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- #91
Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
This thread rocks. If ignorance is bliss then there are a lot of happy people around.
Originally posted by logan6
"Without a lifedrain BDs would be unplayable"
not on a 4 second timer. Then again, how come there are lvl 50 Bone Army Bonedancers? Face it, its overpowered the way it is! Reavers need the LT too, but it has a reasonable timer.
As to tactics facing BD´s, we dindt give up after one try. I heard the commander gets healed first, so one of us PAéd the commander using DoT, then attacked BD. The other NS used disease poison to cut heals in half, then switching to third weapon for debuff/DoT. It all wont help. Every fight (4 is was) ended with two dead NS and one kobold BD laughing his ass off, quickly being healed to full health after the fight.
We also tried to down the commander first, be hes much tougher than the BD himself, and the pets get even more time healing him. Even if we take out the healing pets first, and even if it worked, the BD zaps ur ass for 304 hits every 4 seconds. My NS sustains 4 of these. Oh wait, 3, because the commander hits for 100+ every 3 secondes too.
Sorry but theres no other class out there that uber in 1vs1 combat (melee or at range, doesnt matter), thats just not good, period. Either cut the range, or up the timer. This way you cant beat a BD solo if you arent buffed through the roof.
Damn i tried so many different things, to keep the healers healing someone else than the bd... like Perf&Dot the Commander, shout at one healer, switch and disease BD... nothing works. Those 2-3 healers are just too many to deal with solo.
500 hits is a joke. You dont have optimized equipment then.
Originally posted by Flimgoblin
I see a lot of you are missing Balbor's point
The excuse given for the bonedancer having a range 1500 instant-lifetap on a 4s timer (it was changed to castable then changed back again) is that they were getting too much aggro in pve... (I think it was the BD not the healer pets - as they upped the aggro generated by healing pets in a later patch)
so he's trying to point out that that's a stupid excuseand offering amnesia as a way to fix it...
Now of course this would have the unfortunate side effect of nerfing the tank-mages-with-pets in RvR...
Loosing the instentLD would make the BD unplayable (FACE: the other 38 classes in the game don't have this spell but are perfectly playable).
From getting agro off healing pets because commander cannot hold it (FACT: amnesia is the best spell for contorting agro), (PvE)
There pets have bad pathing problems (FACT: all pets (and some mobs) suffer from bad pathing and controlling - this is a programming problem and best way to fix it is to fix the programming) (both PvE and RvR)
It is there most powerful spell (FACT: the DD/snare spell in there Darkness spec line does more damage than the LD and has a higher Damage/perSec than the LD- best fix is to spec Darkness if you want a higher damaging spell). (Both PvE and RvR).
I think any class having this spell would find it hard to play once it was taken away. BD can take down 4 enemies with easy, (without using any tactics), if you don't have CC there is almost no way of taking them out.
and for those that still don't get it, if your going to use a stupid answer like "getting agro off healing pets because commander cannot hold it" as the resion for having an InstenLD then don't be suprized if Mythic give you amnesia. If on the other hand letting them know that you need a spell like this because your pets need fixing and the other spells are almost useless they might start fixing thse issues.
Originally posted by Balbor
Thanks Flimgoblinat last someone see the point I'm making. Bonedancers (and not me) have given all sorts of reason for having/needing this uber spell:
1) From getting agro off healing pets because commander cannot hold it (FACT: amnesia is the best spell for contorting agro), (PvE)
2) There pets have bad pathing problems (FACT: all pets (and some mobs) suffer from bad pathing and controlling - this is a programming problem and best way to fix it is to fix the programming) (both PvE and RvR)
3) It is there most powerful spell (FACT: the DD/snare spell in there Darkness spec line does more damage than the LD and has a higher Damage/perSec than the LD- best fix is to spec Darkness if you want a higher damaging spell). (Both PvE and RvR).
4) Loosing the instentLD would make the BD unplayable (FACE: the other 38 classes in the game don't have this spell but are perfectly playable).
5) I think any class having this spell would find it hard to play once it was taken away.
6) BD can take down 4 enemies with easy, (without using any tactics), if you don't have CC there is almost no way of taking them out.
7) They keep say 'learn to use tactics' yet they are totally unwilling to use or learn any themselves - boasting that all they need to do is /face and then keep tapping instenLD (and maybe a /stick if enemy starts running). One BD has even boasted to not even bothering to summon pets and just LDing yellow/orange con mobs.
8) Lots of other forums about nerfing BD started before this one, with the same kind theme of changing the LD spell in some way. From shorter range, longer recast, not being instant cast, being a normal DD and others, yet they are still shouted down with the same kind of petty abuse (because real arguments cannot be found).
9) and for those that still don't get it, if your going to use a stupid answer like "getting agro off healing pets because commander cannot hold it" as the resion for having an InstenLD then don't be suprized if Mythic give you amnesia. If on the other hand letting them know that you need a spell like this because your pets need fixing and the other spells are almost useless they might start fixing thse issues.
Originally posted by the_fnord
Balbor.... you still haven't answered why an Alb have any intresst in any of midchars PvE tacticts.... Time after time throughout this thread you have stated that that's what u where on about, and NOT PvP... I'm just curious...
Originally posted by logan6
Why is it so hard to get that a normal caster has a very big problem if his qc gets resisted? Scouts/Rangers have it even worse... lower range or longer timer would suffice. I guess to not cripple the class in PvE it would be ok to cut the range. No BD could give a good reason that it has to be a 1500 range shout.
Actually archer classes will get a lot of toys soon, a chance to break any attack on them from range before it happens. Archers have always been about carefully picking targets. Don't stand in the open like a muppet waiting to get killed if you are solo. There's a reason these guys have stealth you know
Increasing the timer would kill the subclass's viability in PvE. On higher level mobs its already quite close a lot of the time.
Resists aren't a valid argument since all classes whatever they are face resists.
I see it too often that casters get charged by lt zapping BD´s. Its a tad unfair. i see no way a ranger can take out a half-wake BD. Casters will have a very hard time either.
They get charged by zapping Spirit Masters too. At Skald MACH 5 when I'm hitting an enemy group the whole lot are debuffed normally before they get a single spell off. Any caster class can do this. Go on, ask for Dark SMs to get nerfed, I dare you.
And please cut the "assassins can kill BD´s 1on1, you just dont know how" crap. Tell me how, show me, and ill believe. Until then, youre either a bragger or liar for me. Anyone can say "its just a matter of technique"... both unbuffed = dead assassin. I´d say 1 out of 10 times.
agreeOriginally posted by Tafaya Anathas
Yess, remove cleric DD spells, and give them AE stun, insta AE stun, AE mez and instant AE mez, and they will sure stop complaining.
Comparing the mid healer class with the alb cleric: the cleric imho a very-very boring class to play, you can buff and heal, and if you wanna deal damage the you have to gimp yourself. Congrats...
Originally posted by old.tuppe
btw, forget one thing.
bone isnt true nuker, or why when spec to darkness commander head to melee?
imagine this in keep defense or taking situation, pets start nuke when commander is melee whit target!
commader is blue to 50, when commader get killed, all subpets die too.
do you ask opponet waite so long you summon new pets?
same whit ba specced
archer pet keep allways best possible range, dont shoot under it, so pet run all around trying keep that best possible range, dont probably shoot at all in fight, and same time this blue commander try melee this lvl 50 down![]()
just copple buggs i have heard.
remember! commander allways head to melee whit target!
blue commander!
commander dead -> all pets dead.
Oh I am indeed reading ur posts! Let me demonstrate:Originally posted by Balbor
i don't care about BD in PvE, are you not reading my posts or something.
2:Originally posted by Balbor
So how do we fix BD, Remove instent LD and give them amnesia. After all this would help BD more because it would mean they get less agro in PvE.
All BD must agree that amnesia will be much more useful than some stupid instent, 4sec LD. Hell you could even make the amnesia instent![]()
3:Originally posted by Balbor
I'll explain again, BD have a 4sec LD becasue there was a problem with there commander holding agro in PvE when there healer pets start healing. But using a nuke spell would agro the mob onto the BD. This stopped the DB from casting a timed nuked so fo DB with healers they have an instent nuke.
It had nothing to do with RvR and therefor amnesia would be a better fix for this than a instentLD.
My point about there DD/Snare was that people as stating that removing it would mean they loose there best damaging spell, but LD isn't there most damaging spell. An instent amnesia spell line would do everything you want the LD to do: 'interrupting casters' and help take agro off your healer pets.
Instent LD was a bad fix for a problem that has nothing to do with RVR. In a similar way to how the other realms saw Sorcerers getting bolt range to compensate having no ranged instent CC.
Originally posted by Balbor
1) From getting agro off healing pets because commander cannot hold it (FACT: amnesia is the best spell for contorting agro), (PvE)