* from Wazz's dodgy hearsay recollections :)D) that it was an organised thing that these two had going on. In this circumstance, it sounds like it would've been worth pursuing, is all I'm saying.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Don't be silly, we can't ever think negatively of anyone. He was taking pics of kids picking their nose! Couldn't ever be up to anything naughty! ;)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
had a very specific concern, which I am not in a position to discuss publicly

convenient, it was something really nasty, but we cant tell you what it is, but it wasnt him taking photos, nope, definitely something else.....


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
So now you can't prove your baseless, inflammatory and libelous claim you try and pick holes in something completely different?

No ta. You're a boring arsehole. You very nearly reached my ignore list for making such a horrible claim towards me. No-one's ever been on there. I'd suggest reading and thinking before you go round accusing people of utter bullshit. Once again I think we need to highlight the utter shit you've spouted at me, because it's actually offensive to me:

It's actually astonishing that you could say such a strong comment, and then take it back once it became clear to you that you were talking out of your own arse. Step away from the keyboard and take a look at yourself. Would you really behave in that way in real life? Make up shit about someone to enhance your argument? Pathetic. Not even bainteor, Toht or that child-abandoning WoW freak do that (or have done in Toht's case).

Right, first of all, I haven't taken anything back. You called these guys paedophiles. That doesn't mean they collect stamps by the way. You basically tagged two men with just about the worst label you can give another human being (so if we're talking libellous comments, put your own house in order), then to compound it, you showed your staggering lack of understanding of what you said by claiming that taking pictures of kids in a public place is the same as undressed, and then singularly failed to back that argument up, got called on it and then came over as captain self-righteous. Well that doesn't fucking wash.

The whole reason that law enforcement and the powers that be can tar everyone with a camera as a terrorist or a kiddie-fiddler is exactly because of the kind of mentality you showed in your original post. That's why I questioned what happened next in your story; if these guys really were "paedos" (and Callous has certainly gone down the "no smoke without fire" route I notice), then someone should have made sure the police were called, and let due process take its course. Then your banal comments may have had some substance. As it is, all this looks like is you going "ooh look at me, I've got a peado story". And you say I was out of order referencing The Sun. Sure, because you haven't just behaved exactly the same way as they do have you?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Don't be silly, we can't ever think negatively of anyone. He was taking pics of kids picking their nose! Couldn't ever be up to anything naughty! ;)

Which is worse;

a 40 year old man, having consent sex with a 10 year old girl

a 40 year old female teacher having consent sex with her 10 year old male student

Or wait, i think i already know your biased answer.

I guess you're voting for whichever party supports plastering cameras all over your country. Put anyone on the fire, as long as its not yourself. Do you support deathpenalty as well?

Is this too many questions in one post? wat


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The 10 year old children aren't legally old enough to have consensual sex so your question is flawed. They are both equally as bad from the adults' point of view though - it's a 40 year old having sex with a 10 year old.

And Gaff, in THIS instance, from Wazz's description of what his mate said (and if that account was itself not embellished), it sounds as though there was a fairly fierce fire burning. Lots of "ifs".


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
It doesn't matter if the 10 year old wants to have sex. They're getting it anyway.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It amazes me how little people's brains work here, it really does. In a highly amusing way.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
What's she doing out of the kitchen?

100%, incompetent.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well let's get to the bottom of this eh.
Taking pictures in public is completely legal, but if you walk about taking random shots with no explanation and no obvious motive..i.e. some tourist attraction, it will creep people out a bit, a copper will wander over simply because he picks up on the public mood, then it get's confrontational and both parties get all 'this is the law'.
You're dealing with subtle human perceptions, so you have to tread carefully.
If someone came up and took a photo of my kids in the street, I'd firstly sum him up..Pedo, probably not, weirdo..maybe, Model scout..I'm interested now.
'Hi mate I'm just an amateur/professional photographer, here's my card can I take a picture of your kids?'
Situation calmed.
Just photographing general scenes, them nake yourself look the part, it puts people and coppers at ease.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Just photographing general scenes, them nake yourself look the part, it puts people and coppers at ease.

FFS. People (including coppers) don't have a right to be "put at ease". As the guy in the video points out, people are being photographed hundreds and hundreds of times a day. Get over it. Ironically there was a time when the British public loved having their photos taken, now we've been educated to be scared of everything. In a sane world that policewoman would be up on a disciplinary charge.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The police in the uk don't have to deal with a public that knows their rights as much as say the US where shit like that generally wouldn't fly.
The police here have a "My word is law" mentality.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Why wouldn't you put them at ease, it's common courtesy, I wouldn't walk right behind a woman in a dark street and I wouldn't follow a copper around the streets, not illegal , but sure to get a reaction.
If you want pictures, play the game, we all have to on many different levels, it should be and probably is part of photography courses.


Dec 26, 2003
UK police are in general fucking terrible.

I feel a bit sorry for them really - they get a few months training and are then presented with every conceivable activity with which they are somehow expected to always know the relevant law. How much time do you think was spent training them on the law regarding photography?

I'd be suprised if the Terrorism Act wasnt the only context they were taught about photography but assuming you are polite you could probably convince most of them and with the others just walk away.

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