Which realm is overpowered n why



No realm is overpowered,it's how you spec your char against another,like i am slash if i fight a hero i have a 50/50 chance of soloing him or her because i have + damage usually or if i face a warrior it can be 25/75 against him or her due to -.It's really about how you play really and what your skills fair against another class.


The Realms are pretty balanced as long as you think of roughly same numbers of groups and a good setup of classes.

But in 1o1 some classes are pretty damn mean.

Thrust Infiltrator : 2.5specc points, Tranquilize (High Defense Bonus) + Dragonfang (9sec stun) ... pretty much immortal as long as the player isn't completly unskilled (they do exist though)
Purge helps against the 1st DF ... not the 2nd.

Hib Caster : 9sec stun, evil nukes, (highlevel Pet)

Don't know about Mid Classes since I never fought them so far ;)

Skalds can be pretty mean when they're played right though.
(HIGH resists and IP are the key imo ;))

- Pathfinder -

Mids have the game's best CCer - noone can disspute that. However, looking at the combination of classes, Hibernia is clearly THE most powerful realm.

Most of these facts have been covered, but let's repeat them anyway ^^

The only realm with a readily accessible 6 sec PBT
The best pure tank (Hero)
A RvR oriented melee hybrid
The only realm with CASTER baseline stun
The realm where speccing for PBAE actually makes you uber
Instamez and Grp Purge in one realm, hello? oO

There are plenty of other thign as well, but these are what I tend to hang up on :)


best realm:
Albion greeks


Its not what each realm has that matters its how the skills etc are used and if they are used.
The fact is due to the fact Alb has so few non Los (line of sight) spells/shouts etc capable classes (3 out of 12 although with smite nerf say 2.5) compared to Hib and Mid that it is always going to struggle in keep raids etc.

Also compare the realms 3 main mez classes :-
Sorceror = cloth armour with no instants
Healer = chain armour with instants
Bard = reinforced armour with instants

Not much of a contest and only one example of several.Cannot honestly think of any Alb class which is clearly superior to either its Hib or Mid equivalent (at least not since the smite nerf).

As for 2-hand paladin being the best hybrid once they get end chant ? um Hib and Mid seem to have already got end chants etc so how can it do anything but put Alb in general on a more equal footing.

As for paladins being better than thanes you only need to play a paladin on a keep raid/defence to see just how little they can compete in the most important part of rvr (rez is nice but does not do much for the paladin doing it).


Originally posted by Lament
As for paladins being better than thanes you only need to play a paladin on a keep raid/defence to see just how little they can compete in the most important part of rvr (rez is nice but does not do much for the paladin doing it).

Although I would agree to a point shield paladins can guard the casters from archers; our heal and resistance chants are particularly useful in keep raid/defence; the 'pulling' spell can obtain aggro nicely from NPC archers.

Sorry for the off topic comments but pally's aren't without their uses in keep defences ... I particularly enjoy gimped shadowblades or even nightshades (LOL!! :D ) climbing into the keep during a defence, gives me a way of earning some RP's without leaching off Rumble...


Originally posted by Lament
Not much of a contest and only one example of several.Cannot honestly think of any Alb class which is clearly superior to either its Hib or Mid equivalent (at least not since the smite nerf).
Hmm infiltrator. :p

Also mid doesn't have end regen atm, it's a hib only thing. Mid gets end buffs when alb get end chant.


Ah sorry Midguard hard to find a europe based spell/skill list although is just another reason why atm hib are the best realm.

As for paladins v thanes during keep raids not saying paladins are useless by any means just that their chants (guard etc) help others without giving much benefit to the paladins themselves who have zero ranged attack and can do little themselves until the doors are down.

Also which would you prefer to have in the lord room of a keep backing up the casters ?

Sb v Infil surely whoever gets the first hit in wins ? and spec I suppose but I could well be wrong.


The game is pretty much only about casters, main tanks and assasins atm.

Some of the bones have gone to primary healers as of late, lets hope some hybrids get a few.

6 sec pbt is not the only domain of Hibernia, as of late on US servers Runies are speccing for 6 sec pbt and still having 400 DD, and god knows whatever else.

Lets equate that to reality. 300-400 damage every 2secs or so, to being out of melee range and rooted. Woot get bow out, 4 sec redraw and he has pbt, he is pretty much impervious once you rooted. He also has his bomb if things go wrong.

AFAIK 6 sec pbt nerfs theurgs too much, but there's usually enough Albs to work that one out.

6 sec pbt for Hib however is extremely useful when 2 wardens in the group and therefore a group with synched wardens and bard are very very hard to kill in melee from similar odds.

Bunker of faith and speed of sound are nice RA tho?

A lot better than the mez breaking snare that doesn't, which is useful for fighting the runie example above but not for a deal of much else.


I don't think any realm is vastly overpowered as such but Albion currently has the
best assassin class (inf)
most damaging mage (fire wiz)
best CC'er (sorc)
and 2nd best tank in game behind hero (pole armsman).

Maybe a shame that few albs want to play the sorceror, probably just because they can't uberkill most players easily, a bit more CC and they wouldn't need to zerg so much... maybe if a few infs made sorcerors.. (hint hint)

btw also got this funny feeling that smite nerf was nowhere near as bad as most said.... I'd like to see damage from a full smite specced Cleric still as most specced out of it then complain less damage..


Originally posted by Cornell
Albion currently has the
most damaging mage (fire wiz)
best CC'er (sorc)

Fire resists are easy as pie to get. Mezz only lasts as long as the caster, which is usually about 5 seconds after it's cast by it's cloth wearing Avalonian RP cow.


Oi i'm a briton rp cow :)

Don't diss the sorcerer too much.....i'd not like a healer or bards chance against a socerer 1v1...or any class really (so long as i don't lag into a mob and get an exp death...lmao)

Main tank- Warriors and armsmen are IMHO on par with heros (memorys of a kobold warrior killing a fiborg spero...:) )

Crowd control- Hibernia wins with group purge and insta mez (which every fecking bard has)

Casters- Hibernia wins with baseline stun, through close (Runies are very powerful + Wizards and sorcerers are both good class's)

Assasin- All assasins have loads of spec points, abilities to go lots of damage fast- Nightshades are the weakest through...NURF ASSASINS! MORE!

Hibernia is the most powerful on paper, but on paper people don't make mistakes....any realm could win a 8 v 8(BLOODY ALB TANKS BEATING ON A HERO INSTEAD OF THE LURIKEEN MANA BOMB)


best CC'er (sorc)

Nope :(
Sorc are not gimped in anyway, when played in good groups they rock :)
But we dont stand a chance in the CCwar, this is cuz of 2 major reasons:
1. No Instants.
2. High resist rate, since 44mind leave you will little options and are not worth it IMO.

Thou QC helps alot, not even close to Instant but still very good.
Comperd to the other Primary CC'rs we also lack in Survivability ( Cloth and Caster hp )
If we want the nuke ability we either have to go 41body/35mind ( second best DD and AEmezz, lvl50pet ) or 45+body/24+mind ( Best DD but poor aemezz )

Best CC class = Healer IMO

about SoS and BoF, they are awsome RA's but they dont win fights, Group Purge does.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by svar
lol what are these myths about "sheer number of bards"

Are we playing on the same server?
When ever I come across a group of Hibs, they almost always have a bard in the group.

At the end of the day, CC wins battles. Now I'm not saying albion is gimped... etc... etc... But sorcerers do come off the worst.

As a class, they should have more. Both Hib/Mid mezzers have heals and buffs(even if base-line), they have better armour and generally offer more to their group in PvE.

Sorcerers are bastards to level*, until you're lv38+ (believe me, not many albs know what sorcerers can do until they see them mezzing 7+ goblins). After spending time with sorcerers & goblins, most albs accept them into groups post-lv40.

They're the only 'true' pet class in the game, but, Minstrels can charm higher level pets!

You can't even compare a sorc to Healers/Bards, the difference is that big. Maybe if they had an AoE lifedrain spell, which heals their group. That would fit in with their 'dark-side' image and give them something extra to play with.

As I said before, CC wins battles and there isn't much going for Albion's primary CC class.

*Sorcerers are, imo, Albions best solo class(except for lv40+ cabalists :p ), but you can only solo for so many levels.


Can't be arsed to read through it all, since it has been discussed a gazillion times before, but...

There is no "overpowered realm" or "overpowered class".
It is a teamplay game, any "flaws" in one class is made up for by grouping with another class and supporting each other.
There is a reason we have an Invitebutton and 8 slots to form a group :m00:

DAoC is not and never will be a single-player shoot-em up.


You can overcome the inherent difficulties in any realm with decent teamwork, leadership and hard work. That doesn't mean the game is balanced though and it is a shame that these problems exist to be overcome instead of there being a level playing field for all.

Fundamentally it can never be balanced whilst each realm has access to different classes. The only way it will be fair is if everyone has identical classes so it all comes down to how you use them. At the start of the game Midgard was the most powerful by far (thanks mainly to chain cast AE stun), later on Albion was in the ascendance and finally Hibernia is getting its turn. Things are a lot better than they were but the game is never going to be balanced because it isn't possible; get used to it :)

If you want to look at it all really simply consider this :

There are a finite set of abilities that all realms must have. If you disregard abilities that not all realms get as being fundamentally unfair anyway (insta AE mez, insta stun, dragonfang etc.) then you are left with a list of common things that all realms must be able to do.

It therefore stands to reason that the realm with the least number of character classes has, on average, more abilities per class than a realm with more potential classes. They need less people present to get access to all of these abilities and should, in theory, be the most powerful in a 1v1 situation versus their counterparts in other realms.

Also it is a funny coincidence that SotL and NP (RP leaders on their respective servers) are both playing Hibernia now :cool:


Stop whinging how Uber Hibernia is and get your asses to Hib and join us then because you'll be forever saying " nerf hib ". You wont be saying it if you join us will ya :D .


Originally posted by bone_idle
Stop whinging how Uber Hibernia is and get your asses to Hib and join us then because you'll be forever saying " nerf hib ". You wont be saying it if you join us will ya :D .
So once everyone has joined hib, who will you fight? :p


IMO, Hib seems overpowered because they have a higher proportion of people playing support classes (or alternatively, you could say that more of their classes have support/utility). I think it's because their support classes are more fun, tbh, than the Albion ones.


Stupid thing is no caster should get a resist debuff they nuke hard as it is ffs:(


Originally posted by Generic Poster

Are we playing on the same server?
When ever I come across a group of Hibs, they almost always have a bard in the group.

At the end of the day, CC wins battles. Now I'm not saying albion is gimped... etc... etc... But sorcerers do come off the worst.

As a class, they should have more. Both Hib/Mid mezzers have heals and buffs(even if base-line), they have better armour and generally offer more to their group in PvE.

Sorcerers are bastards to level*, until you're lv38+ (believe me, not many albs know what sorcerers can do until they see them mezzing 7+ goblins). After spending time with sorcerers & goblins, most albs accept them into groups post-lv40.

They're the only 'true' pet class in the game, but, Minstrels can charm higher level pets!

You can't even compare a sorc to Healers/Bards, the difference is that big. Maybe if they had an AoE lifedrain spell, which heals their group. That would fit in with their 'dark-side' image and give them something extra to play with.

As I said before, CC wins battles and there isn't much going for Albion's primary CC class.

*Sorcerers are, imo, Albions best solo class(except for lv40+ cabalists :p ), but you can only solo for so many levels.

What, do i need to repeat myself? I dont care what you see "whenever you see grp of hibs", that is purely subjective. I am talking about facts. If you dont believe me, check bard rp chart and see how many made over 20k rps last week.


Originally posted by svar

What, do i need to repeat myself? I dont care what you see "whenever you see grp of hibs", that is purely subjective. I am talking about facts. If you dont believe me, check bard rp chart and see how many made over 20k rps last week.

Just like Generic Poster, whenever I'm in RvR - and that is regularly - Hib groups have bards. As I say I RvR regularly but I don't make over 20k rps a week, at least not these days ... so that argument is moot Svar sorry.


Originally posted by Danyan

So once everyone has joined hib, who will you fight? :p

each other cos by then we'll have dueling in :p


Originally posted by Turamber

Just like Generic Poster, whenever I'm in RvR - and that is regularly - Hib groups have bards. As I say I RvR regularly but I don't make over 20k rps a week, at least not these days ... so that argument is moot Svar sorry.

svar is right, there's a shortage of bards now.. you say taht ever group has bards? try writing down the names of those bards.. I think you'll notice more than a few appearances of the same name


People in general are now rolling more and more offensive classes and less of the supportclasses than they used to and that goes for all realms.
It was noticeable early on in Alb with the lack of Sorcs, we have had posts about (numerous?) Healers in Mid who stop playing after a few weeks at 50 and re-roll something else because they feel their class is a bore in RvR (due to lack of offense).
And now we got a lack of Bards in Hib.

I played a bard to mid20s on Excal and loved it.
Mezz and Heal, two primary factors to winning a battle, be it PvE or RvR.
True, I don't get to shove that sword through someones stomach, but halting 15 people in their tracks and then watch your friends tear them to pieces one by one is a rather good feeling too ;)

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