Bit of a similar story around here tbh, there was a recent case of 4 muslim girls who assaulted a white girl whilst they were drunk, they got away with it, because the judge apparently said that they weren't used to alcohol, and there was a huge uproar about it - especially on Facebook - at least 100 people had posted the video/newspaper article going mad about it, but then I had to explain to most of them that white people get away with GBH loads aswell, just because the obvious sources, such as the Sun and the Daily Mail had highlighted the fact that the judge mentioned alcohol and that they were Muslim.
As I mentioned in a previous post, every ethnic group seems to keep to their selves, and it's quite sad to see, but it all stems down to a vicious circle, they stick to their selves because they get racially attacked by chavs, and then the chavs abuse them because they stick to their selves and speak to each other in their language and stuff, because they're scared of the chavs.
What made it worse was when EDL came to do their protest thing, and loads of chavs jumped on their band-wagon, which sucked, but it was nice to see that there was a mixture of white people, asians and African-Caribbean having a anti-EDL protest at the same time, together, united.
I was going to a mates house a couple of days before Christmas, it was only like 3 in the afternoon, and I walked down a alleyway, with a group of your stereotypical Muslim lads who stand about smoking weed all day, and pretty much rebel against their religion and such, as I walked past them, they stared me out, I smiled back, because I'm a cocky cunt, then they started saying stuff like 'Alright gay boy' which I couldn't work out, since I was wearing jeans and a hoodie (Not exactly gay attire). Figured it must be a defensive mechanism.
The pros and cons of a multi-cultural society :\ - First oneThat's interesting, could you post a link to the article(s) please?
This becoming the equivalent of that woman on the train[/quote]
She's really on a roll for making stupid comments that generalise whole sections of the community - if she had an ounce of brains she'd delete her twitter account and stay the hell away from it.
Well, alot of that goes down around me mate, and get away with it, there's a lad notorious for it, he's got at least 8+ counts of GBH, stuff like that, a white lad, and he gets away with it, and funnily enough when this went down, as I said, there was a massive uproar about it, and some of his friends were like omfg, why didn't they get time, 'cos dey're paki innit - look at your mate lads.The boyfriend was a bit fucking wet wasn't he? Those girls wouldn't have been getting up if they had tried that with my wife. Pretty shocking that they got away with that, looking at the video.
Think you've probably shot yourself in the foot there. I slight White British majority in 2001..... Its probably a slight White British Minority by now. - First one - SORT of describes the 3rd paragraph
Ethnics groups will never mix, your in la-la land if you ever think that it is possible. I'd say I come from and occassionally live in one of the most multi-cultural places in the country and there a huge clear splits everywhere. Now by never mix I mean that they'll not be segrated all the way, it's the opposite infact as all pubs/clubs/events are a massive black/white/asian mix, what I'm saying is that in the 'friends circle' ethnic groups will always stick to their own. All of my friends are white, all the asians we know stuck together and the same for blacks.
As for the racism? It happens on all sides from all ethincities, part of life. It's a tribal affair still.
Rynnor +1 rep for writing your comment in a quote box!
Am I doing it properly?
Ethnics groups will never mix, your in la-la land if you ever think that it is possible.
That's an exception rather than the rule.
I don't think its true that every ethnic group sticks to themselves; its more accurate to say every poor ethnic group sticks to themselves. Its amazing how having a bit of money dissolves ethnic barriers.
Oh god![]()
I grew up in Enfield North London where is was very racially diverse but where I live now in Essex it is not. So unless my London friends are here my group is all white, mainly English but a few Greeks.Wow, don't know where you guys live, but my group of friends are all different colours. No majority of any one colour.
Clearly I don't live in la la land.