Which do you think is the best realm?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Any realm is easy if you have an opted group everyday with good players who know each others roles 90% of fights you have, you will win, unless you face another guild similar(strongest realm group available) but fadeh's summary is basically what the game is, i think it's the most balanced it's ever been at the moment just a shame some classes are struggling still to get a group at all. :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
ok ok i'll do a bit of your piece by piece comparison

alb and mid

main CC

alb-cloth caster bolt range no insta, no other utility, limited ability to do dmg

mid- chain wearing, 1500 range can insta, also has aoe stun and can heal and buff but has no dmg potential

Main dmg dealing tank

alb- merc is a very good tank and is on par with BM and Zerker, some would argue superior but generally fairly similar

Mid- savage....

Source of end

alb- on a non det tank, interrupted if pally is mezzed but not if attacked. pally performs adequate slam duty but with lower dex than warrior and is fairly useless in the assist train

mid - shaman, so long as it stays in range of rest of grp, only way to remove mid end it by killing a chain wearing char. Has aoe disease and some dmg capability. can dmg buff.

there are more but thats the key components of each realm's gank grp, i left out healing cos its late and i cba

edit - ofc i agree with mids having the worst ras but in my opnion that just balances out the superiority of the three mid classes mentioned above


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
pez said:
mid - shaman, so long as it stays in range of rest of grp, only way to remove mid end it by killing a chain wearing char. Has aoe disease and some dmg capability. can dmg buff.

there are more but thats the key components of each realm's gank grp, i left out healing cos its late and i cba

Agree with all other except that.. AoE disease is nice yeah shaman damage is pretty pathetic with resists though, i would rather take a pally than a shammy for end due to tank hit points, plate armour, AF chant, dmg add chant and slam.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Cozak said:
Agree with all other except that.. AoE disease is nice yeah shaman damage is pretty pathetic with resists though, i would rather take a pally than a shammy for end due to tank hit points, plate armour, AF chant, dmg add chant and slam.

Disease>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything a pala has. xE (guard is very good though of course :p )

Near half damage....lower ws....half heals....nearly like a PF effect.

One of the best spells in daoc.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
thats fair enough, i'm just bitter on the point for 2 reasons, have a lvl 50 pally and spend way too long mezzed and unable to provide either of the 2 things i am in grp for if purge is down. Other reason is i play a druid and i find shammys to be the most annoying fecking char in the world once gp has been used, they just seem to perma interrupt me no matter where i run to, i end up slapping them with my sword just to get them to feck off for 30 secs so i can heal someone ;)


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
pez said:
thats fair enough, i'm just bitter on the point for 2 reasons, have a lvl 50 pally and spend way too long mezzed and unable to provide either of the 2 things i am in grp for if purge is down.
I know the feeling my thane has no access to det either, pain in the ass :p


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I guess after seeing some movies from mid/pryd pov i can understand why some mids in this thread think mid classes are bad (aridwarptrix and everlast movies).



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
pez said:
ok ok i'll do a bit of your piece by piece comparison

alb and mid

main CC

alb-cloth caster bolt range no insta, no other utility, limited ability to do dmg

Think you´re cleary underestimating the sorc, they actually do have more utillity then mezzing, infact they prolly have more utillity then most other casters have. They are great for debuffing after mezz and aoe/single root. Not to forget how good a yellow con pet and 400 radius aoe mezz is for interupting.

Ok it might not be as good as healing but to say they have no other utility is just stupid.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
hehe sorc regarded as best caster in game by many because they have so much utility. funny to hear someone saying they have none. They just don't get deathspam all the time, which only stupids regard as the measure of a class ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Mid-easy mode.
Hib-medium mode.
Alb-medium mode.

this is if the classes are played right...
Loads of clueless ppl in all realms tho.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Fadeh said:
Mid = easy mode vs hibs (Hi there ae lul on 3 chars)
Mid = hard mode vs albs

Alb = normal mode vs hibs (Easy with sos, hard without)
Alb = easy mode vs mids (Bof is required for it to be a fight, otherwise very hard mode)

Hib = hard mode vs mids (how are they gonna beat that ae lul?)
Hib = normal mode vs albs (they hit for less and less ae lul)


Alb easy (with sos and bof)
Hib normal
Mid normal


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
judas said:
Mid-easy mode.
Hib-medium mode.
Alb-medium mode.

this is if the classes are played right...
Loads of clueless ppl in all realms tho.

Fadeh should teach you some and u ll change opinion rather quick :wub:
Tbh his a zergin / addin ass , but still must say he runs the best albgrps i ve seen ever, altho i dont like him


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
pez said:
ok ok i'll do a bit of your piece by piece comparison

alb and mid

main CC

alb-cloth caster bolt range no insta, no other utility, limited ability to do dmg

mid- chain wearing, 1500 range can insta, also has aoe stun and can heal and buff but has no dmg potential

Main dmg dealing tank

alb- merc is a very good tank and is on par with BM and Zerker, some would argue superior but generally fairly similar

Mid- savage....

Source of end

alb- on a non det tank, interrupted if pally is mezzed but not if attacked. pally performs adequate slam duty but with lower dex than warrior and is fairly useless in the assist train

mid - shaman, so long as it stays in range of rest of grp, only way to remove mid end it by killing a chain wearing char. Has aoe disease and some dmg capability. can dmg buff.

there are more but thats the key components of each realm's gank grp, i left out healing cos its late and i cba

edit - ofc i agree with mids having the worst ras but in my opnion that just balances out the superiority of the three mid classes mentioned above

And your prolly 1 of those necros standin outside apk 24-7 runnin back as soon mid fg encounter :kissit: :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Aye, my Sorc is great and I love him, but he is dead most of the time. This is not realy a game for casters anymore, except you have a pbae group. Therfore Mids and Hibs have the best classes, cause every group running with with 3 pbae-caster has 11 Member, in Hibernia up to 13! Ok, the pet's are not realy strong but they are good enough to interrupt.

In my opinion Hibs have the best supporter. Druid for buffing/healing and Bard with manareg, endureg, speed 5, mezzes, interrupting instas. Get 2 of them and you have all you need all the time. Albs need Pala, Minstrel and Sorc for, that is just 1 class more, so one char less to do real damage :D .

Therefor we have the best ra's, yes. But is it realy fair to say Albs have it easy cause of their ra's? They are just ready all 30 Minutes!

Mids can build great tank and pbae groups, I've seen them. In a tank group they have realy everything on chars with lots of hitpoints and chain or studded leather. In pbae groups they have 2 or 3 members more then Albs and equal or a bit less then Hibs. And they have it all the time, not just all 30 minutes :wub: .

So it's diffucult to say, which realm ist best, which is worst. But I can say that a good working, regular playing group is >>>> all. :worthy:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
High RR alb groups can compete with mid/hib and make it look easy. But if you're looking at the realms on all levels, albs have the least utility.

Mid-tank groups have five CC classes, three of those can mezz, demezz and cast amnesia... + skald to interrupt with instas and the shaman is just an evil clown :p

With my cleric, I normally have enough time to stun a couple of players. If I had Mezz, Demezz and Amnesia(+AoE) as standard, I suspect we'd win alot more fights and PBAoE groups wouldn't be so hard.

Druid's get a root which isn't so hot but can interrupt and they get a pet. Everyone needs healers in the group and Clerics have the worst baseline/alternative spec.

Looking at PBAoE, wizards are the weakest compared to SM and chanters.
Tanks depend on your pov, but savages were out of hand.

Sure, an alb group can be good if you get good players who work well.

Lastweek Top100

...and no, a Paladin on Gaheris doesn't count :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
bult said:
I guess after seeing some movies from mid/pryd pov i can understand why some mids in this thread think mid classes are bad (aridwarptrix and everlast movies).


In the arid movie, if zerach wasnt such a bad player there. He would have faced arid instead, not having slash resist on, and actually "trying" to style :flame:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Mavl said:
Interrupt with pets :p

Yep, else its impossible. But if pets get rooted etc, hib will have a hard time turning the tide unless they survive the root-duration.

Alb randomgroups are far the worst one, mid the easiest/best.
Alb stealthers are best(spec af, minstrel, dragonfang), hib second due to AP
Alb are best relicraiders, mid are worst with a small edge to hib.
Alb are best PvE'rs, spec AF, bof and paladins :)
Alb have the best landscapes and detailing by far! Mid is grey and simple, hib is green and even more simple.
Hib low RR-groups are by far the worst one, very easy kill.
Hib make warfare and siege most efficient due to all casters and supportclasses. Would say alb are worst one.
Hib are the best keeptakers, due to all pbaeclasses.
Mid you can PL best in, hib 2nd and alb last.
Mid support are uber, alb depending on RA's, hib have good support.
Mid savages are, well hi der! BM's are abit stronger than Mercs.

And Albs would stand chanceless without RA's!


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Escape said:
Druid's get a root which isn't so hot but can interrupt and they get a pet. Everyone needs healers in the group and Clerics have the worst baseline/alternative spec.

Clerics got indeed a really bad smite-spec. Druid ST-root lasts only 3 seconds shorter then a sorc ST-root. A nature-druid (40 regrw. 36 nature) has an instant AE-root every 10 mins. Not so hot? I would say its the best AE-root in game !


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
someone said they wouldn't say thier realm to be easymode. I play here on prydwen at the moment on mid. And in FG fighting I'd say mid is easymode, hib normal and alb hard. But zerging it's albs who have it easy and hibs who have it hard. simple cuz of population. and for soloing/stealthers i think alb is easymode aswell, mainly due to infils. and to me it seams pretty even on that area between mids and hibs.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
It's real hard to beat a good hib pbaoe group as an alb, unless of course you use sos(stop tanks being slammed in pbaoe box), sorc interupts good without dying fast and the mins interupts good too,(theurg aswell if you have).But a good hib pbaoe group would kill theurg/sorc pretty fast then rest of group is dead very fast.(eclipse/NP on pryd lately are far tougher than they used to be....but i haven't played much at all this patch so haven't seen really what chanters are like after nerf)

If you got no ra's up as an alb, a good mid or hib group should beat you...(if it's the realm's best type of group) , if you got ra's up as an alb, you should win often unless of course you fuck up or they have ra's up too and all of them are played by good players(maelstrom for example, no i am not saying you wait for ra's, i mean mid's strongest group played by good players=very tough)

Other than that, alb is pretty good realm though everyone has to play their best to beat a hib pbaoe group that's played good, mid has best possible groups if you disclude ra's and hib has best selection of classes though ra's makes us not see this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
To Gahlzor: Perhaps you should get 50 before you can say you´re seeing it from mid point of wiev? Since that´s pretty much a hib caster group wiev, mids killing it easy, albs having a struggle cause of just one amnesia spammer.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Kahland said:
In the arid movie, if zerach wasnt such a bad player there. He would have faced arid instead, not having slash resist on, and actually "trying" to style :flame:

agreed :p canceling ur own styles isnt really that good tbh. Or typing when the enemy is stunned.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Escape said:
Looking at PBAoE, wizards are the weakest compared to SM and chanters.

Hmmm Ice Wizzard pbae groups have a lot of potential imo specially if they can AE debuff their own Cold Damage for 20 seconds. And that all in the same spec line .... Give chanters AE Energy debuff in the Mana spec line imo ;-)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
fungus said:
Hmmm Ice Wizzard pbae groups have a lot of potential imo specially if they can AE debuff their own Cold Damage for 20 seconds. And that all in the same spec line .... Give chanters AE Energy debuff in the Mana spec line imo ;-)


Grow a fucking brain? :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
didnt read through the whole topic but after playing in an alb tank grp and hib caster/tank grp + stealth ranger/ns.

hib caster grp

Alb tank grp normal
Alb caster grp easy (gp + pets help a lot)
Mid tank grp hard
Mid caster grp didnt meet many, guess its normal

Hib tank grp

Alb tank grp hard
Alb caster grp easy-normal
Mid tank grp normal with good guard
Mid caster grp - no idea.


On prydwen albion stealth zerg is a bit much atm and with 20% str relics "infis pwn". So albion in stealth is the easiest mode daoc can get :) (that goes for mercinfil + mincer duos especially :puke: )
I found fights versus mid stealthers kinda equal, so i would say mid-hib is ok mode.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 10, 2004
From lvling in them all I feel im right to have a decent opinion, personally.

From easy to hard, and why

Midgard - I found easiest, even without using the bot, more places to XP, on prydwen theres a fairly decent population, one of the few realms you can name places to xp at certain lvls, go there, and actualy find people.

Hibernia - I found alot of groups very often, tho I was lvling on Exc server, and everything seems easy enough, hardest part was 24>28 i guess.

Albion - Was alot harder lvling here, 20>24 peice of piss, 24>40 was hard as hell, 40>50 piss with avalon City etc, finding groups was the main problem.

Thats my pve view.

My rvr would be (easy) Midgard - groups arent hard to find, usualy alot of people around so zerges are quite frequent in your own frontier (somehtig i love is a good old zerg and I miss them :p).

Medium would have to be alb, not exactly hard, but less people actively doing 'good' rvr groups, alot of randoms which die fast. Also tons of roleplayers in this realm, like Lochlyessa, Derric and Myste.

Hibernia's hardest imo, basically all ya damage dealers are casters, which can drop like flys if noone has MoC for a decent pbaoe box group, not only that, you have to run to emain to find populated good rvr, which is a pain in the ass :x.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
<grins> You're such a leet d00d pudz, I wish I could be like you! <ponders>

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