Which realm is overpowered n why



might aswell add that sorcs with the 44 mezz wont have the dmg,
huge variance on the life drain, and bad spec dd.
most sorcs use the second best or the third.
second has same radius as bard/healer ( 350 )
third has 50 less


reason i didnt add the thought of spec, is that most classes will be in that position.

only way to compare them, is to look at highest possible. its the least inaccurate :)

that said, yes. sorcs will usually go for 2nd or 3rd :)


Originally posted by liste
nerf people who post replies while im typing :p

Danyan, according to Classes of Camelot, the radius is 300.
this is ofc based on american patches, so i guess they decided to nerf the greatest mezz the game ever saw :p
Come now, my uber 5 second cast 250 radius 26 sec AE mez is clearly the greatest mez in daoc. :p



thats why they added the /victory thingy, to give the other realms a chance to spot you before you kick em all to oblivion :)


Hey don't forget minstrel mez costs about twice as much power as other mezzes. And we all know that minstrels have a huge power pool. :p


Originally posted by old.Teador
He's right.

Even a greycon buffbot heals for more than Tuorin does :p

Bards/Wardens are great, just dont expect them to heal.

That's why the best groups are like: Bard/Bard/Druid/Warden/Caster/Stealther/Tank/Tank

Steady Tea. :)

You cast a group heal...

xxxx xxx for xx hit points
You heal Jaenelle for 25 hit points. :p

I'm sure there was a :p after it.


Funny I went oom afterwards too. ;)

She stopped kissing me after that one. :(


Skald mezz is very short range. If I'm charging a caster down and Ive already burned my Snare I've got virtually 0 chance of getting my insta mezz on them before they root/mezz/stun me. Having said that it's still a lovely tool for disabling Clerics and the like in quick skirmishes as long as I have the element of surprise.


Originally posted by liste
<listed spells, is Lvl/name/Casting Time/power usage/target/radius/duration/range>

<Spirit Master>
50 Umbral Shroud 3 sec. 33P Enemy 300 33 sec 1500
42 Umbral Wave 151 2 sec. 27P PB 300 29 sec Point Blank
Classes of Camelot seems to be bugged here. they are displaying the point blank mezz as having a damage. SM please verify if you do have pbaoe mezz.

Yes we have pbae mezz as well as single tagrget mezz, single target root, targetted AE mezz and pbae dmg which is where the confusion may come from in Classes of Camelot.


primary CC: alb CC is on a cloth caster with no instas, hib/mid on hybrids in hefty armour with instas. hib/mid have upperhand over alb

secondary CC: air theurgs (1250 range)/minstrels(5 sec cast) both have backup AE mez in alb, only SM for mid and light eld for hib have secondary mez. minstrels can cast mez running, skalds have instamez on 30sec timer. alb has upperhand on secondary CC over mid and hib.

PBT: wardens all spec 6 sec PBT (on a healer-tank hybrid also), sup. runemaster line is viable to 6sec PBT, earth theurg line is not viable to 6sec pbt at all.. hib have upperhand over mid/alb on this one.

stuns: mid has baseline stun at 1500 range on healers, specline AE and insta AE stuns, hib has baseline stun on all casters at 1500 range. alb has baseline stun at 1000 range on clerics and 6sec insta stun at 700 range on minstrels. mid/hib over alb on stuns.

my opinion (from an alb point of view), no doubt flawed somewhere. generally it seems pretty balanced. beefing up the mind sorc, and earth theurg lines would help alb a great deal. cleric baseline stun to 1500 range would be nice also.

nothing beats a well organised group, or two groups. (apart from teh zerg)


Some points from a healer :

1. Dont use the AE insta stun as an argument to anything, If u have any resists this will not last long enugh for u to get nuked twice (that is if the caster is already aiming on u and pressing the button the momet the stun goes of) In most cases this spell is used for 2 things : 1. get out of jail, but only if no other insta is up, (for the simple reason it wont help us, it wont change anything) 2. If somone is trying to run form the groupe, then this insta is the "cheapest" to use.
The insta AE stun is by many healers called "Grant Imunity button".

I can see that Healers have a better survival possibility in rvr than sorcs, we have nice armour and some instas to help us. BUT if u wanna look on the pure power to Mezz the oponents I would like to point out that QC AE mezz is very powerfull, Remeber they can do this evry 30 sec (QC replenish time). Healers can insta once evry 10 minute.

And for the ppl that is new to this, remeber CC gives u an 1 min imunity. atm if a healer casts a Insta CC we are very happy if we get an 50% stick rate.

BUT yes healers is probarly one of the best support classes in the game, beeing 2 of the most important supporter (in RvR) but without QC we always get in the situation were we have to take diecisouns like, well that thane is not gonna affect this battle I better cast this Celerity and then this AE mezz and then heal that skald cuz he does matter some...
I dont think any other class has our number off spells that we need to be rdy to cast in the middle of an heretic RvR battle.

(A small list : Heal, Insta Heal, Insta Groupe Heal, AE mezz, AE stune, AE insta stun, AE insta Mezz, Insta mezz, Insta stun, single target mezz, single target stun, DeMezz, Groupe heal, Celerity, cure, Attack speed debuff, PR)

Off course we have to choose and we dont have the chance to use half of em before either dead or end of battle

Gewn Valkyriedottir


Gewn I'm currently finishing off the last few levels of my healer, and thinking about specs. On building the template on catacombs I noticed that when the new spread heals come in, you're 1 level short of being able to have insta AE stun and spreadheal 2 (probably intentionally). I was gonna go with the AE stun - from your comments it would seem that it's not worth it and I'd be better off with the 2nd spreadheal?


Originally posted by GewnHH
Some points from a healer :
I can see that Healers have a better survival possibility in rvr than sorcs, we have nice armour and some instas to help us. BUT if u wanna look on the pure power to Mezz the oponents I would like to point out that QC AE mezz is very powerfull, Remeber they can do this evry 30 sec (QC replenish time). Healers can insta once evry 10 minute.

i think all mind sorcs would happily trade their QC mez for chain AR, 1800 hits, and two insta heals.

qc is actually interuptable you know. and you have to stand still and cast it still, instead of whacking an insta button.

granted sorcs are much better in other areas than healers, but on the primary CC front they are unfortunatley not a patch on healers or bards for survivability.

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