Why do DB need instent LD nukes?




just spec in Bone Mystics then you can have good casters, beside the Damage and Snare (-35%/179) does much more damage than the Lifedrain (123/80%) so your damage output would be higher.

Ya sure u can specc BM (DOT dmg alot lower than the ones cabalist got btw).. but why implent supp then, if no1 wuld have a reson to specc in it?
And aint another tank WAAAAAAAAAAAY better than a BD casting Amnesia (healers got amnesia u know)? rofl.. did u know healer pets only heal the BD ?

If they where to remove the lifedrain from Supp, why not removeing healing from Mend too then?


why does it have to be instant? why not normal spell ? :/


Yess, remove cleric DD spells, and give them AE stun, insta AE stun, AE mez and instant AE mez, and they will sure stop complaining.

No, just remove DD spells.

Then tell them to STFU about nerfing other chars.


Originally posted by Balbor
don't think you get my point do you?

"Someone ownd me so nerf them"

"ahh a cleric killed my SB so nerf him or make me better. blar, blar, blar it just goes on"

whats your f**king point, you don't even have a counter argument. Please do tell me, why you think LD is better for agro control than amnesia.

It was a BD that said they need LD to help them when there healer pets took agro from there commanders in PvE, not me.

soooo he can now controll agro..but he cant kill anything.. sure he can stand there all day until his green con tank pet kill's the mob...that will take what.. a weak ??

FFS dude get a clue


BDs most damaging spell is there DD/snare or do people know nothing about there own class :p

and remember you have to SPEC Darkness line to get it, don't just put a few points in as you will only have a weak verson of the spec

you see the trick is you get baseline spells as you level up, but.. and remember this, you get spec line spells by putting points into that skill. Thats why your Bonemages are weak when you spec Suppression. Infact if you have speced Suppression you really should be using Heal and Buff pets.


I think they realise this Balbor. Supp BDs tend to run with a commander and 2 healer pets, then use their spec (!!!) lifetap as a nuke... :p

You really do seem to have lost the plot a bit here, stop digging.


Balbor just FOAD please, you arrogant, ignorant TOAD


Hey could be worse, they could be a caster with no spec damage spell, like a mentalism mentalist...

Or they could spec 31/31/31 :eek:

Roo Stercogburn

Balbor, reading up on something isn't quite the same as doing it. Do a search and check out some of the threads/posts I've made about the idiot AI in bonedancer pets.

Bonedancers do have the basic root for CC but tbh you don't root much, you use a tank type pet to peel an add when solo and hold the agro on it until your skellie zoo is ready to focus on it. this is how I've been doing Raumarik with bonedancer (up to 140m a pull proof this method works I think). Nice change in style to Dark SM method but still lots of fun :)


Or they could just not specc at all WEE....now someone slap that dude with a kippers


Balbor. I'll try to be a bit polite here.

Sure, amnesia is better for CROWD CONTROL then a LD.

But LD is better for interrupting casters and a main weapon for Supp BD.

What point is there to have an amnesia when you get no damage in?

In PvE BD's might profit from amnesia..but in RvR(the end game) LD is better.

What good is amnesia in RvR?


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Balbor. I'll try to be a bit polite here.

Sure, amnesia is better for CROWD CONTROL then a LD.

But LD is better for interrupting casters and a main weapon for Supp BD.

What point is there to have an amnesia when you get no damage in?

In PvE BD's might profit from amnesia..but in RvR(the end game) LD is better.

What good is amnesia in RvR?

I'll explain again, BD have a 4sec LD becasue there was a problem with there commander holding agro in PvE when there healer pets start healing. But using a nuke spell would agro the mob onto the BD. This stopped the DB from casting a timed nuked so fo DB with healers they have an instent nuke.
It had nothing to do with RvR and therefor amnesia would be a better fix for this than a instentLD.

My point about there DD/Snare was that people as stating that removing it would mean they loose there best damaging spell, but LD isn't there most damaging spell. An instent amnesia spell line would do everything you want the LD to do: 'interrupting casters' and help take agro off your healer pets.

Instent LD was a bad fix for a problem that has nothing to do with RVR. In a similar way to how the other realms saw Sorcerers getting bolt range to compensate having no ranged instent CC.

Aerran Darktyde

Originally posted by Balbor
I'll explain again, BD have a 4sec LD becasue there was a problem with there commander holding agro in PvE when there healer pets start healing. But using a nuke spell would agro the mob onto the BD. This stopped the DB from casting a timed nuked so fo DB with healers they have an instent nuke.
It had nothing to do with RvR and therefor amnesia would be a better fix for this than a instentLD.

where do you get this from??
a TL report? members of the game??
or did you speak to the Programing team and the head programmer for Mythic??

if it was not the latter then you Info was probably incorrect or bias.

There is no point in trying to reason with as you have read some TL reports and think you know everyclass in the game. TLs are not members of Mythic staff and do not know why Mythic puts things on a class unless Mythic tell them, and mythic are very very cagey about info.

even members of your own realm have told you that you dont know stuff about BDs..

and your amnesia point is crap too, if you had everplayed a BD you would know your pets are persistant missers alot of the time especially on reasonable conn mobs.. so a clear aggro spell would do little most of time. Confusion spell is equally useless as the healer pets run off if attacked in PvE so draw more aggro to the BD.
Also another factor is the more damage the pets do the more xp they drain..

the fact is you got Owned by some BDs and dont like it... well learn to play then, take time to practice tactics rather than reading all the reports about classes and spouting Crap on forums.

Roo Stercogburn

Actually this has turned into quite a funny thread. Lots of way off base points that are so far wrong it forces you to try and think why they are so wrong because you've not encountered its like before :D

Regarding lifetap and agro: suppression spec Bonedancer is a cloth-wearing tank capable of tanking anything up to red con. The combination if smacking a mob with your stick and lifetapping it at the same time seems to out-agro just about anything as long as it doesn't resist the lifetap.

Sup Boney is MEANT to get the agro. If you think about it, the pets are relatively weak offensively compared to other specs - they are there to support the caster, not the other way round as is normal for pet classes. This is also what messes a lot of enemy players in RvR rather than the class being overpowered. Dark and BA spec bonies are more traditional pet classes since the offensive power is split between the caster and pet.

The Real Redi

Lifedrains only harsh cos it drains life... oddly :great:

I think its frustrating when your whacking away merrily, then you spot the boney with his back to you = now, after reducing him to about 15%, the instas start up and as my hits go down, he's are going up... that's horribly disheartening and most of the time, it's a case of just say a prayer, as the fact that its on such a short timer means i have VERY little chance <shrugs>

My suggestion goes either:

a) increase the recast timer on the insta to about 10 seconds, and add a DD spell


b) just plain replace the lifedrain with DD - that means relying on the healers much more, and seeing as most of us know the trick of those poor confused medics who cant retarget very quickly, that would be rather unfair on the hairy ones...

I don't mind Boneys, as long as i get the jump on them, whilst theyre are sitting down and afk, with none of their pets summoned ;)

oh, and PWn3D :lol:


Remove ALL insta anything in the game. RVR becomes enjoyable again.
Imagine the mid whines if it happend one day :)


yeah, cos mid classes are the ones with the most insta.s


thats only like 1/2 of midgard nerfed if insta's are removed :p

Shammies/RM's / Zerkers / SB's already got nerfed

just SM's, Warriors and Savages to go :p


Yes i am awear of BD having problems with there extra pets, pathing problems etc, so heres an idea why not fix them? I have still not seen a BD come one here and say why they need a 4sec instent LD when other pet classes are able to d with out. Your main pet is 80% that of your level like other pet summoners and you get extra pets to help.

The fact is you don't wanna lose you most powerful spell cause it will total change the way you have to fight. I hated loosing my 30sec PBAE mezz cause it mean i could chain mobs that BAF but because of cleric mezzing people every 30sec in rvr it was changed.

What would your sujestion be you balence them out?

PS never been owned by a bonedance, with my sorcerer i usally mezz pet, Bebuff, DOT etc and they go down very fast
Not really gone up against them as my cleric, usally smite the commander to death but don't see the BD (probably running off :p)


Originally posted by Balbor
why do BD need instent lifedrain?
other pets casters like Sorcerers, Spiritmasters, druids and Cabalist don't have them and they only have 1 pet. If you were to allow these caster to have 4 pets ands give them instent DDs i think a lot of people would complain. I cannot see the justification of giveing any caster spells that are instent cast on a 4 sec timer, it would be like removing the interupting of spells accross the board. Casters could just stand there nuking away while people are hitting them, healing classes would just stand about healing etc etc and no one would play any other class.

Why do DB need instent LD nukes?
If anyone ever reads the TL reports you can see how silly they are. 'My class is really power and well balenced...' is usally how they sum them up. How can something be really power and well balenced? By making comments on problems with PvE they sometimes don't think of any promblems that it might cause in RvR (as with giving BD 4sec instent LD i beleave). Seeing as BD had a problem with there commander holding agro over the healer pets they sould of just given them amnesia.

So how do we fix BD, Remove instent LD and give them amnesia. After all this would help BD more because it would mean they get less agro in PvE.

All BD must agree that amnesia will be much more useful than some stupid instent, 4sec LD. Hell you could even make the amnesia instent :)


Roo Stercogburn

Balbor, I am something of a bullshitter myself but occasionally I do enjoy listening to an expert. Please, continue :)


Originally posted by SilverHood
yeah, cos mid classes are the ones with the most insta.s


thats only like 1/2 of midgard nerfed if insta's are removed :p

Shammies/RM's / Zerkers / SB's already got nerfed

just SM's, Warriors and Savages to go :p

Actually a "De-insta" would effect RM's and SM's too :p

De-bufs are insta.


Balbor - have you ever actually played a BD or are you just passing on the rantings from another less informed forum?

If you havnt played one up to at least level 40, supp specced, I suggest you STFU while you still have a little sanity, cause all the statistics in the world mean very little against other players, PvE maybe, but thats only part of the game.


Originally posted by Kerram Darktyde
sounds like someone got Owned :)

Suppression BDs are great one on one but totally lack any AE (the poop snare focus thin that does not work does not count)

why did you not mezz the BD then kill his lead pet..
then stun him and nuke to high heaven???

you see it takes ae mez, stun, and heavy nuking before the stun weares off for a nuker to kill the bd's... how many mages got that? 1 (light eld) for a tank to kill a bd he must crit on almost every move and have 2-h weapon spec (+loads of luck ect), for an asassain to do it he must use disease and kill him within the CD stun timer....

why should it have to take this much effort to kill 1 fecking class?


Originally posted by Glacier

why should it have to take this much effort to kill 1 fecking class?

You know what it takes to kill one of those albion tinheads with a caster?

And about killing and dying.

Most the time it's poof! mez! you're dead.


Stun, disease, dead by default.

Why should it be so easy to kill a class? :p


Noone seems to consider that *GASP* lifetap does get fully resisted at times, ive had it happen 2 or 3 times in a row once, that 1 resist can mean you die. And lets not even go into it when your against hibs, almost every group has a warden giving out 24% body resists, meaning a 50 BD taps the average group rvr hib for 190 (-190) that isnt very much damage...

Kerram Darktyde

Originally posted by Glacier
you see it takes ae mez, stun, and heavy nuking before the stun weares off for a nuker to kill the bd's... how many mages got that? 1 (light eld) for a tank to kill a bd he must crit on almost every move and have 2-h weapon spec (+loads of luck ect), for an asassain to do it he must use disease and kill him within the CD stun timer....

why should it have to take this much effort to kill 1 fecking class?

It is RvR not 1 vs 1, as a bard you know you cant solo anyone of even conn. Should everyone be nerfed till you can??

it is about group combat, if you can take down a BD non solo then you must be a very bad player... or just dam unlucky....

BDs die like the rest of us, Stop whining and use your brains and counter the BDs tactics, just like you counter Assassins and PBAE....


Originally posted by hercules-df
Remove ALL insta anything in the game. RVR becomes enjoyable again.
Imagine the mid whines if it happend one day :)
At the sametime they can put a 4 sec recast time on pally chants. so you cant twist them.


Me (50 NS) and a mate (50 NS) both perforate a kobold BD simultaneously, me (blades, hes piercer) for 239, he for 280 damage. after 6 second stun, the bd is at full health, and every 4 seconds zapps me 304 hits with a lame shout. Sorry but its totally out of any reason. Why 4 seconds? Why 1500 range? Theres no reason. This class is absolutely a no-brainer in RvR and thats sad. They are fiendish in keepraid situations, where no caster/archer can show his face at the battlements without being lifetapped. 4 second timer is the true joke. Its like constant interrupt.

I dont agree with giving him some form of amnesia... lifetap is ok, either castable, or reduce the range to that of most other shouts (700 it is i reckon) - or put in on a longer timer. 4 seconds is unfair, simply put. I dont care if its a lt, or how much damage it does. The 4 second timer is the true bitch.

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