when will paladins get 2000 range end chant? or atleast 1500? (art inside!)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
they should give pala's end a radius of 1500-1850, then we are all happy.

rep point for me now rure!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
i do understand range issues, but still, its a drawback and you got to live with it as u got enough other bonuses already...

So the paladin has offensive duties (be in range for endu) as well as defensive duties (be back in time at ur supporters), i guess its not something anyone can do as it actually involves thinking. But even with mr perfect your tanks will lack endu, thats called a weakness.
A weakness that compensates for all the bonuses you have, neither hibs nor mids have a hybrid/tank class that can do massive insta pb:ae damage while gaining an instaheal and thats just one example

You can't be super strong, super intelligent and invulnerable at the very same time, well sorcs could but that got patched :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Celestino said:
i do understand range issues, but still, its a drawback and you got to live with it as u got enough other bonuses already...

So the paladin has offensive duties (be in range for endu) as well as defensive duties (be back in time at ur supporters), i guess its not something anyone can do as it actually involves thinking. But even with mr perfect your tanks will lack endu, thats called a weakness.
A weakness that compensates for all the bonuses you have, neither hibs nor mids have a hybrid/tank class that can do massive insta pb:ae damage while gaining an instaheal and thats just one example

You can't be super strong, super intelligent and invulnerable at the very same time, well sorcs could but that got patched :)

You are so biased I lose hope about mankind and lose the will to live at the same time. A wild guess, you are a mid? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
m8, ur the one whining about endu range :)

i never said albs are overpowered or someone is underpowered, did you read my posts ? all i said is that albs need their drawbacks and weaknesses as well as any other realm, removing them without also removing a bonus would screw up the balance...

If you want paladin end chant with 1500/2000 range, remove reaverbombs or reduce baselifedrain damage or something like that...

If that's biased then what are your posts ?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Celestino said:
m8, ur the one whining about endu range :)

i never said albs are overpowered or someone is underpowered, did you read my posts ? all i said is that albs need their drawbacks and weaknesses as well as any other realm, removing them without also removing a bonus would screw up the balance...

If you want paladin end chant with 1500/2000 range, remove reaverbombs or reduce baselifedrain damage or something like that...

If that's biased then what are your posts ?


The game is hardly balanced atm so try again ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Celestino said:
m8, ur the one whining about endu range :)

i never said albs are overpowered or someone is underpowered, did you read my posts ? all i said is that albs need their drawbacks and weaknesses as well as any other realm, removing them without also removing a bonus would screw up the balance...

If you want paladin end chant with 1500/2000 range, remove reaverbombs or reduce baselifedrain damage or something like that...

If that's biased then what are your posts ?

I just cant be arsed. I am sorry, you are just too stupid and too naive. Sorry.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Celestino said:
game is hardly balanced ? so albs are underpowered and need some love ? :)

I cba to discuss the balance issues in the game with you. Fact still stands that paladin end range is too inferior compared to the other realms.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Kanim said:
in short ye:)

einherjar shaman
elding fru runemaster
silver hand warden
<Village People>

Luckily you have hands on experience on the subject :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
Celestino said:
but when i just think about all the small things albs have, like the reaverbomb (and abs debuff)

cos rly many opted FG's run with reaver's ?

Celestino said:

would change plate 4 gaining 2h without speccing 4 it like mid's imho

Celestino said:
sorcs beeing the ultimate castmezzer that is able to baselifedrain at nearly the same amount as a darkspecced spiritmaster while having charmed pets and beeing able to turn on immunity

as lot's of peeps have stated time and time again, speed 6 + inst own's sorc mezz, baseline lifedrain is nice but i doubt many sorc's can do as good dmg as a dark sm(i 4 once cant), and in a fg fight sorc's normaly havnt got all that time to kill all that much.

Celestino said:
cabalists debuffing their own baseline lifedrain

agree that's nice but all realm's got a char that can debuff 4 own dmg, im sure u would whine even more if fire wizz's could debuff 4 fire ;)

Celestino said:
Do you wanna tell us alb is underpowered coz the paladin end chant is limited to 1000 range ?

naah just could use a boost as its the worst end chant there is of all 3 realm's, even with 1500 range it would still be the worst but atleast it would be more fair

Celestino said:
Every realm has to use the tools they were given, and i don't think alb has inferior tools, do you ?

FG vs. FG imho alb is weaker than the other realm's but nowadays it more depend's on the ppl playing rather than the grp setup itself


Jun 9, 2005
Septina said:
einherjar shaman
elding fru runemaster
silver hand warden
<Village People>

Luckily you have hands on experience on the subject :)

rure has taught me well:mad:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Septina said:
einherjar shaman
elding fru runemaster
silver hand warden
<Village People>

Luckily you have hands on experience on the subject :)

yea cause when u play mid or hib its obviously you have no idea at all what albion is.

what is albion? huh i don't know? i can't know cause i'm a mid!


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Calo said:
yea cause when u play mid or hib its obviously you have no idea at all what albion is.

what is albion? huh i don't know? i can't know cause i'm a mid!

Did you leave your brain at home or what? =)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Calo said:
yea cause when u play mid or hib its obviously you have no idea at all what albion is.

what is albion? huh i don't know? i can't know cause i'm a mid!
It's quite a differance between playing the realm and seeing others play it.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
i guess iam out of this, its just a waste of time when ppl are that focused on whining about what they have not...

@ trycorn gonna pm you with a reply but posting it would only result in more whine


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Give mincer ability to spec in 2 hand and access to a dragon storm hammer from mid ..
Give sorc area mezz on same range as amensia :D
Givf zerker ability to have an anytime 9 sec stun

got my whine in


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
try /groundset 1000

gives you an idea its totaly useless when pally have guard duty and mercs need end.

no further comments needed and you noobs who don't see this as a problem and think its uber because its insta think again.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
Puppet said:
Explain DD179 baseline lifetap then. Hibs cant even spec for a lifetap at all :O Or the fact in oldschool Mid and Alb had DD219 specnukes, but Hibs DD209.

If DD209 vs DD219 wasnt a big deal (never heard Hibs whine about it much) then surely DD23 vs DD219 aint a big deal either :O

And as said, each realm has its unique thing. Dismissing paladin-endurance as 'entirely useless' is just plain bollocks. It is inferiour to other endurance, yes. Guess what, loads of stuff in all three realms is inferiour to others abilities.

Also saying lifetap vs normal DD isnt 'game breaking' but endurance-range is: Surely if a caster MOC's with lifetap he's tremendously harder to kill then someone who MOC's with a normal DD. Caba vs Chanter, both go MOC, surely the caba wins everytime ? Also dont forget that lifetaps have a hidden 5% extra DPS next to their faster casting-times generally.

You compare a base line (free) nuke with a spec nuke and still present it like its ok.

As for the life tap componets, every time there is a discussion about base line (free again) stun, and self dmg debuff, you claim that you have those instead of the alb base line life taps.
So either you compare stun+self debuff with the base line lifetaps or you compare very high delve base line nuke with lifetaps. And not compare lifetaps with every OP thing in hib.

So better dont speak about the oldschool when enchater was the main hib caster, and debuffs could last for 20 seconds

An alb caster must have purge to be able to moc against a hib caster (chanter in your example)and get advantage of the lifetap component of his nuke. In other case the alb caster dies in the stun duaration with todays casting speeds. So for the alb caster it MoC3 + Purge2(35+15rtps) and for the hib caster is just MoC(35rtps).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2005
Vermillon said:
Wizzard, Theurgist, Sorc and Cabbalist best base line damage is 179 DD.

223-179 = 44.

* Wizz and Theu ones dont have a lifetap component.

Also Sorc body spec lvl 45 = 209 dd
Theu Air spec lvl 45 = 209 dd
Wizz fire spec lvl 47 = 219 dd

SO you get for free something that alb casters cant get even if they spent all their spec point for it. I quess thats balance for you?

As if I wouldn't have to spec Spectral Guard for getting that DD to any use...


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Vermillon said:
An alb caster must have purge to be able to moc against a hib caster (chanter in your example)and get advantage of the lifetap component of his nuke. In other case the alb caster dies in the stun duaration with todays casting speeds. So for the alb caster it MoC3 + Purge2(35+15rtps) and for the hib caster is just MoC(35rtps).

Yes but when an alb caster(sorc/caba) moc's up there constantly healing themselves from lifetap.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Vermillon said:
You compare a base line (free) nuke with a spec nuke and still present it like its ok.

As for the life tap componets, every time there is a discussion about base line (free again) stun, and self dmg debuff, you claim that you have those instead of the alb base line life taps.
So either you compare stun+self debuff with the base line lifetaps or you compare very high delve base line nuke with lifetaps. And not compare lifetaps with every OP thing in hib.

So better dont speak about the oldschool when enchater was the main hib caster, and debuffs could last for 20 seconds

An alb caster must have purge to be able to moc against a hib caster (chanter in your example)and get advantage of the lifetap component of his nuke. In other case the alb caster dies in the stun duaration with todays casting speeds. So for the alb caster it MoC3 + Purge2(35+15rtps) and for the hib caster is just MoC(35rtps).

Is moc even needed on the chanter / eld??
if they get off the stun before the alb char gets off life tap (and has purge down) theirs no need for moc.. or even a quick cast base stun and luckily ur still alive if the other caster gets in life tap first


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
rure said:
Dont fking cry about lifetap then, if you want moc lifetappers just bring in a couple of animists into the grp? It's plain and utter bullshit saying that paladin end chant is "ok" just because there is supposed to be difference between the realms. The paladin end chant is also inferior because of the power usage and their gimped radius. Up the radius to 1.5-2k but keep the power cost and everyone would be happy.

We all know animists lifetap doesnt compare to sorc/caba one: Tertiary DEX compared to Secondary DEX, no access to high-DEX races (Celt is 60 DEX, Saracen Caba/Sorc is 80 DEX), lower delve and lower level spell.

Power use on paladin isnt really an issue, if it was, surely I would see paladin-templates with more then 10 PIETY and some powerpool ? Fact is, paladins only use it on endurance after the first tick (or did that change?) and when running a combined resist-chant, which isnt used that often, as most stick to cold (or heat) depending on the enemy. Also its not interruptable (instantly starts up) and doesnt cost concentration.

Basically you saying 'Its not cool Albs have something inferiour' while in the same paragraph you advice Hibs to use something totally inferiour.

Im not saying 'Sucky endo makes up for the baseline lifetap' as both have little to do with eachother. But some things are just inferiour in realm A while others are inferiour in realm B and/or C.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Stallion said:
baseline lifetap is a free enemy relic =D

half a relic :)

and puppet, i think end chant was changed so it took pow first tick. unsure tho :p

sadly atm endregen pot provides more end than a paladin :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Vermillon said:
You compare a base line (free) nuke with a spec nuke and still present it like its ok.

As for the life tap componets, every time there is a discussion about base line (free again) stun, and self dmg debuff, you claim that you have those instead of the alb base line life taps.
So either you compare stun+self debuff with the base line lifetaps or you compare very high delve base line nuke with lifetaps. And not compare lifetaps with every OP thing in hib.

So better dont speak about the oldschool when enchater was the main hib caster, and debuffs could last for 20 seconds

An alb caster must have purge to be able to moc against a hib caster (chanter in your example)and get advantage of the lifetap component of his nuke. In other case the alb caster dies in the stun duaration with todays casting speeds. So for the alb caster it MoC3 + Purge2(35+15rtps) and for the hib caster is just MoC(35rtps).

So what about cabbys that can also self-debuff? Pally endchant being increased in radius would not unbalance shit, it would be a fix.

On a sidenote, 5+10+15=30.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Puppet said:
Im not saying 'Sucky endo makes up for the baseline lifetap' as both have little to do with eachother. But some things are just inferiour in realm A while others are inferiour in realm B and/or C.

Fair enough, something will always be inferior to something else. But it still doesnt justify the fact paladin end is close to useless for tanks/casters these days (depending on if the pally is offensive or defensive). And thus render it quite useless for many people people in the group. I am not sure why you cant seem to understand this. There is no need for it to be almost useless (in my point of view) just because its supposed to be difference between realms. Up the range to 1.5k to 2k but keep the power cost as I said so many times would still give it a difference between the realms but it would actually do some good to an alb group then. 95% of the replies in this thread seem to agree on this, no matter what realm they are in.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
Ok back to end Range let say make it the same as shaman . Now let look at Role's of the 2 classers pally is end bg and if all is going well assist with ma. shaman is End & interupting now both get killed when pally get rez he/she can go right back to bg giveing End as the same time. Shaman get Rez she/he got to buff him/her self any other that need spec's and end so one job he not doing is interupting when he is buffing.Never going to be easy to fix some thing that so fucked. Im not saying as it is at the mo it's Right but come on guys if it is that easy to get right it would have been done by now. Then shaman start to whine about haveing to buff end in combat when the other two realms can give end to all the group under 2 sec (iF the bard not a gimp) So what do we do :(

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