so Maddam Mim what is it you suggest? What is your plan for the cluster?? kinda outline your idea?
1 u just a e-bay person so who cares about u?
2 u r one of the realm that only zergs
so question is why do u idiots zerg ur way to obscurity, coz my guild 287 members left dyvet
Sorry for the late reply! Been away this weekend
I suggest a meeting with all the major alliance leaders (or simply alliances still active) where we can discuss a way to organise rvr in such a way that it would suit any kind of gamer for any kind of playstyle (impossible yes, but I gotta reach for the stars). It would need the backup of all three realms to do so, it would require alot of communications between us and demand alot of patience from our fellow guildies.
I simply suggest a CoD among the remaining gamers in which we can organise the rvr better and follow a few simple rules.
My plan is as follows ;
Devide the rvr action into 3 zones (like the 3 realms)
1 area is claimed for fg fights
1 area is for solo fights
1 area is for zerg, add, tower camp, keep siege, you name it. Anything that wont require rules.
For 2 weeks (or more) we announce an area for a specifik action (ex. this week action in midgard, near bled and notts)
In these 2 weeks, the only action which is gonna happen there is what has been chosen, aka. solo or fg or so. Within the 2 weeks, the rules we decide will stand within this area - atleast for those of us who have agreed on the CoD.
This is why its important that as many of us as possible join in, and not only certain guilds or grp's from the server. The more upholding the rules, the more will benefit from it.
In order to do so, we need a forum to keep debating and learn from our experiences - what worked and what didn't.
And also, what dates and what zones are at this point active for what kind of action.
It will require alot of communications and a few ppl willing to spend a few hours of their week discussing and organising.
I hope this gives you an idear of my thoughts
please feel free to give constructive criticism and any idears bases on what you have read. Also feel free to send me an email or msg here for further info.
Ty for listening/reading
Kind regards