Grow a fucking brain?![]()
erm did i flame u ? reply in a descent mannner or dont bother at all.
Grow a fucking brain?![]()
Grow a fucking brain?![]()
fungus said:erm did i flame u ? reply in a descent mannner or dont bother at all.
Puppet said:Clerics got indeed a really bad smite-spec. Druid ST-root lasts only 3 seconds shorter then a sorc ST-root. A nature-druid (40 regrw. 36 nature) has an instant AE-root every 10 mins. Not so hot? I would say its the best AE-root in game !
Oldfaravid said:there is only one thing midgard has that is better then the "albversion" and its the healer class.. All others alb has way overhand. Infils do insane more dmg then sb. Scouts got longer range and more dmg then a Hunter, Paladins got self heal and more armour and end chant etc beats a warrior anytime. Mercs although Albs havent realised it is the best light tank in the game especially after the many boostings recent patches. the Minstrel in itself is the most unbalancing class in the game since there is nothing like it in any of the other 2 realms.. Albion even got the best BB around to wich I find hysterical fun..Mid and Hib chars are about equal in general although i feel the enchanter as being a little owerpowerd but not complaining about it really. Thats solo wise.. and if you start looking RA wise Mids dont stand a chance against either of the realms.. SoS and BoF is just to much of an advantage.. I just cried at how sad the game is when you here about a relic raid where mids set up giant defence at amg.. ohh they got a minstrel group SoSing from relic keep to apk.. whole mid was spamming stun mezz etc didnt matter cause they had safe passage because of SoS..
Ohh and I see savages as a good class to but imo a high RR merc is worse then a high RR savage..
This is not a whine this is how i see the game.. So end result is
1. Albion, better classes better RA
2. Hib just because of better RA then mid
3. Mids to be successful as a mid group you really need to be a pretty darn opted and tightly working team
Roo Stercogburn said:10 min timer on damage add, range limit on end regen.
Yeh, that really rocks mate, Mid got it all![]()
Lejemorder said:for RvR let the shammy spec 35 for end4 (gt longwind1 and tireless1 and u got unlimited sprint) and for 16% cold and heat resist and rest in cave!! and for dmg add u need to rebuff resist every 10 min anyway!!
for PvE in alb u need pala if u want end u just need a bb u allready would have any way!! yea i know pala is the best agro keeper!!
same count for dmg add!!
and if u ask most mercs and arms they would gladly (sp?) switch af buff end reg![]()
Roo Stercogburn said:You said bot mate, not active player. Hence those items you mention are useless as a bot
50 Enhance Cleric best bot in game. Ask any inf.
Roo Stercogburn said:An 'item' is any individual member of a list, not just in-game items that people go on hunts and slaver over
The items I refer to were the content of the list, thats all. In this case, the list was buffs.
But fair enough, can see why the mistake got made.
Shammy end regen and damage add useless unless you have the toon following you around. Normally that means inside the group as they can't (normally) keep up outside of the group.
Not many RvR groups going to run around with a slow-ass bot stuck to them
Clerics have baseline spells at higher level so delve higher than their Mid counterparts, giving them stronger buffs. Hence the 50 enhance cleric beats the pants off any Mid seer as bot.
Gahlzor said:someone said they wouldn't say thier realm to be easymode. I play here on prydwen at the moment on mid. And in FG fighting I'd say mid is easymode, hib normal and alb hard. But zerging it's albs who have it easy and hibs who have it hard. simple cuz of population. and for soloing/stealthers i think alb is easymode aswell, mainly due to infils. and to me it seams pretty even on that area between mids and hibs.
lol?Zorin said:I find savages still better the mercs but the current groupsetups allows albs to have more people in the MA train. that's without theurg in group tho.
Chimaira said:lol?
albs has 3 mercs in MA train. pala rarely follows(what good does it do anyway) minstrel on interupt duty etc.
u can run 4 savages? kk thx bye
Baduska said:eh 4 savages? if we did so we would insta die get a clue about good group setups
need warrior for guard skald is nice for speed dd's dmg add fotg etc.
so we run 2 light tanks, were one often is zerker cause we need pf. so only 1 or 2 savages
u follow assist train to do dmg? or u follow assist train for slam?Old.Ilum said:Call me a noob chim but I think I assist atleast 80% of my un mezzed time![]()
Old.Ilum said:Mostly to slam (and guard hopefully)
But hey, dmg aint ALL crap either![]()
Baduska said:eh 4 savages? if we did so we would insta die get a clue about good group setups
need warrior for guard skald is nice for speed dd's dmg add fotg etc.
so we run 2 light tanks, were one often is zerker cause we need pf. so only 1 or 2 savages
Chimaira said:aww my apology. I forgot u always have a ton of healers compared to albs 2 clerics. then add u have Disease (best offensive spell ingame) which half our clerics to be like 1. when u got 3 spreadhealing healers. mebbe 4? xD
why u whine bout zerk? pf bot? LOL zerks hit like fire trucks still.
get a FUCKING clue. and no im no fucking n00b ive been around to long.
Lejemorder said:try ask JH or NP on excal what grp setup they use.. i know JH run with 4 savages, 3 healers and 1 shammy.
NP havnt meet em for long time but if i remember right does they use 4 zerkers/savages, 3 healers and 1 shammy.
they prolly got end 4 on there shammy, run with healer speed + sprint and if i know them right prolly also got tireless 1 and longwind 1 or 2
and they aint gimped at all!!
Baduska said:chimaira i'm not whinning on any of those i'm just correcting you about you flamming zorinn, cause he does have a point about number of tanks
Baduska said:mid caster group
hib caster -hard(baod and gp, and debuff on chanter)
Lejemorder said:try ask JH or NP on excal what grp setup they use.. i know JH run with 4 savages, 3 healers and 1 shammy.
NP havnt meet em for long time but if i remember right does they use 4 zerkers/savages, 3 healers and 1 shammy.
they prolly got end 4 on there shammy, run with healer speed + sprint and if i know them right prolly also got tireless 1 and longwind 1 or 2
and they aint gimped at all!!
Gahlzor said:someone said they wouldn't say thier realm to be easymode. I play here on prydwen at the moment on mid. And in FG fighting I'd say mid is easymode, hib normal and alb hard. But zerging it's albs who have it easy and hibs who have it hard. simple cuz of population. and for soloing/stealthers i think alb is easymode aswell, mainly due to infils. and to me it seams pretty even on that area between mids and hibs.