Celestino said:i do understand range issues, but still, its a drawback and you got to live with it as u got enough other bonuses already...
So the paladin has offensive duties (be in range for endu) as well as defensive duties (be back in time at ur supporters), i guess its not something anyone can do as it actually involves thinking. But even with mr perfect your tanks will lack endu, thats called a weakness.
A weakness that compensates for all the bonuses you have, neither hibs nor mids have a hybrid/tank class that can do massive insta pb:ae damage while gaining an instaheal and thats just one example
You can't be super strong, super intelligent and invulnerable at the very same time, well sorcs could but that got patched![]()
Celestino said:m8, ur the one whining about endu range![]()
i never said albs are overpowered or someone is underpowered, did you read my posts ? all i said is that albs need their drawbacks and weaknesses as well as any other realm, removing them without also removing a bonus would screw up the balance...
If you want paladin end chant with 1500/2000 range, remove reaverbombs or reduce baselifedrain damage or something like that...
If that's biased then what are your posts ?
Celestino said:m8, ur the one whining about endu range![]()
i never said albs are overpowered or someone is underpowered, did you read my posts ? all i said is that albs need their drawbacks and weaknesses as well as any other realm, removing them without also removing a bonus would screw up the balance...
If you want paladin end chant with 1500/2000 range, remove reaverbombs or reduce baselifedrain damage or something like that...
If that's biased then what are your posts ?
Celestino said:game is hardly balanced ? so albs are underpowered and need some love ?![]()
Celestino said:game is hardly balanced ? so albs are underpowered and need some love ?![]()
Kanim said:in short ye![]()
Celestino said:but when i just think about all the small things albs have, like the reaverbomb (and abs debuff)
Celestino said:platearmor
Celestino said:sorcs beeing the ultimate castmezzer that is able to baselifedrain at nearly the same amount as a darkspecced spiritmaster while having charmed pets and beeing able to turn on immunity
Celestino said:cabalists debuffing their own baseline lifedrain
Celestino said:Do you wanna tell us alb is underpowered coz the paladin end chant is limited to 1000 range ?
Celestino said:Every realm has to use the tools they were given, and i don't think alb has inferior tools, do you ?
Septina said:einherjar shaman
elding fru runemaster
silver hand warden
<Village People>
Luckily you have hands on experience on the subject![]()
Septina said:einherjar shaman
elding fru runemaster
silver hand warden
<Village People>
Luckily you have hands on experience on the subject![]()
Calo said:yea cause when u play mid or hib its obviously you have no idea at all what albion is.
what is albion? huh i don't know? i can't know cause i'm a mid!
It's quite a differance between playing the realm and seeing others play it.Calo said:yea cause when u play mid or hib its obviously you have no idea at all what albion is.
what is albion? huh i don't know? i can't know cause i'm a mid!
Puppet said:Explain DD179 baseline lifetap then. Hibs cant even spec for a lifetap at all :O Or the fact in oldschool Mid and Alb had DD219 specnukes, but Hibs DD209.
If DD209 vs DD219 wasnt a big deal (never heard Hibs whine about it much) then surely DD23 vs DD219 aint a big deal either :O
And as said, each realm has its unique thing. Dismissing paladin-endurance as 'entirely useless' is just plain bollocks. It is inferiour to other endurance, yes. Guess what, loads of stuff in all three realms is inferiour to others abilities.
Also saying lifetap vs normal DD isnt 'game breaking' but endurance-range is: Surely if a caster MOC's with lifetap he's tremendously harder to kill then someone who MOC's with a normal DD. Caba vs Chanter, both go MOC, surely the caba wins everytime ? Also dont forget that lifetaps have a hidden 5% extra DPS next to their faster casting-times generally.
Vermillon said:Wizzard, Theurgist, Sorc and Cabbalist best base line damage is 179 DD.
223-179 = 44.
* Wizz and Theu ones dont have a lifetap component.
Also Sorc body spec lvl 45 = 209 dd
Theu Air spec lvl 45 = 209 dd
Wizz fire spec lvl 47 = 219 dd
SO you get for free something that alb casters cant get even if they spent all their spec point for it. I quess thats balance for you?
Vermillon said:An alb caster must have purge to be able to moc against a hib caster (chanter in your example)and get advantage of the lifetap component of his nuke. In other case the alb caster dies in the stun duaration with todays casting speeds. So for the alb caster it MoC3 + Purge2(35+15rtps) and for the hib caster is just MoC(35rtps).
Vermillon said:You compare a base line (free) nuke with a spec nuke and still present it like its ok.
As for the life tap componets, every time there is a discussion about base line (free again) stun, and self dmg debuff, you claim that you have those instead of the alb base line life taps.
So either you compare stun+self debuff with the base line lifetaps or you compare very high delve base line nuke with lifetaps. And not compare lifetaps with every OP thing in hib.
So better dont speak about the oldschool when enchater was the main hib caster, and debuffs could last for 20 seconds
An alb caster must have purge to be able to moc against a hib caster (chanter in your example)and get advantage of the lifetap component of his nuke. In other case the alb caster dies in the stun duaration with todays casting speeds. So for the alb caster it MoC3 + Purge2(35+15rtps) and for the hib caster is just MoC(35rtps).
Stallion said:baseline lifetap is a free enemy relic =D
rure said:Dont fking cry about lifetap then, if you want moc lifetappers just bring in a couple of animists into the grp? It's plain and utter bullshit saying that paladin end chant is "ok" just because there is supposed to be difference between the realms. The paladin end chant is also inferior because of the power usage and their gimped radius. Up the radius to 1.5-2k but keep the power cost and everyone would be happy.
Stallion said:baseline lifetap is a free enemy relic =D
Vermillon said:You compare a base line (free) nuke with a spec nuke and still present it like its ok.
As for the life tap componets, every time there is a discussion about base line (free again) stun, and self dmg debuff, you claim that you have those instead of the alb base line life taps.
So either you compare stun+self debuff with the base line lifetaps or you compare very high delve base line nuke with lifetaps. And not compare lifetaps with every OP thing in hib.
So better dont speak about the oldschool when enchater was the main hib caster, and debuffs could last for 20 seconds
An alb caster must have purge to be able to moc against a hib caster (chanter in your example)and get advantage of the lifetap component of his nuke. In other case the alb caster dies in the stun duaration with todays casting speeds. So for the alb caster it MoC3 + Purge2(35+15rtps) and for the hib caster is just MoC(35rtps).
Puppet said:Im not saying 'Sucky endo makes up for the baseline lifetap' as both have little to do with eachother. But some things are just inferiour in realm A while others are inferiour in realm B and/or C.