Why do DB need instent LD nukes?



Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
This thread rocks. If ignorance is bliss then there are a lot of happy people around.


<--Happy as a clam :)


Originally posted by logan6
"Without a lifedrain BDs would be unplayable"

not on a 4 second timer. Then again, how come there are lvl 50 Bone Army Bonedancers? Face it, its overpowered the way it is! Reavers need the LT too, but it has a reasonable timer.

As to tactics facing BD´s, we dindt give up after one try. I heard the commander gets healed first, so one of us PAéd the commander using DoT, then attacked BD. The other NS used disease poison to cut heals in half, then switching to third weapon for debuff/DoT. It all wont help. Every fight (4 is was) ended with two dead NS and one kobold BD laughing his ass off, quickly being healed to full health after the fight.

We also tried to down the commander first, be hes much tougher than the BD himself, and the pets get even more time healing him. Even if we take out the healing pets first, and even if it worked, the BD zaps ur ass for 304 hits every 4 seconds. My NS sustains 4 of these. Oh wait, 3, because the commander hits for 100+ every 3 secondes too.

Sorry but theres no other class out there that uber in 1vs1 combat (melee or at range, doesnt matter), thats just not good, period. Either cut the range, or up the timer. This way you cant beat a BD solo if you arent buffed through the roof.

Damn i tried so many different things, to keep the healers healing someone else than the bd... like Perf&Dot the Commander, shout at one healer, switch and disease BD... nothing works. Those 2-3 healers are just too many to deal with solo.

500 hits is a joke. You dont have optimized equipment then.

only one solution then, get buffs. Because I suspect he was buffed and buffed>unbuffed in 98% of encounters.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
I see a lot of you are missing Balbor's point ;)

The excuse given for the bonedancer having a range 1500 instant-lifetap on a 4s timer (it was changed to castable then changed back again) is that they were getting too much aggro in pve... (I think it was the BD not the healer pets - as they upped the aggro generated by healing pets in a later patch)

so he's trying to point out that that's a stupid excuse ;) and offering amnesia as a way to fix it...

Now of course this would have the unfortunate side effect of nerfing the tank-mages-with-pets in RvR...

Thanks Flimgoblin :) at last someone see the point I'm making. Bonedancers (and not me) have given all sorts of reason for having/needing this uber spell:

1) From getting agro off healing pets because commander cannot hold it (FACT: amnesia is the best spell for contorting agro), (PvE)

2) There pets have bad pathing problems (FACT: all pets (and some mobs) suffer from bad pathing and controlling - this is a programming problem and best way to fix it is to fix the programming) (both PvE and RvR)

3) It is there most powerful spell (FACT: the DD/snare spell in there Darkness spec line does more damage than the LD and has a higher Damage/perSec than the LD- best fix is to spec Darkness if you want a higher damaging spell). (Both PvE and RvR).

4) Loosing the instentLD would make the BD unplayable (FACE: the other 38 classes in the game don't have this spell but are perfectly playable).

I think any class having this spell would find it hard to play once it was taken away. BD can take down 4 enemies with easy, (without using any tactics), if you don't have CC there is almost no way of taking them out.
They keep say 'learn to use tactics' yet they are totally unwilling to use or learn any themselves - boasting that all they need to do is /face and then keep tapping instenLD (and maybe a /stick if enemy starts running). One BD has even boasted to not even bothering to summon pets and just LDing yellow/orange con mobs.

Lots of other forums about nerfing BD started before this one, with the same kind theme of changing the LD spell in some way. From shorter range, longer recast, not being instant cast, being a normal DD and others, yet they are still shouted down with the same kind of petty abuse (because real arguments cannot be found).

and for those that still don't get it, if your going to use a stupid answer like "getting agro off healing pets because commander cannot hold it" as the resion for having an InstenLD then don't be suprized if Mythic give you amnesia. If on the other hand letting them know that you need a spell like this because your pets need fixing and the other spells are almost useless they might start fixing thse issues.


Balbor.... you still haven't answered why an Alb have any intresst in any of midchars PvE tacticts.... Time after time throughout this thread you have stated that that's what u where on about, and NOT PvP... I'm just curious...


Loosing the instentLD would make the BD unplayable (FACE: the other 38 classes in the game don't have this spell but are perfectly playable).

You actually think before you write, or you have gone way past that point?

From getting agro off healing pets because commander cannot hold it (FACT: amnesia is the best spell for contorting agro), (PvE)

Yes and then the pet will miss 5 times in a row resulting in a very dead bd. Thanks come again.

There pets have bad pathing problems (FACT: all pets (and some mobs) suffer from bad pathing and controlling - this is a programming problem and best way to fix it is to fix the programming) (both PvE and RvR)

A bit different controlling a single pet and controlling 4 pets.

It is there most powerful spell (FACT: the DD/snare spell in there Darkness spec line does more damage than the LD and has a higher Damage/perSec than the LD- best fix is to spec Darkness if you want a higher damaging spell). (Both PvE and RvR).

So do supp rms. Why make a bd when you can be 100 times for useful to a group and have the same dmg output? Oh yeah and spec darkness with the most horrible pets ever imagined.

I think any class having this spell would find it hard to play once it was taken away. BD can take down 4 enemies with easy, (without using any tactics), if you don't have CC there is almost no way of taking them out.


and for those that still don't get it, if your going to use a stupid answer like "getting agro off healing pets because commander cannot hold it" as the resion for having an InstenLD then don't be suprized if Mythic give you amnesia. If on the other hand letting them know that you need a spell like this because your pets need fixing and the other spells are almost useless they might start fixing thse issues.

Yes tell mythic bds need that spell, please do.

This is just another "I was owned by xxx class and i want it nerfed" thread. Bye bye random whiner #673

Kerram Darktyde

Balbor please shut up, you claim they are easy to kill in one post then that you want the LD removed for "PvE" reasons in another...

Why do you care about an enemies ability to PvE???

there is no reasoning with you, you seem to fail to comprehend the couter arguments to your insane rablings..

just sod off and read your TL reports coz you are a Prize one Ass and a pap forum troll to boot..

:m00: :m00: :m00: :m00: :m00: :m00: :sleeping:


all this doesnt justify a 1500 range insta...

if 4 second insta lt is needed, fine, it might even be a pure cc shout then, with the same range as flurry.

Why is it so hard to get that a normal caster has a very big problem if his qc gets resisted? Scouts/Rangers have it even worse... lower range or longer timer would suffice. I guess to not cripple the class in PvE it would be ok to cut the range. No BD could give a good reason that it has to be a 1500 range shout.

I see it too often that casters get charged by lt zapping BD´s. Its a tad unfair. i see no way a ranger can take out a half-wake BD. Casters will have a very hard time either.

And please cut the "assassins can kill BD´s 1on1, you just dont know how" crap. Tell me how, show me, and ill believe. Until then, youre either a bragger or liar for me. Anyone can say "its just a matter of technique"... both unbuffed = dead assassin. I´d say 1 out of 10 times.


I inserted additional point numbers to the quote below to help show what Im referring to. And apologise for the length, bored atm so figured I may as well blabber on for a bit.

Originally posted by Balbor
Thanks Flimgoblin :) at last someone see the point I'm making. Bonedancers (and not me) have given all sorts of reason for having/needing this uber spell:

1) From getting agro off healing pets because commander cannot hold it (FACT: amnesia is the best spell for contorting agro), (PvE)

2) There pets have bad pathing problems (FACT: all pets (and some mobs) suffer from bad pathing and controlling - this is a programming problem and best way to fix it is to fix the programming) (both PvE and RvR)

3) It is there most powerful spell (FACT: the DD/snare spell in there Darkness spec line does more damage than the LD and has a higher Damage/perSec than the LD- best fix is to spec Darkness if you want a higher damaging spell). (Both PvE and RvR).

4) Loosing the instentLD would make the BD unplayable (FACE: the other 38 classes in the game don't have this spell but are perfectly playable).

5) I think any class having this spell would find it hard to play once it was taken away.

6) BD can take down 4 enemies with easy, (without using any tactics), if you don't have CC there is almost no way of taking them out.

7) They keep say 'learn to use tactics' yet they are totally unwilling to use or learn any themselves - boasting that all they need to do is /face and then keep tapping instenLD (and maybe a /stick if enemy starts running). One BD has even boasted to not even bothering to summon pets and just LDing yellow/orange con mobs.

8) Lots of other forums about nerfing BD started before this one, with the same kind theme of changing the LD spell in some way. From shorter range, longer recast, not being instant cast, being a normal DD and others, yet they are still shouted down with the same kind of petty abuse (because real arguments cannot be found).

9) and for those that still don't get it, if your going to use a stupid answer like "getting agro off healing pets because commander cannot hold it" as the resion for having an InstenLD then don't be suprized if Mythic give you amnesia. If on the other hand letting them know that you need a spell like this because your pets need fixing and the other spells are almost useless they might start fixing thse issues.

I'll discuss these issues since the poster seems to need his points discussed as opposed to me just refuting the previous 'stories' that have appeared. A couple of other points, personally the class development holds no interest for me since we in Euro have no say/influence over this. If you want to have some post factual information including logs and any other evidence to the VN boards for Mythic staff to see. Also I repeat that all these discussions concern soloing xp or 1v1 rvr which in my opinion are both a waste of time given we are playing a group orientated MMORPG.

1. Must admit I never even thought about aggro when I was xping my BD'er and since I was the second to hit 50 after Mill the thought of needing LT to keep aggro of healer pets seems silly. Every BD'er out there knows all they have to do is hit the mob with their staff stood next to their commander and suprise suprise we get all the aggro, no need for LT at all. Of course as you say it would be lots of fun seeing healer get aggro, cast amnesia, watch commander get healed again, see healer get aggro, cast amnesia again. That would be useful and great fun /sarcasm off.

2. Indeed pet AI is a problem for all, it just appears to be more signifigant when you have 3 pets fighting inside a wall. Never really bothered me though. I'd just wait and hope they would win or reappear so I could help out again. Certainly not a reason to justify LT since its irrelevant to pathing issues.

3. I chose to xp a supp BD'er after having payed my supp RM with the aforementioned DD/snare because its pretty weak compared to other nukes (although as you say more powerful than the LT) because I was hopeful of a more resilient 'caster' able to assist my group in rvr with the abs buff and by harassing enemy players from range while still being able to survive vs a tank should they close me down. If you want higher damage spec a dark rune or supp SM those are the facts. Not spec a weak DD line which offers no group support function.

4. Is just too simple a point to discuss. Yes no other class has this but they all have a myriad of other skills, armour types, spell effects etc etc etc. It would be harder to post a more vague and weak reason to justify the removal of insta LT.

5. Absolutely, remove the LT from a supp spec BD'er and he has only his unspecced staff to do damage alongside his pet.

6. A BD'er at level 50 cannot easily kill 4 level 50 enemies simultaneously without using any tactics. Again this is incredibly vague as no information about classes regardless though I shall discuss. If I saw 4 people chargin at me I wold have to use my root as CC, I would never expect my LT and 2 healer pets to out heal the damage done by 4 players. An avg BD'er will have approx 1000 hits, approx every 3-4 secs (if their buffed this can be faster so consider that if you ever see pets casting faster) the healers combined will heal approx 300 hits thats 2 times 15%. Add the lifetap and assume its never resisted (which shock horror does happen approx 1 in 6 uses) and every 4 seconds a BD'er can regain approx half his hits. Yes this is great for a caster wanting to survive. However their are loads and loads of classes out their that can hit as hard as this and 2-3 poorly specced players with crap equipment can do so easily as well. All of this is completely independant of the fact our power pool is finite too and there is just not enough power to kill that many players alone, this is the major point all the bullshit stories forget and alone blows them all out of the water. Make the insta LT AE and I'd beleive I too can win a 1v5 fight :p

7. Unwilling to learn tactics ourself. Hmmm, personally I do use tactics myself, utilising my CC spells base DD nukes as well as LT at range. Unfortunately know one except those that play a BD'er will know that we do in fact do more than spam /face and LT. As for the pve reference to this point, killing yellow cons without the use of pets. Sure I reckon I could stand toe to toe vs the right mob and no resists, ofc I will have no pow left afterwards. My warrior can stand toe to toe vs yellow mobs without using styles, ofc he will have very low hits left afterwards. It doesnt mean very much does it.

8. Indeed there are lots of other whine threads on many forums about the BD'er as well as whine thread about many many other classes. However just like this one, no factual evidence and logs are provided to prove the uber BD'er soloing half to full grps. And until such time as real evidence or tests are done I hope mythic stand by their statements that they do not respond to petty moaning with no constructive alternatives based upon a real need for change demonstrated again I reiterate, with evidence and testing, when they look at classes each patch. As for shouting down your arguments with petty abuse, well I dont think many people do. Most of the BD'ers probably just ignore it, I myself thought I would provide a devils advocate roll even though I hardly ever play my supposedly uber BD'er. As for 'real arguments cannot be found', well I think I have put forward a pretty major arguments forward, that until I manage to have these epic battles myself or all the whiners actually show it with evidence ofc I'm not gonna consider insta LT needign a nerf, especially when I continue to die or manage to survive in a close fight in 1v1 against assasins, archers, bolt casters and even supp rune's. The list does go one.

9. Agreed, no BD'er needs to use silly arguments like a reference to aggro in pve as justification of insta LT. Never thought it myself or heard another BD'er use it either. The fantastical stories we here claiming it is overpowered dont really warrant us to justify it. Theses alone and the simple fact that we wouldnt have enough power to do all these things is enough for most not to even feel the need to justify it. Myself, I felt that someone should at least post some decent information to counter the stories and help reduce the development of yet another fotm class. By all means all you wannabe uber BD'ers play in BG1 where they are indeed overpowered (why this is I never bothered to analyse) but I too have fought and survived long odds here, my best fight being a 1v4, dunno what they were but they seemed to be all melee.

There we go, well done if you could be bothered to read it all, I almost got bored of writing it towards the end.


Oh little fotm bandwagoner inf/ns is unhappy...


Originally posted by the_fnord
Balbor.... you still haven't answered why an Alb have any intresst in any of midchars PvE tacticts.... Time after time throughout this thread you have stated that that's what u where on about, and NOT PvP... I'm just curious...

i don't care about BD in PvE, are you not reading my posts or something.

I was reading a post about BD needing a nerf and up comes 'a' resion for there lifetap, (the one about commander taking agro) i think to myself thats total BS (and decided to see what would happen if i sujest say.. replacing it with amnesia as its there to remove agro).

If thats the case they have been given this spell because of BD PvE weakness yet it have made them overpowered in RvR. It's you mids that keep bring up there PvE tactics (well lets face it you don't have or need any RvR tactics atm).

Roo Stercogburn


something fundamental about sup bonedancers you obviously haven't cottoned onto yet:

They are *supposed* to get agro. It's what they do. They can out-agro any melee class in Midgard. The lifetap is what keeps them alive while they are doing it with aid from the healer pets when resists happen or mob damage output very high.

There is zero need to replace a damage/heal spell with a utility spell and you have provided no convincing argument that such is the case.

The bonedancer is a *completely* different type of caster/pet class from any other class in the game. You are applying old principles of play which simply don't apply. Dark and BA spec are more like traditional caster/pet-classes.

But not Suppression Bonedancer.

Talking about giving a bonedancer Amnesia spell as a replacement for the lifetap changes the basic nature of the way the subclass plays, something you have completely failed to take into account. It would be more than a nerf, it would completely destroy the playstyle of the subclass.

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by logan6
Why is it so hard to get that a normal caster has a very big problem if his qc gets resisted? Scouts/Rangers have it even worse... lower range or longer timer would suffice. I guess to not cripple the class in PvE it would be ok to cut the range. No BD could give a good reason that it has to be a 1500 range shout.

Actually archer classes will get a lot of toys soon, a chance to break any attack on them from range before it happens. Archers have always been about carefully picking targets. Don't stand in the open like a muppet waiting to get killed if you are solo. There's a reason these guys have stealth you know :D

Increasing the timer would kill the subclass's viability in PvE. On higher level mobs its already quite close a lot of the time.

Resists aren't a valid argument since all classes whatever they are face resists.

I see it too often that casters get charged by lt zapping BD´s. Its a tad unfair. i see no way a ranger can take out a half-wake BD. Casters will have a very hard time either.

They get charged by zapping Spirit Masters too. At Skald MACH 5 when I'm hitting an enemy group the whole lot are debuffed normally before they get a single spell off. Any caster class can do this. Go on, ask for Dark SMs to get nerfed, I dare you.

And please cut the "assassins can kill BD´s 1on1, you just dont know how" crap. Tell me how, show me, and ill believe. Until then, youre either a bragger or liar for me. Anyone can say "its just a matter of technique"... both unbuffed = dead assassin. I´d say 1 out of 10 times.

Many assassin class players (and some assassins with class ;))have already posted here on BW how to kill bonedancers. Happy reading :)


If you think about it necro's have the exact same spell, the caster does it (takes 3 seconds) then it takes another second for the pet to use it, it's the same spell as the bonedancers. Although i do agree 4 pets + 1 caster + instant lifedrain is over-powered.

You should see the bonedancers on Camlann they are one man armies and wipe out anyone that attacks them.


well, zerk is allmost sure getting nerfstick in next patch US.
i have killed in duel bone several times, dunno how in camlan is different situation?
probably cannot do anymore when my laxe dmg get 40% down.

LT is more powerfull what darkness line nuke, people forget that 80% lifedrain.

dungeons is nightmare, several times get baf in varulv because killing mob take alott time, they call help.
need take all mobs attacking me, or try kill 1 fast and take next under work.
healer heal commander, get agro and start jump around thru walls, collecting even more mobs, btw find this way copple new mobs for me in varulv :)
as Roo sayed comparing suppspecced bone to other pet classes and saying they survive fine whitout lt.
well, my bone is fine if get pbaeo, stun, debuff for own basenuke, snaring pet etc etc dont even remember all tools enchanter have.
now what suppbone have?
LT, root, focus snare, basenuke :) , base dot :)
if specc to 22 in darkness, what is must, get 15% debuff for LT.

go play 1st suppspecced bone and come back.
necro indeed have instaLT too.
and very hard, or allmost unkillable 1v1, same whit friar.
do we talks these classes?

as you wanna all those cc what healer have to cleric?
you gona same speed loose all abilities do dmg.
sorcerer loose bolt range mezzes and what ever cc albs have, copy system from midgard.


there is hardcaplvl for bones pets, is 75!
so yes, bone can have 4 pets, but all those pets are lvl 18, how hard is kill grey lvl 18?
hmm if remember from yggdra and uppland, not hard ;)


and indeed there has been changed those LT timers,
made it castable,
longer recast time, one change was 6 sec,
all these changes made bone totally totally unplayable.
if remember correct bone TL say this.

problem is healer 1st heal take time ~6 sec, heal small ammount, bone htp are casters htp:s, wearing cloth.
how hard lvl 45 mob hits (when you are too 45)? and under 6 sec?
healerpet cannot keep bone live so long he survive xp.
i have been killed even yellow mobs because notice too late my afbuff was dropped and suddenly mob was htting me 2x harder.

bones destiny? all ranged attacks (bolts, archers, ns)
co-operating tanks who concentrate only for bone, too much dmg in short time.
yes, i killed 4 albs in thidraki (1 caster 3 tanks, standing like never seen bone, not even 1 attack to me), but 4 albs kill me and my guildfriend, how? they all hit one bone, kill and moved to next, simply.


ok, balbor your saying that we should all spec dark for the higher dmg.

get real...dark line sucks.

the snare may be the most powerful spell...but why bother when u can combine the body debuff in the dark line (very nice at 30%) + a dark spec runey (with cold debuff) + a matter debuff from runey (RC line) + 2 healer pets (or 3 if u like) + a life tap (which, if u made it castable will do zero dmg) + a baseline nuke (that does 400 dmg+)

boom! you get a nice nuker.

the BA line is useless except for the nice pet buffs, and the AE DoT (the shamans one is better).

just face it man....taking away the LD would hit the BD soo hard they might as well take them off the game.

and ffs, give logs + screenies of the BD killing whole grps, because the BD can't survive 2 hits from a polearm.

and i have never heard any1 brag about it....and knowing some people on pryd/mid...they would.


btw, forget one thing.
bone isnt true nuker, or why when spec to darkness commander head to melee?
imagine this in keep defense or taking situation, pets start nuke when commander is melee whit target!
commader is blue to 50, when commader get killed, all subpets die too.
do you ask opponet waite so long you summon new pets?

same whit ba specced :)
archer pet keep allways best possible range, dont shoot under it, so pet run all around trying keep that best possible range, dont probably shoot at all in fight, and same time this blue commander try melee this lvl 50 down :D
just copple buggs i have heard.

remember! commander allways head to melee whit target!
blue commander!
commander dead -> all pets dead.


Originally posted by Tafaya Anathas
Yess, remove cleric DD spells, and give them AE stun, insta AE stun, AE mez and instant AE mez, and they will sure stop complaining.

Comparing the mid healer class with the alb cleric: the cleric imho a very-very boring class to play, you can buff and heal, and if you wanna deal damage the you have to gimp yourself. Congrats...

I´d love for my rejuv/enhance line to put out some stun/mez spells


Originally posted by old.tuppe
btw, forget one thing.
bone isnt true nuker, or why when spec to darkness commander head to melee?
imagine this in keep defense or taking situation, pets start nuke when commander is melee whit target!
commader is blue to 50, when commader get killed, all subpets die too.
do you ask opponet waite so long you summon new pets?

same whit ba specced :)
archer pet keep allways best possible range, dont shoot under it, so pet run all around trying keep that best possible range, dont probably shoot at all in fight, and same time this blue commander try melee this lvl 50 down :D
just copple buggs i have heard.

remember! commander allways head to melee whit target!
blue commander!
commander dead -> all pets dead.

actually what i've been telling people.

a BD without healer pets is as good as dead, unless he/she is a BA or dark boney, then i guess it isn't a big worry.

But yes, the BD pets are crap, only good one is the healer pet, or a few ighter pets from the BA line


Heres a little screenshot of 2 NS's killing me in full maxed stats and resists SC gear. Just to help show those non believers who are convinced BD'ers can wipe out half groups. I didnt think to do it until after that fact so it just shows the dmg log on screen. I had all my self buffs up, commander and the 2 best healer pets summoned all buffed up as well. Next time im killed 1v1 by anyone I'll try remember to post that too. Just in my gaming 1v1 happens so rarely its almost impossible to do. So for those of you out there that somehow are unable to kill a BD'er with even more people here is an example of why I dont beleive all the stories I read.

For the particularly observant amongst you. I am unable to cast my LT for 2 secs still. That because I just nuked the warden that was with the 2 NS's to death before he reached me and before they popped. So I was still at full health. But as happens every other time Ive been attacked by a stealther the chances of reacting with a target, face and LT before the stunning strike lands is slim. So for all intensive purposes this shows a capped out BD dieing before the stun wears off courtesy of 2 NS's.

I shall endeavour to obtain more examples that demonstrate BD'ers are not the godly uber overpowered fotm class that everyone wants to be nerfed.

I'm bound to have mucked up trying to post a pic. And if anyone knows any better free hosts feel free to say. :D



Originally posted by Balbor
i don't care about BD in PvE, are you not reading my posts or something.
Oh I am indeed reading ur posts! Let me demonstrate:
Originally posted by Balbor
So how do we fix BD, Remove instent LD and give them amnesia. After all this would help BD more because it would mean they get less agro in PvE.
All BD must agree that amnesia will be much more useful than some stupid instent, 4sec LD. Hell you could even make the amnesia instent :)
Originally posted by Balbor
I'll explain again, BD have a 4sec LD becasue there was a problem with there commander holding agro in PvE when there healer pets start healing. But using a nuke spell would agro the mob onto the BD. This stopped the DB from casting a timed nuked so fo DB with healers they have an instent nuke.
It had nothing to do with RvR and therefor amnesia would be a better fix for this than a instentLD.
My point about there DD/Snare was that people as stating that removing it would mean they loose there best damaging spell, but LD isn't there most damaging spell. An instent amnesia spell line would do everything you want the LD to do: 'interrupting casters' and help take agro off your healer pets.
Instent LD was a bad fix for a problem that has nothing to do with RVR. In a similar way to how the other realms saw Sorcerers getting bolt range to compensate having no ranged instent CC.
Originally posted by Balbor
1) From getting agro off healing pets because commander cannot hold it (FACT: amnesia is the best spell for contorting agro), (PvE)

Oh I could go on but I wouldn't wanna make it to long, would I now...
U just did the typical misstake of a silly whiner.. say one thing, get sum heat, then say "Uhh...uhhh.. I didn't say that!"
As so many have said before: GET A CLUE!!!!
Roll a supp BD urself u twat and come back!

And I too would really die to see sum loggs/screenies of 5-7 albs getting owned by 1 BD! :flame:


:D because so many intrested here is short version my xp.
buffed from lvl 21 aug line.
short time out of af buffs.
using 1 healer and secondary pet from suppspec (somekind buffer) commander 2h hammer

[11:47:17] @@You say, "htp 788, piety 194, str 156, const 166, dex 201. lvl 41 suppspecced bone.

[12:02:11] You enter combat mode and target [the washed-up skeleton]
[12:02:11] The washed-up skeleton is too far away to attack!
[12:02:11] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:02:11] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:02:11] The washed-up skeleton attacks the bone commander and hits!
[12:02:11] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 38 (+6) damage!
[12:02:14] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:02:15] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:02:15] The washed-up skeleton is being crushed by an invisible force!
[12:02:15] You hit the washed-up skeleton for 75 damage!
[12:02:15] The washed-up skeleton attacks you and misses!
[12:02:15] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 59 (+10) damage!
[12:02:17] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:02:18] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:02:19] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 44 (+7) damage!
[12:02:19] The washed-up skeleton attacks you and misses!
[12:02:20] The washed-up skeleton is being crushed by an invisible force!
[12:02:20] You hit the washed-up skeleton for 60 damage!
[12:02:20] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:02:22] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:02:22] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 43 (+7) damage!
[12:02:23] The washed-up skeleton hits your leg for 154 (-15) damage!
[12:02:24] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:02:25] The destructive energy around washed-up skeleton fades.
[12:02:26] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 36 (+6) damage!
[12:02:26] You critical hit for an additional 12 damage!
[12:02:26] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:02:26] The washed-up skeleton hits your leg for 150 (-15) damage!
[12:02:27] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:02:29] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 41 (+7) damage!
[12:02:29] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:02:30] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:02:30] The washed-up skeleton hits your arm for 223 (-22) damage!
[12:02:33] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 56 (+9) damage!
[12:02:33] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:02:33] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:02:34] The washed-up skeleton hits your arm for 189 (-19) damage!
[12:02:36] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:02:36] The fossil guardian kills the washed-up skeleton!
[12:02:36] You get 3,994,198 experience points!

[12:02:58] You begin casting a Greater Suppressive Barrier spell!
[12:02:59] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[12:03:00] You cast a Greater Suppressive Barrier Spell!
[12:03:00] A shield surrounds you.
[12:03:00] You begin casting a Suppressive Buffer spell!
[12:03:02] You cast a Suppressive Buffer Spell!
[12:03:02] A shield surrounds you.
[12:03:07] You target [the washed-up skeleton]
[12:03:07] You examine the washed-up skeleton. It is aggressive towards you!
[12:03:11] You target [the washed-up skeleton]
[12:03:11] You examine the washed-up skeleton. It is aggressive towards you!
[12:03:13] You cast a Disintegrate Skeleton Spell!
[12:03:13] You hit for 248 damage!
[12:03:13] You cannot absorb any more life.
[12:03:14] You command the the bone commander to kill your target!
[12:03:15] You auto-face washed-up skeleton.
[12:03:15] You enter combat mode and target [the washed-up skeleton]
[12:03:15] The washed-up skeleton is too far away to attack!
[12:03:16] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:03:16] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:03:17] The washed-up skeleton attacks the bone commander and is parried!
[12:03:17] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 43 (+7) damage!
[12:03:19] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:03:20] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:03:21] The washed-up skeleton attacks you and misses!
[12:03:21] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 63 (+10) damage!
[12:03:22] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:03:23] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:03:24] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 46 (+8) damage!
[12:03:25] The washed-up skeleton attacks you and misses!
[12:03:25] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:03:27] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:03:27] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 60 (+10) damage!
[12:03:27] You critical hit for an additional 45 damage!
[12:03:28] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:03:28] The washed-up skeleton hits your torso for 93 (-9) damage!
[12:03:31] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:03:31] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 45 (+8) damage!
[12:03:31] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:03:32] The washed-up skeleton hits your torso for 109 (-11) damage!
[12:03:35] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:03:35] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 40 (+7) damage!
[12:03:35] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:03:36] The washed-up skeleton hits your leg for 88 (-9) damage!
[12:03:37] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:03:38] You attack the washed-up skeleton with your staff and hit for 42 (+7) damage!
[12:03:39] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and misses!
[12:03:40] The washed-up skeleton attacks you and misses!
[12:03:40] You target [the washed-up skeleton]
[12:03:40] You examine the washed-up skeleton. It is aggressive towards you!
[12:03:40] You cast a Disintegrate Skeleton Spell!
[12:03:40] You hit for 238 damage!
[12:03:40] You cannot absorb any more life.
[12:03:40] The fossil guardian attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:03:42] The washed-up skeleton is too far away to attack!
[12:03:42] The bone commander attacks the washed-up skeleton and hits!
[12:03:42] The bone commander kills the washed-up skeleton!
[12:03:42] You get 2,957,190 experience points!

Roo Stercogburn

Bah Tuppe - my shields always fade at the wrong time...

Pull a red con mob and the moment mob starts moving towards me my shield icons start blinking and I think ooooohh shiiiiii...


:) must agree that.
what make me sometimes smile is those parries/blocks and evades what commander do, even subpet.


Just took the bd boss pet to fight an orange con mob alone.

22 swings, 19 misses, 3 hits.
Yes amnesia would do much good lol.

Btw pet was buffed with yellow spec buffs.


"Actually archer classes will get a lot of toys soon, a chance to break any attack on them from range before it happens. Archers have always been about carefully picking targets. Don't stand in the open like a muppet waiting to get killed if you are solo. There's a reason these guys have stealth you know

Increasing the timer would kill the subclass's viability in PvE. On higher level mobs its already quite close a lot of the time.

Resists aren't a valid argument since all classes whatever they are face resists.

I reckon you didnt mention the supposed range reduction with a purpose ;) maybe because you cant argument solidly against it?
Like i said, reducing the timer might be too much to compensate in PvE.
Hm imo a resisted quickcast hurts a lot more than a resisted shout spell on a 4 second timer, no? especially of you only have that one chance. Hell even if a wizards gets to qc root the BD, hell have a hard time getting out of range fast enough. I guess most casters are dead in 3 shouts.

See, ranger who attack a passing by BD from good range get in their first hit, lets say the bd even forgot his BT bubble. he gets hit for dunno, 300? pet starts his heal spell, BD starts running towards ranger. A second arrow hits, putting the BD in serious trouble. By that time, 3 heal spells arrive, putting the BD to a good health level again. Then he is in range to start tapping, by wich time the ranger gets out one more arrow, that is happily healed/tapped away. Seriously, if the BD isnt taking a fast critshot/standart shot, theres no way on earth a ranger could take him out if the BD is at least half-wake. Look what BD´s are doing on PvP Servers... they are the single strongest 1vs1 class that has absolutely no drawback, not at melee range and not at long range.

Ah yes, please explain why its mandatory that the pets can heal while running? One of the major points here. Something mythic really messed up... i mean the underhill pets have to stop for their buffs too, so why can the healers heal while on the run?

I do see that they arent overpowered in 8vs8 combat, no questions asked. But they are truly frustrating foes, and its not rare that they take out two stalkers, unbuffed that is. Ive seen minstrels do it with area mez, so they could take out the commander first...

The friendly users here are really a joy btw... knowing nothing about me, but calling me a bandwagoner. I only have one lvl 50, its my NS. I might not be the kind of powergamer, but im certainly not a bandwagoner. I already played her with 2.0 skillpts/level ...so dont talk shit

Roo Stercogburn

I'm undecided on the range thing which is why I didn't mention it, not I don't have any arguments against it - I can think of many reasons not to reduce the range amongst them the larger range of many opposing spellcasters with a variety of spells at their disposal, relatively low damage output as caster, etc. Give me time, I can get more.

However, range *may* be a valid issue and its one I'm chewing over. There are a lot of pros and cons for it. Everyone who knows me knew as soon as this class was announced I'd want to play it; it just turned out to be quite a kick ass class if you can work around the bugs. I like fair fights and having fun with my toons and have never gone for the supposed uber classes and uber spec etc. I wanted to level as mainly BA/Sup but if you check other threads I've posted on the AI is utterly insane and I gave up.

On the subject of archer range, I was unaware of nerfs to it, but I don't claim to be all-knowing on all classes and like most other focus on the ones I actually play. But then thats part of debating. I do know that archers are gettiing more ways to penetrate bubbles and that if a boney is in a group with pbt running an archer will have nothing to worry about. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but won't volley and longshot pass through bubbles every time as well from 1.62 onwards?

And I don't think I referred to you as a bandwagoner anywhere. Most of your last post there deals with points I've raised and it looks like your comment is directed at me ;)

One last thing: not everyone who disagrees with points made by other posters are unfriendly but you can find yourself argued against strongly as part of any debate as I often do myself.


archer can easily, maybe not so easily?, shoot 3 time bone before he is under danger.
if remember correct hard cap for archer is 2.5 sec drawtime, all archers have acces/possibility this.
(hunter otherwise dont get slowest bow like hib/alb)
healer pets start heal ~6 sec after 1st dmg, 2 sec they just warm arms so can rise them over head, heal take time 4 sec, after 1st heal they cast continously in 4 sec cast time, if bone have take dmg.
2 good shoot and bone is dead, 1 for brake bubble, if up.

healerpet can be interupt!
there is allways 25% change to interupt, but you dont see it, bone feels it, because healerpet do that cast animation to end.

2nd thing, those pets dont even run same speed what us, many time in long travells i have stop to waite those lousy chitchatting pets.
bone dont have speedbuff, sadly same situation whit sm.

other thing in archers changes.

pbt dont in 1.62 overwrite selfbt.
archer cannot penetrate SELF bt/pbt, only way is like now.
example my bers is group, and rm run pbt, they cannot penetrate rm pbt, but can do this to my bers because its not mine.
so those who run pbt, or have selfbt, are safe from these arrows.
those who get this by group, or castable, dont are.


Roo, im sorry i should have said explicitly, you werent mentioned by the two comments, in no way. Youre gladly a person one can truly discuss with.

"Oh little fotm bandwagoner inf/ns is unhappy...

its comments like these.

Back to the keepraid issue, its truly annoying to have a champion tagging the archers/casters at the battlements with his rather powerful long range dd shout. A BD dishes the same damage over the same range with the ability to possibly crit 5 times as fast. I was at the receiving end of this 3 times, and its a total fun killer. you cant show your head without eating 300 damage. But i guess this is to compensate for Animist Keepraid superiority.

Maybe its broken pride because its a cloth caster i cant kill reliably, maybe its because i never saw a BD drop in 1vs1 combat regardless of the enemy class. Maybe every BD on avalon is buffbotted, no idea, they just do too well in RvR, in any situation thats not Zerg. imho.

nice weekend

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