Why do DB need instent LD nukes?



Why do BD need instent LD nukes?

why do BD need instent lifedrain?
other pets casters like Sorcerers, Spiritmasters, druids and Cabalist don't have them and they only have 1 pet. If you were to allow these caster to have 4 pets ands give them instent DDs i think a lot of people would complain. I cannot see the justification of giveing any caster spells that are instent cast on a 4 sec timer, it would be like removing the interupting of spells accross the board. Casters could just stand there nuking away while people are hitting them, healing classes would just stand about healing etc etc and no one would play any other class.

Why do DB need instent LD nukes?
If anyone ever reads the TL reports you can see how silly they are. 'My class is really power and well balenced...' is usally how they sum them up. How can something be really power and well balenced? By making comments on problems with PvE they sometimes don't think of any promblems that it might cause in RvR (as with giving BD 4sec instent LD i beleave). Seeing as BD had a problem with there commander holding agro over the healer pets they sould of just given them amnesia.

So how do we fix BD, Remove instent LD and give them amnesia. After all this would help BD more because it would mean they get less agro in PvE.

All BD must agree that amnesia will be much more useful than some stupid instent, 4sec LD. Hell you could even make the amnesia instent :)

- Pathfinder -

I think you managed to miss the point entirely :p


Sure, why not remove a bd's only dmg dealing spell in a spec line and replace it with amnesia...now we're at it, let's replace the necromancer's insta DD with confusion too then...:rolleyes:

Kerram Darktyde

sounds like someone got Owned :)

Suppression BDs are great one on one but totally lack any AE (the poop snare focus thin that does not work does not count)

why did you not mezz the BD then kill his lead pet..
then stun him and nuke to high heaven???


because he's too busy being interrupted by the instas...

at the least drop the range to 500 (which is what the necromancer one is)


id love to have an insta LD nuke.

You target Strondor, he is a member of your realm.
You cast your Connection Rest spell!
Your friend Strondor has left the game.


Roo Stercogburn

Balbor, go play one to at least lvl40, then come back and look at what you wrote ;)


then go and fight against 1 in rvr and look back at what u wrote ;)

Roo Stercogburn

This type of thing is getting old. BD's can be killed in RvR just not with the usual dumb dumb tactics. Infs and others have already figured out how :p


whats the point in making a NEW class that is the same as the existing ones in the way that they do stuff?

Kerram Darktyde

Originally posted by Flimgoblin
because he's too busy being interrupted by the instas...

at the least drop the range to 500 (which is what the necromancer one is)

dont clerics get insta AE mezz....!!!!

it is a suppressions BDs only form of Spec damage
it is fine as is..

Stop whining for more alb love/mid nerfs.. and go play something else like tetris..

many classes when faced with others cant do anything but run or die or both :)


Originally posted by Kerram Darktyde
dont clerics get insta AE mezz....!!!!

it is a suppressions BDs only form of Spec damage
it is fine as is..

Stop whining for more alb love/mid nerfs.. and go play something else like tetris..

many classes when faced with others cant do anything but run or die or both :)

lol get a clue

Kerram Darktyde

Originally posted by moo_work
lol get a clue

hehehe all i can say as a comeback is

You Alb!!!

sorry harsh i know but it had to be said :)

Ooo Ooo i get to say it

Cry More Noob!!

the LT is less damaging than a 2 hander melee attack , but do you whinge about those (actually you probably do :) )

what is a BD supposed to do to an Air Thuerg spamming pets at him?? Does he whine nerf ?? no he uses his Brain (you know that thing supposedly in your head) and finds tactics to deal with them..

Just like Mids did with LoS exploiting Necros Prepatch....
anyone else noticed the huge drop in necro RvR populations?? :)



Originally posted by Kerram Darktyde
dont clerics get insta AE mezz....!!!!

it is a suppressions BDs only form of Spec damage
it is fine as is..

Stop whining for more alb love/mid nerfs.. and go play something else like tetris..

many classes when faced with others cant do anything but run or die or both :)

NO! cleric do not have an insta AE mezz, they never have and problerly never will, i guess you n00b is thinking of the insta PBAE mezz on a 5min timer. I guess you have no idea of how insta PBAE mezz works in RvR combat, it usally goes like this: someone runs up you (either pet or enemy). you use PBAE mezz. now either 1) of three things happens. Target uses Purge 2) another enemy then starts attacking you, 3) a silly tanks breaks the mezz for you and you start getting attacked again. Clerics instent mezz is realy a joke now.

Also to the guy that moaned about not having another nuke, you have nuker pets for that.


oh the nuker pets that never hit yellow or blue conn mobs. I remeber them dearly before I respecced to supp bd in disgust.


True ot false

Amnesia is better for agro control than LD??

BD defence (and resion) for having the 4sec instLD is that there healer pets were taking agro off there commander in PvE. I cannot see why having LD would solve this problem better than amnesia. This would even make them more group friendly which seems to be a big BD complaint.

I'm not calling for BD nerfing here, the opposit, make them better by replacing the 4sec LD (that will cause the DB to get too much agro in PvE) and give them amnesia, allowing them to control agro more effectivly.


you're not very smart, now, are you Balbor?
I'd quite while you're not too far behind, lad. with each post you only dig yourself in deeper.
tho I must say it's highly entertaining, seeing somebody dig his own grave :)


don't think you get my point do you?

"Someone ownd me so nerf them"

"ahh a cleric killed my SB so nerf him or make me better. blar, blar, blar it just goes on"

whats your f**king point, you don't even have a counter argument. Please do tell me, why you think LD is better for agro control than amnesia.

It was a BD that said they need LD to help them when there healer pets took agro from there commanders in PvE, not me.

Kerram Darktyde

Balbor i did mean PBAE mezz yes...

and you know nothing of BD spec do you

nuker pets are not in the Supression line...so a suppression BD the most common RvR BD will not have Nuking pets and if he does it is with his left over points so will be a crappy even for a BD pet...

how is removing the only damage spell in spec line going to help a supp BD?

amnesia spell would not make them more group friendly unless the tanks in the group are complete moron and can control aggro... maybe this is an alb thing?? :)


Silly Merc "I'm a merc but i hardly ever hit with my off hand weapon?"
Anyone "Did you spec in DW?"
Silly Merc "No"

why don't you spec to get better nuking pet then, doh and stop moaning about not having decent nuker pets because you gimped yourself lol


I make an effort to read all the TL report for every class btw

...hands up all though people that work for a games magazine company that specs in guides for games...

Kerram Darktyde

Originally posted by Balbor
Silly Merc "I'm a merc but i hardly ever hit with my off hand weapon?"
Anyone "Did you spec in DW?"
Silly Merc "No"

why don't you spec to get better nuking pet then, doh and stop moaning about not having decent nuker pets because you gimped yourself lol

Surely lowering your Primary Spec line to gain in another will gimp your damage output, variance and stop you getting the higher more damaging Spec spells, meaning more resists meaning MORE of a gimp....


Hey could be worse, they could be a caster with no spec damage spell, like a mentalism mentalist... :p


just spec in Bone Mystics then you can have good casters, beside the Damage and Snare (-35%/179) does much more damage than the Lifedrain (123/80%) so your damage output would be higher.

I'm kinda thinking that even if these 2 spells were swapped around BD would be upset cause they would have to choose between Healer pet or Instent Lifedrain.

So far no BD has given any way of fixing the problem.

Its not not the fact that we have to use tatics to kill you, but more of a case that you don't have to use tatics to kill anything'.

People just have to except that mythic made the new classes uber so that people would want to play they over the old ones. In order to make them different they have to think up new skills and abilities for them, but most of the basic ones have been covered so they end up going over the top with new ones.


Yeah go ahead and nerf BDs, and while you are at it nerf Clerics as well. After all why should Clerics have dmg dealing spells when the equivalent Mid Healer has none?


Tafaya Anathas

Originally posted by geysor
After all why should Clerics have dmg dealing spells when the equivalent Mid Healer has none?

Yess, remove cleric DD spells, and give them AE stun, insta AE stun, AE mez and instant AE mez, and they will sure stop complaining.

Comparing the mid healer class with the alb cleric: the cleric imho a very-very boring class to play, you can buff and heal, and if you wanna deal damage the you have to gimp yourself. Congrats...

Tafaya Anathas

Originally posted by Kerram Darktyde
dont clerics get insta AE mezz....!!!!
Stop whining for more alb love/mid nerfs..

Stop whining about BDs, give them love, put that insta LD on 2 secs timer instead of 4, I can hardly wait for the 1st succesful 1 fg BD relic raid...

/sarcasm off

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