When you first started playing..



In the beta, after saving up the massive amount of 25 silver, I went and bought a shiny new left hand useable sword, trying to work out why my armsman wouldn't use two weapons :(


i downloaded loads of maps etc and oloads and loads of guides and shit and while i was level 5 or summat i looked at my maps and thought 1 day... 1 day aligro you'll go to forest sauvage...

perhaps this is why it took 33 days to 50


I miss those early days, it''ll never be the same again, going out to RVR at lvl 19!!! and seeing yellow cons fighting :)

The game has lost the magic that it gave me when I was lvl 3.

My mistake was to solo my Bard to 20, and put everything into blades, I got more xp in one nights grouping at lvl 20 than I did in a week solo.


Originally posted by old.job

The game has lost the magic that it gave me when I was lvl 3.

so god damn true... i'll never get it back :(

it was so amazingly amazing.... shame i haev got used to it... now wheres that delightful tommy lee jones...


Originally posted by old.job
I miss those early days, it''ll never be the same again, going out to RVR at lvl 19!!! and seeing yellow cons fighting :)

So do I !

Then, the lower limit for RvR really wat about 30-35.

Now it's more like 45, halas.


I remember going rvr and doing torcs (cant remember the level) but had some nice battles in the fronteer around mid 20's


Originally posted by trigali
So do I !

Then, the lower limit for RvR really wat about 30-35.

Now it's more like 45, halas.
Aye, remember running around with Vombat in emain at lvl 30-35, was a blast, now days you would just get killed by one of the overbuffed stealthers (well there are thoose who dont use buffbots) But cant wait for the new con system.


I wish the days when we used emain as an exping ground would come back. Is some damn sweet exp spots there


my 1st nightshade finbarduis got to lvl 12 with 1st bit of armour he got of feecans but i died it all red so at least it looked good when i died fighting green cons (sadly he was deleted due to my nerfing his spec as well )

Neural Network

When I started playing DAOC I were still using my 6 years old 15’’ monitor with very low brightness. So I couldn’t see more than a few feats away at night. Very realistic, but I have lost count on the times I got lost in the dark and ended at a wrong place or with a purp con chewing on my rear.
Bought a 17’’ soon after.


I asked some1 how i could get better armours and he told me that dyeing them actually made em better... and i believed him :doh:


Originally posted by uncle_sal
I asked some1 how i could get better armours and he told me that dyeing them actually made em better... and i believed him :doh:



I was used to playing Ultima Online where you just typed to talk and hit enter. Took me like half an hour of standing inside Pryd Keep trying to talk to people. It doesnt even tell you in the game manual :(


I figured out how to talk by mashing the enter key.

Oldbone O

Had a dwarf thane in beta, I stod in Mularn the n00b town, and I didnt knew what to do or say.. didnt know a shit really, one thing I saw was that many ppl was standing near a big stone in the town, near the stone their was a NPC, ppl was always asking question near the NPC, so finnaly I asked a question to the NPC when everyone logged (was late), so I ran up to the NPC near the bindstone, and asked him how I kill monsters, and how I get my weapon to swing, 20 mins later I logged and I still didnt knew hoe to kill, guess the NPC didnt wanne talk to me..

The Real Redi

Originally posted by Kharok Svark
Got a quest from my trainer (in Humberton) to take a message to Humberton Keep.

Ran around, and ended up in Camelot :-(

err, same quest = Barfog = killed by Bwgans <shrugs> i was well lost... ;)


putting 10 points into empathy on my bard when i created it last april & nothing in charisma.. but i was lvl 25-30 b4 i realised :rolleyes:

i've got near as much empathy as charisma :eek:


I levelled hard and fast with my briton armsman in Albion Excalibur, aside from screwing up the starting points (I think I put a few points in everything, although mainly they went in strength) I specced 2h sword at level 12, mixed with a tiny bit of slash and quite a lot of parry/crossbow. Then, when I finally reached 15 after one or two weeks, I eagerly headed to Forest Sauvage in my chain-mail and plate helm (all I could afford :p) and ported to midgard. Suprisingly, all the monsters were purples, and after a long run of dodging various purples I ran into a group of purple hibs, who kindly butchered me :)

Of course, I was going by the fact that the manual suggested going to RvR at level 15, and besides, with no prior experience of powergamers, I didn't think anyone would be that much higher than me then.. :(


My first char was Gothran, norse zerker with max sword and rest parry, running around with a sword and small shield..

wait, aint getting better...

Gothran turned 8, and i got bored, made Eyissn, a norse healer, put 10 pts str, and 15 Piety.. he got to lvl 12.. did never understand why ppl was yelling to me that i should heal and ressurect em all the time... i thought my job was to hit the mob with my uber str and hammer :(

third char, Mathrian, a kobbie runemaster that got to lvl 10, with splitted points in RC, Dark and supp... one more thing, trust me, staff dont do that much dmg :eek:

Fourth char, Kigohan a norse warrior (still alive) he is still lvl 33, with 33 axe and 25 parry and 20 shield... gimp

Fifth char is Kinag, finally! one char that aint a gimp and actually have a good spec!

tho this is pretty st00pid i feel a bit more experienced :rolleyes:


when i first logged on i couldnt exit the damn game didnt have a clue ended up having to reboot my computer :(

oh and having no clue about mob aggro lol i didnt know about mob con even must have killed a million gray's :(

oh well that char is still only 46 and has been for about 8ish months now


I didnt know how to use styles. I learned at lvl 8 that i had to drag them to the qb.


Originally posted by fuse_alb
Had a dwarf thane in beta, I stod in Mularn the n00b town, and I didnt knew what to do or say.. didnt know a shit really, one thing I saw was that many ppl was standing near a big stone in the town, near the stone their was a NPC, ppl was always asking question near the NPC, so finnaly I asked a question to the NPC when everyone logged (was late), so I ran up to the NPC near the bindstone, and asked him how I kill monsters, and how I get my weapon to swing, 20 mins later I logged and I still didnt knew hoe to kill, guess the NPC didnt wanne talk to me..


aahhahhaahaha, sprayed pasta-sauce over my keyboard reading that :D

And damn how i miss those old days, running around with xarr @ lvl 19, killing zana in gorge when she was lvl 33 :D

Getting instagibbed by mouse and hing and winter&trapp ;)


Hmm. If I remember correctly, when I frist started my Highlander Fighter, I thought that if I jumped at the correct time the mob would miss his swing against me ;)

I had not other real stupid ideas other than that. One that was silly was thinking everyone running up to Guards and saying "task" were mad. I found out at around lv15 what a task actually was ;)


started an acolyte, and was told to go for yellow mobs. clicked on a mob, the text above the head turned yellow... decided it was a worthy target...
eventually i was told the name appears in the bottom right aswell, and the mob i selected was rather purple...


Infiltrator was my 1st char :(

+5 to str/con/dex/qui/int/cha

didnt know why but i thoght avergaing stats would be good :p

i spent my first day killing the same mob, was wondering why i didnt lvl after 3 then i started killing other things, i think my spec at 5 was 5envenom and nothing else :/



On beta, it took me like 2 weeks to get my Hunter to L10
Was running around with no clue what I was doing. Like af 4 armor, grey weps

I never used bow, just meleed evrything with me spear hehe (didn't even use styles I think) And I trained everything evenly, spear, sword, BC ect. :p


didn't play beta, but started form dec 2001, first char was on hib/pryd, an eldritch, got him to lvl 7 in a week, but i killed greens and gray :D, but never went to healer, so ended up with 0 con :clap:, never buffed myself, didn't know what was a bolt, although was void specced :D, after a month i killed (erased) him, and rerolled a ench, made him 10 in 4 days, was full ench specced...


Didnt have a clue what anything was, after several hours of attacking purples mobs i found a camp of mobs i could kill... they're greens. my killing style was great, i ran around in circles to kill the mob, barely hitting it and making it warp all the time.
after several days i got to lvl8... i didnt know about training or anything so was still a fighter not specced in anything :p

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